Group Meditations

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

I was there little Brother. :)
I am still feeling the peace this morning. :kiss:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thanks for checking in Sandy. I'm glad to know you were tuning within.

My meditation didn't last long, but I tried.

Later that night, as I lay for bed- I began hearing a beautiful violin. It was phantom music, a 6th sense experience. And then I heard a man having a private discussion as if he were sitting in a dim lit booth, a fancy entertainment venue.

He said something about bringing on a European nation and protecting them in the war. I can't remember exactly. It was something like that, and it was implied we are in the middle of a world war.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Yes, I was there with you in meditation, Eric. :sunflower:
You had a most interesting experience afterward.
It can be disturbing when we tune in to other's conversations eh? Especially what you heard and surmised from yours. :shock:
Sometimes there is a reason for this as we can be a tool by celestials to assist someone in some way or it is a way to move information to someone who may not be open to receive it another way... or it can be random as we rest and we move about in the astral. I am sure there can be as many reasons as "the number of angels that can fit on the head of a pin." (LOL sorry been watching the show, "Good Omens". )
I don't do this often, but once I accidentally dropped visually into the presence of two soldiers. They were wearing older European garb and looked to be guards. I wondered then if I had popped into something in the past because of their dress. Anyway, the weird thing was that they both saw me and were quite surprised. I was only there for a moment and then, whosh...I moved on. They probably thought I was a ghost. :lol:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Sandy... I truly believe.

If you have the time to watch an episode of something- I hope you might consider this... Because your experience seems to corroborate one of the stories therein:
Bending Time: The Successful Time Travel Experiments using Kozyrev Mirrors

This video above might interest our group, who seemed to have become comfortable with the No-Time concept. =) Of which, I am okay with Ladies(and gentle germs). No shame. I said it once here years ago- the table has already been set, and you'll be tuning in at just the right time. I believe in the No-Time idea to the extent that consciousness is all there is, and there are ways to experience it that are not limited to the 3D- linear reality of human experience.

I also want to share something with you I am rather blown away by and should be bumping this revelation in my, "Discovering Answers: Living Spirit" thread/journal...

In December of 2022 I had a dream involving Hawaii. As we so happen to receive songs at times, I received War Pigs by Black Sabbath upon wake. I recorded the dream in my dream journal.

By the end of January 2023 I had a terrible dread for Hawaii. I had forgotten about my dream. All I could do was ask for prayers.

Just tonight I was forced to visit the dream journal after hearing a song called, "The Wizard" by Black Sabbath. The chills were immense, and by hopping on my laptop I found I had another moment like this- which brought me to that dream from December.

Not everything in the dream makes sense... And I'm sorry to say but I do believe this revelation is a type of confirmation of foul play regarding the Maui Fires.

But most importantly- I believe this is a confirmation of communication with an unseen intelligence.

Really, mind blowing stuff. It is Faith affirming, and yet- it is so powerful, it is almost too hard to completely comprehend- like a type of cognitive dissonance. Or that, it is reality shattering and there isn't much we can do- except the work of attempting to keep ourselves open to the guidance and open to Love. I know that is enough, and maybe more. But to think we are limited and having to learn to communicate in indirect ways. Or ways we aren't accustomed... Well.

And lastly, I want to say I too seem to be drawn to certain time periods- some of which I hold more nostalgia for. Maybe romantic ideas...

Now you've got me curious about your experience, and whether or not it is the past or if it's still Alive. I've had dreams of traveling back to the 70's. Lol. And the 20's. The thing is... Maybe we are more than our physical body. Do people get that they can tune into other lives- ???
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Tuning in tonight! = )

Peace and Love :alien: :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,

I connected on Monday for just a bit before drifting off. I will try again in no time. So sorry. I do not sleep well these days.

I believe that anything is possible. There is so much we do not understand about existence. So keeping an open and curious mind is very helpful. You have helped teach me that. :)
and what an interesting post you shared along with some really great music. I have added some URLs for anyone not familiar with Black Sabbath.

