Paradise Trinity Day

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Re: (Q is question supplied by Perplexity

Q: Who said the circle represents heaven and the square represents earth?

"The concept that the circle represents heaven and the square represents earth has been attributed to Carl Jung. Jung suggested that the circle symbolizes the processes of nature or the cosmos as a whole, while the square refers to the universe as conceived and projected by man."

(Q: What is the meaning of the circle and square in art and architecture?

"The circle and square hold symbolic meanings in art and architecture. In Renaissance art, the circle is considered a perfect shape, representing holiness and divinity due to its symmetry and lack of corners. On the other hand, the square symbolizes stability, order, honesty, and solidity in design, often associated with structure and earthbound qualities. When the square is placed inside a circle, it signifies the connection between the human and eternal wholeness, blending stability with the eternal whole. This combination of shapes can represent the union of heaven and earth or the convergence of divine and earthly elements in artistic and architectural contexts."

Q: Does this relate to a squared circle?

"Based on the information provided in the search results, the concept of the circle representing heaven and the square representing earth does seem to relate to the idea of the 'squared circle' in art and architecture. The key points are:

- The circle is seen as a perfect, divine shape, representing heaven, spirituality, and the cosmos.
- The square is associated with earthly, human constructions, representing stability, order, and the material world.
- The combination of the circle and square, such as a square within a circle, symbolizes the union of the divine and earthly, or the connection between heaven and earth.

This idea of reconciling the perfect, divine circle with the earthly, human square is the essence of the 'squared circle' concept in art and architecture. It represents the attempt to marry the spiritual and material realms through symbolic geometric forms. The search results indicate this symbolism has deep roots in Chinese, Greek, and Judeo-Christian cosmologies, and has been expressed through various artistic and architectural motifs over centuries.

So the circle and square imagery is directly relevant to the concept of the 'squared circle' as a way of visually depicting the relationship between the heavenly and earthly realms."

Note: This response seems focused on the square within circle concept - not Quadrature's squared circle with the square resting on 8 points of the circle's circumference (foundation of the Py Day geometry). However, the response confirms that "squared circle" is a good term for this marriage of the spiritual and material realms. Incidentally, the 8 points highlights that the infinite number of points on a circumference are immaterial to Quadrature. ;)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day VII design,
added to:

Both circle-squaring triangles
have sides where a^2 + b^2 = c^2 = 4

Right Triangle
a = sqrt(Pi), b = sqrt(4-Pi), c = 2

a = 1.7724538509055160272981674833411..
^2 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795..
b = 0.92650275035220848584275966758914..
^2 = 0.8584073464102067615373566167205..
c = 2
^2 = 4

+ 0.8584073464102067615373566167205..
= 4

Scalene Triangle:
a = sqrt(Pi), b = sqrt(2)
c = (sqrt(4-Pi)/sqrt(2)) + ((sqrt(Pi)/sqrt(2))

a = 1.7724538509055160272981674833411..
^2 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795..
b = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097..
^2 = 2

c1 = 0.65513637756203355309393588562466..
^2 = 0.42920367320510338076867830836025..
c2 = 1.2533141373155002512078826424055..
^2 = 1.5707963267948966192313216916397..

+ 1.5707963267948966192313216916397..
= 2
^2 = 4

:study: Re:

Q: Does the Pythagorean Theorem apply to scalene triangles?

"... Pythagorean Theorem cannot be directly applied to all scalene triangles in general, as it requires a right angle."

LOL: AI developers might need an updated corpus. However, two lines of this scalene triangle
have sqrt(2) relationship to two lines of the right triangle, suggesting this is a special scalene. ;)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Starwalker »

11:2.2 (119.3) In form Paradise differs from the inhabited space bodies: it is not spherical. It is definitely ellipsoid, being one-sixth longer in the north-south diameter than in the east-west diameter. The central Isle is essentially flat, and the distance from the upper surface to the nether surface is one tenth that of the east-west diameter.
Using this description I have derived an equation for the shape of the Paradise ellipsoid by setting x as the east-west direction, y as the north-south, and z as the up-down.

