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Post by Morning Light »

Thank You Debbie!
I hope you and Ron have a great Valentine's Day too!

In Fact

Happy Valentines to Everybody!!!! Image

Count your many blessing for all of the Love that you have in your life whether it be family, children, grandchildren, mom's, dad's, grandma's, grandpa's, husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, dogs, cats, gold fish, plants, friends, customers, birds, motorcycles, sports cars......

Keep that Sunny Side Up!
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Post by Sandy »

Oh Mo that is so cute!!! You just want to reach out and tweak that happy little backside! :oops: Is Lowell back home now? I can't wait to hear about his reaction to your "new" shape and glowing health.

I am just sitting here thinking about what you asked each of us to do, to think about all the love we have in our life. The list is enormous and it is growing everyday. It seems that the more you love you send out, the more love seems to be returned to you. Or may be our ability to recognize the love that is all around us is greater. Whmmm... I am not sure what I am trying to say here? :?

Aqua Debbie,
I love black beans! I think they are my favorite! Are they really sort of fatty? :( Let us know when you get the kinks worked out of that Lima bean fudge. I am intrigued and always game to try something new and different. My daughter in law has an interesting recipe for pumpkin fudge. I haven't tried it yet but It sounds pretty good...

Happy Valentines Day Everybody!
LUV2 Love LUV2
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Sandy wrote:
I am just sitting here thinking about what you asked each of us to do, to think about all the love we have in our life. The list is enormous and it is growing everyday. It seems that the more you love you send out, the more love seems to be returned to you. Or may be our ability to recognize the love that is all around us is greater. Whmmm... I am not sure what I am trying to say here? :?
Well, we understand just what you are saying! Well, I do, sorry for being to stop doing that! :oops:

I hope you don't mind my posting some of Phil's latest email? here goes:

<<Yesterday I went rafting on the Manso river to the Chilean border, it was
good fun and a 12 hour day. The river was lovely and clear with big trees
on the banks. We were 8 in the boat and we fell in quite often and had to
work as a team. I fell in the rapids on one occasion and also floated
downstream for fun on another on a safer section. We had a big asado as
part of the trip on the way back. I met Rosana and Pablo last night and
they might give me a lift to Chile as they are going there to do some
climbing at the end of the week. I'll go and visit Chiloe island for a few
days and hopefully get to have a langoustine for the first time at Puerto
Mont, I haven't had one yet. Today we made a coq au vin with Francis which
we will have tonight or tomorrow. Tonight I volunteered to be a victim at
the firemans service for their training which they are all part of. Before
that we are going to the cervezeria for happy hour between 6 and 7.
Tomorrow is Wednesday, so I might go out for the day to the Cerro Catedral
and do some walking, taking the teleferic to the top, but I'll walk at the
top and will have to come down. One of my knees is a bit funny, so I will
have to be careful and see if it's ok. >>

Pet xxx
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Post by Pete Sesplankis »

I'm working my way through the secret audiobook and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in reinforcing the secret lesson. On Monday I was prompted @ 11:11, 12:12, 1:11, 2:22 and 3:33. This is odd because about two weeks ago I stopped being "prompt obsessed" Needless to I had to laugh.
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All!
Hey Sandy, I just had to include that cheeky little fella :lol: Actually I witnessed something very similar while at an amusement park. We were waiting for a turn on the parachute ride. There was a man and his young boy already on the ride and the mans pants were hanging down a bit low. It was so funny to watch his very serious face, then observe his backside over and over... well ... you get the picture :wink:

It is soo true! There is soo much Love in this world! It just goes round and round. It's a beautiful thing.

I hope I will still be able to carry off the glowing and healthy me by Friday. I've been surrounded by sick grandbabies and kids for several days now... feel like a truck hit me right now... but I am fighting it off and in the true Secret fashion visualizing a wonderful reunion with him and feeling fit and healthy! I'd appreciate all the healing vibes I can get :rabbit:

Big Luvin's All Around!
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Pete,

You wrote:
I'm working my way through the secret audiobook and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in reinforcing the secret lesson.
Thank you for that suggestion! I need all the help I can get to stay on track with a positive attitude an outlook. It isn't easy at this stage, although I can envisage a time when it will become a way of life. I am determined to follow through despite the little backslides that pop up from time to time.