Here is War Pigs by Black Sabbath

War Pigs
Song by Black Sabbath

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death's construction
In the fields, the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh lord, yeah!
Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah
Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah!
Now in darkness, world stops turning
Ashes where their bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees, the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing, spreads his wings
Oh lord, yeah!
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: William Ward / Tony Iommi / Ozzy Osbourne / Michael Butler
War Pigs lyrics © Westminster Music Ltd., Westminster Music Ltd

Here is The Wizard by Black Sabbath

The Wizard
Song by Black Sabbath

Misty morning, clouds in the sky
Without warning, the wizard walks by
Casting his shadow, weaving his spell
Long grey cloak, tinkling bell
Never talking
Just keeps walking
Cursing his magic
Evil power disappears
Demons worry when the wizard is near
He turns tears into joy
Everyone's happy when the wizard walks by
Never talking
Just keeps walking
Spreading his magic
Sun is shining, clouds have gone by
All the people give a happy sigh
He has passed by, giving his sign
Left all the people feeling so fine
Never talking
Just keeps walking
Spreading his magic
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Stephen Schwartz

The Wizard lyrics © Universal Music Corp., Greydog Music, Grey Dog Music, Onward Music Ltd
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

How about a song by a truly inspirational woman to bid goodnight to the spiritual family,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

So beautiful... :happy The song and all of you...
Thank you, Eric.
I wake up and greet the day.
May the blessing of heart and spirit abound for each of us today. :kiss:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Sandy for the blessing. = )

I'm sorry I missed everyone Monday and am wishing the 1111 family peace and love.

Cheers from TX. :loves :alien:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Good morning family! :hithere

I am tuning in tonight 8 PM CST and praying for peace on earth.

Amma the hugging saint has given me a visual of white petals falling on the earth-

the prayer is, may all beings be happy


"Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu (Sanskrit: लोकः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु) is a Sanskrit mantra that often chanted at the conclusion of a yoga practice. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu means 'may everyone, in the whole world, be happy.' It can be chanted, sung or meditated upon to offer as a prayer, or shloka for the whole world. Another popular translation is 'may all beings, everywhere, be free and happy.' This is still accurate, except the mantra doesn’t specifically say the word free, but rather, it is implied.

It is said that this mantra is thousands of years old, but it is not specifically found in the Vedas, which holds the documentation of many other popular mantras. Rather, lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu is thought to be part of a Shanti mantra, a peace mantra." ... o-bhavantu

Of course, any *sincere* prayer for peace on earth is encouraged. Let's pray to God for peace, as the environment is rife with hostility. No war is acceptable.

Love and peace for all.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu means 'may everyone, in the whole world, be happy.'

may all beings be happy
That is a beautiful way to end any prayer or meditation...or as something to hold onto and take into the day. Peace is often what we all desire in our personal lives, for our friends and family, and on a greater scale for the beings inhabiting our world. Thank you, Eric. :happy

I joined you for a short time before I fell asleep. I remember a sense of peace, which was very welcomed in my heart and situation. I will try again at another time to join in "no time".

Love to all,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy,

So glad you were there joining in for peace on earth.

Don't worry about the length of your meditations or prayers. My Monday nights with this group seem to average 25-30 minutes. What matters is showing up, at your own accord. Like you I was in the no time just today... It was peaceful.

Disconnecting from technology and media consumption every now and again seems pretty healthy. And allows me calmness when interacting with others.

Love to you Sister, I hope everything is okay with you and your family. :kiss:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

I'll be in the no time this week, had to root for my home team last night. We didn't make it to the world series but we did good! Wishing everyone a beautiful fall- the clocks will be set back soon.

Also- has anyone else been wondering about Welles?

Just checking in on a regular poster!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning, Eric,

I'll be in no time too this week.
I am so enjoying visiting with my family in Ohio. The days are passing quickly, though, and soon it will be time to travel south again. Life seems to be passing at top speed so it is hard to keep up. That is where your suggestion to get away from technology even for just a little bit is so valuable. It seems to help balance us and remind us of what is truly important, the people in your life.

On that note, it has been some time since Welles posted. Time has slipped away from me and I am sorry I have not been attentive to the needs of everyone here. I will try to do better in the future. I sent a message to Welles. I hope he is okay. :(

Sorry about your team, Eric. Here's to next season, eh? :cheers:

See you in meditation. :hithere

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

It's been a while but I tried tuning in tonight. I prayed for a young man who was emotionally hostile with me this morning. I believe he suffers a mental instability with an inclination towards violence. He wouldn't want my prayers, but I do hope God helps bring peace and understanding- calmness in this mans life. I also think I need to let go and let God. It was a dangerous encounter, but I seem fine. Sometimes you can't rationalize irrational behavior. I had a thought this man was effected by antidepressants or SSRIs. But now it's time to let go and be silent. Let God...

No word from Welles ... ? I hope he's alright. Maybe I can pop over to his forum. Do you remember it? Maybe it's in his signature.

My meditation was a bit short, a little deep- but short. My energy was thrown off from the stirring of motion this morning- it was also raining all day and our building smelt like gasoline at one point which gave everyone a headache. Turns out it was some machine in an empty unit next to us and the smell of gas was being pumped through the AC.

Tomorrow is another day, I am grateful to have tuned in and grateful the forum is back up and running solid.

