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Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by pointman19 »

It's been a few months since I've been around as I've had to make some very major life and career changes. This has taken a toll on my mental health a bit as these changes were very dramatic..but...needed to be done.

But...before I get on about myself, I'd LOVE to know how all of YOU are doing!

Ive been trying so hard to unlearn bad habits (like smoking etc) and adapt to my "new life".

It's very underwhelming...and just plain not fun :roll: especially now that I'm not a professional chef anymore. That "spark" inside that made me love my job isn't there at this new job. But...it's better than the physical alternative.

But anyways, I'm not trying to make this a sad post. I was just hoping that I may see some old and new faces on this post. Maybe members I haven't seen in years upon years!

I really do miss the family here. :mrgreen: :sunflower:


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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by happyrain »

:hithere :salut: :alien:

Thank you for reporting in Jason, I am okay. I too am working on major lifestyle changes. And I am learning it's okay to have moments that might seem like we are deviating from our desired path- but to apply a greater understanding and compassion towards my body's natural rhythms and years of developed habits- which, by the grace of God and our bodies ability to speak to us- are coming to the fore. In this way I enjoy something like rest when in the past I was feeling like the rest I would engage in was bad. Like I wasn't doing enough. Really it was how I was utilizing my time during rest that was problematic.

So what are you doing nowadays? Jon just posted something you shared on FB here not too long ago... It had a lot to do with being the masters of our lives. Reminded me a lot of the Sufi wisdom I cherish so much.

Kind regards :bana:
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by Starwalker »

Hey Jason,

Glad to see you back on the message board. Life changes can be very stressful, even if they are good changes. I am not feeling the spark at my new job either. But then again, I don’t think I have ever been that passionate about a job. It’s just a means to support myself, which is something we are expected to learn in our material life. Every job has its challenges. Working with people who can be “difficult to love” is one of the biggest challenges. Taking some time to quiet the mind and relax is the best medicine for this. I find prayer helpful too. It doesn’t change our circumstances, but it can give us strength and comfort in our times of need.

I used to smoke too. Any time I tried to force myself to quit, I failed. Then one day I just felt that I was done with it and dropped it just like that. Many people would often tell me how bad it was for me, but it’s not like I didn’t know that already. We have to do these things on our own time. I’ve been quit for 9 years now, and don’t miss it at all.

I hope to see you around here more often. Welcome back!

God bless,
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by pointman19 »

Hey Eric and John!

I wish I could say things are going well but unfortunately...the best I can say is " I'm trying"

I'm curious about that Facebook post I made. It sounds familiar but Id like to see what post moved you to post it here 😁

These days there's no rhyme or reason to what I post these days. I've kinda lost my way...you know?

After the last hospitalization, Im so cautious and extremely protective of my mental health. And all these things keep happening that's beyond my control.

To be continued, I'm at work lol


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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by pointman19 »

It's like...I understand that things happen and I have to go with the flow. And I really wish I understood the lessons the universe is trying to teach me...or help me get through.

What's been a really convient turn of synchronicity, is that I started seeing 11:11 again right before John had contacted me through Facebook.

The way my mental health has been going, I know I've disconnected and have withdrawn from source. I know they are trying to call me back though. And it's their way of saying...if we "can't" help or get through to you...perhaps coming back to the 1111 forums would be a start. I used to love talking about this stuff...but after that horribly toxic face group group I was in in the past, I no longer have that outlet. And I've become more hesitant to join spiritual groups because of this "teal swan" approach to spirituality. Google her. You may see what I mean.

How do you guys stay connected to the midwayers when your feeling lower than low?