Hi Petra,

I don't mind you posting Phil's lessons at all in fact I enjoy them very much! I can just picture him water logged but laughing after a couple dunkings in the Manso River. My fearless older sis, whom some of you are probably getting tired of hearing about, has tried several times to talk me into going rafting on the Hiawasse River(Not sure I spelled that right.) in Tennessee. I don't believe that is a very dangerous one...whmm not sure now... but anyway, this "chicken Little" has always declined. I figure I can always live vicariously through the tales of her adventures. She spent a marvelous two weeks on a wild river I believe was in Colorado last year. It was a wonderful opportunity for one who has such a close affinity with Mother Earth. She told me that the first night back into town was almost torture. The harsh lights the sounds of the town cut like a knife into those senses that for two weeks had been so attuned to natures beauty. sure hope Phil's knee is okay! Lots more walking to do in that beautiful Country!

Hey Mo,

So Friday's the big day! Whaaa hoooo! Lowell will be so pleased to see you no matter what size or how sickly you feel. I bet the first thing he will see is your beautiful spirit that he as missed so much since he has been away. Then he may notice the physical you! You could be purple polka dotted and I bet he would think you were the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on!
I got a chuckle at the poor "droopy drawers" guy at the amusement park. I think a good rule of thumb before attending any place where one might be dropped , plummeted, and spun around at high speed, is to consider carefully the outfit for the day. My poor "little" sis (this time) made the mistake of wearing an attractive and loosely fitting two piece bathing suit to a water park once. All was fine until things took a turn for the worse on the speed slide. Yep, you can probably imagine what happened. She was so disoriented that for 10 long seconds or so she didn't even realize that a very important piece of her clothing was no longer where it should be! :oops: The sad thing was it was probably all captured on one of those memory photos they try to sale you at those places of torture! Poor little thing, been wearing reinforced one pieces ever since. :twisted:

I'm sending you some healing vibes, Sis. Keep up those positive visualizations! :D

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Post by Pete Sesplankis »

Keep it up Sandy! Remember the seeds of change will manifest itself with your continued vision and belief that you deserve it!
All the best,
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Post by mrscbvet »

FYI everybody....

Oprah's doing it again tomorrow!
The Secret on Oprah
The Oprah show on The Secret was so successful that Oprah is hosting Michael Beckwith and me again on tomorrow's show!

Tune in to The Oprah Winfrey Show Friday, February 16th, for more in-depth coverage of The Secret. Also, be sure to watch Oprah After the Show on Saturday, February 17th, on Oxygen for even more coverage.
Got this message this morning...
Brenda 8)
Just to clarify... this message was received in a newsletter that comes from and Rhonda Byrne the producer of The Secret.
Last edited by mrscbvet on Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Morning Light »

Hey Sweet Sunny :sunny:
That is hilarious about your sister :lol: One of my daughters did a similar thing but it never stopped her from wearing skimpy bikinis :shock:

I am feeling much better today! Thank you for those healing vibes :wink:

I've got some house cleaning to do today before Lowell gets home.

Love and Warm Wishes!
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Sandy wrote: I don't mind you posting Phil's lessons at all in fact I enjoy them very much!

Thank you Sandy, Phil's asked: "What? You post the whole email??"

I went up the Cerro Otto and the Berghof refuge. I walked from the house all
the way up and then through a very nice forest of Lenga trees and there were
all those flowers which we have in the garden in august, the equivalent of
feb here, but here they grow wild. The orange trumpet ones which grow on
the left as you go up the steps and into the secret garden. I walked to the
Hapsburg rock and it was quite high and the wind blew Francis hat which he
had lent me over the cliff and it was right on the edge of the precipice. I
tried getting it with long branches and wire hook but couldn't so I bought
another one later on. I went back down along the teleferic pylons and got
back home.
I'm taking the minimum and Nick who phoned last night, told me of a
volcano he went to when he came here, which I might climb near Osorno town.
It is raining here today and it rained all night, 3cm, so hopefully I find
something to do, I might go to the town of Bariloche. I might stay between
2 days and a week in Chile, depending on how I like it.

