Group Meditations

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Kim, it's nice to see you post. The time away has done some good, it sounds. Lovely experience my friend.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hey Kim,
Wow. I know I say that a lot...but Wow!!! :shock: :D That was sooo fabulously healing...just taking the time to quietly contemplate your meditation leads me there myself. Thank you for that and the released pressure... that it brings.

Let's face it life can be full of pressures and decisions and actions and reactions...we are in a constant flux. But to be reminded that we can just be with whoever we are amidst others who are uniquely experiencing the same thing ...allowing... healing... feeling cosmic Divine love for ourselves and others is as simple as that I think ask and receive...enjoy and be grateful.. Well I don't know how to express my feelings properly after reading and experiencing your meditation.

But yes, Wow, :happy I thank you for sharing and your family for giving you the time to finish recording it. :lol: :kiss:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi everyone!
For those who don't know me my daughter is seven months pregnant, due in early October. The baby shower was last Saturday. Believe it or not I've had a couple of visits from our soon to be granddaughter. I knew the baby was going to be a girl from the start when almost everyone else insisted it was a boy. Every once in awhile I'll have a vision of the baby and I having a conversation. A couple of weeks before the gender reveal a confirmation popped firmly in my consciousness. In my head I spoke very clearly, “Oh, my daughter born in October,... is going to have her own daughter born in October!” This made me a little teary.

August 10, 2022
With all the strife happening around so many, thought I'd share this short, hope filled, late night meditation.

There were many people all lined up in a tight group about ten foot away from me. Suddenly a little girl of about three broke out from the crowd, ran up, and wrapped her arms around my legs, giving me the tightest hug ever. She looked up smiling with the biggest, happiest love filled grin! Immediately I knew it was Dahlia(pretty sure I know what she'll look like at that age). I bent down, hugged her, saying, “You are already so loved, and will be completely loved by your whole family.” The meditation faded with me holding her.

August 11, 2022 Morning Meditation

My mom and dad came in right away giving me their symbols, each taking one of my hands. This is not a common occurrence, so it made me pretty happy! We proceeded to go through my regular meditation preparation. When reaching the part when I ask the archangels to cleanse and heal my chakras, I invited anyone else who felt they needed it to join us. Suddenly there was a crowd of people beside us.

When the archangels were done I felt Nebadonia's symbol, all the others left except Sandy. She and I were touching the giant crystal, a huge burst of light radiated off it. In an instant Sandy was gone and I was in another scene.

Gorge rushed over to me. I had a vision of being a few steps back and seeing him next to another me. I was concentrating hard to try and figure out what he was saying to the other me. Then I just had to laugh! Talking the whole time, he unscrewed the crown of my head and was searching around in my brain looking for information that would help Sandy with a problem she was having!(the night before I shared with her some tools I thought might be helpful) Unfazed by this, he acted like it was the most normal things in the world to be doing at that time!

Then he handed me some papers, “Here, give this to Sandy, and this and this. Tell her how to do Color Breathing, and to remember how to do EFT Tapping, and(there was another technique he told me, and a song played during the meditation, but I was interrupted when recording, finishing several hours later. I'm sure if it was important I'll be reminded of what it was.). He gave me a satisfied smile and that was the end of the meditation.

Wait! I remembered!!! One of the papers was about Tagging Out. It is completely okay for you to say to someone else in the room. “I need to tag out.” Hand over responsibility to the other adult and take your leave. At my Center we knew that the person who a child's negative behavior began with, is rarely the one who it will end with. For some reason having someone else step in is like starting fresh in a child's eyes. There's no preset negative feelings to work through, the energy changes. And when the energy changes, behaviors can too.

This meditation lasted about 45 minutes. I used a large rose quartz and large serpentine stone.

Thanks everyone,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Kim,

That's some brilliant advice from you and George. I smiled at the image of he unscrewing the top of your head and putting what you need inside. LOL Well I guess that is one way to make sure the information isn't dropped or lost.

Such a beautiful thing to know your unborn granddaughter. It really doesn't surprise me as who wouldn't want to get an early start with a grandmother like you. :D Time is irrelevant to a TA and I suspect your TA and Dahlia's TA is granting you a "sneak peak."