The general equation of an ellipsoid is:

x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 + z^2/c^2 = 1

where a, b, and c are the maximum displacements from the origin in each respective direction. To determine the equation for Paradise we would just need to find these displacements. Since the north-south and up-down diameters are given relative to the east -west diameter, it is convenient to set a=1. Then we can easily determine that b=7/6, and c=1/10. Plugging these values in and simplifying gives the following equation for the Paradise ellipsoid:

x^2 + (36/49)y^2 + 100z^2 = 1

You can then plug this into a 3D graphing calculator, such as Desmos ( and see the shape of Paradise. However, this is likely only a time-space approximation of an absolute reality. Perhaps it is incorrect to think of Paradise in terms of x, y, z dimensions. No x’s, y’s or z’s, just Paradise. Grandeur beyond our comprehension; the abode of the Gods!
Roughly: space seemingly originates just below nether Paradise; time just above upper Paradise. Time, as you understand it, is not a feature of Paradise existence, though the citizens of the central Isle are fully conscious of nontime sequence of events. Motion is not inherent on Paradise; it is volitional. But the concept of distance, even absolute distance, has very much meaning as it may be applied to relative locations on Paradise. Paradise is nonspatial; hence its areas are absolute and therefore serviceable in many ways beyond the concept of mortal mind.
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Suggests that AI will soon be able to conceptualize and depict Paradise
... and accompany with impressive video and audio! And that this AI creativity
will keep improving as the decades pass! :roll

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Starwalker »

Rod, did you know that AI actually makes an appearance in the Urantia Book?
The ambush of AI, with the wholesale slaughter of men, women, and children, only the king being saved to gratify the conqueror’s vanity, is a faithful picture of the barbaric slaughter practiced by even supposedly civilized peoples. (69:8.3)
Ok, so it's actually Ai, an ancient city that was conquered by the Israelites. You can read more about this in Joshua 7.

And thousands of years later we're still at it. I wonder if AI can help us with that?
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: First thought: Since AI is mostly synthesis of human thought, humans are the cause of war and its continuance.
Thus, AI is a new tool to be used in war, to minimize war, or to avoid war. Perplexity expands on this perspective:


Q: How will AI relate to war?

"AI is likely to have a significant impact on the future of warfare, both in combat and non-combat applications. Some key ways AI will relate to war include:
- Autonomous systems and robotics: The military is investing heavily in AI-driven vehicles, drones, and robots to perform tasks like surveillance, reconnaissance, and logistics without risking human lives. These autonomous platforms can free up human personnel for more critical missions.

- Enhanced data analysis and predictive modeling: AI can process massive amounts of intelligence data to identify patterns, trends, and potential threats in real-time, empowering military leaders to make more informed decisions. Predictive modeling can also help anticipate future threats.

- Cybersecurity and network defense: AI-driven cybersecurity systems can continuously monitor networks, detect unusual activity, and respond to cyber threats, strengthening the resilience of military networks.

- Command and control: AI can optimize military command centers by providing real-time situational awareness and decision support, enabling faster response times and more effective coordination of forces.

- Combat support: While the use of fully autonomous weapons is controversial, AI can enhance target identification, surveillance, and other combat-related tasks to support human soldiers and commanders.

However, the integration of AI into warfare also raises ethical concerns and the risk of AI systems spiraling out of human control, potentially leading to unintended consequences. Maintaining human oversight and responsible development of military AI applications will be crucial."

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day VIII design,
updated in:
"seventy times and seven" ("impossible" Quadrature gets Biblical*)

"In Pythagorean numerology, 3 (spiritual) + 4 (material) = 7"

* "Simon Peter was the apostle in charge of the workers at Hippos,
and when he heard Jesus thus speak, he asked: 'Lord, how often shall my brother
sin against me, and I forgive him? Until seven times?' And Jesus answered Peter:
'Not only seven times but even to seventy times and seven'." (UB, 159:1.4)

:bana: This geometry suggests the Cartesian Rule of 77 (pronounced seven seven):
Sqrt(2) controls Cartesian space and Pi abides by the rules. If a circle's diameter
divides by two the side of that circle's square (SoCS) divides by 2 ... precisely :!:


Q: Do these ratios from Cartesian geometry associate Pi and sqrt(2)?

