A little Curious

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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How many times do you experience supposed coincidences in a week?

Poll ended at Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:37 pm

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A little Curious

Post by Irishguy1 »

Hey hows it goin....so i finally decided to log onto here...i have been talking with a few ppl on this phenomenon...they believe that it is merely coincidence or that it is an internal clock....i believe otherwise...i see 11:11 everyday and every night...on my clock...If i am asleep i will wake up...or if i am not around a clock or not wearing a watch or have the time i will ask someone the time at 11:11 or find a clock...But i see how that could be an internal clock...but i see it also on clocks not set to the proper time...i have kept a clock in my room set at a different time for a week and then changed it to a different time....not the correct time...just moved the hour ahead or back...and i still see it daily...As i read through some of the other comments i realized that i have other occurences that ppl talk about on here...such as the street lights...one street light a day either goes out or comes on as i pass under it... So what can this be...and how can we explain it...I dont believe in coincidences anymore...Im just curous to hear what other ppl think and what other ppl have experienced...
...The other things i have experienced are song lyrics connecting perfectly with something happenin at the moment...I have been passing by the carrot lake sign as the song said something about nutrition...ummm there are to many to state on here buit i usually have about 1 or 2 a week....I believe that these show us that we are where we are supposed to be in life...The other day me and a friend were chillin in my car out on a road in the middle of nowhere waitin for a few minutes to hear back from a friend we were supposed to meet....we started driving and got to the stop sign at the end of that road....just as we got to the stop sign...the friend we had been waiting for passed by...the timing was impecable...I dont see how it could be just coincidence...because these kind of things happen all the time.....Well if u have had experiences such as these or have had ones of ur own that u dont believe are just coincidences...i would like to hear them...
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Post by nadia »

Hi! Welcome!

I have things synch up in my life so often, I feel a little lost when things don't gell. I love it, it makes me feel like something bigger than myself is "taking care of things" and things are exactly as they should be.

A lot of synchronicity centers around TV and music for me. Say if I hear some obsecure random fact or tidbit of info I'll start hearing it on TV shows. Or perhaps someone will bring up a movie, and the next day it will be on TV. Sometimes it seems to be everywhere.

Or as you said, song lyrics will synch up with something happening in my life at the moment. It's almost like the radio is playing only for me some days.
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Post by nasra1996 »

hi irishguy1.... its 11:11pm... i too change my clocks around the house and car just to test, and the 11s still arrive, two days ago i randomly changed the time on every digital readout... without looking, just pressed the buttons i couldnt believe it all my appliances are all by pure chance on the same minutes past , so when i go around the house now, every single read out is on an 11, by coincidence, maybe not... i also get the word synchronity , i will say at exactly the same time a line on the tv as the character, then one of my daughters will answer with the next line in synch, then i will reply once more, in synch with the character, its just too much sometimes.... or i will be thinking about a film ive not seen for a while and the next day its on... there are so many its not just with numbers.......

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Post by Sandy »

Welcome irishguy1,

I too have been getting song lyrics for about two years now. They usually pop into my head and are often quite comically perfect for what is happening at that moment. I like music in passing but I've never really focused on music or even listened to the radio very much. (I know! That does sound pretty boring even to my own ears!) :roll: The songs that pop into my head are everything from "oldies" and folk music to rock and contemperary music. George has a theory. He thinks it's my Destiny Guardians having some fun with me. It does make me laugh and often lightens my mood numerous times every day. :lol:

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Post by Skye »

Yeah. I can relate to the song. Wow. It's amazing that we are all experiencing the same thing.

What really blows me away is when I meet a total stranger who tells me something that relates to what I am questioning or feeling at the moment. It's usually followed by an electric shock up and down my spine...an "ah ha" moment. Really cool.
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Post by jasooon »

hey sandy, im the same.... my head is a jukebox i dont even have a car radio anymore, i gave it to my sister, i just sing while i am driving
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Post by Sandy »

Hi jasooon,

It is so good to hear that others are getting the song lyrics too! I had a good one a couple days ago. George has been invited to give a talk to a local Rotary group in a few weeks. He asked me, "You'll go with me won't you?" There was this long pause before I answered him while I heard the first couple lines of the country song, 'Stand By Your Man,' run through my head. I had to laugh and tell him of course I'll go with you.