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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by happyrain »

Sometimes feeling lower than low is what helps me look within. That time in stillness is more help than I know. Same with prayer. I have battled with a friend on a spiritual forum because of political views. We call it a spiritual forum but it seems the focus is always on political topics. He thinks I spread lies on his forum for seeing things different. This has been going on for years, I thought I could tolerate it but I learned I can not. So I am no master... The violence he has helped stir at the thought level is something I am not happy about at all. I think you cutting ties with the other place is good. There's something to be said about interactions online versus interactions in person... That same dude whose face I sometimes envision punching is actually a nice guy and deserves none of that. That I would ever think that is appalling considering I wish for peace and nonviolence. But for whatever reason our time together online has turned completely toxic... And that's with over 10 years of online presence. So maybe I need to learn to take a chapter out of your book. It's hard to walk away from 10 years of invested energy... And it's important to have community... So I am happy you can at least come back here and find a place to share what interest you free from malice and accusations. I think the point is we're still very clearly children and even "wise leaders" rub each other the wrong way. Knowing that, sometimes a little silence or alone time is good- as is being around friends where you can relax and say things without constantly being told you are wrong.

Here's the quote you were asking about,
By this I mean these experiences just happen and I react or yield to them, rather than taking control and wielding the torch myself. I also read this today on a Facebook post Jason shared, “Man either controls his mental states or they control him. Where they control him, he is the slave of circumstances.” How about you, Eric? Are you wielding or yielding?
Taken from
http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... 42#p216302

Which reminded me of this...
It lies with his own mind whether he shall be master, or whether he shall be slave. He is slave when he neglects to be master; he is master if he cares to be master.

Mastery lies not merely in stilling the mind, but in directing it towards whatever point we desire
Taken from
https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/VII/VII_16.htm Stilling the Mind

Now that I'm getting past the bad habits that are surface level easy to work with... I really need to work on the bad habits that are more emotional in nature, which often is the precursor to the physical action of a bad habit anyway. I do believe the world around us is a reflection of what's happening within, but man- sometimes it just feels like there are really difficult people to work with! You can't get them to see that on some level you are the same, so it becomes more about being able to actually practice that knowledge than talk about it- which seems to be something many "spiritual aspirants" are so fond of(talking about it).

So now you know an undesirable thing about me :lol: - but maybe we're here to help each other now... As for cooking... I could not cook for a large group of other people- I do enjoy cooking healthy meals for my self. Maybe for the Woman I Love... Like a wife and Child. =) I also enjoy grilling, it's a lot of fun.
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by pointman19 »

Hey Eric!

I had written this long thought out post below but I'm grateful the forums have a way of letting you know a new response was made. So I really wanted to respond to you first before you read the rest of what I wrote. I got a little deep but....I haven't had an outlet for so long on anything spiritual let alone 1111. I guess some "stuff" needed to come out.

I really love what you wrote and I can relate in such a huge way. But let me ask you, if you left that group, the one that's toxic and have been a part of for so long, how do you think that would make you feel? Not in the short term but in the long run?

I think that's what I got into with what I posted below. Their are people and deep conversations I've had that I truly miss. And their was many times you would get that person or two that you can't get through to. Wether it's because they aren't willing to observe different points of view or if it's Just them holding firm to a belief regardless of information. It's one thing to leave a comment or two with people like that, you know? A way of testing the waters so to speak. Depending on what they say and more importantly, HOW they say it determines if I'll keep the Convo going any further.

So...many..times..their are people out there who really enjoy trying to push your triggers. Wether it's subtlety...or just out right mean about it...or something to that effect.

You know I ended up deleting that post because I thought it was too deep for the likes of Facebook. I had added an opinion, if I can remember it right was

"Does he truly become a victim of circumstance? Or does one become a product of their own personal prison?"

I even asked for opinions..but after two days of nothing I felt best to delete it since I thought maybe people thought I sounded crazy.

If you have a little time, I kinda went into detail about how I've been feeling since I left the group. And I'm so grateful Jon reached out to me. Maybe talking to you guys was what I needed all along... :sorry:

To be honest...I just miss talking with like minded people these days and on their views of spiritualism. It was one of the few things that kept me happy when I would be going through tough times. It not only helped keep my mind of things that were bothering me, but that helped fuel me to keep going when times got tough.

It's been a lonely time for me since I "left" that group. I'm fearful of trying other groups that are similar in beliefs solely because...you just don't know what's the ultimate agenda or what's the real "aim" of the group is. Is it TRULY about light and life and the love for your fellow members...or is it just a platform for their own personal views?