D = Diameter
C = Circumference
S = Side of Circle's Square
A = Area

D1 = 2.0
C1 = 6.283185307179586476925286766559..
S1 = 1.7724538509055160272981674833411..
A1 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795..

D2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097..
C2 = 4.4428829381583662470158809900607..
S2 = 1.2533141373155002512078826424055..
A2 = 1.5707963267948966192313216916398..

D3 = 1.0
C3 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795..
S3 = 0.88622692545275801364908374167057..
A3 = 0.78539816339744830961566084581988..

D3/D1 = 1
C3/C1 = 2
S3/S1 = 2
A3/A1 = 4

"... When comparing the ratios of these geometric properties between circles with different diameters:
The ratio of the diameters (D3/D1) is 1.
The ratio of the circumferences (C3/C1) is 2.
The ratio of the side lengths of the circumscribed squares (S3/S1) is also 2.
The ratio of the areas (A3/A1) is 4.

These observations demonstrate that the square root of 2 (√2) is closely related to the properties of circles, particularly in the context of the circumscribed square. The aspect ratio of the circumscribed square is √2, which is also the basis for the ISO 216 paper size standard (e.g., A4 paper has an aspect ratio of √2). So in summary, yes, the search results indicate that the mathematical constants π and √2 are closely associated in Cartesian geometry, especially in the context of circles and their circumscribed squares. The ratios between the various geometric properties of circles with different diameters highlight this relationship."

:idea: In the Py Day VIII geometry, large '7' circle is D1, small '7' circle is D3.
LOL: This AI will not agree that these nested circles are squared,
but indirectly agrees that Pi and sqrt(2) are similarly associated. :D
Apparently, AI may need more training about squared circles. :roll:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Starwalker »

My thoughts were geared more towards if AI could help in some way to end war. I've been thinking about Adam and Eve today and how they left the first Garden of Eden just to avoid going to war with hostile tribes. They gave up a little slice of Paradise and had to start all over again. It goes to show how much they valued peace. I admire Adam a lot actually. When he found out about Eve's error, he immediately went out and did the same so they would both suffer the same consequences. If that isn't true love then I don't know what is. But I digress.

So could AI help us become more civilized? I'm thinking that with more jobs becoming automated, people should have more free time. In the past, this has led to advancements due to increased time for contemplation. But it is only through spiritual development that our civilizations will become more enlightened regarding these matters. Of course, this requires people to be interested in spiritual progress and the world does seem to be spiritually stagnant in some ways. But progress is slow. And as you have said in another thread, the Creator will be known in due time!
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Quadrature's Pythagorean Theorem calculation where Diameter = 2
that gives Perplexity a headache (no info in its Large Language Model?) :o

Q: What proves that this calculation defines a right triangle?

Pi + (4-Pi) = 4

"Special right triangle:
A right triangle with simple angle relationships or side ratios for easy calculations.

A right triangle with angles or side lengths that follow simple relationships, enabling easier calculations of geometric problems.

Angle-based (e.g., 45°-45°-90° triangles) and side-based (e.g., 3:4:5 triangles or those involving the golden ratio).

Facilitate rapid computation of trigonometric functions for specific angles (30°, 45°, 60°) without advanced methods.

The search results do not contain any information about the calculation pi + (4-pi) = 4 or how it would define a right triangle. The search results focus on explaining special right triangles, the Pythagorean theorem, and the relationship between the sides and angles of right triangles. There is no mention of the equation you provided or how it would prove anything about a right triangle. Without any relevant information in the search results, I cannot provide a satisfactory answer to your question. The premise of the calculation you mentioned does not seem to be supported by the given information."

:geek: This calculation presents a Curious Cartesian Conundrum since this special right triangle
exists in every sqrt(2)-nested circle. With this "impossible" geometry, "We're not in Kansas anymore!"
comes to mind about squared circles in Cartesian space. :lol:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day IX design,
added to:

"Pi + (4-Pi) = 4 (a^2 + b^2 = c^2)" :roll

Given: Circumference = 4
C/Pi = Diameter = 1.2732395447351626861510701069801..
= (2/sqrt(Pi))^2 = (1.1283791670955125738961589031215..)^2

:scratch: Who knew :?: :!:
This geometry proves that Pi has a parent related by sqrt(2),
but "You can't get there from here." (they say) :roll:

:geek: Another feature of the "Pi Corral" ...
(keeps Pi in direct relationship to sqrt(2), suggesting:
"Either sqrt(2) is transcendental or Pi is not!" :?

