
Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by Prey4Light »

Hello. Been a while. Haven't seen this prompt posted so I thought I would share.

:52 is your thought adjuster prompting. I have been getting this for over a year or two now. That means the Universal Father (God) themselves is trying to connect with me?

I only found this out through this link. https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=30306

Taken from link: As a first indicator, your Thought Adjuster will use a time prompt as the evidence of the third level of conscious contact. The primary prompt shall be 5:52, with secondary prompts at X:52. Some of you are familiar with the 11:11 time prompt first used by the Midwayers to contact human mind. The X:52 prompt is a targeted reminder used exclusively by the Thought Adjuster to become aware of the TA presence—that you are receiving third-level contact. We kindly ask that you pause in this moment, when prompted, and that you acknowledge your partnership with the TA with an exchange of thoughts.

I still check in once in a while. Its been over 10 years since I found this site. The midwayers Beatrice :03, Dr Mendoza :08 :11, :38, :42 (wish I at least got the names of the midwayers for these three,) are very persistent. Mighty Messenger Bzhutu :22, Midwayer Matthew :33 love waking me up or shifting me violently to see the prompt on my clock. It's non stop from the midwayers.

It's really sad I never got even one transmission after all this time. I needed the help the moment I found this site, now I am struggling desperately like millions and billions are.
Since I am unable to transmit The Magisterial Missions are my only savior now.

I hope I provided some value to the few remaining participants on this forum. I wish you all the best!
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Re: :52

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: While not necessarily related to the number '52', the seven adjutant mind spirits are memorable to the association '5,2'. This review highlights that human brain is distinct from human mind - effectively that AI is brain (mechanical) and not mind! Even as brain, where does this exist for AI when distributed across many computers, databases, networks, etc.? A brain that ceases to exist without all that hardware - not to mention software - and electricity is what? 'Faux something' comes to mind ... and is the essence of 'artificial'. ;)

"Adjutant-spirit minds. This is the ministry of a local universe Mother Spirit functioning through her seven adjutant mind-spirits on the teachable (nonmechanical) level of material mind. On this level material mind is experiencing: as subhuman (animal) intellect in the first five adjutants; as human (moral) intellect in the seven adjutants; as superhuman (midwayer) intellect in the last two adjutants." (42:10.4)

:idea: Interestingly, "teachable (nonmechanical)" suggests teaching from without - not within as AI currently "learns". And the arrival of these last two adjutants in Andon and Fonta signaled the first human beings on the planet:

"Imagine our joy one day — the twins (Andon, Fonta) were about ten years old — when the spirit of worship made its first contact with the mind of the female twin and shortly thereafter with the male. We knew that something closely akin to human mind was approaching culmination; and when, about a year later, they finally resolved, as a result of meditative thought and purposeful decision, to flee from home and journey north, then did the spirit of wisdom begin to function on Urantia and in these two now recognized human minds." (62:6.5)

:idea: Finally, adjuster indwelling requires the foundational mind support of all seven adjutants. For without these, there is no universe-level mind associated with that now popularly presenting as "brain":

"it requires the co-ordinate function of all seven adjutants to thus qualify the human mind for the reception of an Adjuster." (108:2.2)

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Re: :52

Post by happyrain »

Good morning Prey.

I'm not entirely sure I understand what you mean...

But I thought about your heartache last night as I was praying. I wondered if we are experiencing a similar heartache?

Mine was, although I was praying to God- I wasn't feeling connected, or close to God. There was a desperate plea to return to that feeling of connection.

After some internal reorganization I realized it has always been me who has created a wall between us. I still have a lot of work to do, to tear down this wall and feel. But I have complete faith that God truly cares and is constantly guiding us in ways we don't always understand.

I believe much of it has to do with being little creators ourselves, and learning how to use our free will.

Well... I wonder what you mean when you say you never got one transmission, but that you are constantly being prompted.

And my final thoughts are that we do receive, just not in ways we're accustomed to or think we ought to. We're working with an intelligence that can manipulate the world around us to acknowledge the thoughts happening inside us. To me, it suggest we don't really understand what the world around us actually is- to know how this communication can even take place.

I think of my dogs, who really don't know the english language- but know when I'm healthy or ill, they somehow understand particular messages despite not actually knowing the words coming out of our mouths. I was training my girl dog to fetch just yesterday and I watched her explore the boundaries of our limited communication- which meant placing faith that my suggestions were indeed the desired action.

I hope this feedback isn't unwelcomed, it is a pretty damp feeling when you think you no longer have Gods favor. I'm not saying that is what you are experiencing... so I apologize if I misunderstood.

I have a friend who prompts me with :14. Despite having no name after all these years... I am learning to recognize the call to pay attention. Sometimes its simply feeling aligned with 14s presence that allows me to express the message. We are connected to something much larger than the human garb and the 3D experience. And if we were actually given a midwayers real name- would it even have originated from the human tongue?

Thank you for the warm wishes. I look forward to reading your thoughts in future post.

Kind regards~
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Re: :52

Post by Sandy »

Hello Prey4Light,

It is good to see you again. Thank you for sharing something that has been shockingly overlooked.

Yes, our numbers have dwindled as along with the world many of us individually have been pushed stressed and bent under the load of life in the past few years...but I like to think that recovery is possible as we reach out. Some of the trouble at least for me resides in the fact that I am not always ready for the guidance, having inner issues that are unresolved and blocking my reception in the way it is delivered by my TA.
Another thing too is sometimes we expect it to be a "voice" ..when in fact a TA can direct and aid even comfort us with our other senses as well. Rudimentary contact with our TA can also be sensed, felt tasted and smelled via the senses.

