The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

(from today's Truthbook Quote)

The Power of Religion
"The experience of dynamic religious living transforms the mediocre individual into a personality of idealistic power." (100:0.1)
"Spiritual growth is mutually stimulated by intimate association with other religionists." (100:0.2)

:idea: This "religious living" highlights that religion is much more than church-associated practices, including proselytizing.
And this suggests that "compelling symbolism" should include more than church-association symbols, etc.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Wordle design for UB Part IV,
"The Life and Teachings of Jesus":
(turn 90 degrees right to view)

"The children were always welcome at the repair shop. Jesus provided sand, blocks, and stones by the side of the shop,
and bevies of youngsters flocked there to amuse themselves. When they tired of their play, the more intrepid ones
would peek into the shop, and if its keeper were not busy, they would make bold to go in and say,
'Uncle Joshua, come out and tell us a big story.' " (128:6.11)

"Joshua ben Joseph, the Jewish baby, was conceived and was born into the world just as all other babies before and since
except that this particular baby was the incarnation of Michael of Nebadon, a divine Son of Paradise and the creator
of all this local universe of things and beings." (119:7.5)

"Joseph, the human father of Jesus (Joshua ben Joseph), was a Hebrew of the Hebrews, albeit he carried
many non-Jewish racial strains which had been added to his ancestral tree from time to time
by the female lines of his progenitors ..." (122:1.1)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

"The Language of God" by Francis S. Collins, 2006
(found this week at a used books store) :D

"Collins wants to convince the religious that science leaves plenty of leeway
for belief in God ... Religion and science can not only coexist,
but they can reinforce one another." (from a review)

:idea: Good perspective on the compatibility of science and religion :!:
A New York Times Bestseller. 8)

:study: After reading some negative reviews about this book, I'm persuaded that
a scientist needs Collins' experiential faith to comprehend why Collins believes
science and religion are compatible, to wit:

Science without experiential faith cannot know religion.
Religion without science cannot know material reality.

Re: "The Language of God" by Francis S. Collins, p.169

"Science cannot be used to justify discounting the great monotheistic religions of the world,
which rest upon history, moral philosophy, and the powerful evidence provided by human altruism."

:idea: Since a reviewer argued that Collins does not support all of his claims with science,
I wondered if "altruism" is supported by science:

Re: ... altruistic

"Across the animal kingdom, creatures of all kinds have been known
to lend a hand - pincer, paw or fin - to those in need." 8)

OMG! This must allude to the adjutant mind spirits that function
in animals as well as humans (higher animals): ;)

"The adjutant mind-spirits experientially grow, but they never become personal.
They evolve in function, and the function of the first five in the animal orders
is to a certain extent essential to the function of all seven as human intellect.
This animal relationship makes the adjutants more practically effective
as human mind; hence animals are to a certain extent indispensable
to man’s intellectual as well as to his physical evolution." (36:5.13)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »


"The Urantia Book (sometimes called Urantia Papers or Fifth Epochal Revelation)
is a spiritual, philosophical, and religious book that originated in Chicago, Illinois,
United States sometime between 1924 and 1955." 8)

:idea: Technically, Papers originated during the years prior to 1955 -
Book became the compilation of the Papers in the final years.
Whereas humans created Book (compilation), celestial beings
(listed in the Papers) sponsored/authored the Papers.

:study: See also:
"Acknowledgments by Authors/Sponsors"
"Authors/Sponsors of Papers"

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... r-AA1kw5dc
"What we actually know about aliens, according to science"

"Thus was born 'the Fermi Paradox.' The universe is big and old, and it is highly plausible
that alien civilizations have evolved, based purely on statistical probabilities ... So why,
he asked, is there no compelling scientific evidence extraterrestrials have visited Earth?"