Where has the time gone? Seems you just got the news Aleah was expecting.

Thanks for sharing your meditation. it helps.

Well gotta run... never a dull moment here... :kiss:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

George was taking information out of my head and handing it to me as sheets of paper. Lol, my brain looked like individual neon green marbles. :D maybe each one encapsulated an idea, or experience? :bana: Glad it looked so full? :sunflower:

Happy meditating everyone,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

:lol: Not empty, now that's funny.

Congratulations Kim! And congratulations to your daughter.

I have a sneaking suspicion that "Abby" whom I shared the astral body with may be my future daughter.

It was nice to see you post, I was just thinking about getting in a good meditation today(it's been a while).
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm back to meditating almost every day. Don't know why I put it off for so long. I always feel better when I do it on a regular basis, even if some days it's only for 15 minutes or so. Tonight while sitting and messing around on my phone, this song began playing in my head.

Smiling, I called out, "Thank you for the song. If you are the one who gave it to me, please give me your symbol please!" Immediately Monjoronson's, Nebadonia's, and Christ Michael's symbol lit up at the same time. It's still mind boggling that we all are important to them, and worthy of their attention.

I remember, you said that about Abby, pretty sweet to think about. It's possible! "There re no limits!"

I've tried joining the group meditations every once in awhile, had a couple of fun ones. I'll be doing it at the regular time tomorrow. Summer around here is so busy, will try to catch up with the boards more after school starts, until then, "Happy meditating everyone!... and I just called to say I love you!"

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Kim,

Yes I practice stillness every night before bed. Sometimes I only get 5 minutes in, but yesterday I was inspired by you to do something before the regular scheduled practice. I was longing for that depth and sincerity which had been waning(sometimes you got to shake up your routine). I did some chakra clearing and got a good meditation in.

My visuals aren't nearly as intense as yours- I do sense things but those intense visions usually happen in dreams and sure enough I had some vibrant and intense dreams last night/this morning. I won't go into all of it but the one landscape I saw was so stunning.

I dreamt I was somewhere with such beautiful scenery. A weird cross between Brazil and Ireland. There were these little islands with cities, with speed railways shooting up in the sky and submerging down in the water. There were hills and waterfalls, lots of green, coves and rocks. A blend of old and new, industrial and also a bunch of homes huddled close. My minds eye got a panoramic view and it was just amazing.

Great song!
Here's what I fell asleep to last night:

See you out there!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hello Eric and Kim,

I am grateful to both of you for sharing the songs and the bits of meditation. I'll be in no time this week. Will also follow your suggestion to meditate every day even if it is 5 minutes. I have found in crazy situations it is easy to let go and leave out the one thing that can help in all ways. So here goes... :sunny:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

We haven't tried putting our collective energy together in a while- I am wondering if anyone that has done this before is still here, seeing this post?

Kim- how are you? Sandy...?

Any update on Shane?

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hey Eric,

I am back at my kids home as of today and will make a move to meditate along with you if you would like probably in no time Monday morning. I would try for Sunday night 7:30 am central which I believe was the usual time...but with the young boys heading for bed it may be too noisy. If it is calm at 8:30 pm EST though...I'm your old gal. :D

Thank you for reaching out to us... :love

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Alright Sandy, I will try for Sunday.

Have you heard from Kim or Shane? I am hoping they're okay.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
Have you heard from Kim or Shane? I am hoping they're okay.

Yes, they are both okay at this moment. Kim will return soon when life slows down a bit with her new grandchild and Shane will be traveling to Japan very soon to give the gift of "Santa joy" to the little children perhaps one last time.

I will mention to both of them in a pm to see if we can connect via meditation on Sunday or in "no time".

The more the merrier so anybody who wishes too...please join us.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

:bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana:

Hooray! = )
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Sent my prayers out last night <3

Not the longest meditation but a whimsical setting nonetheless!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Had a really nice moment by my tree in the ambient sun- made me think of our group. Sandy, did you end up meditating today instead? I wonder.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi everyone, :hithere
I've been joining the group medtations for a few weeks now. It's been difficult staying awake for meditations at the regular time. This morning joind in 'no time' hoping for better results.