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Post by Skye »

Sandy wrote:Hi jasooon,

It is so good to hear that others are getting the song lyrics too! I had a good one a couple days ago. George has been invited to give a talk to a local Rotary group in a few weeks. He asked me, "You'll go with me won't you?" There was this long pause before I answered him while I heard the first couple lines of the country song, 'Stand By Your Man,' run through my head. I had to laugh and tell him of course I'll go with you.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. That's the type of thing that happens to me all the time! Neat!
"Synchronicity Is God's Handwriting" ~ Marianne Williamson
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Post by Starik »

Hello everybody!!!!!
Good to be here again! Welcome irishguy1 !
I too have been getting song lyrics for about two years now. They usually pop into my head and are often quite comically perfect for what is happening at that moment.
I also experience that but not so often. I have never given it a thought. I like the explanation George gave you, Sandy. It 's very sweet :)
What really blows me away is when I meet a total stranger who tells me something that relates to what I am questioning or feeling at the moment.
Skye, you reminded me of an experience I had. I can 't remember if I have wrote it on the board. I think it happened the previous summer. The sure thing is that it was 23 August. The Orthodox celebrate the death of Mary, the mother of Jesus(we actually say that she slept and never died). For the first time in my life I noticed something strange in the icon that pictured Mary on her bed surrounded by the Apostols. I had the question in my mind. The third time I saw that icon the same day and made that question inside of me I got the answer by a total stranger. He told me that he had learnt the answer that day ,too. I looked at him like that :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
By the way, I have noticed that number 3 has a special "power" (I don 't think this is the right word but I can 't describe it differently). I usually get the answers I want the third time.

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Post by Sandy »

Hello sweet Starik!

So good to see you on the MB little sis!
Your story is pretty amazing! 8)
Can you tell me what you noticed that was strange about the icon? What was your question and the answer you received from the man? I am very curious! :?: :D

I love your new Avatar! Do you know who painted it? You can feel the wind as it pushes the young woman along and the softness of the fabric of her dress.
Ahh! so beautiful...

Sandy LUV2
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Post by Starik »

Hello my dearest Sandy!!! :loves
Well, I noticed that in front of Mary's bed there was a man and an angel with a sword of fire in his hands (the angel might be Michael the Archangel. I 'm not sure about that.). The strange thing is that the angel had cut the man's hands :shock: The question I had in my mind was "Why had the angel cut the man 's hands?" . The third time I was wondering about that looking at the icon inside a church, a man came next to me and said "Do you know why the angel cut that man's hands? Our religion says that there was this man who came and wanted to touch Mary with disbelief in his heart. The angel wanted to protect Mary and didn't let the man touch her. Afterwards the man's hands were connected again in a miracle and he became an icon painter himself."
I love your new Avatar! Do you know who painted it?
Thank you! :love John Waterhouse painted it. I love his paintings! You can find his paintings on the Net. This is how I found this. Its name is "windflowers". Great name!Very poetic! :sunflower:
By the way,my mom saw your wedding photo and says you 're veeeery beautiful! :wink: :loves

Lots of love,
Elina LUV2
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello, nice to hear from you again Elina. I have a few Waterhouse prints aswell, they are gorgeous aren't they? By my 'puter is 'Hylas & The Nymphs'.

Love ya, Pet XXX
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Post by Sandy »

Hi dear Starik,

Thanks for sharing that very interesting story. I wish I could see the painting for myself! Alexander said you finished an icon while on vacation in Skiros. Can you tell me a little about it?

Windflowers is a perfect title for that lovely painting! I'll see if I can find more of John Waterhouse's work on the web. It is so much easier now to explore a little with this faster connection.

Please tell your Mother I said hello and thank you. :hithere She is so sweet! If she saw me right now she wouldn't think so though! I am covered with flour. I have been trying to make home made pretzels tonight, but as I slid the first pan into the oven I realized that the egg that was supposed to go into the dough was still sitting uncracked on the counter. :cry: They came out a few minutes ago and they taste like strange shaped bisquits. So we just loaded on the butter and ate them anyway. ( Whats a few more pounds between friends! :oops: )

love you,
Sandy :kiss:
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Post by Starik »

Hello again!
My dearest Petra, it's nice for me to be here again! :flower: Yes, Waterhouse's paintings are gorgeous :D
Alexander said you finished an icon while on vacation in Skiros.
Actually, I painted that icon (I mean the one that shows Mary's “sleep”). But there is a difference; in the one I painted there isn't the man with the cut hands. I 'll take a picture of the icon I painted and I 'll show it to you. When I go to my village I 'll take it with me and I 'm giving it to our church there. It’s a gift in memory of my brother. The experience I had, concerning that icon, helped me decide to paint it.
I am covered with flour. I have been trying to make home made pretzels tonight, but as I slid the first pan into the oven I realized that the egg that was supposed to go into the dough was still sitting uncracked on the counter.
That is funny! I like this kind of "incidents" while cooking. They make your day more interesting, don’t you think? Even though I 'm ashamed when the food I cook isn't quite as I thought it to be, afterwards I laugh when I think about it. : geek:

Elina :loves
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Elina,

Yes please send me a picture of your painting when you can! I would love to see it! What a beautiful gift of love, straight from the heart. The church is truly blessed. :happy

Those "incidents" do make the meals more memorable for sure. :shock: George seems to be remembering way too many of my meals lately! :lol:
From what I hear from your cousin you are an excellent cook!

Much love,
Sandy :loves
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Post by Skye »

I googled John Waterhouse when I found out where you found your avatar and his work is very amazing. Thanks for sharing, Starik!
"Synchronicity Is God's Handwriting" ~ Marianne Williamson
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