World Views

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

"OpenAI SHOCKS Everyone 'GODLIKE Powers' and MAGIC Abilities"

:idea: Predicted timeline: ChatGPT > AGI > ASI (by 2026?)
(Artificial General Intelligence, Artificial Super Intelligence)

First thought ...

Current AI advancement is not reflected in healthier humans
(we maintain preferred eating and lifestyle habits which do not
promote a longer lifespan with super health) ... all hinting that
robots will be the typical populace in many areas. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ed-as-woke
"Google loses $70 BILLION in market value with stock prices falling as much as 4.4 percent" :o

"We have taken the feature offline while we fix that. We are hoping to have that back online very shortly"

:idea: AI is created by humans using petabytes of datasets created from various human posting online. ;)

:roll: Only petabytes of rules may keep AI advancing toward real simulation of human intelligence.
And such rules will probably be necessary for AGI (as well as ASI or any near term A-Sans-I).
Also, "70 billion" suggests AI investors already expect tasty return on their investment
... and this necessarily translates to significant fees for usage of AI systems :!:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... s-by-2025/
"Chinese President Xi has called for the mass production of humanoids by 2025"

:idea: Promoted as future support for humans, but with not-so-subtle
messaging that AI-assisted robots can replace MANY human jobs :!:

At least, a robot dog can walk itself sans poop collection. 8)
And currently, humans will be needed as token masters
to promote the mass marketing of these robots. :roll:

:scratch: Curiously, who will have the money to purchase robots
and other AI products & services when they have no job? :?

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -released/

"Dengue fever has spiked fourfold in Brazil in 2024 following the release of millions
of gene-edited mosquitos by the United Nations’ World Mosquito Program."

:idea: Regarding still-experimental gene editing ...
"No pain! No gain!" apparently. :roll:

Best guess: There's already new medicine for the fever. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -real-time

"Wendy's is about to test a surge pricing model similar to Uber, in which the cost of menu items will fluctuate
throughout the day on 'high-tech menu boards' that can update prices in real-time, meaning a burger and fries
will cost people more during the lunch or dinner rush than slower times of day" :o

:bana: Fascinating new technology that might be applied to all products and services!
Just imagine! A morning Hooter (burger) would be cheaper than an evening Hooter
... at least until consumers learn to control their surges. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... efits.html

"matcha can be a healthy addition to your diet, as long as you’re mindful of how much sugar and other unhealthful ingredients
you’re consuming along with it ... And if you eat a lot of fast food or smoke cigarettes regularly, don’t expect matcha
to counteract those unhealthy choices." :o

:idea: However, "Frequent Fast Food" is not necessarily another 4Fs caution. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

OMG! I just learned that AI Perplexity has meaning and value. ;)

Re: ... aili-tulzc

"If you need the latest and most accurate information, Perplexity AI is probably better. But if you like chatting
and getting creative answers, ChatGPT might be more fun. Perplexity AI and ChatGPT are amazing at what they do.
The best one for you depends on what you need. Try both and see which one you like more. Just remember to check
the information they give you, because they can sometimes make mistakes." :roll:

:idea: Interesting caveat: "they sometimes make mistakes".
How would you know the information is incorrect :?:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re:

Q: Why is this AI named "Perplexity" :?:

"The AI is named 'Perplexity' because it is based on a fundamental concept in natural language processing and machine learning.
Perplexity is a numerical measure that evaluates how well a language model predicts a given set of data, such as text samples.
In the context of AI, perplexity quantifies the uncertainty or 'perplexity' of the model when attempting to predict the next word
or sequence of words in a text."

