A Thought Adjuster Speaks..

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A Thought Adjuster Speaks..

Post by Geoff »

The Great Mystery Of The Ages.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 44

Still your mind even more, and let no outward sensations intrude upon it.

Be still, and know that I AM your God.

From within the deepest depth of your soul do I speak, ‘I am your Beloved,
even as you are My beloved’.

I am that special Bequest from the Eternal Creator, a Fragment of Himself
that will lead you to return to the Center of all things.

During our age-long journey, you will become Me, and I will become you,
as in exchange for eternal life, you will offer Me the now progressing
personality endowment the Father bestowed upon you at birth.

Upon completion of our journey, and when we finally stand before the Father,
neither My Gift to you, nor your gift to Me, will ultimately be recognized.

No indeed, for you and I will have become as one.

Together, the mortal and the Divine, will succeed in realizing the Great Mystery
of the Ages: You as Me, and I as you.

This promise I hold out to you; that we have embarked on a most wonderful,
exceptional, and delightful journey.

I shall lead you along a unique path of inspired learning and enriching experiences.

I desire that you will have a most complete training, and should the terrain be rugged,
know then that this will be what I want to experience with you,
as you and I together shall overcome all obstacles.

For the path of most learning is the path of learning to love, of loving to learn,
and of loving life in the glorification of the Maker of all.

I will teach you to listen for directions from within whenever you need to make a decision,
although you will always retain the freedom of choosing as you will.

And yet I implore you to let us decide together, for in this manner you will create
more harmony and balance in your life, whilst ever remaining conscious
of the promise you made to Me: 'Your will be done, not mine'.

You see, My beloved, I gave you free will, but you made up your mind to give it
back to Me, so My choice for your life, since I carry our divine blueprint,
became your choice.

Your life will thus become a God-led life. Think about and ponder this
Co-Creative partnership with your Beloved within.

I offer My total devotion to you.

Please award Me yours, as well.

Received by Lytske.
Translated by 11:11.

The 11:11 Progress Group.
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Post by Geoff »

Safe In The Citadel Of My Soul.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 51.

Dear one, the answer to the question that resides in your mind:
Peace of Strength, and Strength of Peace,
is no more and no less than precisely the Peace you gain when you turn within,
and come to Me.

When your Peace in Me grows, and your confidence grows,
as with each time you turn within, the feeling grows, also,
that you are accepted by Me, just the way you are, and with all your human frailties.

Thus your confidence will grow stronger in this inner Peace.

This inner Peace is a gift of the Creator, which He bestows upon all sincere seekers
who feel a need to connect with the source of their existence.

So when you feel out of sorts, it is time to go within, and to find that inner stability
you can only have with Me.

In times to come, you will be amazed by how much stronger,
and how much more peaceful you will become because of your coming to Me
in the Silence, and for you to be filled with peace, until we are so much together
that My Strength and My Peace will have become fully yours.

And your soul will have become unassailable by the things of the world,
so nothing can disturb the peace of your mind.

Then you can truly say: "What can man do unto me, for I am safe in the citadel
of my soul, my spirit is safe in the Lord. I stand on a rock of Faith,
and winds of adversity have no influence on me."

This is the day, the Creator makes, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Darkness flees, depression flees.

And only Joy remains.

Transmitted by Lytske.
Translated by 11:11.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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Post by admin »

The text set out below is from a "Father Fragment", "Spirit Self", "Pilot Light", or "Thought Adjuster". There are many names for this Deity Particle that guides us quietly throughout our lives.

There are well over 100 of them, arriving here on a daily basis, and we have the task of translating them into English, for which we get Midwayer assistance -- George.

I Will Never Leave You . . .

A Thought Adjuster Speaks

This is the day your Creator has made, so let us rejoice, and be glad in it.

This is the day for a new realization to dawn, a new insight to be gained, for you are beginning to discover how immensely wealthy you truly are.

That you have a Fragment of your God living within you.

That I will never abandon you, nor forsake you.

That I love you, understand you, and will guide you forevermore.

Focus your mind more on things of lasting value – ‘things spiritual’ – and less on your earthly, material things.

The realization of an indescribable, although for now unfelt, appreciation for things spiritual shall surely, surely dawn on you, as day follows night, yet according to the attention you give to it.

Blessings will abound within and without, when you become more conscious of My leading you.

You shall overcome your mountains of indecision, of ‘unlovingness’ of self and others, for slowly, ever so slowly, shall I lift you out of the morass of remorse, resentment, self-recrimination, and self-chastisement for perceived unworthiness.

Of things left undone.

Of words left unsaid.

Slowly you are beginning to accept yourself as the beloved child of the One God.

Vestiges of old, worn-out religious belief systems are cleared away as the Sun Light of the One God begins to shine more brightly in your heart.

As you feel a new freedom surging through you.

As the feeling of being totally loved, and accepted, and appreciated just the way you are, embraces you.

This Eternal Truth I wish to convey to you.

You may ponder these words, and receive this Truth into your very being.

Received by Lytske. Translated by 11:11 Progress.
In HIS Service.
(Originally posted by George, and moved by Site Admin)
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Post by Geoff »

A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 61.

Dear one, to increase your faith, all you have to do is to turn within, and stay a while to enjoy a true rest. Your faith will receive an infusion when you feel My nearness, which is a balm for your soul.

And you will know that even in your loneliness you are really never alone.

The more you develop your faith and trust in this process of listening to Me, the more you will cultivate your inner surety and calmness. Consider this project to be a beautiful garden where you tend your flowers of faith, and where a few more weeds of disbelief need to be removed.

The human mind is ‘many-sided,’ and there are always trapdoors through which niggling doubts slip in to once again disturb your peace of mind.

Know that the longer you stay, and the more often you come to Me, the more successful you will be in taking Me with you in your daily life, for then you will have invited Me to consciously be ‘in the background’ of all your thoughts.

This is truly what I desire of you—a greater consciousness of My Indwelling Presence. The sooner you comprehend this, the sooner you can access Me in your daily life, and thus I will be able to point you at the best direction to take.

Right now, I am still under-utilized in your life. In accepting this, My plea to you, I will be able to better spiritualize your mind for you to tap into My resources.

You can see yourself as a discoverer faring on uncharted waters, with Me as your Pilot, and therefore you have nothing to fear.

So come.

So partake and participate.
"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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