Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

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Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by happyrain »

Oh how terrible... I've been logged out and my hour long gesture toward writing was deleted. Sheesh!

... I am going to attempt to summarize what I was hoping to talk about.
In a ironic fashion we start with with a quote by Sri Yukteswar- Yoganandas Guru:

"Wrath springs from thwarted desires."

This can be found in Chapter 14 of Autobiography of a Yogi, "An Experience in Cosmic Consciousness" (perhaps another ironic moment... 14 is a spirit friend and way-shower for my self and others) ... r%2014.htm

It's a great chapter and I hope you take the time to read it.

I also want to share something from our dear friend Welles. His most recent piece on emotions is both comical and thought provoking.
When the emotional energy center is stagnant with desires and fears there is no room for the dynamic use that provides a continuously updated feel of the world around us. We might then try to reach outward toward someone or something only to have the energy blocked by our own limitations. Depending on the intensity of that rebuffed desire, our reaction falls somewhere on a sliding scale of frustration to anger. What we often perceive as ‘emotions’ are actually only reflections of the intensity of our attachments and defenses resulting in an inability to actually use our emotional centers! ... medium=web You'll have to read it in full to see why I find it comical (cue the turkey emoji) :lol:

In my previous attempt at a romantic relationship with a long time friend- things went sour. It's because we both started projecting our desires and expectations on the other. Nothing wrong with this, some couples willingly accept these energy dynamics in order to propel themselves along the journey. I personally believe every experience that happens, no matter its outcome, is for the benefit of understanding the reality of our being. I do think this life is a journey and an opportunity for growth. Ego is what we're endowed with, I don't see it as an enemy. I believe I am both a material and spiritual being. They can exist in harmony. Peace, for me, has come in recognizing my limitations or being graced by some profound experience less burdened by the constant-fulfillment seeking Ego. Yet I am with Ego and here for the ride~ My hope is to recognize those moments of Divine Love and to cultivate awareness.

I believe the majority of life is attitude. Geoff, if you're reading- I have seen your continued importance placed on the words divine love. It's a curious concept to me. What is divine love? We all carry unique ideas, perspectives or attitudes. What's considered divine to one may be mundane to another. Could a couple close calls with what we call death have changed a persons perspective? We don't know. But we know that we can experience the same thing differently.

I had typed up so much! I can't remember all of what I had written... So I am simply going to redirect this focus on the concepts of love and divine love quoting an excerpt from chapter 14 of Autobiography of a Yogi. I will interject with additional comments/ideas should anyone take an interest in this thread! :alien:
"I want to know, sir—when shall I find God?"

"You have found Him."

"O no, sir, I don't think so!"

My guru was smiling. "I am sure you aren't expecting a venerable Personage, adorning a throne in some antiseptic corner of the cosmos! I see, however, that you are imagining that the possession of miraculous powers is knowledge of God. One might have the whole universe, and find the Lord elusive still! Spiritual advancement is not measured by one's outward powers, but only by the depth of his bliss in meditation.

"Ever-new Joy is God. He is inexhaustible; as you continue your meditations during the years, He will beguile you with an infinite ingenuity. Devotees like yourself who have found the way to God never dream of exchanging Him for any other happiness; He is seductive beyond thought of competition.

"How quickly we weary of earthly pleasures! Desire for material things is endless; man is never satisfied completely, and pursues one goal after another. The 'something else' he seeks is the Lord, who alone can grant lasting joy.

"Outward longings drive us from the Eden within; they offer false pleasures which only impersonate soul-happiness. The lost paradise is quickly regained through divine meditation. As God is unanticipatory Ever-Newness, we never tire of Him. Can we be surfeited with bliss, delightfully varied throughout eternity?"

"I understand now, sir, why saints call the Lord unfathomable. Even everlasting life could not suffice to appraise Him."

"That is true; but He is also near and dear. After the mind has been cleared by Kriya Yoga of sensory obstacles, meditation furnishes a twofold proof of God. Ever-new joy is evidence of His existence, convincing to our very atoms. Also, in meditation one finds His instant guidance, His adequate response to every difficulty."

"I see, Guruji; you have solved my problem." I smiled gratefully. "I do realize now that I have found God, for whenever the joy of meditation has returned subconsciously during my active hours, I have been subtly directed to adopt the right course in everything, even details."