:idea: It's probably well known by now that AI predicts - not reasons as a human! However, AI systems seem to predict
better than some humans reason. Therefore we might predict that Perplexity will soon be a Google Gobbler. That this AI
does not limit access to the internet barnyard as does Google ("they say"), suggests its increasingly popular perspicacity. 8)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... rants.html
"They are not migrants, they are 'newcomers' " :o

:idea: The problem with new terminology to replace politically incorrect terms
is that complementary new terminology can then be created. For example,
border patrol authorities can now be defined as the "Welcome Wagon". :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Good evidence that AI responses still need careful evaluation :!:

In this research, the medical article (2023) proves that mRNA can be delivered to the monkey's brain
via lipid nanoparticles. Apparently, the AI response is popularity-biased synthesis of internet information
(or information not yet inclusive of recent medical research). :o

Question answered by Perplexity AI ...

Q: What is the Covid spike protein?

"There is no evidence that the spike protein or mRNA vaccines accumulate in organs like the ovaries or brain."

Research using Google ...

Re: ... 23)00036-9
"Brain gene therapy with Trojan horse lipid nanoparticles" (March, 2023)

"Expression of a transgene in the brain in vivo requires the THL to mediate the delivery of the plasmid DNA across three membranes in series: the BBB, the brain cell plasma membrane, and the brain cell nuclear membrane. This was demonstrated in the adult rhesus monkey following IV administration of 12 μg/kg plasmid DNA encapsulated within HIRMAb targeted THLs. The plasmid DNA encoded bacterial β-galactosidase (lacZ) under the influence of the widely expressed SV40 promoter. At 48 h after injection of the SV40-lacZ plasmid DNA encapsulated within THLs, the brain and peripheral organs were removed and examined with X-gal histochemistry. Global expression of the lacZ transgene throughout the primate brain was observed."

Today's conclusion ...

Perplexity and similar AI synthesizing is like Wikipedia with its human-authored synthesis.
"You get what you pay for!" comes to mind (pay = determination/quality of your own research) :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: More evidence that all internet information still needs careful evaluation :!:

Medical experts have for years discussed the Covid spike protein and the related vaccines' spike protein, but some of them are suddenly distancing themselves from that ("the spike protein has not been isolated - it does not exist"). Far too much expert science (re: DNA-level studies, etc.) has proven for several years that this protein exists with increasing variations. To now claim that it does not exist hints of pressure to unbelieve the science. :roll:

:idea: Obviously, "Do your own research! continually! with different sources!" is this decade's new mantra. Tip: Some AI commentary has noted that recent AI systems are not (yet) influenced by "political correctness". LOL: Like Schrödinger's Cat, AI information is now both accurate and inaccurate? Obviously, we'll need new vitamins to know the truth, but what? Spiritual vitamins? ;)

Question answered by Perplexity AI ...

Q: What is the Covid vaccine spike protein?

"The spike protein is a crucial component in COVID-19 vaccines. When a person receives an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, the vaccine prompts the body's cells to produce a harmless piece of the spike protein found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. This spike protein piece is then displayed on the cell's surface, triggering the immune system to produce antibodies and activate immune cells to fight off what it perceives as an infection."

LOL: But the Cat purrs that the "harmless piece of spike" is also a "toxic piece of ...". :lol:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... o-comments
"Wendy's Walks Back 'Surge Pricing' Report"

"the confusion lies over whether 'dynamic pricing' and 'surge pricing' are actually different terms"

:scratch: Best guess: 'preference pricing" will prevail
where customer chooses other dining options
... at other restaurants. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: "The Memory Cure" by Majid Fotuhi, M.D., 2003
Chapter 2 - Understanding The Aging Brain, p.26

"Each individual neuron receives thousands to millions of input (synapses) from other neurons
and can itself send out thousands to millions of synapses." :o

:idea: Considering that the brain contains 86 billion neurons (re: Perplexity) and that these synapses
exchange various neurotransmitters (e.g., acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, histamine,
epinephrine, gamma-aminobutyric acid), that AI can simulate human intelligence ("they say") is probable
... in thousands to millions of years! :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: AI Farm Humor ...

If AI is not simulated human intelligence, then what is it :?:
"Farmed" comes to mind, with harvesting and winnowing.

