UB Cookin'

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.foxnews.com/health/coffee-c ... al-illness
"Could drinking 1 or 2 cups a day reduce the severity of viral illness?"

"Previous research has shown that a diet rich in polyphenols - a class of compounds found in many plant foods
that act as antioxidants - could boost the immune system and reduce the risk of severe disease." :roll

:idea: Actually, "polyphenols found in many plant foods" is the secret of this benefit,
but justifying daily coffee is "icing on the cake". For better health benefit,
limit add-ons and note "1 or 2 cups" (maybe 3 some days). :D

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Green Tomato Salsa

Post by Amigoo »

Green Tomato Salsa (first test) :roll:
Unusual, uniquely tasty, sufficiently sweet.
Upscale with whatever! It's versatile!

:roll Ingredients:

5 med. green tomatoes (chopped)
2 med. white onions (chopped)
small bunch cilantro (sliced)
5 garlic cloves (diced)
1/3 cup water

1 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 cup applesauce for more sauce + sweetness
2 tbsp chia seeds for thickening
2 tsp spirulina powder (optional)
4 pkts lime powder (or 1 tbsp juice)

:arrow: Directions:

Simmer veggies in a pan until cooked,
then add remaining ingredients as listed.
Continue simmering 5 min. to complete.

:idea: I learned that green tomatoes are a variety,
but stores usually sell unripe red tomatoes
(used for this recipe).

:study: About spirulina: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3136577/
"Spirulina in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Human Applications"

"Spirulina or Arthrospira is a blue-green alga that became famous after it was successfully used by NASA
as a dietary supplement for astronauts on space missions." 8)

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Herb Tofu Loaf

Post by Amigoo »

Herb Tofu Loaf

Moisture/texture like baked turkey stuffing.
Essentially, upscaled stuffing mix recipe. :roll

:roll Ingredients:

12oz pkg Herb Stuffing Mix
3/4 tsp garlic granules
1 tsp ground sage
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups chicken broth

8oz extra firm sprouted tofu
1/2 cup egg whites
3 tbsp virgin olive oil

1 cup diced sweet onion
1 1/2 cups diced celery

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil med. bread pan;
pre-heat oven to 350F degrees.

Mash tofu with potato masher until granular,
then stir in egg whites and olive oil.

Combine stuffing mix with dry ingredients,
then stir in chicken broth. Stir in tofu mixture
until combined, fold in diced onion and celery.

Spoon mixture evenly into bread pan
but don't press down. Bake 1 hr. 10 min.
or until light brown on top.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.brighteon.com/
(search for: "What Would Happen If Your ONLY Protein Source was Eggs?")

:idea: Good discussion about eggs as healthy food when properly cooked
(cooking methods not mentioned). Bottom line: Include eggs weekly
but complement with protein from other sources and don't consume
more protein than needed.

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Salsa Helper

Post by Amigoo »

Salsa Helper

Whimsical but nutritional upscale of tomato salsa in jars
(and reduces typical proportions of salt and sugar):

:arrow: Dilute 6oz can tomato paste with 1 1/2 cans water,
then stir into salsa along with 1/2 tsp garlic granules
and 1 tbsp dried cilantro.

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Hummus Helper

Post by Amigoo »

Hummus Helper

Whimsical but nutritional upscale of 10oz container
roasted red pepper hummus with half of 15oz can
pumpkin puree. Then stir in 1 tsp paprika
and 1/2 tsp garlic granules.

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Yogurt Cream Cheese

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Yogurt Cream Cheese

A 32oz container of plain yogurt is ideal to create cream cheese texture
and is much more nutritional than cream cheese! Yogurt should be firm
and not flow into the well.

:arrow: Scoop out yogurt along one side to create a narrow well,
then refrigerate for several days, removing the water
as it accumulates (drink this or add to smoothies). 8)

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Cranberry Apple Synergy

Post by Amigoo »

Cranberry Apple Synergy
(sweetness from applesauce)

:roll Ingredients

12oz pkg cranberrries
1 cup water
1 tbsp unflavored gelatin
1 cup natural apple sauce
3 pkts True Lemon powder
3 med. tart red apples, chopped

:arrow: Directions:

Simmer cranberries in water until soft,
then stir in remaining ingredients as listed;
fold in chopped apples last. Refrigerate.