I will offer a suggestion, something that Lytske has repeatedly told me as it is how this powerful friendship developed for him/her. It was by writing a simple letter to the Creator every day. Telling God Source everything as if you are having a conversation on the phone with a friend. It may take a while but as this occurs you will at some point sense a change and growth in this all important area. It may take perseverance and follow through, patience and time. But I am convinced we will all reap some benefits in this manner. It will also help us to understand ourselves better and clear some of those debilitating hidden blocks.

Thank you Rod. I would like to go back now and read more about the Adjutant Mind Spirits now as it has been awhile.

Once again I thank you Prey4Light for sharing the valuable information.

Just reminded of something...
Here is a series Chris Maurus produced for the List a beginning a couple years ago...
Developing Conscious Contact:

...and then the Experiencing Conscious Contact Series:(all can be found on the message board and the Progress group website)

There are seven or more Experiencing Conscious Contact Messages that I will find and post when I get back. Gotta run see my parents right now.
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Re: :52

Post by Sandy »

I just quickly saw your post as I was submitting mine...such lovely insights. I find it helpful in so many ways... I think you just now acted as a messenger for me. The universe has been giving me a push in a certain direction and I have been totally overlooking the many nudges...LOL Thank you :kiss:
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Re: :52

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Prey4Light,

Thank you for posting this. I receive the :52 time prompts multiple times everyday. When I questioned the significance of the number a few things came to mind. Firstly, that there are 52 weeks in a year. That’s one complete rotation around the sun. Also, there are 52 cards in a standard deck of playing cards (minus the Jokers). So I came to the conclusion that the number represents completion.

Speaking of 52 playing cards, a video appeared in my YouTube playlist awhile back about the number 52!. For anyone not familiar with mathematics that’s 52 factorial and it is the number of possible sequences of cards in a deck. It is calculated by multiplying 52 x 51x 50 x … x 1. As the video explains, this number is essentially infinite in a human sense since we are not able to comprehend it. It is a very thought provoking video. Here’s the link:


So it seems fitting that our Thought Adjusters would use this number to prompt us since they are a fragment of the Infinite. And it is us, their human charges, who see them through to completion when we fuse with them.

Also, it seems that those who are receiving these prompts are the Guinea pigs for the new Enhanced Circuits. Based on the increased frequency of these prompts, I feel it is time to get serious about this and do my part to make conscious contact. I know it will take some time, but I’m beginning to become more confident that I will be able to communicate with my Thought Adjuster. I’ve been plagued with self doubt for a long time. It’s a slow process, but I think it’s starting to become clearer now.

I hope you are making good progress in this endeavour as well.

With gratitude,
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Re: :52

Post by Starwalker »

I came across this essay by Scott Czepiel. It attempts to conceptualize the number 52! (80658175170943878571660636856403766975289505440883277824000000000000). It’s a mind bender.
This number is beyond astronomically large. I say beyond astronomically large because most numbers that we already consider to be astronomically large are mere infinitesimal fractions of this number. So, just how large is it? Let's try to wrap our puny human brains around the magnitude of this number with a fun little theoretical exercise.

Start a timer that will count down the number of seconds from 52! to 0. We're going to see how much fun we can have before the timer counts down all the way.
Start by picking your favorite spot on the equator. You're going to walk around the world along the equator, but take a very leisurely pace of one step every billion years. The equatorial circumference of the Earth is 40,075,017 meters. Make sure to pack a deck of playing cards, so you can get in a few trillion hands of solitaire between steps. After you complete your round the world trip, remove one drop of water from the Pacific Ocean. Now do the same thing again: walk around the world at one billion years per step, removing one drop of water from the Pacific Ocean each time you circle the globe. The Pacific Ocean contains 707.6 million cubic kilometers of water. Continue until the ocean is empty. When it is, take one sheet of paper and place it flat on the ground. Now, fill the ocean back up and start the entire process all over again, adding a sheet of paper to the stack each time you've emptied the ocean.

Do this until the stack of paper reaches from the Earth to the Sun. Take a glance at the timer, you will see that the three left-most digits haven't even changed. You still have 8.063e67 more seconds to go. 1 Astronomical Unit, the distance from the Earth to the Sun, is defined as 149,597,870.691 kilometers. So, take the stack of papers down and do it all over again. One thousand times more. Unfortunately, that still won't do it. There are still more than 5.385e67 seconds remaining. You're just about a third of the way done.

To pass the remaining time, start shuffling your deck of cards. Every billion years deal yourself a 5-card poker hand. Each time you get a royal flush, buy yourself a lottery ticket. A royal flush occurs in one out of every 649,740 hands. If that ticket wins the jackpot, throw a grain of sand into the Grand Canyon. Keep going and when you've filled up the canyon with sand, remove one ounce of rock from Mt. Everest. Now empty the canyon and start all over again. When you've leveled Mt. Everest, look at the timer, you still have 5.364e67 seconds remaining. Mt. Everest weighs about 357 trillion pounds. You barely made a dent. If you were to repeat this 255 times, you would still be looking at 3.024e64 seconds. The timer would finally reach zero sometime during your 256th attempt. Exercise for the reader: at what point exactly would the timer reach zero?
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Re: :52

Post by Sandy »

Holy Moly! :shock:
In a strange kind of way, Jon, this has sort of brought time and eternity more sharply into focus for me.
And also why numbers figure so importantly in everything that is. Does that make any sense at all? It still has my hands tingling thinking about it.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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