So I've stayed out. And lately, it's been a lonely existence since then. Pair that with the loss of life, personal issues, stress that's beginning to have physical effects...but yet...despite ALL that and despite ALL the hardships, I'm still moving forward...but this time, I feel...empty? Spiritually empty...

One thing I know for certain. The one teensy teensy spark, that one little light that refuses to go out...is 11:11 and my full beliefs in it.

THATS what's been keeping me going. That they haven't given up on me and I know they never will. It's that one..strong.. belief..that keeps me from "collapsing". :roll

I guess I just really turned this post into a downer, didn't I?

I'm sorry for dropping this on you all. I'm not asking for you guys to be therapists lol. But this is what I've kept inside since November of last year when I last posted. It's so heavy on my heart, but on the outside, I have to act like everything is fine.

I hope you guys don't mind if I may get involved in some of your more spiritual based posts. It could what kick-starts that dim spark back into a comfortable campfire

Peace and Love



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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by Starwalker »

Hey Jason,

I probably should have commented on your Facebook post. I’m not overly active there. I was hoping that you might see that I shared your post here and that you would get involved in the conversation. But when subtleties didn’t work I had to reach out to you. I don’t think that post was too deep for Facebook. But this is coming from someone who posts Urantia Book quotes there.

No need for apologies, I don’t think you are bringing anyone down. It’s important to be able to be open about these things. How else will anyone know when you get a little uplifting? I find this forum to be a great outlet for my thoughts. My posts often get me thinking about other things and I never know where spirit will lead me next. Keeping these positive spiritual thoughts going does wonders for my mental health. Feel free to join into any threads I have going. I love getting others’ input, even if it differs from my own views. We are all pieces of the same puzzle.

Love and light,
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by happyrain »

I think I would feel relieved if I can walk away. I'm tired of trying to prove points to anybody. A real spiritual practice is not having to have the last word in, not having to be right- but instead being able to find harmony and allowing the other to feel joy. I suppose that sense of allowance for anothers joy must come with some keen discernment and responsibility too. But as I've said, investing over 10 years... It's tough. Particularly because it's been me and one person for the entire duration. We were friends until things started turning sour. The rest of the people have been visitors, coming and going. It's kind of funny, it was blue nova(an original member here) who invited me to that community and she herself left it long ago. The two spiritual communities I've found online that I find true joy and self reflection in are the 1111MB which is less active nowdays and the second at the galactic travel channel hosted by Casey Claar. That forum is really feeling like home. Of course I've also made friends in my life that I am able to share spiritual topics with but there's something nostalgic and relieving to writing... I know the man I am constantly butting heads with is dismal in affairs of political matters only, he says he welcomes political discussion but it became evident that dissenting views were eventually called lies and misinformation. For him it was no longer about allowing the other to express their desired path but about proving how one path is wrong and the other is right. He felt an obligation to "defend truth" which I have discovered isn't actual truth but his opinion as to what truth is... In my foolishness I not only tried to get him to see this reality but I continued on with my own understandings which has only propelled things into a miserable existence. It has even caused an anger in me that has affected my immediate life. So yes, walking away is good- but it's hard when you think someone is a friend... But is someone really a friend if you think they are intentionally trying to feed off your anger? This guy thinks its his noble duty to defend lies- So I have a question for you all... What is truth??? How could something like politics get in the way of two spiritually inclined friends- suddenly the other is accused of perpetuating lies and division?? If he can't see that he's doing it but I can see that I'm doing it then it is up to me to do something proactive before more anger and misery is created. And so as hard as it is, walking away might bring about a greater relief for the both of us. The problem is, I'm just as stubborn as ever. :x

There... Now I've given you plenty reason not to feel like the only one being a downer. :lol: Haha, no I am a guy that wears his heart on his sleeve- and despite this being a public forum I think of us as a small community here. Friends and family to an extent. I can be reserved, but I am laying it out there because it seems doing so has provided interesting feedback. I mean, you said it- I'm realizing that community is about his personal views... But to the extent that he thinks he is protecting the entire forum and the entire nation. Good grief Charlie Brown! I'd rather be about the community... Hmm... Thank you... Now that's given me something to think about how I've been handling this entire situation.
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by happyrain »

