“Born in Sin.” - Midwayer Chief ABC-22 (Bzutu).

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“Born in Sin.” - Midwayer Chief ABC-22 (Bzutu).

Post by Sandy »

Illawarra District, Australia, October 21, 2016.
Teacher: Midwayer Chief ABC-22 (Bzutu).
Subject: “Born in Sin.”

Message received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “We are Urantia Midwayers, known for our ‘humanness,’ our sense of humor and our willingness to drop everthing and call on our mortal students . . . and on occasions play our tricks on them. This is ABC-22, Bzutu for short and I’m here today to point out that my friend here has long been in possession of a certain truth, a logical and inescapable truth . . . well, yes. However, until just a few days ago he did not realize the true and accurate meaning of what he knew so well. And so I just now encouraged him to let me make the point.

“We need to go back in time almost 70 years when a primary school teacher declared that, as humans, ‘you are all born in sin and live in sin your entire life. You are sinners!’ Should I now suggest that what is good for any human is good for all Midwayers, too? At the time my young friend disagreed wholeheartedly and rather loudly with the claim that anyone could be born a sinner, because babies were new, they were pure and unblemished. Rather soon some small town clergy got into the act and as a result the youngster began drifting away from his church. There simply was no logic left in the minds of those who attended a Catholic seminary, he thought, and then he told them so. It does take courage to talk down to grown-ups when you are only a little over 4 feet tall. He became rather unpopular with some.

“Not with us he wasn’t. Those who could clearly foresee so much of the future were already teaching him from a young age — our Dr. Mendoza more often than anyone. But then, just a few days ago, as I already said, he arrived at a sudden conclusion and could see the use of, the need for, yes indeed, the absolute necessity for the lowest of His thinking creatures to be required to dwell in space-time’s want, neediness, hardship even destitution — for them to live with this, rise above it, eventually perfect themselves in time and in this way become His most reliable and trustworthy Spiritual Warriors.

“Former humans, who have come through planetary life and lengthy morontia realities, simply don’t go astray. They are hardened by the tough lives they have led and unlike some higher echalon citizens, they will not falter at their tasks of governing future deep space planetary systems, even new universes. It is all seen so clearly now — the concept shone, it glowed, seemed truer than true — he was now living in a sinfull environment that would harden his resolve as he aimed for the closest thing to perfection in this planetary life and in the follow-up morontia lives of the future, getting ever closer to more advanced rules, mores and ethics on the way.

“Paradise would finally teach those of the earths — Midwayer and human alike — how to run ‘the business of planetary obligations’ fairly, consistently and empathetically. But Paradise in all eternity could not offer what bootcamp Urantia drums into its recruits in a relatively short lifetime on the planet and during their Mansion World lives.

“Take care, Brother.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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