"Human life is beset with sorrow until we know how to tune in with the Divine Will, whose 'right course' is often baffling to the egoistic intelligence. God bears the burden of the cosmos; He alone can give unerring counsel."
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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Starwalker »

Love is what I got for you. But it leaves you if you don’t care for it. And I think divine love is the same. If it isn’t reciprocated, it doesn’t amount to anything. God loves us all. When we don’t love him back, he still loves us. But we have then deprived ourselves of receiving that love which would nourish and grow us into eternal life. And it is that same love which gives us the choice to do this. Because if it has to be forced or coerced, then it isn’t love at all, it’s control.
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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by happyrain »

Hi Jon,

Thanks for your reply here~
Yes- at times, we deprive ourselves of Gods love more than we realize. But I believe whole-heartedly that God gives us Love in all ways. It takes time in stillness to appreciate or even recognize what those ways are. Even more time, patience, to align ourselves with that subtle guidance. It would appear that there really is a type of evolution with regards to Love- that there is a difference in love / divine love. A difference being a love that gives freely and guides us even after our continual err or choosing to satisfy our lesser desires. To me, it's all quite natural.

I disagree when you say unreciprocated love doesn't amount to anything. I have had many unreciprocated loves. It's all been for *something. I believe when we experience or realize the ways in which God has always been there... Is present even now. Our heartaches become important, everything can be viewed as an opportunity to grow closer towards God. Towards realizing our true nature.

I think of the trees or the flowers which give their essence to the world freely. They do not require anything from anyone. Then I think of Love form parents- like that of a Mother who serves her children before her. And, it blows my mind to think of the unseen Living Spirit guiding me all these years- leading me to real discovery and insight.

Although in my previous post I say I do not think of Ego as an enemy- I do not disagree with the ancient spiritual philosophies that see Ego as a major roadblock on the way to love. I suppose it's all part of this "Divine Play" the "evolution" itself- a catalyst or means to an end... ?

Tonight I decided to look towards my Sufi friend and seek his wisdom on the meaning of, "Divine Love"
He replies...
It is natural for a lover to become infatuated with someone whom he admires, with whom he desires union. But no one object in the world is so perfect as fully to satisfy the aspiration of the loving heart. This is the stumbling-block that causes every beginner in love to fall. The successful travelers on the path of love are those whose love is so beautiful that it provides all the beauty that their ideal lacks. The lover by doing this in time rises above the changeable and limited beauty of the beloved, but begins to see into the beloved's inner being. In other words, the exterior of the beloved was only a means of drawing the love out of the heart of the lover, but the love led him from the external to the innermost being of the ideal of his love. When in the ideal the lover has realized the unlimited and perfect Being, whether he loves man or God, he is in fact in either case a blissful lover.

When love is true it takes away selfishness, for this is the only solution to wipe off the ego. The English phrase 'to fall in love' conveys the idea of the true nature of love. It is a fall indeed from the pedestal of the ego to the ground of nothingness, but at the same time it is this fall which leads to a rise, for as low as the lover falls so high he rises in the end. The lover falls in love as a seed is thrown in the ground. Both appear to be destroyed, but both in time spring up and flourish and bear fruit for the ever-hungry world.

Man's greatest enemy in the world is his ego, the thought of self. This is the germ from which springs all evil in man. Even the virtues of the egoist turn into sin, and his small sins into great crimes. All religions and philosophies teach man to crush it, and there is nothing that can crush it better than love. The growth of love is the decay of the ego. Love in its perfection entirely frees the lover from all selfishness, for love may be called in other words annihilation. 'Whoever enters the school of lovers, the first lesson he learns is not to be.'
The full excerpt can be read here:
Volume V - Spiritual Liberty
Chapter VI
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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

Yes, I agree that there is a purpose to unrequited human love. Every scar on this old ticker tells a tale. It's all a part of our learning experience. But a loving person shouldn't stay with someone who doesn't return the affection. Though, I'm sure this does happen, I don't think it's fair, and would be lacking in self love. I probably could have made that post a little clearer, but I was referring to God's love when I wrote that if love isn't reciprocated it doesn't amount to anything. We can go on for a long time, but eventually the path will end if we do not love God. This is the path of self annihilation. The path to eternal life is found through receiving the divine affection and returning it through true worship. And all the worship of all the creatures of all time and space combined cannot come close to the love that the Father has for us. But it befalls each of us to complete the love circuit and be lead ever inwards towards Paradise.