Pet xxx

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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi Mo' and everybody....
yesterday Mo' said:
Count your many blessing for all of the Love that you have in your life
...and last night when the day was over... finally over... I did exactly that. But you know once I got started expressing my gratitude and thanks for all of my blessings, I started asking for everyone I love to receive blessings, as well, and it was like I couldn't stop... I even asked for blessings for a couple of people who have ruffled my feathers (which always brings me reeling back to that forgiveness issue and I'll save that for some other time)... It is my understanding that one of the keys to the Law of Attraction is gratitude. And for the past week I've had a bit of a struggle with that too. Trying to find gratitude for the extreme cold weather, trying to find gratitude for the frozen septic lines while my husband is out of town, trying to find gratitude for the second 8" of snow followed on the heels by the next 12" and so on...
I carefully examined each and every issue and managed to eek out some gratitude for things like... "I'm grateful to understand how the septic lines run through the crawl space in case I ever have to do this again"... "I'm grateful to be healthy enough that I can still shovel snow.... 3 times in one day off the same porch"... "I'm grateful to have a home and firewood for warmth" etc...
Even though I sometimes had to look closely, I still have managed to find gratitude in the midst of it all right up until yesterday. I really had to work on this one... but I got it.... I was grateful to only be stuck in the snow. I didn't hit anything or damage anything or hurt anyone, myself included. As I sat in the 4WD truck, squarely in the middle of the road, (I didn't even qualify for a decent "slide off"), stuck in the snow up to the running boards, unable to move, about to cry... my angel came barreling over the hill in a black Chevy blazer, with a snow plow and a tow strap. He's a very dear friend of mine who just "happened" to show up in the middle of nowhere between two cornfields. He plowed his way to me, got out of his truck, came to me, hugged me, said "Happy Valentine's Day" sweetie... now let's get you out of here. He towed me out of the snow. Took his tow strap and drove away. I was left with nothing but tears, gratitude, and Love.
So... it's true... gratitude, even for the smallest of things, is key. The good stuff will keep on coming as long as there is gratitude.
That's my lesson for the day... (she's babbling again)
Love you all,
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Aw BabbleawayBrend, I loved that experience you just shared!
Yeah, these days I'm counting my blessings in the oddest of moments. This morning as I struggled with feeding the animals, I was right peed off and I tripped up and almost fell in a huge plop, but hit a big rock instead, I sat down on a heap of hay I'd just put out, getting my breath back and all that, and suddenly after the old blood pressure went back to normal, I looked up and caught two minutes of sun rise before it hid behind the dark clouds. The air smells good this time of year and Mr 20004 (one of the stroppier bulls) came ambling over and instead of the usual head butt, gave me a gentle nuzzle and let me stroke his nose and feed him a batch of hay! Thank you God for that moment!

Pet xxx
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Post by AX »

I watched it a day ago.
I believe they were just trying to get our attention by using referances like "this secret... buried for over 2000 years..."

Of course, I'm not saying it's false, I am saying that there are MANY philosopers in the past, and one may have just printed out one and we can relate to it as of this current day. Positive thinking, but in a religious/spiritual way.
About all of those government conspiracies... Of course, that idea has been suppresed for a very very long time, the government making their society dumb and ignorant, so that they go about their daily activities, without knowing what the real freedom of thinking is about.
In the days we live in, the government deals in with alot more than we think, like 'individual thinking' while everyone carries around a t-shirt with a logo on it. Anyways, I'm not going to get into that right now... But they used something that most people find amusing, and interesting to support their ideas.
When they said "If you really focus on what you want, you WILL get it, one way or another."
That is the philosophy of positive thinking, intuituion, and determination.
It is nothing new, but many people do not relate this to supernatural thoughts, as they have portraied. I did enjoy this movie, it makes people want to be successful, and enjoy what makes them, and what will be of them.
I just hate the point of how they use a supernatural focus to make people really get into this. It may be true, but in my oppinion, it's just trying to get you to focus on what is REALLY at hand here. And that is determination, and positive thinking.
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello AX,
I do understand what you are saying but, to me, the overall vibe was very positive, yeah they put a spin on it, but unfortunately our society does not seem to pay attention unless one does. In this regard, I feel that the spin was with a positive intent... so all is well and good in my eyes.

The Law of Attraction is very magical to my mind in a practical sort of way :wink:

It is good to see you jump right in.

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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Friends,

That's what I feel while reading this thread. Like we're sitting around a huge table sharing a cup of coffee and heartfelt conversation, with a vase of Gai's glorious daffodils reminding us of the promise of spring. I want to cheer on Mo for her sticktuitiviness. Cry right along with Brenda. See Petra's sunrise while she reads Phil's letters, waving, "Hi!" to the kids. And because she's our friend we'll even try Debbie's mooshy fudge. Gypsie's smile would energize the room, that would be buzzing with laughter and tears after Sandy told us another story about her unlucky sister's two-piece.

I am grateful, for all of you.