:idea: But humans as the authors of online text planted
those many seeds which grow as core intelligence
... which is then harvested by AI, then winnowed
to extract the tasty morsels for its predictions
... now promoted as "human intelligence". :roll:

:scratch: Who knew? Farm fertilizer nurtures
the best of AI and its humor. :D

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:hithere Testing quality of Perplexity responses. This response complements research with Google and highlights that THC detection is minimal but not insignificant. And this response notes that hemp seed oil is another possible cause of THC detection after consumption. Bottom line: "testing positive is generally low" suggests avoiding hemp seed/oil consumption if ANY risk of testing positive is not acceptable (e.g., for employment qualification).

Similar concern needing research: Does minimal detection suggest that
recreational marijuana was stopped in order to qualify for employment :?:
"I toked but did not inhale." may not be believable. :lol:

:study: Re:

Q: Is THC in hemp seeds detectable after consumption?

"After consuming hemp seeds, THC can stay in your system for varying durations depending on factors like dosage, frequency of use, and metabolism. THC metabolites can be detected in urine tests for cannabis anywhere from several days to several months after the last consumption. Studies have shown that even with daily ingestion of low THC doses equivalent to about 125 mL of hemp oil, the levels detected in urine remain below the confirmation cutoff used in federal drug testing programs. Notably, individuals who eat hemp seeds as a health food without using marijuana typically do not test positive for THC in routine drug tests unless consuming large amounts of seeds. Therefore, while THC can be detectable in your system after consuming hemp seeds, the likelihood of testing positive is generally low unless significant quantities are consumed."

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Testing where Perplexity ( ) will go with these questions.

Q: Is Jesus' birthday in the Urantia Book the better day to celebrate as Christmas?

"The Urantia Book states that Jesus was born at noon on August 21, 7 B.C. This differs from the traditional celebration of Christmas on December 25th, which has historical roots in various winter solstice celebrations. While some Urantia Book readers choose to celebrate Christ's birth on August 21st, there is no definitive directive in the book to change the date of Christmas celebration. The choice of when to celebrate Christmas remains a matter of personal or religious preference rather than a mandate from The Urantia Book."

Q: Is it still important to "go slow" in Urantia Book dissemination?

"In the dissemination of the Urantia Book, there is a significant emphasis on taking a gradual approach. This approach involves providing materials that cater to beginners and intermediate levels, offering summaries of key concepts, discussing the life and teachings of Jesus, and creating content that spans different levels of understanding. Additionally, efforts are being made to utilize the internet for public outreach, recognizing it as a crucial platform for sharing the book in today's world. The history of the Urantia movement also reflects a consideration for a measured dissemination strategy."

:cheers: Thus endeth evaluation of Perplexity as a Google substitute or adjunct. Perplexity (free version)
seems like Google but with AI-selected sources and brief but meaningful summary of those sources. 8)

:scratch: I couldn't resist just one more UB question! Fascinating response
since Melchizedek is not mentioned in the two Rodan Papers!

Q: What is the school of Meganta in the Urantia Book?

"In the Urantia Book, the school of Meganta is associated with Machiventa Melchizedek, who taught elementary revealed truth at Salem for ninety-four years. Meganta is mentioned in the context of future uncertainties on Urantia, where there are speculations about the return of various significant figures like Magisterial Sons and Trinity Teacher Sons. Additionally, it is suggested that Machiventa Melchizedek may have a significant role in the future, possibly taking the place of fallen Planetary Prince Caligastia or representing Christ Michael as Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia."

OMG! Is Perplexity channeling a near term event on 606 of Satania?
That Machiventa would inaugurate such a school is believable. ;)

:scratch: I couldn't resist just one more UB question! Fascinating response
since Melchizedek is not mentioned in the two Rodan Papers!

Q: What is the school of Meganta in the Urantia Book?