"Perhaps the simplest explanation for the Fermi Paradox
is that there’s no paradox at all: They’re here!" :o

"For whatever reason, SETI has not found anyone out there"

:scratch: Or perhaps alien "evidence" is only that which humans created or imagined. :roll:

From UB perspective (especially considering universe planning/administration), it's not logical
that inhabited planets would be permitted to interact before those planets had achieved light and life.
If any alien visitation occurs near term it will likely present as a Magisterial visitation. By the guidance
of this Magisterial Son and staff, preparation for planetary interaction much later will begin. Until then,
we should seriously evaluate any "evidence" promoted as alien existence let alone invasion :!:

After all, as long as science discounts spirituality, what evidence can science present of life beyond
our planet when all life, according to the UB, evolved from the creation by a spiritual source? ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: The time seems right for "The Urantia Book" to stop being the call sign for the Urantia movement,
instead being replaced by a loftier expression. As "The Book" even this epochal revelation remains constrained
by the historical lineup of spiritual Books. The UB would be the foundation of the concept but the expression
would not suggest typical restraint by printed text and would imply other ongoing revelatory activities. 8)

:idea: Sample "loftiness" ... Gardens of Revelation

Anticipates worldwide centers of support for the upcoming magisterial visitation
as well as continuing individual/group dissemination of the Urantia teachings. :D

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Excellent encyclopedic summary of Thomas Aquinas
with this paragraph a good summary of the summary:


"This eudaimonistic framework - to use the Greek term for ethical theories aimed at happiness - shapes all of Aquinas’s ethical thinking. It is perhaps the most striking instance of his confidence in Aristotelianism as the proper philosophical foundation for a Christian worldview. Predictably, that confidence was met with various sorts of challenges.

One concerns his insistence that our ultimate end is intellectual rather than volitional. For many subsequent theorists, Christian and secular, the ultimate end of human life should not be intellectual contemplation but instead should be love. Aquinas agrees - indeed, he stresses - that love is an essential complement to happiness, pulling us toward our (intellectual) end and rejoicing in its grasp.

Still, the goal of life properly speaking is to understand God and God’s creation."

(Wikipedia) "Thomas Aquinas is considered one of the Catholic Church's greatest theologians and philosophers."

:study: Then there's Protestant counterpoint to Aquinas: ... otestants/
"Aquinas Is Not A Safe Guide For Protestants"

:scratch: Despite point and counterpoint ...
Doesn't the UB instruct that the goal of life is to bond with one's divine presence within (the adjuster),
bonding unrestrained by intellectual prowess, social/political interaction, and church affiliation? ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

"Is the love of truth and the willingness to go wherever it leads, desirable?" (UB, 3:5.10)
(evidence that Titus Flavius may have been the true founder of the Church) :o

Re: ... Alexandria

"Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 – 215, Titus Flavius Clemens) was an early Christian philosopher
and one of the most distinguished teachers of the Church of Alexandria. He is known for his attempt
to unite Greek philosophy with Christian teachings and drew a large number of educated pagans to the Church." 8)

See also:
"Clement of Alexandria"

"More recently, scholars have acknowledged Clement's primacy and importance.
He has been called ...

'the first Christian 'scholar' (Shelley),
'the first systematic teacher of Christian doctrine' (Patrick),
'the first great teacher of philosophical Christianity' (Hatch),
'the first great Christian teacher in Alexandria' (Needham),
'the founder of Christian philosophical theology' (Bray),
'an intellectual giant in the early church' (Kruger),
'that man of genius who introduced Christianity to itself' (Coxe),
'the most inquisitive and independent spirit that has perhaps ever appeared in the Church' (DeFaye)."

:idea: Interestingly, Clement of Alexandria seems the true spiritual foundation of the "Christian" Church
whereas Thomas Aquinas became the popular foundation of the Catholic Church. That a later Pope
distanced Clement from church historicity helps explain why Clement of Alexandria was effectively
marginalized as the Church founder. :(

Now, this independent spirit hints that non-church-centric leaders will be THE voices
for dissemination of our fifth epochal revelation. And considering Clement's leadership
and his promotion of salvation by faith, the First Church of Clementcy could have been
his contribution to church historicity. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: The UB's revelation about the planet's epochal events:

"Many past events of religious revelation, but only five of epochal significance:
1. Dalamatian teachings, 2. Edenic teachings, 3. Melchizedek of Salem,
4. Jesus of Nazareth, 5. Urantia Papers" (92:4.4)

:idea: This highlights that the perception of Urantia's spiritual advancement
is like a two-sided coin: Events of epochal significance represent perspective
from on high - Urantia's church historicty represents human perspective.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: New acronym potential ...