Morbus Cyclometricus in deed! 8)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day X design,
added to:

Today's choice for T-shirt subtitle:
"How Pi is Served in the 7th Superuniverse." 8)

Now, three circles squared (all three as arcs) and
geometers of Quadraturial persuasion clamor to see
the Cartesian Lines Of Interest Neologic. :roll:

:geek: With Circumference = 4, 2(sqrt(2)) the straight lines
reflect the transcendence of Pi, and permitting Diameter
to be divided precisely by 2 (small circle is sqrt(2) sibling
of the larger squared circle).

Obviously, sqrt(2) is host of Cartesian space
... when a circle and/or square is present!
Look! Up in the sky! It's Pi ... 24/7 :roll

:farao: To enter the Impossible School of Quadrature,
visitors, while standing at the door, must text:
"Please sir, can I have sum square Pi?" ...
then display 7 fingers (no thumbs) :roll:

Morbus Cyclometricus in deed!

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day XI design (aka "Angel Pi "),
added to:

:geek: 3:4:5 right triangle is known as "Pythagorean triple"

Contrasting Pythagorean right triangle 3:4:5 (= 9:16:25)
with Quadrature's triangle sqrt(4-Pi):sqrt(Pi):2 (= 4-Pi:Pi:4)
confirms geometric similarity of these equations:
[16 + (25-16) = 25] vs [Pi + (4-Pi) = 4]

:idea: And suggests that the Pythagorean Formula
also applies to "impossible" Quadrature. 8)

Morbus Cyclometricus in deed! :D

:bana: The UB's instruction on symbols ...

"The symbols of socialized religion are not to be despised as channels of growth, albeit the river bed is not the river." (100:5.1)

"The one distinction between man and the animal is that man can communicate with his fellows by means of symbols which most certainly designate and identify meanings, values, ideas, and even ideals." (160:2.1)

"By intelligent symbols man is able to quicken and enlarge the appreciative capacities of his friends. One of the crowning glories of human friendship is this power and possibility of the mutual stimulation of the imagination." (160:2.8 )

"And we seek for those symbols of meaning wherewith to convey to our fellow men these concepts of the reality of the idealism of the religion of Jesus, and we will not cease to pray for that day when all mankind shall be thrilled by the communal vision of this supreme truth." (160:5.11)

"Said Rodan: 'In order to be a person, God must have symbols of spirit communication which would enable him to become fully understood by those who make contact with him.' " (161:1.2)

"John (Zebedee) had a type of mind which naturally tended to think and feel in symbols." (172:5.5)

"... the Master, as was always his habit, resorted to parables and symbols. He employed symbols because he wanted to teach certain great spiritual truths in such a manner as to make it difficult for his successors to attach precise interpretations and definite meanings to his words." (179:5.4)

About the number '7' ...

.7 colors in natural spectrum (42:9.3)
associative possibilities of 3 Deities (16:0.1, 16:1.1, 17:3.1, 18:1.3)
basic to transmission of character (42:9.2)
domain of life characterized by (36:2.11)
fundamental to universe organization (10:2.8, 16:0.1, 42:9.2)
in natural philosophy (42:9.1)
in periodic table, qualities recur by 7’s (42:9.2-3)
secoraphic types recur by 7’s (28:4.3-4, 28:5.6)
sevenfold electronic organization of prematter (42:9.1,3)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Further development of the Py Day XI design hints that, whether or not Pi has gender,
it replicates in Quadrature as with DNA. Surprisingly, Perplexity finds confirmation that 2/sqrt(Pi)
not only defines a circle and its square but may also relate to DNA! ( the '77' in this design
is not necessarily an "angel number" but might be, so watch for it! ). :roll

See also: ... 94930.html
"Angel number 77 is often regarded as a profound spiritual message,
believed to be sent by one's guardian angels from the divine realm." 8)

Q: What is DNA of Pi?