"In the Urantia Book, the school of Meganta is associated with Machiventa Melchizedek, who taught elementary revealed truth at Salem for ninety-four years. Meganta is mentioned in the context of future uncertainties on Urantia, where there are speculations about the return of various significant figures like Magisterial Sons and Trinity Teacher Sons. Additionally, it is suggested that Machiventa Melchizedek may have a significant role in the future, possibly taking the place of fallen Planetary Prince Caligastia or representing Christ Michael as Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia."

OMG! Is Perplexity channeling a near term event on 606 of Satania?
That Machiventa would inaugurate such a school is believable.

:scratch: I couldn't resist just one more piece of good AI cake!

Q: What religions does the Urantia Book appeal to?

"The Urantia Book appeals to various religions including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism. While some consider followers of The Urantia Book as a branch of Christianity due to their focus on the life and teachings of Jesus, they also identify themselves as Jesusonians and differ in significant ways from traditional Christian teachings.

The book aims to unify scientific knowledge and religious truth, emphasizing the religion of Jesus over the religion about Jesus. Additionally, The Urantia Book presents a comprehensive view of religion as an evolutionary and unifying force that organizes the soul for dynamic service and spiritual growth. It acknowledges the contributions of various religious figures throughout history like Melchizedek of Salem and Jesus of Nazareth while emphasizing the evolving nature of religious beliefs and practices"

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: I rationalized one more test before the day ends ... but no more since the trend clearly hints that Perplexity curiosity can easily fatbrain a cat of limited personal storage. And speaking of fatbrain, this quick research cautions bitcoin aficionados that their own computer costs will increase rapidly as they keep participating in bitcoin.

(apparently, Perplexity responded about Bitcoin one of the many cryptocurrencies - not bitcoin in general).

Q: Can every bitcoin be traced back to its creation date?

"Yes, every Bitcoin transaction can be traced back to its creation date. Bitcoin transactions are traceable due to the transparency of Bitcoin's blockchain, where every transaction is publicly stored and recorded. Through blockchain explorers like Etherscan, In all these explorers, and Koinly, users can easily track Bitcoin transactions, revealing details such as the amount sent and the addresses involved in the transaction. While individual users can remain pseudonymous, their transaction history can still be traced through analysis of the blockchain, allowing for the tracking of money flows and identifying the amounts sent, dates, and wallets involved. Despite the common belief that Bitcoin transactions are anonymous, it is becoming increasingly difficult to conduct them anonymously due to the transparency of the blockchain and the implementation of Know Your Customer (KYC) rules in many countries."

Q: Will a bitcoin user's computer require more storage capacity as all bitcoin transactions increase?

"As all Bitcoin transactions increase, a user's computer will require more storage capacity to accommodate the growing size of the blockchain ledger. The Bitcoin blockchain size has been expanding rapidly, with the ledger reaching around 250 GB in recent years and growing at a rate of almost 50 GB per year. For a 100 transactions per second (TPS) level of blockchain activity, approximately 0.659 TiB of storage per year is needed, based on an estimate of 5 KB per transaction. The minimum disk space recommended for running Bitcoin Core software is 350 GB, with daily download and upload rates of 500 MB and 5 GB respectively. As the blockchain ledger size increases due to more transactions being added, users may need to upgrade their storage capacity to ensure smooth operation and participation in the Bitcoin network."

:scratch: Best guess: When the world converts traditional currencies to bitcoin (the many), each bitcoin's ledger size will increase rapidly requiring serious storage on a personal computer! This hints that a separate device (computer?) would be best for bitcoin transactions that, by design, need to consult that entire ledger. And that hardware/software/networks will occasionally need quantum leaps in design to process the ungodly number of transactions ...
all stored in perpetuity. :shock:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... diles.html
"Time to feed the Crocodiles" :o

:scratch: How many seconds does the feeder have to escape if the crocs
rush to the bucket? And gives "Kicked the bucket." new meaning. ;)

:idea: Regarding life in the fast lane ...
Are you a Croc or Croc Feeder? :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ammed.html
"modest 69-year-old house in rural Montana listed for sale at more than $1 million" :o

"It's about the location, location, location" :roll:

:idea: Suggests house itself need not have significant value ...
and describes many home sales everywhere these days. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Testing controversial topic with Perplexity ( ) ...