Sending plenty of love throughout the world!
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Post by Morning Light »

Oh Wow! Somehow I missed all the posts before AX's :scratch: I couldn't figure out what you were referring to Kim :lol:..... :rabbit:

That is such a Beautiful story Brenda! My heart lept at the appearance of your Angel in the Black Chevy Blazer.... who says the good guys don't wear black 8)

I've had days where the only thing I could have gratitude for was that the day was over and I could start fresh tomorrow :lol: along with a warm bed and pillow to lay my head on :wink:

Thank you for sharing your beautiful Sunset and sweet nuzzle with Mr. 2004! It's funny how right in the middle of pitching a real fit... something beautiful can shift our perception in a second. :lol:

Hello Kim,
I'm feeling the very same way lovey. I'm in everyone's corner cheering them on and wanting the very best for them!

At the beginning of this fast/cleanse, I put out two pairs of pants that I want to look good in... the one pair that I would be happy to be able to wear comfortably... the second pair that I would be ecstatic to fit into :pig: Well the first pair fits nicely even loose and the second pair fits... although not loose enough for my liking :lol: Today is the end of the fast... tomorrow I measure myself.... my son just came in and told me how proud he is of me and how I stuck to it to the end.... Wow that felt soo good to hear that from him :D

Peace, Joy, Gratitude and Loving Vibes to All
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Post by mrscbvet »

Awww Pet...
That was neat... a nuzzle and a sunrise... makes it all bearable and seem really okay... I love that!
Love you fellow "Pioneer Woman" :lol: :lol: and "sweet feed heavin' mama"
Brenda 8)

Thank you Mo' for always saying things in just the right way. I love you and appreciate you for that :love It's a beautiful gift!
Brenda 8)

Kim... It is neat to share this, isn't it...
Love you too,
Brenda 8)
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Post by Gai*11 »

Dear Brenda, O my gosh.., thank you for your thank you's, what an awesome inspiring attitude you shared with us all.., just beautiful! I'll never see floor drains, and what nots the same again!!! :loves

Heya You> dear Kim.., and what YOU Bring>an honest to God-ness expansion of the Heart of all things!!! When I read your words, I am filled up with soo much thought and appreciation... :happy

Haha, dearest Sandy, I am dying for that pumpkin fudge recipe.., and soo much enjoy hearing your brightfulness in heart and spirit!!! :colors:

And thanks to all of you for always trying and always giving your best everyday...Oh My, how we've all grown.... :kiss:

The neverending heart begins again forever...
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All You Lovely Ladies and Gents!

Hey Sweet Brenda!
It is funny how we can see the gifts in others so readily and not so easily in ourselves. I've always admired your way of expressing yourself and often feel limited with my own. :wink:

When I first met Lowell he asked me to go on the Friendship Cruise with him and his friends down the Green River and into the Colorado River... I hope I've got that right. Basically it started in Price Utah and ended in Moab Utah... I should probably be looking at a map right now :shock: ... :rabbit: Anyway, I did go and it was one crazy adventure, loads of laughs and sandbars... long story... don't ask.

Later, after being married for a few years, we went with my sister and brother in law to Jackson Hole Wyoming and decided to go river rafting down the snake river.. now that was a wild ride with Lunch-Counter and The Big Kahuna rapids, yeah they name the more gnarly ones :lol: You should have seen my face, the first time before going down the river,when they told us we could not sit in the raft but had to sit on the edges and hold on with our legs... like riding a big pontoon horse.. so's we could help paddle... freaked me out at first... but by the end I was ready to go again.... and we did. I've got some funny pictures of it around here.. I'll post one up sometime soon.

Is this the sister I would Love to spend time with?

Big Luvin's to All :cheers:
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Post by Gai*11 »

And One Big 7:11 on that sweet Morninglight/Soul Sister of the Universe!

Thanks so so much for all you Are!!! :happy

All Love,
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Post by Morning Light »

LUV2 That's right back atcha Sweet Spring Goddess Gaia :sunflower:

That gorgeous daffodil expresses your personality to a tee! Your presence blesses and lifts people up, suddenly the day seems full of hope and promise :D

It rained all night last night, hopefully the Spring and daffodils will be here soon too!

Love and Bright Blessin's :sunny:
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Post by Gai*11 »

Wow, nice picture Sherry, although if they would of told me to sit on the edge and hold on with my legs>I would have been straight outa there! :shock: :pale: :bike:

Which one are you..? Front right??

Waay cool!