"Based on the search results provided, there does not appear to be a direct connection between the mathematical constant Pi (π) and the structure of DNA. The search results discuss some tangential relationships, but do not provide evidence for a fundamental 'DNA of Pi' as the question suggests. The key points from the search results are:

The paper 'Relation of π=3,14... to DNA' proposes a speculative connection between Pi and the molecular weights of DNA nucleotides, but this appears to be an unsubstantiated hypothesis.

The other search results discuss the use of propidium iodide (PI) as a fluorescent dye to stain and analyze DNA content and cell cycle in flow cytometry. However, this does not relate Pi to the DNA structure.

One article mentions that the spiral structure of DNA and the golden ratio (Φ) are related, but does not link this to Pi.

Another article discusses how Pi can be found in various natural phenomena, including the structure of DNA, but does not provide specifics on how Pi is directly encoded in or related to the DNA molecule.

In summary, the search results do not provide convincing evidence for a direct, fundamental relationship between the mathematical constant Pi and the structure or composition of DNA. The connections discussed appear to be speculative or tangential at best. Therefore, I cannot provide a substantive answer to the question 'What is DNA of Pi based on the information given."

Q: Would 2/sqrt(Pi) = 1.1283791670955125738961589031215..
relate to DNA since this constant defines both a circle and its square?

"Based on the detailed search results provided, there does appear to be a potential connection between the mathematical constant 2/√π and aspects of DNA structure and composition:

Relationship between 2/√π and DNA

The search results indicate that the value of 2/√π, which is approximately 1.1283791670955125738961589031215, has a special relationship to the molecular weights of the DNA nucleotides.

Specifically, the paper "Relation of π=3,14... to DNA" suggests that the nucleotides Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C) have molecular weights that are prime numbers (331, 322, 347, 307 respectively).

The author proposes that these prime number molecular weights, when combined in specific sequences, can produce DNA chains with total molecular weights that are also prime numbers.

Furthermore, the author notes that the sum of the coefficients of the nucleotides G and T, and the coefficients of A and C, form sequences that are powers of 2 (2, 20, 200, 2000, etc.).

This special relationship between the prime number molecular weights of the DNA nucleotides and the powers of 2 in their sums is suggested to be connected to the mathematical constant π and its square root 2/√π.

Significance of the Circle and Square

The search results also indicate that the constant 2/√π is significant because it relates the circle (represented by π) to its square. This connection between the circle and the square, as embodied in the value of 2/√π, is proposed to have relevance to the spiral structure of DNA and its relationship to the golden ratio (Φ).

In summary, the search results suggest that the mathematical constant 2/√π, which defines both a circle and its square, may have a meaningful connection to the molecular structure and composition of DNA. The prime number relationships between the nucleotide weights and their sums, as well as the spiral structure of DNA, appear to be linked to this fundamental mathematical constant. However, the exact nature of this connection requires further investigation and validation."

:geek: In sqrt(2)-nested circles, sqrt(Pi) and sqrt(2) share the spiral relationship,
suggesting the direct relationship of Pi and sqrt(Pi) to 2 and sqrt(2). 8)
That 2/√π defines both a circle and its square suggests squared circles exist
even if Quadrature is "impossible" (according to advanced mathematics). ;)

Morbus Cyclometricus in deed! :D

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day XI design ("Angel Pi"),
added to:

"Pi ist Pi no matter how many times
Pi ist divided by sqrt(2) in Quadrature."

:geek: Cartesian composition contrasts three squared circles,
showing sqrt(2) linkage of the replicating geometric objects. 8)

In Sqrt(2) Down Step, ratio of Circumference to Diameter remains Pi,
as ratio of objects to objects of next smaller circle remain sqrt(2).

"Say what?" Line lengths, but circles' angles stay similar.
"Say what?" Go figure in a Cartesian sand box! :roll

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: New word for constructing geometry: geomestring
(from "geometry stirring in Cartesian space") :roll:

Examples of usage ...

"My geomestring is weak but still point-to-point."

"Sally, your geomestring bikini is not a decent triangle."

"Don't worry Mom! I'm geomestring a different design."

"Today's class geomestring is improved but still frizzy!"

"Hey Skinny! Why are you going to the snack bar, geomestring?"