God bless,
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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Geoff »

happyrain wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:25 pm I believe the majority of life is attitude. Geoff, if you're reading- I have seen your continued importance placed on the words divine love. It's a curious concept to me. What is divine love? We all carry unique ideas, perspectives or attitudes. What's considered divine to one may be mundane to another. Could a couple close calls with what we call death have changed a persons perspective? We don't know. But we know that we can experience the same thing differently. He alone can give unerring counsel."
Well certainly many people use the word divine love without using it in the way I understand it. But its interesting you found Sri Yukteswar. He absolutely knew about Divine Love and taught Yogananda who also did, but now there is the organisation called the Self Realisation Foundation - SRF who purport to teach you via "Kriya" to feel Divine Love. But while I have not done that course, I did have the entire set of written teachings that are secret and I am not supposed to have them. Nothing, nothing remotely about Divine Love there. Reminds me how the churches lost Jesus teachings. Because they approached things intellectually and mindfully but God's Love is only reached via FEELING. So then someone told me the final step in Kriya is one on one and not in print. Yeah! Firstly why is this secret? Because its not supposed to be. And if the written preparation lasting many weeks has nothing useful why do you initiate people into something they have not prepared for? nah.

For what its worth we asked if the late Sai Baba who certainly appeared to understand Divine Love although he called it "Bakthi" was maybe the most advanced being on the planet. And thus should have passed to a very high sphere after death. No says Sri Yukteswar, he was not. He passed to the fourth and friends of mine who REALLY did understand how to obtain this energy we call Divine Love passed to the fifth. So the Padgett Messages work. IF YOU DO THE WORK. And its not an overnight thing. Its a lifetime commitment.

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

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Thanks Geoff, I'm glad you found an interest.

How would you describe divine love?
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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Geoff »

happyrain wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:49 am
How would you describe divine love?
An eternal energy that is actually a part of the Divine Source, which is not "delivered" unless the human extends their natural love towards their concept of the Divine. Its irrelevant as to whether this concept is "real". But without a desire to be loving to a "Source," this cannot occur.

Since the human is soul, but not yet Divine, it is by the continued receipt of this Divine Energy that slowly that soul becomes totally changed into a Divine Soul similar to the Source, yet not Source. Its typically received "drop by drop" although as your soul grows the drops get bigger.

At that point (I think) its possible to avoid death when passing to the next stage of one's progression, which is of course eternal, once that soul is eternal. From a religious point of view, this energy is delivered by what is called "The Holy Spirit" which is not a sentient entity, but the means by which the Divine shares itself with the human souls.

It is not uncommon for the religious to describe events when they indeed receive a strong enough dose as "being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit." A spectacular example was Pentecost. So this soul transformation can occur, and does occur without a mindal understanding. It is driven purely by emotion, not intellect.

The truly sad thing is that if humans actually all knew about this process, and meditated daily maybe 2 hours a day, they could get a very long way to the transition point in maybe 10 or 15 years. Take Yogananda. He absolutely knew of this energy, taught Kriya Yoga to help people achieve these inflowings. Yet he passed to the 4th Sphere meaning he did not himself do enough of this process. Still, the 4th is excellent when you consider 90% or more humans go to the 1st Sphere. In fact TUB suggests we all go there. Which is true in as much as the arrival area is in the 1st, but if you qualify for higher you simply "board the train" to where your first spirit home is located.

Does this change a person? ABSOLUTELY. I attest to that.

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

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:scratch: Did you recently share that the UB's indwelling Thought Adjuster is not the source of this Divine energy?

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Geoff »

Amigoo wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:48 am :scratch: Did you recently share that the UB's indwelling Thought Adjuster is not the source of this Divine energy?

Rod ;)
No I shared something different. That the Thought Adjuster is not a valid construct and is a mindal confusion of the powers of the soul and the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless the soul is but a recipient of the Divine Love, brought by the Holy Spirit. So if you like, the TA has been created as a concept to replicate that which the Holy Spirit does but of course it is more than that conceptually and ventures into soul territory also.