Well Jason, I've done it. I'm hoping I don't look back either... That's hard for me to do! Especially as one who travels time so often in his dreams. :lol: Thank you for helping me understand. When a community is about self serving there isn't much room for a community. I'd rather not be about that... Can't believe it's taken years of emotional turmoil to understand. Though, I've battled with leaving that community many times before. I suppose I just hope one day people can transcend their differences and respect each other in the present. An online presence reduces that reality, and often meeting people in person and being a genuine human being with the other negates a lot of the soap box drama. I better get off my own high horse... Anyways, you helped me make an important decision today- some might say the timing of all this was indeed *just right* :lol: I also realize a community sometimes means not being right... To allow another to express themselves sincerely, of course there is an abuse if that level of respect is not reciprocated... So I hope to find people who reciprocate respect in the face of differing opinion. Cheers :alien:
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by Starwalker »


I’m new to the spiritual scene, but I’ve experienced many toxic environments. I think you made the right choice in walking away if this group was causing you grief. Endings are just new beginnings. You have to turn the page to get to the next chapter.

You ask “what is truth?” The truth is all there is. And none of us are capable of complete comprehension of it. Therefore, to us truth has to be relative to our own understanding and personal experience. Our universe is constantly evolving in the plan of its perfection. In this way, truth is dynamic and living to us. Any attempt to define the truth creates stagnation and leads to error. But to err is human, to forgive divine.

Jesus taught his followers not to strive with men, even the unbelievers. Consider how Jesus handled the traitorous Judas. He did not try to coerce his behaviour and allowed him to do as he chose. This lead to Jesus being crucified. The point I’m trying to make is that we can only present our truth and hope that it will resonate with others. We cannot force it on anyone. Your ‘Charlie Brown’ is free to do as he will. I’m sure you know this already. But gaining knowledge seems to be the easy part. Putting it into practice can be more difficult. I believe that is called wisdom. And no amount of study can make us wise. It only comes with growth.

When I start to feel resentment towards others I remind myself that there is One in me that loves this person. It’s normal to feel these things, but in holding on to resentment we are only hurting ourselves. As they say: let go or be dragged.

God bless,
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Jon,

I like that expression. All is well, and I appreciate the support!
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by pointman19 »


I wouldn't worry too much about making a comment to that post. There's days where I get lost in thought pretty deeply and I try to.pick the brains of people on my friends list. You ever notice that people on your friends list are SO opinionated about SO many things but you ask something out of the "norm", the norm being politics or whatever news story that generates outrage of the week, (insert controversial "craziness" that gets people fighting me re than discussing)...anyways, when you ask something that makes people think...it's met with crickets. Or maybe my reputation as a "crazy" precedes me and no one wants to engage with me.

The reasons are endless and I'll drive myself crazy trying to understand people's behavior these days. I'll have to leave it at that lol.


I want to say that's AWESOME but I know it's a heck of a lot more painful to just walk away. Just today I started dipping my toes back into some other 1111 groups on FB. Not many, but one or two just to gauge things. With 11:11, you can tell in a themed group such as that if it's about personal views or not. I mean, 11:11 has no opinions..it just IS. I'm looking more to see if people are discussing the phenomenon or phenomenon related to 1111 and what their take on it is.

I think I've been "alone" long enough. Even with life and everything associated with it burning down around me, even I have to admit to the midwayers and all spirits involved with my guidance...I'm gonna need help on this next leg of the journey.

Big time


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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by happyrain »

Jason, I believe you're going to receive it. Just as expected, "big time."

You're right, the 1111 is unbiased... And seems to connect people, always- to a deeper and beautiful aspect of reality which we're sometimes unable to make sense of.

These beings are quite patient...

We're never truly alone are we? "Someones always listening" :alien: :study: I feel like I can relate, a little, to where you're at or where you've been... That is interesting.