UBC - UB's pre-Christianity focus on Jesus where he proclaimed the good news
of “knowing God, and yourself as a son of God". (5:4.8 )

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Re:
(questions asked to test accuracy and consistency of this chatbot)

Q: How is the Urantia Book related to Christianity?

"The Urantia Book is not a part of traditional Christianity, but it provides a unique perspective on the life and teachings of Jesus. It presents Jesus as the human incarnation of Michael, the Son of God from the universe of Nebadon. The book acknowledges the spread of Christianity by Jesus' followers and recognizes the impact it has had on the world for almost two thousand years.

However, it also suggests that Christianity has become influenced by human interpretations and doctrines, and it calls for a new revelation of Jesus' teachings to unite all religions and bring about spiritual enlightenment. The Urantia Book emphasizes the importance of personal spiritual experience and understanding God as the Universal Father.

While it is not widely accepted within mainstream Christianity, it offers a different viewpoint that some individuals find inspiring and thought-provoking."

Q: How is the Urantia Book not related to Christianity?

"The Urantia Book is not related to Christianity in the sense that it does not claim to be a part of the Christian religion or a continuation of its teachings. While Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the Urantia Book presents a broader and more comprehensive view of spiritual truth. It seeks to provide a new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus, unencumbered by the doctrines and dogmas that have developed over the centuries in Christianity.

The Urantia Book aims to present the living, spiritual reality of the gospel of Jesus, rather than just the gospel about Jesus. It is not meant to replace Christianity, but rather to offer a new perspective and deeper understanding of spiritual truth.

:bana: Suddenly, this simple testing highlights a social vulnerability of chatbots ...

When the inquirer can dictate the type of response desired, the many responses (for different inquirers on the same topic) may be difficult to evaluate. For example, a class instructor, not knowing that one chatbot was the resource, would be challenged to fairly grade students' term papers when all the papers reflect the same "expertise" of that chatbot ... but with different writiing styles and even quantity/quality of information! :roll:

:lol: A student might even request the chatbot to respond as the smartest student in the class or even as the instructor!
(assuming that personal writiing skills were now in a public database).

Suddenly, this simple testing highlights a future possibility of advanced chatbots ...

Request a chatbot to associate Rodan of Alexandria with known philosophers of that time and place,
responding for a then well-greying, mature audience of UB aficionados. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: About the Shroud of Turin
(from a different perspective) ...

:scratch: What changes if there can be no doubt that this is Jesus' shroud :?:
Those who believe the Papers need not evidence of Jesus' resurrection.
And the shroud itself is not evidence of Jesus' resurrection -
just that his body disappeared mysteriously.

That the shroud becomes a relic to be worshipped
suggests Christianity can have a Mecca and pilgrimage.
Is this a good thing? :roll:

:idea: From this other perspective ...
"That faith is concerned only with the grasp of ideal values is shown by the New Testament definition
which declares that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." (99:5.8 )

The faith instructed by the UB is this "evidence of things not seen", suggesting that leaving Jesus' shroud
to be discovered would have been counter-productive to nurturing this greater faith; faith more supportive
and predictive of our successful ascension to Paradise. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... ss-the-us/

:idea: First thoughts ...

"And this was (Jesus') method of instruction: Never once did he attack their errors or even mention the flaws in their teachings.
In each case he would select the truth in what they taught and then proceed so to embellish and illuminate this truth in their minds
that in a very short time this enhancement of the truth effectively crowded out the associated error" (132:0.4)

1. (re: "anti-dogma") "Anti" is immediately negative - dogma and beliefs (even specific dogma and beliefs) must not be attacked.

