The Rules of this Message Board

Please read these posts first if you are new here, because they will answer lots of your questions. Don't try to post here, because its limited to Admins deliberately.
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The Rules of this Message Board

Post by Geoff »

All visitors can read all the public posts, but to post here, you must first register as a member. These are our requirements:

Our Purpose. Our purpose is to discuss 11:11 signals, and the midwayers who create these, and all related spiritual matters. While we may talk about many spiritual subjects, our primary purpose is to teach folk that they have angels around them, and how to help them communicate with those beings.

We might be lenient for a time with a topic that is borderline, but essentially, we will see this as our purpose.

If you come here to post your stuff, you may in time be asked to stop. This includes those who are only interested in grandstanding.

If you come here to share your experiences, or as a genuine seeker after truth, I doubt there will be a problem.

We do not require all who post here to agree with us, but frankly, once we have established that point of difference, if you continue in an argumentative manner, it will not be allowed. You may have your difference, but this will not be the place to promote it. The point we are making here, is that differences can be discussed, and shared, but only for the purpose of such sharing, and potentially learning. There comes a point when that sharing is finished, and then the subject should be closed. Beyond this point your posts will be construed as proselytising.

1) All beliefs are to be recognised respectfully. After all, they are dear to the person who holds them. If you truly value your brothers and sisters, then you must respect their beliefs.

2) All discussions are to be done with respect shown to all parties. Even generalisations should be carefully worded to avoid antagonising folk, in general. Be very careful to avoid antagonistic personal comments by picking on the individual, rather than the concepts they are communicating.

3) No proselytising. That means, don't come here with the express purpose of seeking to convert other folks to your belief, and most of all, don't post here inflammatory posts. In other words, turning up and telling us all what you think is going to happen to us because of what we believe.

4) No spamming. That is turning up here with the explicit purpose of trying to harvest some of the traffic for your own purpose. Links to other sites are certainly acceptable, but must be in context. Putting your email address on a post and asking folks to contact you is spamming. So is linking to your board and suggesting folks go there. Or to another board or blog that is predominantly about 11:11. We are very sensitive that we have created a safe forum here, and any attempt to interfere with our cocoon of safety will be dealt with.

5) Most of all, be tolerant of others.

6) Use a valid email address. If you do not, you will not be able to activate your membership. We do not mail to the addresses on this message board. We have a related mailing list, but folks that want to be on that have to ask to be added. No member of the public or even a software spider will be able to read your email address on this board. They are simply not displayed anywhere public.

7) This is not a political board, so please refrain from politically oriented posts. The Covid-19 virus has become politicized and is considered nearly as much a political issue now as a health issue. There is much controversy within this subject and there is no definitive proof on the internet as to what is right and what is wrong. Therefore, the Covid-19 virus and related subjects are not allowed to be discussed on this message board because of the inflammatory nature.

8 ) This is quite specifically a safe environment for you to share things that you may not be able to share with anyone else. Nobody will laugh at what you have experienced, and you can thus discuss things with other caring folks that you will have had to keep bottled up before. We do not hesitate to get rid of people who are intolerant and insensitive.

9 ) We have had to put controls on Private Messages too, as spammers have used this in the past. You must have made one post, and had that post approved, before you can use private messages. And even then, you cannot send private messages to multiple recipients.
"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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