I just read a story about a girl seeing 1111 flash in her minds eye before having an incredible and very hard to explain experience... These guys are doing great work for all of us.
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by pointman19 »

happyrain wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:05 pm

You're right, the 1111 is unbiased... And seems to connect people, always- to a deeper and beautiful aspect of reality which we're sometimes unable to make sense of.

These beings are quite patient...
Here's the "crazy" part. Over the course of ten plus years since I joined this site and out of the many MANY things I've researched...when we start to get low and fall out of vibration...what's keeps calling us?

Is it the law of attraction? The rule of fives, just to name a few?


None of those things reach " out" to us. It's the calling of 11:11. No matter now low..or if you've flooded your brain with too much research...the research doesn't reach out.

In the most simplest of forms...it's 11:11 and other numbers that grabs our attention and gets us to focus on the HERE and NOW.


“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by happyrain »

:loves :happy :alien: :bike:

And I really love the parallel Jon drew for me... Jesus knew he would be betrayed and did not interfere with the process. To me this says a lot about Master-qualities. Resigning the Ego is no easy task, but it would appear even in the face of absolute oppression- liberation is possible.

I'm beginning to think the intelligence guiding the 1111 understand this, which is why we can't tell another person what is true or untrue. It can't be put into words but it can be felt and recognized- internalized and applied. A living communication, not the words we attempt to ascribe to it. Seeing the prompt is so subtle but so direct... The profound reach- being both personal and impersonal... One can't help but smile... This was in our recent celestial message:

"The Grand Production of the never-ending thriller of life made its debut in Paradise. Its brilliant Producer excels at taking your breath away through spectacular living displays of truth, beauty, and goodness while ever protecting the ‘freedom of script’ of His colossal cast so that they get due credit for the stellar contribution of their heartfelt improvisations." Wow...

I have not acted in accordance to my Understanding, which is why I was met with clear opposition. Conflict... Turmoil... Because I insist on being right, or fighting those who would tell me I'm wrong. Live and let live I suppose... Or as Jon has helped me remember... let go or get dragged. :lol: :lol: Thank you guys.
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by pointman19 »

I like how you phrased all of that so eloquently.

In the begginning stages, walking away from convos was a little difficult because I felt that if I explained enough, or showed numerous different points of view, I could get through to people. It was never about being "right" when I was talking about spiritual topics, because if I don't know what's right, how could I tell people what's right and what's wrong?

My main goal, or agenda if you want to put it that way, was to find people who would question 11:11 and if I could, I would only people to this site. Just to give them another point of view to look at when it came to this phenomenon.

I've learned though, the literal definition of "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink".

On a different topic, I haven't seen Sandy around. How has she been doing?

I heard she had moved back to Ohio! One of these days, if she's close enough and maybe up to it, I'd love to meet up for coffee and chat. :mrgreen:

I wonder if she's enjoying the weather out this way?


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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by Sandy »

Hello you three awesome people,

I apologize for my lack of presence. I thought when I was able to move back to the States life would settle down for me but LOL Life had other plans and some new challenges for me. So Jason, I apologize for being tardy to your thread but I must admit I have enjoyed reading the flow of this post and the many eloquent thoughts that have been shared.

One thing I would like to share...when I first came to this site in 2005 or 2006???? (LOL It is probably on my profile picture for every post I make here but I never pay any attention) anyay...it could be pretty dog eat dog with people constantly contesting what 1111 really meant and in most cases could not offer any evidence...well any more then we can offer evidence of The 1111 Midwayers whom we know to be behind the information. It reminds me of a conversation I had with my sister yesterday... (she was unsure what was to come with death. ... unsure about all the infinite beliefs being floated by the people of this world.) I knew I couldn't convince her of anything as it is my own experience. She needs a frame of reference in her own experience. I can't do it for her. Because often people question our ability to see clearly...They assume our minds made it all up.... a dream we want to believe in our waking hours. Well...in reality... the only thing that can convince a person who is questioning and still open to the emanations of the universe is their own experience. Allowance becomes very important. We have to remain open to the possibilities. But I think this often begins by "choosing a direction" a "platform" of a sort for the experiences with God to begin. And then allowing The Divine entities to gently show us ever deepening experiences which create the peaceful knowing we so long for...the knowing we are loved beyond reason and we are not alone in our journeys be it in mortal domains or spirit.