"Geomestring Theory in Cartesian space is so unidimensional."

"After geomestring the route all day, our travel was pointless."

"Amazingly, Pythagoras' geomestring was squarely triangular."

"Three-dimensional geomestring without XYZ is farcical."

"Geomestring Quadrature is impossible, they say." :shock:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day XII design ("Angel Pi II"),
and Py Day XIII design ("Angel Pi III"),
updated in:
and in:

"Scalene juxtaposition in IQ" (Py Day XII)
"Inscribed scalenity in IQ" (Py Day XIII)

Every '7' represents short side and hypotenuse of a circle-squaring right triangle
(explains how sqrt(2)-nested circles are squared in this Cartesian composition).

Notes: Py Day XI - XIII are similar compositions, with Py Day XI
highlighting Pi symbol and Py Day XII, XIII circle-squaring scalene triangles. 8)

Good symbolism for enlightened independence from political agendas,
acknowledging that spiritual forces ultimately rule the universe. ;)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day XIV design ("Square One"),
added to:

:geek: Geometer's secrets ...

"Right triangle's Pythagorean confirmation
of Quadrature when hypotenuse = diameter = 2
( reveals the new relationship Pi + (4-Pi) = 4
where 2/sqrt(Pi) defines circle and square )"

Angel Pi II is Angel Pi 77 (highlighted '77') and Angel Pi 777
(one more circle-squaring right triangle in middle circle
of the three sqrt(2)-nested circles in this composition.

Squared circles include similar right and scalene triangles
plus other similar objects. And the Pi symbol (red)
is highlighted in some compositions. 8)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day XIV design ("Square One ABC"),
added to:
(since Pythagoras texted: "Show Me!") :roll:

:geek: When a^2 + b^2 = c^2, Pi + (4-Pi) = 4
... and when circle's Circumference = 4
Diameter = Area = (2/sqrt(Pi))^2
= 1.27323954473516268615107..
... and 4/((2/sqrt(Pi))^2) = Pi

:farao: When Diameter = (2/sqrt(Pi))^2, sqrt(Area) = 2/sqrt(Pi)
... defines Pythagorean circle-squaring right triangle
where Diameter = Hypotenuse = (2/sqrt(Pi))^2
and long side = 2/sqrt(Pi)
... proving that squared circles exist,
even if "squaring the circle" is impossible! :roll:

:bana: "Square One" theme can also mean ...
"Back to square one!", "Starting at square one!",
"Square one!" (as in "Just do it!" ;- ) or even
"Square a circle today!" (Do the "impossible"!). :lol:

"Dare to think square!" (they say) :roll:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:lol: Perplexity agrees! (as if to say "AI knew that from square one!") :roll:


Q: When circle's diameter = 2, is a circle-squaring right triangle created
with diameter = hypotenuse and long side = sqrt(Pi)?

"Yes, when the diameter of a circle is 2, a right triangle can be formed with the diameter as the hypotenuse
and one side equal to √π, creating a 'circle-squaring' triangle. This triangle has the following properties:

Hypotenuse (diameter of the circle) = 2
One side = √π ≈ 1.77245, Other side = √(4 - π) ≈ 1.08866

The area of this right triangle is:
Area = 1/2 * base * height = 1/2 * √π * √(4 - π) = 1

This means the area of the triangle is equal to 1 square unit, which is the same as the area of a square with side lengths of 1 unit.
This triangle is called a 'circle-squaring' triangle because it has the same area as a square circumscribed around the circle with diameter 2.

The key geometric property that allows this is that the hypotenuse of the triangle is equal to the diameter of the circle,
which is a consequence of the inscribed angle theorem for circles. When a right triangle is inscribed in a circle with one side
being a diameter, the diameter becomes the hypotenuse of that triangle."