Group Meditation January 29, 2023

Mom and Dad came in before finishing my regular preparation. Dad had a book and a photo album to give to my sister. We delivered them together to her, then I pressed on with the meditation.

Asked to join the Group Meditation in 'no time'. It's been too difficult for me to stay awake during the regular meditation time. The Peacock Angel gave me his symbol. I asked any and all of my teachers and celestials to join in the meditation. Invited all the board members who have joined us in the past.

Almost instantly there were a number of both celestials and board members present. We walked to, and touched the giant crystal en mass. We appeared suspended in space circling the world at the equator. Immediately individual strands of light flowed from our hands. Saw the image of healing light entering the world through the north pole and exiting the south pole. Single strands of light coming out of the south pole entered each of us entering through our backs into our heart chakras. It was like a continuous circle of healing. The words, “Heal and be healed,” reverberated from everywhere.

Some remained, while many of us appeared in a clearing we've been to many times. A song my daughter had written for our first granddaughter when she was born, began playing and continued for the rest of the meditation. It sounded pretty clear, like being broadcast over a loudspeaker.

Light continued to flow from those around the perimeter, lined with celestials and humans, to the center which glowed as a massive ball of light. I received many more symbols. Asked about George, then he and Sandy approached hand in hand. Quickly the thought, “I'm here for Sandy right now,” was offered as a silent explanation of why I didn't feel his symbol.

The gathering grew and grew as more celestials and board members families joined the group. Everyone was milling about laughing, greeting, and continuing to send light to the circle. My family came in with a whoosh, all laughing and chatting. I was surprised when my daughter-in-law's cousin and husband arrived, walking directly into the light(I suspected that later I would find out something had happened in their family). My granddaughters were romping and jumping about as if they really enjoyed these gatherings! Like a giant family reunion!

Looking over I saw Sandy and her entire family. Eyes twinkling, she smiled back at me, happiness beaming from her face. Her grandson and family were about to enter into the light.

Gazing around it felt like love was bursting from my heart. I thought, “We've been here many times before. Each instance felt like a celebration! Healing us,.. filling us with love and hope.”

I rose up leaving the gathering, zipping off here and there, quickly revisiting some of the places I've been to before. Then suspended in space reveling on what it felt like to be in my vortex, I realized the meditation was coming to an end. Right after that my phone toned and there was a knock on my door. My son had sent a picture of his daughter dressed up like a farmer. Aleah entered my room with her daughter dressed in the latest outfit I'd given them. I smiled, “A fitting end to a meditation centered around family and loving healing light.”

This meditation last abut an hour and a half. The stones used were a crackled quartz point over my heart. A very large serpentine stone under my left hand, and a large heart-shaped white quartz fairy stone under my right. The song my daughter sang is called, Inchworm, think it was inspired by the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Will have to look for the lyrics and post when I find them.

Happy to be connecting again! Sending loving healing light to all,

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Kim for keeping up the practice. I have really let it get away from me. I embarassingly forgot when we agreed to get together and meditate. Sunday at 7:30? Guess I could just look back here and start jumping in the no-time to get back into it.

But something tells me your efforts might be in part why I experienced such heart felt gratitude just a couple nights ago.

It's nice to see you here again reading your experience. All the joy and gratitude, reminded me of this mans NDE. ... herSideNDE

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

H Everybody,

I must admit I too have been rather slack in making myself available for group meditation...sometimes, any meditation. I too have had trouble staying awake in the evenings which is the best time in this busy noisy house.

But You guys inspire me and frankly I long to meet up with you and be in a state where I can feel it. I find it interesting Kim that you saw George and I together. This past week as I had my first prolonged dream with him since he passed. I finally got to see his sweet smile again. I have seen him in meditation but not actively in dreams, that I can remember anyway I woke up elated and at peace even joyful which is something I haven't been able to muster for awhile now.