The Midwayers who prompt us have a brilliant job to do and they know us sooooooo well. They are part of a much broader picture. They consider it a job well done when they can place our hand in that of the Divine Within... to know them is to love them... no doubt. Of course, it is up to us to keep a firm grip and not to get sweaty palms and slip away. Free will is paramount and it is up to us to make our choices always.... and that will never change. Sooooo it brings me back to what I really wanted to say... sorry about that. I am such a chatterbox... Love. It is all about love. If we never have a spiritual discussion in our life, but Love with a heart full of light we will blossom and create more healing, more peace, more joy in our lives, the community, and even the world around us then we can fully understand. Think about it... it isn't necessarily the words we hear, read or utter that change lives but rather our "experience" of the words put into motion. Does that make any sense at all?...Life experience, is the "proof in the pudding" and everyone has to do this for themselves or otherwise it can be hollow and unfulfilling.
So, let's consider giving ourselves time everyday for quiet reflection with the Divine and its community of divine siblings.. Open our hearts and talk to them as if your best friend is before you because they are... and always will be just waiting for us to remember and call on whatever "spirit connecting device" we prefer to use.

Once again, I am sorry I have been missing quite a bit. Yes, Jason I have moved to Ohio. The Columbus area. I am currently visiting my family in Tennessee and staying in my parents house. They are living in an assisted living home right now, thankfully, still together. My mom has altzeimers and my dad has dementia. The house is very sad without them. I have no wifi here other then my phone's hotspot and LOL my allowance was used up over the weekend with the grandkids using their tablets and watching television so I am moving slow as Christmas and it can be an exercise in frustration. (They slowed me down rather then cutting me off.) I should be back in business in a few days though so happy thoughts, Sandy. :roll: :)

I love all that you guys have said above... you all are very special to me. :happy
xx Mushy Sandy
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by happyrain »

Sandy I'm happy to hear you're doing well... When you mentioned your Sister and thoughts around Death this video came in mind... Maybe you can share it with her?

This is a great movie free on youtube!

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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by pointman19 »

Hey Sandy!

It's good to hear from you and no need for apologizing :mrgreen: I've been trying to be a little more active on the boards but I, too, have been having my own challenges.

I've been trying to hang in there, though. The people here have a way of being so uplifting and supportive of each other and it always brings me back to feeling like myself. It's such a huge reason that I care so much about you all.

There's my mushy moment too haha.

So many things you touched on and brought up that struck a cord in me. Your unwavering faith and commitment to Love itself is something I hold close to my heart.

When times get tough, I come back to posts, especially comments like that one because sometimes...I need that reminder. It seems like everywhere I go, something or someone is always trying to be in a conflict with me. And it can get so bad that it's hard to find the light In all that dark out there.

It makes me remember 11:11, the Midwayers, and that quest that started all those years ago. And the truth I ultimately came to believe.

Sometimes, it just takes that spark.

I'm glad to hear from you again!


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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by Sandy »

Jason, It is so good to have you back on the boards. And really cool to remember that we are living in the same state now. :D 8)
I know you have had some tough times. Life can be hard but you don't give up and look again to what helps you cope...something that is always within you in reality. When I struggle and it is more often then I like to admit these past two years... I am encouraged by your own experiences and thoughts which you share with us. So Welcome home, Jason. :bana: The door will always be opened for you here. :love

((Yep...I'm a mushy person. LOL)
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by pointman19 »

Hey Sandy!

A lot of us seem to be going through some tough times. There was a point in time where I had been feeling what I thought was "spiritually empty"

But I have to admit, being back on the boards and my renewed digging around has lit that spark back up. There was a post I made in the talking about angels section that REALLY resonated with me. The cool thing was, I could truly imagine being in a lecture hall, an apt student whose mind is like a sponge right now, and the chief is standing at the podium just dropping knowledge in the calmest fashion possible. Many things I knew already, but the details of the rebellion, that was like soaking up new information and I "listened" with rapt attention lol. I think it's a great article that stimulates ones mind and imagination as your brain weaves this tale that's being told. I think it's great for even newcomers to read.