2. Disassociating from dogma and beliefs is not as spiritually progressive as learning how to keep dogma and beliefs from being disruptive
to group cooperation and camaraderie (an anti-church church cannot become the greater church).

:idea: Next thought ...

"Jesus can be a savior, a radical rabbi or a metaphor, depending on your spiritual inclination."

"Jesus a metaphor" contrasts with this real universe personality, a divine being, and highlights that being spiritual
but not religious risks degradation of spiritual progression both on earth and beyond. After all, God's hierarchy of beings -
not AI substitutes - interact directly with us as we journey to Paradise.

Yes, "Jesus can be" as long as "Jesus is" (the way, they say). ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: About Moses' parting of the Red Sea ...

:study: Re: ... 00050.html (Dec 25, 2023)

"Meteorological phenomena could be behind the parting of the Red Sea,
which allowed Moses to help the Israelites escape the Egyptians"

"The phenomenon is thought to be how Napoleon and his army crossed Red Sea in 1789."

:study: Re: (not a link, Nov 16, 2010)

"... good possibility that Moses would have planned their escape across the Red Sea to take advantage of the tide.
Choosing a full moon for their escape (perhaps also to light their way on a nighttime crossing) would have given them
a spring tide and a larger tidal range. That would have meant a lower low water, and thus a longer-lasting dry sea bottom
and more time for the Israelites to cross, followed by a higher high water to better engulf Pharaoh’s pursuing chariots."

:study: (UB agrees with night flight, publishing this in 1955):

"... when the Egyptian military forces were fully occupied in resisting the simultaneous onslaughts
of a strong Libyan thrust from the south and a Greek naval invasion from the north, this intrepid
organizer led his compatriots out of Egypt in a spectacular night flight." (96:3.5)

:idea: Nevertheless, whereas Moses may not have parted the Red Sea,
his daring, successful escape (and planning) is still remarkable :!:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Regarding religions of authority, Jesus went on to say ...

'At Jerusalem the religious leaders have formulated the various doctrines of their traditional teachers and the prophets of other days into an established system of intellectual beliefs, a religion of authority. The appeal of all such religions is largely to the mind.

And now are we about to enter upon a deadly conflict with such a religion since we will so shortly begin the bold proclamation of a new religion - a religion which is not a religion in the present-day meaning of that word, a religion that makes its chief appeal to the divine spirit of my Father which resides in the mind of man; a religion which shall derive its authority from the fruits of its acceptance that will so certainly appear in the personal experience of all who really and truly become believers in the truths of this higher spiritual communion'." (155:5.12)

:sunflower: Guidance that the UB should not become so integrated with long-traditional religions since they oft perpetuate a "religion of authority". And this "religion of authority" refers to promotion of a "system of intellectual beliefs" as well as to formal, hierarchical organization! Does this not hint that UB organizations requiring such formal organization (e.g., Constitution and By-laws) still need to promote the new religion of Jesus?

Re: ... ion/352996

"A Constitution is a set of rules that guides how a country, state, or other political organization works."

:arrow: Effectively defines organizations with a constitution as a "political organization". :roll:


"By-laws - set of rules or law established by an organization or community so as to regulate itself, as allowed or provided for by some higher authority."

:arrow: "By-law" inherently refers to organizational authority. ;)

:study: See also: Paper 155 - Fleeing Through Northern Galilee
5. The Discourse on True Religion ( )
6. The Second Discourse on Religion ( )

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... wsuit.html
"The Times Sues OpenAI and Microsoft Over A.I. Use of Copyrighted Work"

"The newspaper expresses concern that readers will be satisfied with a response from a chatbot and decline to visit The Times’s website,
thus reducing web traffic that can be translated into advertising and subscription revenue." :(

