Group Meditations

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi SammyJo =), I'm a little bit of both. I think these few test coming up are going to be very helpful. We have a direction to go, and we will do various test making sure we rule out the rarer oddities. Thank you for offering your help. For now I'm just tired. Was discharged from the hospital yesterday, on some medicines to help with everything. There are some side effects still but they want me to try and get through it and stick with the regimen until some tolerance is built up and the test results come in. Then there's a weening off the drugs too, they're potent medicines I don't know why anyone would abuse these things. I feel for some of these nurses and patients. It's a relief to be home.

Hi Kim! Wow, wow, wow. Thank you so very much. I was touched to know all the guides helping and all the healing coming my way. I am very grateful. I can attest the child-me loves to show off the backyard I grew up in. And that I've taken people to see peacocks in our area. Someone in the 80's brought a bunch and they live by the bayou. I took a friend and her kid and we collected peacock feathers as a part of our adventure. I am also big on astral travel. It's very nice to know I am being healed. I can't thank you enough.

Last night I had a dream of something kind of parasitic in nature- it was infectious like these green tangley vines living underneath this girls skin and she would touch me and these sentient vines would move from her into my body. I'd try to rip them off me and they would just absorb into me. Maybe this is my subconscious reflecting my worry from the medicines. But as Nanny says we're trying to get with the program. It's been quite a battle, details aren't necessary at this point. I think when I'm restored and well there may be a few comedic stories worth sharing.

Well... Thanks again all. Just a little tired, but using the opportunity to make changes in the personal life. I really got to show you guys last nights fortune cookie. Dad bought us chinese food. I found a cookie bent out of shape and said, that's my fortune. You could read it without opening it. I'll come back and show you all. :lol:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Being in the hospital is no picnic, understandable you're tired. Bet you are relieved to be home and in your own bed. I'm envisioning this all has been worked out to your best satisfaction, lessons learned. Now you're ready to tell the stories finding the humor in your long story.

I was really excited to participate and relay the meditation of your healing. It is very high on the list of my favorites! And most of all, it is my extreme pleasure sharing with others how loved they are by spirit!

You have such interesting dreams. When reading about the girl with parasites, it popped into my head that these could also be the negative opinions and influences passed on by others. If we're not practiced in protecting and fortifying ourselves against them, sometimes they get under our skin infesting our bodies and minds.

Happy healing, :sunflower:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi everyone, :hithere
I was feeling very grateful entering meditation today. I'd been thinking about what I was going to take with me to occupy myself during those times when I wasn't really doing anything on my vacation. Decided on a pen and pad to write down, adding to my collection of children's stories about my granddaughters. Merely thinking about them swells my heart and puts a smile on my face. So, I was already feeling pretty good before meditation!

February 27, 2022 Meditation What influence are you under

I took my time thanking and receiving chakra healing energy from the archangels. Invited them to join me on the journey of the meditation. After expressing my love and gratitude to Nebadonia I joyfully touched the giant crystal. Instead of finding myself transported to a destination, I saw a poem formulating in very large letters hanging in the air in front of me. It was titled What Influence Are You Under. This is a common topic I've been led to consider by my latest spiritual teacher Abraham/Hicks. Brief lines of text began appearing. What influence am I under? There are really only two choices. One is love, the other hate. All other emotions simply branched off from those basic emotions. The poem continued to evolve, and I'm sure will reveal itself to me again of that I'm certain.

I began contemplating this massive question and at my individual choices at times. I cannot express enough that, “It is indeed my choice to decide what emotion I will be influenced by.”

Replaying of memories flooded my vision, quickly then a prepaving began of scenarios I anticipated happening to me in the future. Understanding that all negative conversations between myself and others was driven by fear, I could clearly see what was behind the words and actions of those I was perceiving. In these encounters I was only under the influence of complete love(because I was in meditation), the quote, ”You can't do anything about anyone but yourself,” cemented itself in my head(after so many years of running into brick walls, I've finally relented). “There is nothing I can ever do to change the mind of anyone else.”,,, So what can I do? Anticipating these negative encounters my conclusion, “I can only project my love for the individual in front of me, hoping for their receiving and understanding that is 'the influence I'm under'.” Others have the choice of accepting it with love or hate. If the decision is love, then that is perfect! If it's the opposite? Well, it is my choice what I choose to take away from the encounter. If practiced enough I will believe in that moment, “I truly have a choice in this.”