I hope your family is well Sandy. I really liked the channeled message on spicing up your prayer life. I still have a lot of growing to do. And with all these close calls I've experienced over the years- it seems God does not want my journey on this planet to end just yet.

Love to the group meditators and all. :loves :hithere
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

You are an amazing loving and caring person, Eric. I am so proud of the way you pray for those who are unkind to you. it is easy to pray for our friends and loved ones but oh so difficult sometimes to let go of the besmirched emotions and really allow God's love to move through us for people who have wronged us. Love travels beyond our close circles, beyond our city, state, country, and planetary boundaries. it is a powerful tool for change within and without.
You inspire me tonight. :kiss:
Please take good care of yourself. Stay safe.
As SammyJo would say,
Love love love!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Sandy. I think I still get a little discouraged(emotionally) from the experience. And maybe because it's not the only time. Something about it all is just really sad, but I've over thought this entire ordeal and really need to learn to let go. Sometimes, we're not capable of dispelling the demons like Jesus. It's good to discern when is appropriate to involve yourself in another's low vibration energy. When this person sat across from me, I had a really bad feeling in my gut. He was so insecure that my mere eye contact was enough to send him off in a overtly aggressive rage. You don't need to be sensitive to feel this persons off putting vibes. All I did was say good morning after realizing this man was staring at me. It's unhinged or paranoid behavior that can't be reasoned with. It kind of breaks my heart thinking of how imprisoning that reality is. I often think folks like that are people that have gone through a tragedy. And I think that psychotic state(from tragedy and drugs), clinging to polarizing content online, is how we have mass shooters and the like. Hatred, manipulation, self deteriorating psyche. But again, I have overthought the entire ordeal and need to move on.

I heard this earlier today... "It's about giving it to God and not being broken by the world."

There's a chance I will run into this person again, considering it's one of my favorite coffee spots. I am just going to mind my own business, it's really strange that you'd have to walk on egg shells for simply existing. Isn't it?

But I also have a great support in my community, and must get back to counting all my blessings.

Thank you for sharing the channeling on Prayer, which helped me in more ways than I can coherently explain at the moment.

Kind regards Sister. Hope Kim is doing okay.

Still no word from Welles? Hope he's alright too.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Another great channeled message about meditating.

Presently I find myself trying to tear down my own walls and go back to living the present in wonder. I am hoping to cultivate the child like state but with the discernment of an adult knowing how to act in any circumstance.

It all goes back to stillness.

After meditation I woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. As I was waking up I had a strange experience where I heard two voices- mine and someone elses, at the same time saying
"The past is the future."


Wishing you and the meditators out there a Happy Thanksgiving! :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Geoff »

Dear Eric
happyrain wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:23 am It's been a while but I tried tuning in tonight. I prayed for a young man who was emotionally hostile with me this morning. I believe he suffers a mental instability with an inclination towards violence. He wouldn't want my prayers, but I do hope God helps bring peace and understanding- calmness in this mans life. I also think I need to let go and let God. It was a dangerous encounter, but I seem fine. Sometimes you can't rationalize irrational behavior. I had a thought this man was effected by antidepressants or SSRIs. But now it's time to let go and be silent. Let God...
Yes the Earth Changes are triggering a lot of this. I have been having an email conversation with a fellow whose email I have blocked several times, but he just creates a new one and comes back again. He believes violence is the only way to live. He seems to be hugely hostile to God and Jesus and sends ME messages to tell them how he feels. Wow. Its a dreadful rant.

My solution at the moment is to create my own world, and i only let nice people in. Nothing else lives in my world.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Geoff for your feedback.

I'm sorry you're being harassed. Virtual or in person, it's upsetting behavior.

I wonder how the Masters handle hostile personalities.

Even though my guard has been put up, I have had the opportunity to work through my subconscious with God and repair my attitudes.

And I really think the Lord acknowledged this endeavor by granting me an experience with such kind and loving people. Just today I was hugged by four different women, the other day I received a kind compliment- and so on, and so on. There's been a concentration of kindness and I know not to lose hope as a consequence of a disturbing experience.

Fighting the good fight, Love is the answer. I still have a great Ego and am trying to learn how to live from a harmonious marriage between the two natures.

Cheers friend.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Good morning! :hithere :loves :alien:

Good tidings to all, and to all merry be!

:mrgreen: :roll

My caffeinated-check in is now,

Enjoying a morning cold brew at my local coffee shop, meeting with friends and spreading the love.

Last night I was very restless. It was not a spectacular meditation, but it was a successful attempt to do something. In some cases, something is better than nothing!