:roll: However ...
Given: a = sqrt(Pi), b = sqrt(4-Pi), c = 2
SoCS = Side of Circle's Square

Perplexity's math is mysterious for D = 2.
(Area of triangle is not significant to this
Pythagorean equation: Pi + (4-Pi) = 4)

Circle's Area = Pi(r^2) = Pi
SoCS^2 = (sqrt(Pi))^2 = Pi

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day XV design ("Four Arcs of Pi"),
added to:

:idea: The Leibniz formula for π, focused on Pi/4, suggested
this Four Arcs of Pi design and accompanying calculations,
calculations that well define a geometric "Pi Corral". :o

:geek: Given: D = 1, 1/4 Circumference = Pi/4
iSquare = side of circle's inscribed square
oSquare = corner of square enclosing circle
<> = divisor or multiplier

iSquare = 2/sqrt(2) = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485..
<> Pi/(2(sqrt(2)) = 1.1107207345395915617539702475152..
Pi arc = Pi/4 = 0.78539816339744830961566084581988..
<> (2/sqrt(Pi))^2 = 1.2732395447351626861510701069801..
oSquare = 1.0 (two sides of a square)

1.0 / 0.70710678118654752440084436210485..
= 1.4142135623730950488016887242097..

x 1.1107207345395915617539702475152..
= 1.4142135623730950488016887242097..

See also:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: New portfolio and first design:

:farao: "No Place Like Om(ega)"

I was not aware of this relationship until today! It complements the attached design
of three squared circles (as Omega symbol) with 11:11 in the background. 8)
And this simple geometric design has several complementary themes:

"And yet, throughout all these years of his life in the flesh he was truly divine. He was actually a Creator Son of the Paradise Father.
When once he had espoused his public career, subsequent to the technical completion of his purely mortal experience of sovereignty
acquirement, he did not hesitate publicly to admit that he was the Son of God. He did not hesitate to declare, 'I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end, the first and the last.' " (UB, 128:1.10)


Q: Is the 11:11 mysticism related to the Om chanting?

"Yes, the 11:11 mysticism is related to Om chanting in some spiritual beliefs and practices. The number 11:11 is considered a powerful and sacred numerical sequence that holds spiritual significance. It is often interpreted as a sign or message from angels, spirit guides, or the universe, encouraging spiritual awakening, manifestation, and alignment with one's divine purpose.

Similarly, the Om or Aum mantra is a sacred sound in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Eastern spiritual traditions. It is believed to represent the primordial vibration that created the universe and is chanted during meditation and spiritual practices to connect with the divine, achieve inner peace, and attain enlightenment. Some spiritual teachings associate the 11:11 phenomenon with the vibrational frequency of Om chanting. It is believed that by chanting Om, one can resonate with the spiritual realms and connect with the divine energy represented by the 11:11 sequence.

Chanting Om is seen as a way to align oneself with the spiritual awakening and manifestation symbolized by 11:11. Furthermore, the number 11 is considered a master number in numerology, representing spiritual enlightenment, intuition, and higher consciousness. The repetition of 11 in 11:11 is believed to amplify its spiritual significance and connection to the sacred vibrations of Om chanting."

:bana: When drawing this geometry several years ago, the "door" seemed important but I didn't like the contrast
of circles to a rectangle. Nevertheless, the door stayed ... so I asked Perplexity this question today:

Q: What did Jesus say about doors?

"Jesus referred to himself as 'the door' in John 10:7-9, stating, 'I am the door of the sheep ... if anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.' This metaphor portrays Jesus as the only way to salvation and abundant life, just as a door provides the sole entrance to a sheepfold.

The Meaning of 'I Am the Door'

Jesus used the imagery of a sheepfold gate to illustrate his role as the true shepherd and protector of God's people (the sheep). In ancient times, shepherds would guide their flocks into a stone enclosure at night and lie across the opening, acting as the 'door' to guard against predators and thieves. By declaring 'I am the door,' Jesus was claiming to be:

The only legitimate access to God's kingdom and eternal life ('if anyone enters through me, he will be saved').

The provider of security and protection for his followers (the sheep). The one through whom his sheep can 'go in and out and find pasture,' experiencing freedom, provision and abundant life.

This metaphor reinforces Jesus' statement in John 14:6 that he is 'the way, the truth and the life' and that no one can come to God except through him. It highlights his unique role as the mediator between God and humanity"

:idea: Thus, this new symbolism suggests ...
- the cross is the way of salvation by the atonement.
- the door is the way of salvation by belief and faith.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: Py Day XIV design ("Square One ABC"),
updated in:
and in:

"When a^2 + b^2 = c^2, Pi + (4-Pi) = 4"

Redesign to highlight Pythagorean Theorem in this squared circle geometry.
( c^2 is included only as 1/4 for better display of other detail )

:bana: Why the geometry of a squared circle replicates
when circles are nested by sqrt(2) ...