A variety of questions (including a non-Perplexity link) finesse the real answer that mRNA vaccines may indeed associate with recent increase in myocarditis. This research suggests that AI has a popularity bias (favors pro information more than con or vice versa, depending on data predominance). And this cautions that even AI responses need to be carefully evaluated! My questions were influenced by knowledge of the facts gleaned from various internet sources in recent months.

Q: Was the Covid spike isolated?

"The virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, has indeed been isolated multiple times. Scientists have successfully isolated and characterized SARS-CoV-2 from clinical samples in various countries, including India and the United States. Isolating the virus is crucial for developing diagnostic tools, antiviral studies, and screening vaccine candidates. The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 plays a vital role in virus binding and cell entry, and its isolation is essential for reference reagents in both public health and research communities. Contrary to misinformation, the CDC has clarified that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated numerous times, debunking claims suggesting otherwise."

Q: Is Covid mRNA vaccine safe?

"The safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines has been extensively studied, and the evidence suggests that they are safe overall. Studies have shown that the risk of serious adverse events following mRNA vaccine administration is low ... While there have been reports of serious adverse events associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, such as coagulation disorders and acute cardiac injuries, it is essential to note that these risks are relatively low compared to the benefits of vaccination in preventing COVID-19 and its severe outcomes. Furthermore, it is crucial to dispel myths about mRNA vaccines altering DNA or causing long-term health issues. The genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines does not enter the nucleus of cells where DNA is kept, so they do not alter DNA ..."

Q: What is causing recent increase in myocarditis?

"The recent increase in myocarditis cases, particularly among young males who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, has raised concerns. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle that can be triggered by various factors, including viral infections and vaccines like the smallpox vaccine and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Research has shown that the risk of developing myocarditis post-vaccination is higher in younger males, especially adolescents and young adults, with the highest risk group being males between 12 and 17 years old. The incidence of myocarditis after the second dose of mRNA vaccines in this age group is around 35.9 per 100,000 people ..."

Q: mRNA into nucleus of cells

"mRNA, or messenger RNA, plays a crucial role in the central dogma of biology by carrying genetic information from DNA in the nucleus to the cytoplasm of a cell where proteins are synthesized. The process of mRNA transport involves intricate mechanisms within the cell. Research has shown that extracellular mRNA can be transported into the nucleus of cells, exerting translation effects. The movement of mRNA within the nucleus occurs through mRNP complexes that move freely by Brownian diffusion, ensuring dispersion throughout the nucleus before exiting into the cytoplasm ..."

"COVID-19 Vaccines and Myocarditis: An Overview of Current Evidence" (May, 2023)

"Due to the inclusion of viral structural proteins and RNA in inactivated viral COVID-19 vaccines, non-adaptive immune responses can be triggered, which might result in the overproduction of inflammatory responses and the development of myocarditis"

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Re: World Views

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Re: ... -2027.html
"Top scientist warns AI could surpass human intelligence by 2027" :o

" 'Pretty much every job involving paperwork,' he said at the Web Summit in Rio de Janeiro that month,
'should be automatable.' Goertzel added that he did not see this as a negative, asserting that it would allow
people to 'find better things to do with their life than work for a living.' " 8)

:bana: Considering that people "work for a living" to have funds for their lifestyle,
everybody will cheer when funds are provided for their not working. :roll:

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Re: World Views

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Re: ... njury.html

"North Carolina mom Kaylee Doss who brought baby to emergency room
over knot in shoulder is forced to wait 550 days to get daughter back" :o

"had genetically inherited disorder that explained her mysterious injuries"

:idea: Apparently, CPS needed convincing that this was genetic disorder. :roll:

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Re: World Views

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Q: Do aliens exist?