:idea: Tips: Cranberry package had been frozen
which probably pre-softened their texture.
Completely dissolve gelatin before adding
other ingredients. Serve with raw walnuts,
sliced almonds, or raw sunflower seeds.
Upscale with a dollop of plain yogurt.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Thank you for the great new recipes, Rod. You never cease to amaze me with your culinary creativity. I would like to try the Herb Tofu Loaf first. :bana:
Good night. I am off to dreamland. :hithere
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Quinoa Veggie Bowl

Post by Amigoo »

Quinoa Veggie Bowl

Convenience recipe with good nutrition, cream of wheat texture.
Serve with boiled egg for more protein. Good for any meal :!:

:roll Ingredients:

12oz pkg frozen mixed veggies
2 cups water
1 small sweet onion, diced
3/4 cup organic quinoa flakes
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp virgin olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

In med. sauce pan, heat water until simmering,
stir in rinsed frozen veggies, cover pan.

When simmering 5 min., spread on diced onion,
cover pan and simmer 5 min.; stir in quinoa
and salt, cover pan, remove from heat
and let rest 10 min.; stir in olive oil.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/kraf ... 28271.html
"Kraft’s newest Mac & Cheese is ditching cheese", "called 'Kraft NotMac&Cheese' " :o

"The vegan cheese sauce is made with fava bean protein and coconut oil powder,
creating sauce that has a 'similar taste, look and feel to dairy-based mac and cheese' "

:study: (from Oxford Languages) "cheesy -
1. like cheese in taste, smell, or consistency.
2. cheap, unpleasant, or blatantly inauthentic."

:idea: Suggests a better name: 'Kraft Mac&Cheesy'
(lets consumers decide No. 1 or No. 2) :roll:

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Re: UB Cookin'

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Re: https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/mcd ... ry-patties

"McDonald's to revamp burger patties in major fast food overhaul ...
new and improved burgers will include over 50 modifications" :o

:idea: Lab-designed fast food keeps getting better (they say). :roll:

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Corny Quinoa Casserole

Post by Amigoo »

Corny Quinoa Casserole

Cornbread with nutritional attitude
plus unusual granular moistness. :roll:

:roll Ingredients:

2/3 cup organic cornmeal
3/4 cup quinoa flakes
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp garlic granules
3 tbsp dried chives
1 tsp sea salt

2 xlg eggs
3/4 cup broth or water
3 tbsp virgin olive oil
8oz extra firm tofu, mashed
15oz can non-GMO corn
1 med. sweet onion, diced


Lightly oil 8"x 8" baking dish;
pre-heat oven to 350F degrees.

Combine dry ingredients in large mixing bowl.

Whisk eggs with corn juice and broth,
stir into dry ingredients, then olive oil.

Fold in mashed tofu, then corn, then onion.

Spread evenly into baking dish
and bake 55 min.

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Pumpkin Ice Cream

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.thecookierookie.com/pumpkin-pie-ice-cream/
Pumpkin Ice Cream (online recipe)

Pumpkin Ice Cream (similar but different) :roll:

:roll Ingredients:

1 cup cold whole milk
1/4 tsp guar gum powder
1/4 cup white sugar
1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
1 pint cold whipping cream
1 cup pumpkin puree

:arrow: Directions:

In deep bowl, whip half & half with guar gum to a froth,
then add sugar and pie spice, then whipping cream,
pumpkin puree last. Freeze when well combined,
stirring occasionally 3-4 hours. 8)

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Hearty Pumpkin Chowder

Post by Amigoo »

Hearty Pumpkin Chowder

Seasonal roundup of veggies in the refrigerator,
creating cornucopia with Southwestern ambience.
Serve with shredded cheese and cooked chicken.

:roll Ingredients:

3 tbsp virgin olive oil
1 xlg sweet onion, diced
2 cups preferred broth
1/3 cup red bell pepper flakes
15oz can petite diced tomatoes
15oz can non-GMO corn, drained
5 med. jalapeño peppers, diced
3 med. zucchini, diced

15oz can pumpkin puree
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
2 tbsp dried cilantro
3 tbsp dried chives
1 tsp cumin powder
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp sugar

:arrow: Directions:

In a med. stew pot, sauté onion in olive oil,
then add ingredients as listed, waiting for
veggies to simmer to al dente.