As I practiced the prepaving, I began thinking of many different people and scenarios. What if when meeting a world leader, or someone of great influence I could remember that the driving force of their words and actions was from their fear? What if I could honestly project my love toward them instead of reflecting their own fear back to them? I practiced this greeting each person, no matter their status in the world, or relationship to me, I touched my forehead to theirs emanating love.

This action repeated itself one after another with many many people ranging from those I already knew, to those who I would never meet in real life. Each time the feeling of contentment and loving embrace grew, flooding my body with light. An smaller image appeared off to the side when greeting some. It was the possibility of this encounter containing a spark of an idea, that if allowed would have a chance to grow inside of each of them. Stepping very far back I could see the world brightening with individual pinpoints of light. Maybe this was not the result of my encounter, but maybe the spark if allowed to percolate would eventually be realized and passed on to others these individuals may meet?

Then the action expanded to my past relationships, no matter the precedent already set between us, I approached them with the same loving intention and action. This went on for a long time, extending to my pets and other animals, some that had been a positive experience, some frightening.

The song and book It's A Wonderful World began playing and the pages appearing and turning in front of me. More poems and songs began formulating and appearing filling the air in front of me.

I held onto the images and feeling of this meditation for a very long time, until I was completely sated with wonder and love. Then let it go.

This meditation lasted an hour and a half. The stones I used were a very large rose quartz, and a very large heart-shaped fairy quartz.

Love to all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Kim! Hey all! :hithere :bana: :kiss: :hithere :loves Thank you so much for the prayers, it's been nothing short of miraculous! Kim, what a lovely lovely meditation. And what a blessing to be satiated by so much of Gods Love! And to share that with others!

I want to share that I am feeling loads better. I have a slight head cold, I think it's because I finally got rest and am coming off all the medicines. No medicine in my system today- hooray! I've been in the backyard laying in the grass taking in some beautiful rays. As of now, no episodes! Today is the first day in 17 days of no episodes! Day 18 and just a passing head cold, which I can very much manage. Alright! :mrgreen:

Thank you for the interpretation Kim, it could be! It could be a number of things. I'm always happy to receive your input.

I am trying a new routine so my meditation tonight will be a little later. I am so grateful for everyone and wanted to know if anyone would like me to try and offer something specific for them during my prayers/meditation??? Kim your meditation reminds me of a practice I found my self doing for a gentleman on the way out of the hospital. I hope he received the blessing!

Last nights meditation I could not put a face on God(which is expected)but I put my focus on that energy whenever I start my prayers with "Dear God"- so last night was practicing rising to that energy, holding this one thing as a type of concentration, gently with each breath. Also, Swami Vidyadhishananda is hosting an event tomorrow night- he's very knowledgeable and teaches the history of his creed/philosophy so thoroughly. I am sure it will be a lesson with blessings filled in. It's a zoom meeting and we may get to see one another on camera if anyone is interested. It will be pretty late- I believe tomorrow marks an auspicious occasion where many will stay up late and contemplate.

Anyways... Do let me know if there's something specific I might be able to offer tonight. As promised, here's the fortunate cookie... What comes to my mind? "Don't get bent out of shape" =P What does the fortune cookie actually say? "There's more to balance than not falling over."

See you all in the no-time! And quite possibly, see you tomorrow in zoom! If I miss you here's the event page: ... 1266985857
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

A very wise person came up with that fortune. Much to contemplate with that one.

Don't think I'll b able to participate in the Swami's presentation, although I do love to hear his teachings. I'm just swamped right now.

It sounds like you're very much on the mend! Whew! Today it struck me so deeply, I wrote down almost every word from a Abraham/Hicks video on helping with my own healing issues. It's really quite incredible the effect the mind and spirit can have on the body.

I'm still basking in the glow of this morning's meditation. :drunken:

We have the beautiful rays today, but :lol: not the grass! Maybe in a month... or two. The closest I could come is an energetic snow angel! :happy
I'm thinking I might see some peacocks on vacation, that would be awesome.

Your meditation sounds very calming.

Thanks for the update. I hope you had a wonderfully peaceful day communing with the sunshine.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Group Meditation February 27, 2022

My brother came in with his grandson Xavier. It seemed like he wanted me to get a message to Xavier's mom, but then left abruptly. I invited him to come to me anytime!