Love and blessin's,
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Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone,

I've missed a couple days on this thread and it seems I have fallen far behind. I have been thinking about what you said in your post, AX.
I just hate the point of how they use a supernatural focus to make people really get into this. It may be true, but in my oppinion, it's just trying to get you to focus on what is REALLY at hand here. And that is determination, and positive thinking.
But who of us have the knowledge to say there is not a Spiritual/supernatural force at work as the producers are suggesting?. We are all spiritual babies here just taking our first steps. If this group of people who produced this movie believe this with all their hearts, than more power to them to produce a documentary that will inspire others to be happier and better adjusted. I venture to say that each and every one of us differ in our spiritual views and our vision of God in some way. Some of us view God as a Father, some perhaps a mother, to some God is a being of light without gender, others a powerful force of love that surrounds and indwells each one of us, and some all of the above. In my opinion we are all right, for God works with all of us regardless of the name or our vision of him. All beings who love God and their siblings in return have help and inspiration from the Creator of us all. They have some desire in either small everyday ways of making life a little more pleasant for others or sometimes they find or are given opportunities to reach others on a larger scale. I think that the intent by the creators and producers of the Secret was pure and are done with love in the hopes of helping and reaching others who might have turned a blind eye to these truths otherwise. Many of us know of these principles already but knowing about them and having the tools sometimes to overcome the much easier negative tendancies is something altogether different. It is just too hard for some people, to know how to let go of our carefully cultivated fears and worries. This is where I very much applaud the secret because they showed us some surprisingly very effective and simple tools to combat our negative attitudes and actual feel the change of positive thinking as it affects our life. Anything that has even a romote possibility to bring positive change and love to our world is welcome by me. :D

Brenda, it sounds like your ability to think positively has been sorely tested this past week. Oh my!... frozen sewer lines :cry: I had frozen water lines once...not fun..I too learned the "ins and outs" of our crawlspace far better than I ever really wanted too. On a positive note, at least it was winter and we did not have to contend with giant Spiders the likes of which have not even been seen in the movie Aracnaphobia! (I butchered the spelling on that one) You know you are absolutely right! If you really think about everything that happens even the yucky things, you can find something positive lurking about all the unpleasantness. In that same spirit, I want to tell you all about something that happened to me yesterday. We woke up to an unusually warm and muggy day for this area. Of course this was the day that I had decided I must get the apartment complexes grass mowed. With the extra rain we had finally received earlier in the week the grass had suddenly shot up in leaps and bounds and with the teeny tiny push mower the landloard gave me to complete the task, I knew it would be now or never. After an hour or two of plugging away I was feeling hot, weak and dejected. Then I began thinking about positive thinking and my mind drifted to more spiritual contemplations. It was then I noticed a large shadow pass over me. I looked up to see a large Wedgetail eagle flying low perhaps fifty sixty feet. While I watched with wonder he almost stopped mid flight and turned to fly back over the yard. There he stayed flying always in a very tight circle turning his head to always keep me in view. I waved to him in childlike delight and it was then I noticed his mate flying a little higher following his lead and doing the same thing. Beyond that was something else I have seen only twice before, both times when I was also thinking some deep(for me anyway.) spiritual thoughts.. It was small circular rainbow in a bright blue sky. That along with these two magnificent eagles circling in the foreground...Well I can imagine how Noah must have felt! It was then I thanked God for the long green grass that brought me outside on this warm muggy day, with out which I would have missed this wondrous site. :cheers:

Today I am thankful for each and every one of you, my new friends and old and I ask God to bless each and every one of you with love. :happy

Sandy LUV2 :D
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Dear Sandy and Everyone,

Well, that sight must've put the old wind back in your sails and had you merrily mowing your lawn in half the time it would have taken you?
What a beauty of an experience.

Love to All, Pet xxx
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Post by gypsie »

Gidaye all
Bit of Aussie slang for you all!! I have missed this site because I didn't get anything in my hotmail saying there were more postings, thought it had run it's course :cry: and I've missed you all so much!!!
Well we found a house with floor boards for Billy and I am happy to be moving closer to the city.. My girlfriend does a yoga class which overlooks Sydney Harbour, she said it is so amazing doing yoga with that view... :happy
tomorrow I will read all the new postings here but for tonight I just want to say how special you are to me :kiss:
Thanks for the valentine message Petra, I got Harry's dirty washing for valentines day, but I do love him so...
Have to tell Jack he will be going to yet another school tomorrow :cry: and feel just plain awful as a parent.....
I know it will settle down in time and billy will not have the carpet mites making him cough anymore.
Sorry to not reply to all but life has been a bit overwhelming this week I just put positive energy into as much as I could and a house arrived in my lap, basically I had given up looking physicaly and used the visualisation process, just love it!! :thumright:
Goodnight to all and may happiness find you whereever you are :sunny:
Love Gypsy
Love is an action and not a word...
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