:idea: Interesting complaint with similar potential repercussion for UB responses and chatbots: Visitors may be satisfied with chatbot responses
and skip in-depth study of the UB, that 2000+ page tome. Even worse, chatbot dependency decreases opportunity to learn how to read/study
the UB; the Cliff Notes problem redux where students read the Notes rather than the assigned literature? :roll:

:!: Nevertheless, this article confirms that many AI lawsuits are now in progress,
deliberating on what constitutes infringement of copyrighted material.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: "Jesus Saves!", loud and clear in the UB (101:6.8-17):

"The teachings of Jesus constituted the first Urantian religion which so fully embraced a harmonious co-ordination of knowledge, wisdom, faith, truth, and love as completely and simultaneously to provide temporal tranquillity, intellectual certainty, moral enlightenment, philosophic stability, ethical sensitivity, God-consciousness, and the positive assurance of personal survival. The faith of Jesus pointed the way to finality of human salvation, to the ultimate of mortal universe attainment, since it provided for:

1. Salvation from material fetters in the personal realization of sonship with God, who is spirit.

2. Salvation from intellectual bondage: man shall know the truth, and the truth shall set him free.

3. Salvation from spiritual blindness, the human realization of the fraternity of mortal beings and the morontian awareness of the brotherhood of all universe creatures; the service-discovery of spiritual reality and the ministry-revelation of the goodness of spirit values.

4. Salvation from incompleteness of self through the attainment of the spirit levels of the universe and through the eventual realization of the harmony of Havona and the perfection of Paradise.

5. Salvation from self, deliverance from the limitations of self-consciousness through the attainment of the cosmic levels of the Supreme mind and by co-ordination with the attainments of all other self-conscious beings.

6. Salvation from time, the achievement of an eternal life of unending progression in God-recognition and God-service.

7. Salvation from the finite, the perfected oneness with Deity in and through the Supreme by which the creature attempts the transcendental discovery of the Ultimate on the postfinaliter levels of the absonite.

Such a sevenfold salvation is the equivalent of the completeness and perfection of the realization of the ultimate experience of the Universal Father. And all this, in potential, is contained within the reality of the faith of the human experience of religion. And it can be so contained since the faith of Jesus was nourished by, and was revelatory of, even realities beyond the ultimate; the faith of Jesus approached the status of a universe absolute in so far as such is possible of manifestation in the evolving cosmos of time and space.

Through the appropriation of the faith of Jesus, mortal man can foretaste in time the realities of eternity. Jesus made the discovery, in human experience, of the Final Father, and his brothers in the flesh of mortal life can follow him along this same experience of Father discovery. They can even attain, as they are, the same satisfaction in this experience with the Father as did Jesus as he was. New potentials were actualized in the universe of Nebadon consequent upon the terminal bestowal of Michael, and one of these was the new illumination of the path of eternity that leads to the Father of all, and which can be traversed even by the mortals of material flesh and blood in the initial life on the planets of space. Jesus was and is the new and living way whereby man can come into the divine inheritance which the Father has decreed shall be his for but the asking. In Jesus there is abundantly demonstrated both the beginnings and endings of the faith experience of humanity, even of divine humanity."

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:roll: Is it OK to call God "Mom" :?:

From a wordsmith point of view, Mom and Dad are similar monikers (if Mom is appopriate, so is Dad).
However, God is rarely referred to as Dad, suggesting that this Mom is a different family moniker.

:idea: Ultimately, at least in personal relationships with deity, "You say tomato ..." ;)

:sunflower: "Nevertheless, I tell you that the Father and I are one.
He who has seen me has seen the Father." (157:6.13)

According to the UB, God is the only personality who may advise
what terms are appropriate. And this same UB suggests that God
accepts all terms of address relative to a soul's maturity and petition.
However, 157:6.13 hints that "Father" is a good choice ...
since we do not typically call Jesus "Mother".