Of course you can continue to believe in TA's if you so choose. Divine Love will reach your soul, provided only that you extend your love regularly to Source. As I said, we dont have to get the mechanism correct in our minds, for this transformation to work as its not a mindal thing. But for those souls who do not extend love to Source, the soul is not transformed and will not progress higher than the 6th Mansion world.

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

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Thanks for a different perspective of the TA,
albeit TA seems foundational to UB instruction.
Even the incarnated Jesus received his TA:

"In something more than a year after the return to Nazareth the boy Jesus arrived at the age of his first personal
and wholehearted moral decision; and there came to abide with him a Thought Adjuster, a divine gift of the Paradise Father,
which had aforetime served with Machiventa Melchizedek, thus gaining the experience of functioning in connection with
the incarnation of a supermortal being living in the likeness of mortal flesh. This event occurred on February 11, 2 B.C."
(123:2.1, Jesus was 4 1/2)

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Sandy »

The most profound spiritual experience of my life occurred in May of 2005 when I was washing dishes by hand at my kitchen sink.
By this time in my life, with stillness practice, I was able to "hear" the voices of a variety of celestials. But this kitchen sink experience was by far something extremely different from such...It was all-encompassing, welling up from within in such a tidal way of feeling, emotion, and power that I wept with joy of it... and I heard words... so personal that I do not wish to share them. But I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, it came from my TA... a first joyful communication that changed the direction and even the fabric of my life.

Experience. Our experiences shape us and even direct us as to what we read, what we chhose to see, where we go, and what we think, even contributing to our expanding identity, in a way.
So, with that, I do not believe there is a right or wrong in spiritual realms where love is central, directed, and intuited by the minds of men and women looking to understand their Creator and their relationship in the mortal realms.

As Geoff suggested, perhaps it does not matter if one believes in a TA. Many people live their whole lives not even knowing they exist. But shoot, it is hard for me to disbelieve in my own loving gift of the Father when She has spoken to me with such love and power from within my very essence. To disbelieve now would be like saying my experiences are a sham and mean nothing. That the life work of my husband and now mine mean nothing when the TA underpins everything.

But you see, often experience is a key to what we believe and our experiences vary in so many ways. If a person so chooses not to spend effort in knowing their TA, does not even believe they exist, it does not cheapen their contribution to spirit understanding or devalue their path to the Creator of all. We are mortal beings with material brains barely able to scratch the surface of the Infinite God. So what if some people scratch in one place or another?

But, I would like to share some URLs for those who want to know more about Thought Adjusters and their relationship to their human charges. The reading can be complex but worth the time to peruse it thoroughly.
Knowing about Thought Adjusters and knowing personally your Thought Adjuster are two different things. I heartily recommend the pursuit of the latter.

With love,

Paper 107
Origin and Nature of Thought Adjusters ... -adjusters

Paper 108
Mission and Ministry of Thought Adjusters ... -adjusters

Paper 109
Relation of Adjusters to Universe Creatures ... -creatures

Paper 110
Relation of Adjusters to Individual Mortals ... al-mortals

Paper 111
The Adjuster and the Soul ... r-and-soul
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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by happyrain »

What a wonderful post, and thank you for sharing such an awesome experience. :sunflower:

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Starwalker »

Sandy, I really enjoyed reading about your experiences with your Thought Adjuster. Lately, I've been having many moments of joy that bring tears to my eyes. I know what Geoff is referring to when he says it's about emotion. Feeling love for God allows us to feel His love. And it's truly beyond words. I have shared many experiences here, but my inner life is far richer than anything I could possibly express. And I know that it is my Indweller who is responsible for this growth in me. I still struggle with negative thoughts and guilt sometimes. But I'm learning to deal with these thoughts with patience and gentleness. Also, accepting the guilty verdict without fear is helping me to overcome it. Last night in particular was a bit of a dark night of the soul. There may be pain in the night, but the joy still comes in the morning.