Then stir in remaining ingredients
and simmer until well-heated.

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B&B Chia Sauce

Post by Amigoo »

B&B Chia Sauce
"Seedy synergy!" saith the sweetness. :D
(for less sweetness, skip the preserve
and use 12oz pkg frozen blackberries)

Tasty synergy for yogurt cheese (drained of water)
on sheath cake, topped with B&B Sauce. 8)

12oz pkg frozen wild blueberries, thawed
1/4 rounded cup dark chia seeds
1/2 cup water
2 pkts True Lemon powder
13oz jar blackberry preserve

Thaw blueberries with chia seeds and water,
stir in lemon powder and blackberry preserve,
refrigerate overnight. Stir briefly before serving.

Tip: Use quality preserve (with seeds). :roll

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Tart Berry Sauce

Post by Amigoo »

Tart Berry Sauce

Highlights natural flavor/texture of fresh cranberries
(best frozen first to increase softening of cooking).
Accompanying fruit provides natural sweetness.

:roll Ingredients:

12oz bag fresh cranberries
1 1/2 cups water
3/4 tbsp gelatin
2 pkts True Lemon powder
3 cups chopped tart apples

:arrow: Directions:

Simmer frozen berries in water until saucy,
then stir in remaining ingredients,
folding in chopped fruit last
and heating as desired.

Serve with fresh strawberry slices,
topped with sliced almonds.

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Peasy Spam Spooner

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.mashed.com/72921/amazing-un ... -use-spam/
"This Is How Spam Is Really Made" (to last on the shelf) 8)

:idea: Informative review of Spam, reminding that this is good survival food
when consumed in smaller portions, with healthy veggies and legumes.

:sunflower: And now these ingredients hint that
thawed petite green peas have culinary synergy!

Peasy Spam Spooner
The other ham salad, upscaled. :D

:idea: Serve cold with steamed asparagus
(or brussels sprouts) and cherry tomatoes,
even for brunch or light lunch :!:

:roll Ingredients:

12oz can Original Spam
8oz container extra firm tofu, drained
2/3 cup plain Greek yogurt *
3/4 tsp garlic granules
2 tsp yellow mustard
2 tbsp dried parsley
3 tbsp dried chives
2 tsp paprika
1/3 cup pickle relish
medium sweet onion, diced
2 cups petite peas, drained

:arrow: Directions:

Mash spam and tofu until well combined,
then stir in remaining ingredients as listed,
folding in raw veggies last. Refrigerate.

* or homemade Thousand Island Dressing:
https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/t ... _dressing/
1 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup yellow onion, minced
2 tbsp ketchup
2 tbsp sweet pickle relish
1 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp sweet paprika
1/4 tsp kosher salt

Rod :D
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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: More about Spam ...
(considering modern additives and typical food processing
this canned meat is beginning to look like health food) :roll:

Re: https://time.com/4827451/spam-history-80th-anniversary/
"Here's How the Canned Meat Took Over the World"

"The new product was introduced on July 5, 1937"
(as "Spam", renamed from "Spiced Ham").

Re: https://www.zerobounce.net/blog/email-r ... email-spam
"As it relates to email, spam is not an acronym." :o

Re: https://www.spam.com/recipes/spam-and-gnocchi-soup
"A bowl full of delightful ingredients like Original Spam, gnocchi, onions, celery, garlic and carrots
are all mixed into a warm chicken broth. It’s so good, you’ll want it to be the soup du jour!" :roll

:idea: About the nitrite in Spam ...
https://www.bbc.com/future/article/2019 ... de-effects

"It’s not so much nitrates/nitrites per se that are carcinogenic, but the way they are cooked ...
high temperatures allow them to more easily form nitrosamines, the cancer-causing compound."

Reminds that fried and barbequed Spam may include such high temperatures. ;)

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Raisin Caviar

Post by Amigoo »

Raisin Caviar
(brand mentioned for ingredients reference)

Seedy spread upscaled for walk-on-water nutrition,
aka "Who eats this stuff?". For mature taste buds. :roll:

:roll Ingredients:

16oz jar Once Again "Sunflower Hemp Butter" *
1 1/2 cups dark raisins
1 1/2 cups water

* https://terrapowders.com/products/once- ... tened-16oz

:arrow: Directions:

Simmer raisins in water until soft,
pour off water (add later), use hand blender
to create very coarse raisin paste.