Meditation truly does help with all that ails us, the heaviness inside etc.... It compliments our life in a way that is truly impossible to duplicate in any other way. Yet, our human bodies and minds are always on the move changing processing and sometimes a long the way we can build up walls of resentment fashioned by the troubles in our life and these can create what feels like impenetrable walls that need to be examined and undermined so that meditation can be what we long for it to be...well what ever that is...LOL It is different for everyone. In my is time to look inside and see and feel those things I have been avoiding, those painful blocks...and now, even as I write that I get rebuff from my brain, making excuses..."it is soooo noisy here." "I will be interrupted" or "I will disturb the others who are working from home" and then the "It is too hard" and "It is natural to feel this sadness" LOL Oh I could go on and on...
You know, if we are playing sports we must strengthen our physical muscles to continue to play at a certain level. With meditation it is the same...we connect and discover ever greater lessons and truth we frequently give time to "visiting" with the Divine who will reach each of us individually in the best way possible. Now I know I am talking to the choir here but mostly I just want to give myself some encouragement. :roll: I figured if I wrote it down... know maybe I will find the courage to finally examine those walls where ever they lead. I believe then and only then will a cloud lift that is obscuring my view, my outlook right now.

But on a happy note, Kim, the last couple days I have been feeling a strange pressure and tightness in my back about heart level. It isn't pain...just weird. Hopefully it is the Light you spoke of...which is helpful and encouraging. I will try to meditate and join you guys in no time if I can scale, "Mount Everest" today. ;)

Love you guys!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Don't worry too much about it Sandy.
It's a mental exercise for sure.

It's only 8PM and I'm getting ready for bed. I'm happy you had a nice moment with George. :loves Happy you're feeling inspired too.

Sending loving regards to our little group ~
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Eric. It is 10:35pm and I have a couple hours yet before bed. I would like to step outside after midnight and see if I can spot the green comet... We live in a rather metropolitan area so I am not sure it will show up.

I am thinking about Shane and Melody too. I believe by now they should have arrived back home in Australia.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Could you send me any information on the green comet?

I had a dream the other night
I had an in-between dreams moment where I overheard two people having a conversation. The dream was about Koan and one man told the other that there is energy centrally located on the back. Green pockets of energy. Most people are unaware of it.
Seems interesting, especially because there are more details from that dream that came true later in the day. I didn't include everything but the entire experience felt like a Koan, which I also learned in the dream and had to look up... It means moving beyond reason to intuitive understanding.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,

I think the comet was a little tricky to see with the unaided eye...I missed it as I was afraid I would wake the little boys if I went outside when it was visible. But here is some information I could find on the internet...As with meditating in no time I think we have not missed the boat when mediating on the comets meaning for our lives...

information about the comet... ... em-1777621

on the spiritual side of things... ... ant-signs/

from a crystal master...

“The Traveler” is a green comet that brings the wisdom of the Cosmos from the Outer Oort Cloud, the very boundary of the solar system, which is returning from its 50,000-year journey once again. It brings with it the very essence of the creation and the wisdom and knowledge it has collected for eons. Whereas all other comets travel within a narrow band inside the solar system, the Traveler’s journey is to the very edge of the solar system and back. Spanning light years, its travels cover almost unfathomable distances, gathering the songs of the stars, the deep knowledge of the planets and moons, and the essences of the vastness of the heavens."

We have so many spiritual tools at our disposal...

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Wow, thank you Sandy!

In the last few dreams I felt I was at the, "edge of the worlds"

Solitary but not... Kind of like this comet. We're more connected than we realize.

So cool! What happens out there is really a reflection of what's happening within our larger self. (personal opinion)

Loving regards =)
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
So cool! What happens out there is really a reflection of what's happening within our larger self. (personal opinion)
When I read your post I was remembering the movie, "Men in Black" You know the part near the end when they show basically our world as teeny tiny and surrounded by another world of a sort. I'm not explaining it right but it makes me think about dimensions... There's something else I would like to read more about. LOL I know that is not what you are talking about in the above quote, but it does make you think, anyway... I am thinking there is limitless knowledge, even throughout eternity, for us to discover. What fun!!! :bana:

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