In our current stage of existence, pain and love seem to go hand in hand. When we love, we open ourselves to the possibility of getting hurt. We can't experience true love while hiding behind the walls around our hearts. True love requires vulnerability and the courage to face the risk of pain. Since we are still imperfect in all our ways, it is inevitable that we will falter sometimes. But true love forgives easily because it desires to keep its flame alive. These words seem a bit like poetry in prose and it may take a poet to describe love and desire, but thankfully they aren't the only ones to feel it. God's love is available to all.
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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Geoff »

Amigoo wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 9:39 am Even the incarnated Jesus received his TA:
Yet you are using as proof the very source I claim comes from low level humanoid sources. To my knowledge not a single external - truly external- corroboration exists independently. Something I was a pains to find in the case of the concepts in Padgett. Yes Team got some stuff but what I found fascinating about Team is the emphasis was always on “stillness” something I would happily accept as complimentary to my own approach. It focused on process as indeed one should

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Geoff »

Sandy wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 5:45 pm
As Geoff suggested, perhaps it does not matter if one believes in a TA. Many people live their whole lives not even knowing they exist. But shoot, it is hard for me to disbelieve in my own loving gift of the Father when She has spoken to me with such love and power from within my very essence. To disbelieve now would be like saying my experiences are a sham and mean nothing. That the life work of my husband and now mine mean nothing when the TA underpins everything.
I would say you are hearing from your soul, and yes its is completely loving. Some people call it their "Higher self", and you call it a TA? That part is unimportant. A wonderful story by the way. Lovely.

The only niggle I would have is the soul is very reluctant to interfere in any way, and its very easy for the mind to keep it out of the way. But the term "thought adjuster" and "mystery monitor" sounded quite interfering to me, but of course it doesn't have to be seen like that. The soul is always wanting you to take the highest possible option in any situation. But until you actually move all your will from the mind to the soul, its not in charge. And at that point you are a Christ being, because only love comes out of you. Nothing else is possible. And that puts you in vibration at the Seventh Dimension. And beyond the Mansion Worlds. Because you are now a perfected being in sync with the Divine, doing only the will of the Divine.

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

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:study: The UB instructs that the human soul is born - does not pre-exist - and with the guidance of the "divine spirit within" can attain immortality. Thus, the soul is born and begins maturing during the human's Urantia lifetime:

"A human mind discerning right and wrong and possessing the capacity to worship God, in union with a divine Adjuster, is all that is required in that mortal to initiate and foster the production of his immortal soul of survival qualities if such a spirit-endowed individual seeks God and sincerely desires to become like him, honestly elects to do the will of the Father in heaven." (5:5.14)

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Geoff »

Amigoo wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:40 am :study: The UB instructs that the human soul is born - does not pre-exist - and with the guidance of the "divine spirit within" can attain immortality. Thus, the soul is born and begins maturing during the human's Urantia lifetime:
And Jesus says it does? I am afraid I will always take the word of a being as highly evolved as Jesus over 4D to 5D beings who do not have an evolved soul themselves.

The purpose of a soul coming to a material world

And some more clarification is offered by Apostle Luke:
Apostle Luke wrote:The soul, in its existence prior to becoming an indweller in the mortal body, has a consciousness of its existence and of its relationship to God and to other parts of the Great Soul, and more especially of the duplex character of its being;
Found here.

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks, Geoff!

Luke certainly presents a different concept of soul,
suggesting the UB and Padgett are very different paths
to comprehension of the spiritual universe. :o

Yet you are using as proof the very source I claim comes from low level humanoid sources.
Yes, my references about TA are from the UB, but George channeled a message
from The Scribe also comfirming the presence of TAs:

Re: ... 01#p216701

Subject: “Those Almost Immediately Eligible” — Part One.
Message received by George Barnard.
“Humans must have Adjusters."

I will always take the word of a being as highly evolved as Jesus over 4D to 5D beings
This 4D, 5D terminology is difficult to comprehend - what other humans have written
about the Padgett messages that can be compared/contrasted for similarity?

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Geoff »

Amigoo wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:23 am
This 4D, 5D terminology is difficult to comprehend - what other humans have written
about the Padgett messages that can be compared/contrasted for similarity?

I really actually have difficulty with the notion that you have difficulty with "dimensions" as levels of consciousness. :scratch:

I did my very best here, to explain these things and the only thing that cannot confuse you is I use the word "Sphere" not "Mansion World" because that is the word the world outside TUB uses. Bear in mind I would expect Jesus is at 12D.