In others, better to be no thing than some thing! :sword:

Cheers friends. :bigsmurf: :elephant:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hello little brother and hello Big Brother Geoff too. :)
It is good to hear you say you didn't give up and that all those lovely women gave you a hug. How about adding a virtual "oldish lady hug" to the others? :)
I think back, with your experience, to Petra's sister's fiance, Ian, a very kind-hearted person who was always helping those in need. It cost him his life one day as he tried to give a homeless man his coat. The man was mentally ill and killed him. :( I think we can only do so much for some people as they may not be able to ingest friendliness and kindness. Yet people like Ian and those who go into dangerous places to help with some great need...they are heroes in my book. I could say you have in your own way and in your arena of life made kind and heroic outreach as I know Geoff has as well. It is hard for us to know when someone is unreachable and you heroes just do the best you can. I am proud of you both and hope that you stay out of harm's way and the outpouring of kindness continues in your case, Eric. (Geoff too) I am reminded tonight after a private message from Doctor Viv that we do not have to be a newsworthy ministry to change the planet. It is something you guys have been doing all along and it is working. Despite all the rubbish we hear in the news, there is a desperate need for kindness, acceptance, and friendship on our planet.

Okay, I have no idea where I am going with this as I am a little wonky tonight from lack of sleep but I mostly just wanted to tell you guys that I haven't forgotten you and I love and respect both of your gentle ministries. You guys are my heroes. :sunflower:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Sandy. <3 I'm about to hop off and meditate, but I felt the need to check in here.

Here you are! And I really appreciate your kind words.

...Wow, I had no idea about Petras sisters fiance. Wow. =( That is awful. Ian... God Bless Him. Thank you for sharing that...

...Yes do the best we can.

You're absolutely right, it's too easy to be swept up in the news and made polarized by it. Here I was just sharing damning news in another forum... But I can tell you, it usually only brings grief and debate. We tend to create barriers between our brothers and sisters over world events. Especially in a realm where information is weaponized. But we all appreciate Love and Kindness.

Even the mentally ill, I am certain, seek comfort. No child is born wishing death and destruction. In the few post prior, the reason I asked for discernment is because I realize we are not always equipped to handle the derangement, rage and jaded realities coming from others. Yet I asked for the ability to maintain childlike wonder towards the reality that is Gods Miracle.

In these times I find both discernment and intuitive living to be extremely advantageous as it relates towards spiritual maturity. As well as maintaining Hope and practicing Faith. The truth is, I can barley manage my own drama. The Ego is tricky. So, it's best for me not to assume with others and give it to God. That's the miracle. I just read somewhere, it's not about "adding on" as much as it is "letting go." In the undoing, we are gaining. We are discovering.

Learning to read the energy, and understand when your life is in danger. That's important. As much as I'd like to emanate a Masters example, I know I am just a child.

I got to tell you a little bit about Gods miracle. I went back to the coffee shop and encountered near identical life threatening aggression. Actually it happened just moments after submitting the previous post! Except this time it wasn't directed at me but coming from an employee and another customer. It was scary intense. I was instantly put back in the energetic state from when the mentally disturbed individual lashed out at me. However, I seemed to have shared some good energy with the two at some earlier point in the morning who were now at each others throats. And... I did get up and try to help. We were able to avoid a really bad confrontation. Having just gone through a similar experience, I felt like I could relate to all the energy swirling around. It made me question... Why did this happen again? And at the same spot?

One of the female employees who was caught between it broke down crying. After things cooled down and we were able to resolve the issue I went and got the two employees breakfast. I came back and thought of all the wisdom that was given to me since my experience and simply told them... Don't let one bad moment rob you of your ability to see all the good ones.

Sandy, I still don't understand it but I believe God was using me. There was a miracle shared here, and I am wondering about the deeper energetic exchange happening behind all the faces. Each time I reflect on it and share the story, I am prompted with 444.

Anyways Sister... I'm tired too. I better go share some spiritual nectar on the other forum before signing off. I think it's better coming here and keeping ourselves centered than to surf the media landscape to prove points over world news we don't really know the full scope of.

Love and Kindness. That's the goal. Thank you friend.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Good morning,

Just checking in to let you know I was there meditating yesterday before bed. I am grateful for the practice, and the recent celestial message. I am particularly fond of the definition of worship.

I found my self not wanting or saying anything in meditation last night, just feeling gratitude for the stillness and the extrication from my illusory self.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Good morning all!

I thought of each of you before attempting to be present in stillness. I have been experiencing wild amounts of restlessness. It could be my diet, or caffeine addiction. I know I have the power to curb this energy and hone my concentration.

Last night I got pretty deep, and was simply just there. I went from sitting up to laying horizontal and falling asleep. :lol:

Still thankful for the practice, and hope others were there!
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