:idea: Good example of what Jesus had in mind about God's name:

"Jesus, looking up to the near-by Adjuster, prayed:
'My Father who reigns in heaven, hallowed be your name.' " (136:2.4)
Interestingly, this praying highlights the role of one's adjuster
(effectively, God's very presence within). ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

"And these creators are in a very literal sense the Father-Son and the Spirit-Mother
of all the native creatures of Nebadon." (37:0.1)

:idea: Clear indication of the meanings of these terms, Father-Son and Spirit-Mother:
In our local universe, Michael is our Father ("He who has seen the Son has seen the Father.", 6:2.2)
and Spirit-Mother is our Mother, emphasizing family roles - not gender (which does not exist).

6:2.2 refers both to the Eternal Son and to Michael. Interestingly, this Father-Son, Spirit-Mother pairing
suggests Master Universe family relationship (with Father standing alone as the First Source and Center).
However, as a Trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit are a complementing triad. Thus, this duality of relationships
(Trinity vs Father, Father-Son, and Spirit-Mother) is highlighted by ...

"Unqualified Paradise Deity is incomprehensible to the evolving creatures of time and space." (116:2.3)

And all this effectively indicates that Urantia gender is meaningless in these relationships! :roll:

:study: Re:

I now understand that I'm referring to "sex", a physical characteristic and not Urantia-descriptive
of post-mortal bodies. However, the many current identities and social constructs seem confusing -
even mysterious - when applied to UB-revealed beings and their relationships. :o

:study: This paragraph seems to best illustrate that human sex and associated long-traditional gender
(not more recent identities) are essentially non-existent in post-mortal life, but maintain a certain
complemental essence as we advance in the local universe:

"Though seraphim are very affectionate and sympathetic beings, they are not sex-emotion creatures. They are much as you will be on the mansion worlds, where you will 'neither marry nor be given in marriage but will be as the angels of heaven.' For all who 'shall be accounted worthy to attain the mansion worlds neither marry nor are given in marriage; neither do they die any more, for they are equal to the angels.' Nevertheless, in dealing with sex creatures it is our custom to speak of those beings of more direct descent from the Father and the Son as the sons of God, while referring to the children of the Spirit as the daughters of God. Angels are, therefore, commonly designated by feminine pronouns on the sex planets." (38:2.2)

:idea: "Our custom to speak" indicates UB terminology compromise for mortal comprehension of roles/relationships
beginning with the mansion worlds. And "sex planets" highlights that sex-associated gender is unique to planetary life
but less in post-mortal life. These two terms are examples of this compromise:

sons of God - beings of more direct descent from the Father and the Son
daughters of God - children of the Spirit

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: ... 235865468/
"New Jesus Film ... to ‘Take Away Negative’ Associations With ‘Organized Religion’ "

:idea: Sounds promising! Might highlight the difference between "organized religion" and "institutional religon"
... and hopefully keeps moving toward this awaited proclamation:

"All Urantia is waiting for the proclamation of the ennobling message of Michael, unencumbered
by the accumulated doctrines and dogmas of nineteen centuries of contact with the religions
of evolutionary origin. The hour is striking for presenting to Buddhism, to Christianity, to Hinduism,
to peoples of all faiths, not the gospel about Jesus, but the living, spiritual reality of the gospel of Jesus. (94:12.7)

But "the living, spiritual reality of the gospel of Jesus" sounds more like the preferred repercussion of religion,
a living repercussion necessarily reflected by those who proselytize this gospel. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: "Two Total Solar Eclipses"

Good video with positive message introducing the Urantia revelation! The two eclipses astronomy seems coincidental
but the video only hints of this association to the following UB quote:

"A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism
and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of
its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment." (195:9.2)

:idea: Seventy years ago this may have been perceived as a future possibility - humanity's choice - but today, UB dissemination
is sufficiently widespread to suggest that this epoch of a new and different springtime is already underway! This epoch, this
"Spring is all about new beginnings and transformations; it's a season that symbolizes starting fresh and starting over."
- Shannon O'Connor ( ... of-spring/ )

Rod :)
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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... americans/
"Church without God: How secular congregations fill a need"