Mix raisin paste with Sunflower Hemp Butter,
adding raisin water to thin if desired.
Keep refrigerated. 8)

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Apple Cranberry Bake

Post by Amigoo »

Apple Cranberry Bake

Culinary synergy, baked for tasty presentation.
Serve with a dollop or two for snowy contrast. 8)

:roll Ingredients:

3 lg tart red apples, chopped
12oz pkg frozen cranberries
1/4 cup light oat bran
3 tbsp virgin olive oil

15oz can pumpkin puree
1/3 cup natural applesauce
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp cìnnamon

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil 8" x 10" baking dish;
pre-heat oven to 375F degrees.

Combine pumpkin with applesauce,
brown sugar, salt, and cinnamon.

In a large mixing bowl, layer apples,
then cranberries; sprinkle on oat bran,
drizzle on olive oil, then toss briefly.

Spread on pumpkin mixture
and stir gently until combined.

Spoon mixture evenly into baking dish,
cover with foil, reduce oven to 350F,
bake 1 hour. Remove foil and bake 10 min.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.brighteon.com/
(search for: "Immune Supporting Green Soup")

:idea: It's still nutritious green soup by substituting natural foods
for freeze-dried kale and milk powders (and by skipping blender)
... but some chewing will be required. :roll:

Note: Better digestion begins with chewing
that mixes saliva with the food. ;)

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Morning Chowder

Post by Amigoo »

Morning Chowder

Featuring steel-cut oats; good for any meal.
Serve with plain Greek yogurt, cooked egg,
breakfast meat, even cooked white fish. 8)

:roll Ingredients:

1/3 rounded cup steel-cut oats
1 1/2 cups water or broth
1 med. sweet onion, diced
15oz can non-GMO corn, drained
1 1/2 tbsp dried parsley
1/4 tsp garlic granules
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp virgin olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

Simmer oats in water until some water absorbed,
then layer on remaining ingredients as listed
(stir in olive oil after cooking), cover pan
and simmer until all water absorbed.

Stir briefly, then turn off heat
and let covered pan rest 10 min.

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Crinkled Cabbage Casserole

Post by Amigoo »

Crinkled Cabbage Casserole (first test,
save juice from canned corn for later step)

:roll Ingredients:

med. head Savoy cabbage, chopped
1 1/2 cups quinoa flakes
2 tbsp dried parsley
3 tbsp dried chives
1 tsp garlic granules
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp coarse black pepper
2 lg sweet onions, chopped
15oz can non-GMO corn, drained
2 cups sliced Portobello mushrooms
corn juice + 1/2 cup water
1/4 cup virgin olive oil
32oz container Portobello Mushroom Soup

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil 9" x 12" baking dish;
pre-heat oven to 375F degrees.

In very large mixing bowl, toss chopped cabbage,
with quinoa flakes, herbs, spices, then fold in
onions, corn, and mushrooms.

Spoon mixture into baking dish, press down lightly,
then drizzle on corn juice, water, and olive oil.
Cover dish with foil, bake one hour. Remove foil,
pour on mushroom soup and bake 25 min.

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Green Garbanzo Soup

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51BQfPeSK8k (theme song)
... but it's easy to taste greens! (soup - not fried frog legs) :roll:

Green Garbanzo Soup

Featuring lotsa green veggies; good for any meal.
If desired, serve with cooked egg, chicken, or white fish;
even include Portobello mushroom slices!

:roll Ingredients:

2 tbsp virgin olive oil
2 cups chopped celery tops
1 1/2 cups chopped sweet onion
29oz can low-sodium garbanzo beans + juice
2 cups chopped zucchini*
1 1/2 cups frozen spinach
1/3 cup sliced garlic cloves
1/2 tsp coarse black pepper
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp sea salt
32 oz container low-sodium broth

* save cores for other dishes
to maintain greener soup.

:arrow: Directions:

In large sauce pan, sauté celery and onion in olive oil,
then layer on remaining ingredients, adding broth
last as other ingredients begin to simmer.

Simmer until very hot, then turn off heat
and let covered pan rest 10 min.

Rod :)
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