It was something as simple as that and now it's like..my interest is renewed. I have the next two days off and I soon plan, for the first time, an akashic meditation and see where it goes. I know it takes practice but I think that's where I'm at right now.

Once I get better at it and I learn the difference between what's in my imagination compared to the meditation.....would you guys be interested in having one more person "meet you at the bridge?"

Oh and how is Ohio treating you since you got back? The weather has been a bit sporadic and we've had some days where it's been ungodly hot. Getting used to the humidity here can be brutal :lol:

Are you in the busy area of Columbus or more the quieter neighborhoods? I've only been there a handful of times but the times I were there, I was in the busier, close to downtown area and the traffic would send my anxiety sky high!

Well....I hope to be a bigger contribution to things soon. This time, even when it starts to get tougher for me, I'm going to try and hold 11:11 close and remind myself that things could be unfolding synchronously that I don't understand at the current moment. Things will get better....for all of us I'm hoping.

As of now, to remind myself of the impact to embrace The Midwayers once more, despite everything that happened and especially... mentally, I now where the watch of my brother who has passed on. It's analog hands are always pointed to 11:11 and the date is set for the 22nd, in honor of the midwayers I look up to the most (no offense to other midwayers or beings that assist them). Hes the Apollo to my Rocky :loves


“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by Sandy »

Good morning Jason,...Well it is 11:17 and just barely morning.

I want you to know that you already contribute greatly to our little board family just by showing up and saying what's on your mind. We all have thoughts and ideas and sometimes it really does take courage to put those things out there. It can make some people feel a little vulnerable and I certainly understand that. I try to keep this board a safe place for people who are sensitive. The world can be rather harsh and sometimes we just need a place where we can feel safe and know we won't be criticized. I see Bzutu's signature prompt and I am reminded of our friends who visit so quickly but frequently.

I would just like to say...that much has happened since the U Book was written. You will be happy to know that the adjudication has occurred and that is why that the communications circuits have been opened and intensified. The rebel Midwayers have been rehabilitated and are back under close direction from the hierarchy of Celestial administrators of this planet. It is a good thing as there are many more Midwayers to help with the Correcting Time. They all have direction and supervision now...so that's good eh?

I do live in an outer suburb of Columbus but wow the traffic is still more then I'm used to and it does make it hard for me to over come my own anxiety about driving on this side of the planet. Geoff and George encouraged me for many years to drive in Austria but it wasn't until George had his stroke in 2016 that I was forced to be brave and drive with all the differences. It was a good thing and helped me to feel more settled. I wish I had listened to these two wise men earlier. :roll: :) So I need to get on with it, eh? and get out on the road... :roll

I'm always glad to hear from you, Jason... you're family. :)

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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Jason,

Thanks for reaching out to me today. I was feeling lower than I let on to. I’m sorry I haven’t been very active here lately. I do enjoy being a part of this family. It’s just that my attention seems to be pulled in many directions these days.

There are a couple things in this thread that I feel I can contribute to. Firstly…
You ever notice that people on your friends list are SO opinionated about SO many things but you ask something out of the "norm", the norm being politics or whatever news story that generates outrage of the week, (insert controversial "craziness" that gets people fighting me re than discussing)...anyways, when you ask something that makes people think...it's met with crickets. Or maybe my reputation as a "crazy" precedes me and no one wants to engage with me.
I think its important to remember the level of social conditioning that our world is living under. And collectively, our society has not come very far when it comes to controlling the baser emotions. So, when your thoughts are met with crickets, just remember that many people are not capable of relating to you at their current mind level. We are actually very fortunate to have such a large frame of reference. Some people live in a little bubble where humans are the most intelligent creatures in the universe and where we are very advanced because we have technology. Technology is a great thing because it helps us improve our standard of living. But if we lack the wisdom to properly use it, technology can be a dangerous weapon which can threaten the whole planet. We have a long way to go in becoming civilized. This should be becoming clearer to many people as warnings about what to do in the case of a nuclear attack are becoming more prevalent. But progress is painfully slow, and I think we are actually regressing in some ways. Perhaps some supervision from our celestial superiors will help rehabilitate our planet as it did for the rebel Midwayers. I used to pray for the beginning of the age of Light and Life. Now I pray for the end of the age of the Agondontor (those who believe without seeing). I suppose these are one and the same, but I figure the end must come before the new beginning. Seeing is believing.