"... Despite ongoing efforts to detect extraterrestrial life, including searching for habitable environments
on other planets and analyzing signals from space, conclusive evidence remains elusive ... the search for aliens
continues and scientific exploration expands our understanding of the cosmos ..." :roll

:idea: Thus, belief that aliens exist continues despite recent Pentagon denial, belief that might be nurtured
by our unseen friends since the local universe is indeed inhabited and that discovery is inevitable. Apparently,
AI will be ready to identify/interpret these foreign languages. And if the UB Papers are a clue, those beings
of first contact will already speak Urantian. 8)

Incidentally, this 1111angels group claims that the quarantine was lifted in the 1980s. If true, alien disclosure
is already in progress! Who can tell? An ET might be hiding in a closet down the street ... or roaming incognito.
Keep a bag of Reese's Pieces ready for the encounter. :roll:

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Re: World Views

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Re: ... eared.html

"The 'suicidal' pilot of the MH370 Malaysia Airlines flight perfectly ditched the plane into the sea, entombing it
and the 239 passengers aboard at the bottom of the ocean, a flight expert has claimed" :o

"Minutes later, experts believe it nose-dived into the ocean."

:idea: Since "nose-dived" typically associates with a crashed plane, it takes good imagination
to comprehend how that plane remained intact leaving no debris on its way to the seabed. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: (exploring substitutions for "AI" since "artificial" is demeaning for such impressive technology)

"(Q:" indicates Related question provided by Perplexity.

Q: Is "artificial intelligence" still a good term for this technology?

"The term 'artificial intelligence' is still widely used to describe technology that simulates human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. While some experts suggest using the term 'augmented intelligence' to differentiate between AI systems that act autonomously, the term AI remains prevalent in various industries and applications. The field of artificial intelligence encompasses machine learning and deep learning, with AI being utilized in automation, transportation, supply chains, healthcare, retail, and more.

Despite concerns and debates about the implications of AI, it is primarily viewed as a tool rather than a sentient being, emphasizing its role in enhancing human capabilities and improving various technologies. The evolution of AI has led to significant advancements in different sectors, showcasing its ability to automate tasks, analyze data, provide personalized services, and enhance decision-making processes."

(Q: What are some alternative terms for artificial intelligence?

Some alternative terms for "artificial intelligence" include:
Machine Intelligence: This term emphasizes that AI is achieved through machines replicating human intelligence.
Synthetic Intelligence: This term highlights that AI is a man-made creation, not naturally occurring.
Cognitive Computing: This term refers to systems that simulate human thought processes and decision-making.
Intelligent Automation: This term describes the automation of intelligent tasks typically requiring human intelligence.

These alternative terms offer different perspectives on artificial intelligence, highlighting various aspects of this evolving field.

Q: What is synthetic cognition? (not mentioned in previous response;
suggests new term SynCo Sense that rhymes with "cinco cents" and reminds
of the five basic senses of humans: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste) :roll:

"Synthetic cognition refers to the integration of computation and controls to develop interactive systems that visualize and synthesize performance behaviors. It explores the synthetic qualities of cognition, emphasizing the progress of artificial intelligence in areas such as creativity, sensemaking, emotional, and affective states, which are traditionally considered uniquely human. This concept is often associated with artificial intelligence, highlighting that machine intelligence can be a genuine form of intelligence rather than a mere imitation of human intelligence.

John Haugeland introduced the term 'synthetic intelligence' in 1986 to describe AI research that aimed at creating 'true' intelligence using new methods like subsymbolism and emergence, differentiating it from earlier approaches like 'good old fashioned artificial intelligence' or 'weak AI'. In essence, synthetic cognition delves into the realm where machines exhibit cognitive abilities that are not just imitations but represent a form of intelligence that is distinct from human cognition."

See also: ... -cognition
"Chimeras: Inventory of synthetic cognition"

"Drawing upon chimerism allows us to broaden 'artificial intelligence' into 'synthetic cognition' - an approach that highlights
the duality of 'artificial' and 'authentic', amplifies non-human methods of cognition and anticipates modes of symbiosis."

Rod :)
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