As for other sources, not only do we know them, we have corroboration that several were intended to be supportive of Padgett, yet received across the world from him, not available to him during his life, and vice versa.

Robert James Lees with 3 volumes

Rev George Vale Owen with five or six volumes (I published them as five.)

and an outlier Anthony Borgia which is extremely popular, being the communication of a well known Catholic Monsignor. He created several books, depending how you count them, as many as nine.

In addition to these books I found several spiritual outreaches using different words but all actually drawing in Divine Love as I understand that term. Obviously Yogananda was one. Their names escape me now. I lost interest after finding sufficient to tell me Padgett may have been the most articulate, but this is not a unique concept. In fact the New Testament if read closely is very supportive of this concept. Naturally. The issue is that the religions have twisted their interpretations to suit their framework.

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks, Geoff!
Bear in mind I would expect Jesus is at 12D.
:lol: I sense some relationship in "the difficulty" to wearing bifocals,
needing trifocals, with later advancement to dodecafocals. :roll:

:study: Apparently, your knowledge of specific dimensions is not from the Padgett messages:


Q: What do the Padgett messages say about dimensions?

"The Padgett messages do not appear to directly discuss dimensions in a physical or scientific sense. However, they do mention spiritual dimensions and the process of soul transformation. Specifically, the messages describe the soul as initially being an 'image of divinity' and needing to undergo a transformation process to become a truly divine soul. This is referred to as achieving the 'New Birth' or becoming an 'angel of God'. The key to this soul transformation is described as the inflowing of the Divine Love from God through fervent prayer.

The Divine Love is said to literally transform the soul from the image of divinity into a divine substance. While not explicitly about spatial dimensions, this could be interpreted as the soul existing in a limited spiritual 'dimension' initially, and through the Divine Love progressing to a higher or more divine spiritual dimension or state of being. However, the messages do not provide detailed explanations about the nature of these spiritual dimensions or states. The focus is primarily on the process of soul transformation through obtaining the Divine Love."

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Geoff »

Amigoo wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:43 pm
:lol: I sense some relationship in "the difficulty" to wearing bifocals,
needing trifocals, with later advancement to dodecafocals. :roll:

That AI bot is as confused as you are about the word "dimension" in the defined sense used. Its most definately not increasingly spatial. Although its a half decent summary. And yes its not in Padgett. In fact its not even something many of my DL colleagues know about or are even interested in.

For what its worth:
Dimensions are a level of what might be called outer reality for the group of souls at that level of consciousness. So these reflect a group of beings at this specific level of consciousness.
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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks, Geoff!

Since AI systems are trained on what humans post on the internet,
AI simply reflects what most humans currently know and believe :!:

That they're not aware of Padgett and related enlightenment
is good guidance for those who seek that other awareness. ;)

That you seem to be a guru of this new enlightenment
is impressive and fortuitous that you share online! 8)

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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by happyrain »

Mornin' y'all = )

Geoff this quote reminds me of what we've been talking about.

Escaping the Mind

Divine Love

August 11th, 2009

" The mind of man is not a tool which is created to engage in that truth that goes beyond fact and enters into essence. Therefore, the seeker who wishes to engage the will at the level of spirituality is well served by a daily practice which removes the self from the kingdom of the mind and brings the self into the kingdom of the heart. Thusly, it is to the heart the seeker shall most beneficially turn, walking through the outer courtyard of the heart and gathering all of his humanity in order that he may lay it down in the inner sanctum of the heart in which he may tabernacle with the infinite One. There is surcease there from the ways of the world. There is release from the tyranny of the mind. There is acceptance of all of the imperfect-seeming self by a love so great that it has called you and the creation into being. " ... tml#p32528
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: Desires and Emotion; Love and Divine Love

Post by Geoff »

Yup that’s 100% on the money. Thanks for the great quote. By the way I stumbled on a message about Will on and it was awesome. While tending to the intellectual, the channeling is of a very high standard, and the subtleties of the source appear to get through the intellectualism. Having read further I see they are the source of the "Ra" material that I did not find overly good. Maybe the time was not right?

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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