Also, you brought up a point about real vs imaginary:
Once I get better at it and I learn the difference between what's in my imagination compared to the meditation...
I have been questioning this myself. The funny thing is that as soon as I started questioning it, the visuals stopped. I’ve come to the realization that because our thoughts have physicality, even if it is our imagination it is still real. I posted this Urantia Book quote in my contemplation of the Starry Crown:
3. Spirit-reception series. There are three groups of mind design as related to contact with spirit affairs. This classification does not refer to the one-, two-, and three-brained orders of mortals; it refers primarily to gland chemistry, more particularly to the organization of certain glands comparable to the pituitary bodies. The races on some worlds have one gland, on others two, as do Urantians, while on still other spheres the races have three of these unique bodies. The inherent imagination and spiritual receptivity is definitely influenced by this differential chemical endowment. (49:5.19)
Our imagination and spiritual receptivity are both related to our pituitary endowment. Therefore, I conjecture to say that a form of spiritual receptivity is to have our imaginations guided by spirit. And it makes sense that Spirit would pull from our own memories and experiences when doing this. It is not so important what we are seeing in these meditations, but what we are feeling and learning. I think they are powerful tools for spiritual advancement. But, just like all other spiritual phenomena, we have to believe it for it to work. I wrote above that seeing is believing, but in this case, believing is seeing. I hope you are successful in this endeavour.

Sandy, I was sorry to hear of your parents’ illnesses. It must be hard to see the minds of your loved ones deteriorate. I’m sure your faith must strengthen you in these times. I’m sending lots of prayers and positive energy your way!

God Bless,
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Re: Hello! How ARE you all??

Post by Sandy »

Thank you for your prayers, Jon. So much change has happened in my family life the past two years. It is hard to keep up. But I suppose I am getting better with understanding change. Not embracing it just yet but accepting that it will happen and where "cometh my help". :)
I went through and overcame my very worst fear, which was loosing my George. And now learning rather slowly that he really isn't gone. I guess I am learning to embrace the "new reality" we still share.( really not new reality LOL as it has always been what it is to a certain extent)
My parents have always helped people and given of themselves in so many ways. They would still like to feel useful. Of course they are more then useful. I look at Mom's beaming face and smile that lights the room and know that she is as useful if not more so then she has ever been. And Dad with his twinkle in his eye... Nope they are very much needed on this planet. It is just their environment has changed.

I also want to thank you for sharing your words they give me much to "chew on" today. I hope you are feeling better now. But know we are here for each other and after 15 years or so being here I can say none of us are 100 percent all the time. Sometimes we all need "a little help from our friends". Be they human or Midwayer. ( Now I will have that song on my mind the rest of the day. LOL)

Take care all of you awesome people out there...every one of you are important and special just as you are in this moment.
You are loved!


"A Little Help From My Friends"

Billy Shears song writers Paul McCartney and John Lennon

What would you think if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
What do I do when my love is away?
Does it worry you to be alone?
How do I feel by the end of the day?
Are you sad because you're on your own?
No, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Do you need anybody?
I need somebody to love
Could it be anybody?
I want somebody to love
Would you believe in a love at first sight?
Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time
What do you see when you turn out the light?
I can't tell you, but I know it's mine
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, get high with a little help from my friends
Oh, I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends
Do you need anybody?
I just need someone to love
Could it be anybody?
I want somebody to love
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Oh, I get high with a little help from my friends
Yes, I get by with a little help from my friends
With a little help from my friends

Billy Shears song writers Paul McCartney and John Lennon
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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