:idea: However, "church without God" is an oxymoron ... :roll:
for those over 5 who have divine presence within (Thought Adjuster):

"Though Adjusters volunteer for service as soon as personality forecasts have been relayed to Divinington,
they are not actually assigned until the human subjects make their first moral personality decision ...
Adjusters reach their human subjects on Urantia, on the average, just prior to the sixth birthday."
( )

This presence within and spirit influences around explain how "secular" benefits can be true:

"Atheist churches are still fairly new, but studies have shown that participation in them and other types
of atheist organizations can bring social and emotional benefits. In particular, it can help atheists buffer
the negative effects of experiencing stigma or discrimination. Whether the atheist church trend will continue
remains to be seen. But such churches’ recent growth is evidence that they can work much like religious
organizations to build community, cultivate rituals and bolster well-being in a time of religious change."

Rod :)
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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... s-science/
"Are We Alone? Science Searches For Aliens"

This ongoing search for aliens necessarily (at this time) excludes non-material, advanced life (Midwayers, et al.).
And the UB's revelation of the VERY LONG evolution of a universe suggests that scientists will at first discover
only small pieces of the puzzle called inhabited planets. :roll:

"These toolkits will also allow us to find the kind of life that doesn’t build civilizations."

:idea: Considering the LONG evolution of implanted life (appears only after Life Carrier efforts*),
scientists might incorrectly conclude some day that they found such kind of life on a distant planet.
However, Urantia's scientists might also conjecture soon that our kind of life can destroy civilizations!
At least, the discovery of Urantia-type living matter should persuade that the planet is being nurtured
for habitation. Who can tell? "Bring Your Own Biology" (BYOB) may be universe mandate for regional
Life Carriers to embark on new life implantation. 8)

* "Life Carriers initiate those processes in dead matter which we call life, material life."
( )

Rod :)
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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Paper 100 - Religion in Human Experience
7. The Acme of Religious Living ( )

"He was emotionally active but never flighty." (100:7.4)

;) How to know when you're "flighty" on your path to perfection:
(re: )

"airheaded, arbitrary, bemused, birdbrained, bubbleheaded, capricious, careless, changeable,
dingbat, dingdong, dizzy, effervescent, empty-headed, erratic, featherbrained, fickle, frivolous,
gaga, giddy, harebrained, helter-skelter, impetuous, impulsive, inconstant, lightheaded, lively,
mercurial, quirky, scatterbrained, silly, skittish, temperamental, thoughtless, twit, unbalanced,
unpredictable, unreasonable, unstable, unsteady, volatile, wayward, whimsical, wild, woozy"

Rod (Been there! Done That! ... sometimes twice) :roll:

:bana: Makes a good T-Shirt design:

Approach with caution! I may be ...

airheaded, arbitrary, bemused, birdbrained, bubbleheaded, capricious, careless, changeable,
dingbat, dingdong, dizzy, effervescent, empty-headed, erratic, featherbrained, fickle, frivolous,
gaga, giddy, harebrained, helter-skelter, impetuous, impulsive, inconstant, lightheaded, lively,
mercurial, quirky, scatterbrained, silly, skittish, temperamental, thoughtless, twit, unbalanced,
unpredictable, unreasonable, unstable, unsteady, volatile, wayward, whimsical, wild, woozy

... depending on your influence.
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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

"Master Universe Almanac" by David Neufer

Immediately perceived as icing on cake good enough without the icing ...
but a first reading of the UB in the 70s without later resources was magical.
Now the many resources help reveal/explain what was first read! :lol:

:idea: A unique and comprehensive new resource for UB study.
Perhaps, too much information for initial study, but becomes
more meaningful after the UB is first studied as written. ;)

:hithere Although having leaned heavily on UB resources over the decades,
I sense now that the UB, as written, was assumed by the revelatory team
to not be such a challenge to human minds; that reading without training
wheels of resources further increased the potentials of those minds. 8)

Rod :)
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