Q: Considering that a square is inherent in a circle and a circle inherent in a square,
are Pi and sqrt(2) directly related?

"... While a square and a circle are different geometric shapes, they are related in the following ways:

Circumscribing a circle in a square: The diagonal length of a square is equal to the diameter of the largest circle
that can be inscribed within that square. This relationship involves both sqrt(2) and Pi.

Infinite series representations:

Both sqrt(2) and Pi have infinite series representations involving each other. For example:

Pi = 2√2 * 2√2+√2 * 2√2+√2+√2 * ... (an infinite continued fraction)
sqrt(2) = (1 + 1/3) * (1 - 1/5) * (1 + 1/7) * ... (an infinite product) ..."

:bana: Since Perplexity agrees, Pi must be precisely divisible by 4:
Area of D2 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795.. = Pi
Area of D1 = 0.78539816339744830961566084581988.. = Pi/4


Q: Given two circles of diameter = 2 and diameter = 1,
is the area for dIameter =1 not 1/4 the area of diameter = 2?

"... the area of the circle with diameter 1 is 1/4
of the area of the circle with diameter 2 ..." :D

:hithere Why Pi Are Square
(SoCS = Side of Circle's Square,
D/SoCS = 1.1283791670955125738961589031215..
= proof of squared circle) 8)

When D = 4, C = 4Pi, A = 4Pi, SoCS = 2(sqrt(Pi))
When D = 2, C = 2Pi, A = Pi, SoCS = sqrt(Pi)
When D = 1, C = 1Pi, A = Pi/4, SoCS = sqrt(Pi)/2

:study: Long traditional perspective about "squaring the circle" (constructing a square with the same area using only a compass and straightedge),
but does not acknowledge that squared circles exist theoretically when Diameter/SoCS is the constant 1.1283791670955125738961589031215.
Also, the question refers to a squared circle - not how the circle is squared. :roll:


Q: When a circle's diameter = 2, the side of that circle's square = sqrt(Pi).
Does this suggest 2/sqrt(Pi) = 1.1283791670955125738961589031215. is a constant
proving a circle is squared? And that 2/sqrt(Pi) defines both circle and its square?

"Squaring the Circle Problem in geometry attempting to construct a square with the same area as a given circle, using compass and straightedge.

Definition: Problem of constructing a square with the area of a given circle using a finite number of steps with a compass and straightedge.

Impossibility Proof: Proven impossible in 1882 due to the Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem, which established that Pi is a transcendental number.

Approximate Constructions: Although impossible, approximate constructions with non-perfect accuracy exist.

No, the statement 'When a circle's diameter = 2, the side of that circle's square = sqrt(Pi)' does not suggest that 2/sqrt(Pi) is a constant proving a circle is squared or that it defines both a circle and its square.

The ratio 2/sqrt(Pi) ≈ 1.1283791670955125738961589031215. arises from the relationship between the diameter of a circle and the side length of a square with the same area as the circle. Specifically:

- The area of a circle with diameter d is πd^2/4
- The area of a square with side length s is s^2
- Setting these two areas equal: πd^2/4 = s^2
- Substituting d = 2 (given diameter): π(2)^2/4 = s^2
- Solving for s: s = sqrt(π(2)^2/4) = sqrt(π) * 2/sqrt(4) = sqrt(π) * 2/2 = sqrt(π)

So when the diameter of a circle is 2, the side length of a square with the same area is sqrt(π) ≈ 1.7724538509055159. The ratio 2/sqrt(π) arises from rearranging this relationship, but it does not represent a fundamental constant or prove that the circle is 'squared' in the sense of constructing a square with the same area using only a compass and straightedge.

The problem of 'squaring the circle' refers to the geometric construction challenge of creating a square with the same area as a given circle using only an idealized compass and straightedge. This was proven impossible in 1882 based on the transcendental nature of π. So 2/sqrt(π) does not provide a solution to squaring the circle in this sense."

Ro ... :bike: ...
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