A Celtic Women Song sung in Gaelic began playing gaily. I was in a great mood, wrote down my intention to meet the group in meditation for what ever lesson we were going to learn tonight. Crossing the bridge I grasped a flower circlet out of the air, playfully placing it on Nebadonia's head. She smiled as I danced away toward the crystal. The group kind of plopped in, all smiling happily. Sandy wasn't there. I asked the air, “George is Sandy all right?” I waited to feel his symbol, but it didn't come. I figured they would show up later.

Then we arrived at the strangest place! It was like a real place somewhere. A nice bar/grill with nicely wood paneled walls. The atmosphere matched the setting. It was loud and everyone was having a good time. The group was dispersed throughout the room, talking and laughing with people. A couple of men approached me, they were talking back and forth. They knew what they were talking about, but I had no idea what they were saying! Then they left.

I was standing there completely confused, trying to figure out if this was a meditation or not when I heard a voice talking over the others saying, “Lisa has been exposed!”

I tried to get more information, but it was like, “Nope that was your message, now stop the meditation and put it on the boards. I figured this must mean something to someone! So here it is. I'm assuming this was a warning to maybe stay away from Lisa?

This meditation last for about 35 minutes. The stones I used were a large rose quartz, and heart-shaped fairy stone. Because of the implied urgency of getting this message on the boards I'll look for the song and put it up later.

I hope this means something to someone!

Love to all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »

Eric! So glad to hear you are feeling better! :sunflower: And that fortune cookie - just WOW! Quite a clear message!

Kim - Based on your meditation with sharing love, whoever this Lisa is maybe we need to do the same for her (send her love)?

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of it?

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

False alarm family. I guess I was too excited. Missed last nights meditation, had a bad episode through out the night. I'll try to join Swami V's satsang. And will send my prayers to Sandy and Lisa.
:loves Cool experience Kim.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Darn. What now then?

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Just taking it day by day. No episodes yesterday(knock on wood). Got my medicines handy in case, but so far just dealing with the lingering head cold and headaches. Tomorrow good testing will be done.

I got to meditate yesterday day and last night with Swami V. The fellowship was awesome. There were 211 participants on the zoom call. It was an international fellowship, with people from all over the world. I was surprised how many folks were from Houston. There was one lady from Australia with her children on the camera. The discourse was beautiful, learned a lot about subtle body and what happens to that energy with life after death. Learned a little about the culture and something very unique... I couldn't believe it but even animals know how to worship. He showed us a photograph from 2010 of a snake entering a temple of its own will, carrying a very specific leaf used for ritualistic rites and slithering its way to the top of a lingam to place one of the most spiritually charged symbols on top of the lingam to absolve its own karma. It's pretty incredible, and sounds hard to believe. It goes to show the level of sentience in all of earths creatures that many of us fail to consider. I also learned that Jupiter is considered a Guru planet and we can expect some relief from these war like energies come March 22nd. That does not mean the karma we've collected will end, and Swami has reminded us this is a consequence of a very long-building karmic history. No we are still in this mini-era. Right now Jupiter is combust and that it's very important we continue our prayers for all of creation. For the beauty of nature, for the needy, for those in the middle of the warring energies- and especially important to take care of our health and the health of our loved ones. Now is not the time to try and add any additional stress. For me I look at that as taking care of your adrenals.

Kind regards :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Heavensabove »

happyrain wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:34 pm Hi Kim! Hey all! :hithere :bana: :kiss: :hithere :loves Thank you so much for the prayers, it's been nothing short of miraculous! Kim, what a lovely lovely meditation. And what a blessing to be satiated by so much of Gods Love! And to share that with others!

I want to share that I am feeling loads better. I have a slight head cold, I think it's because I finally got rest and am coming off all the medicines. No medicine in my system today- hooray! I've been in the backyard laying in the grass taking in some beautiful rays. As of now, no episodes! Today is the first day in 17 days of no episodes! Day 18 and just a passing head cold, which I can very much manage. Alright! :mrgreen:

Thank you for the interpretation Kim, it could be! It could be a number of things. I'm always happy to receive your input.

I am trying a new routine so my meditation tonight will be a little later. I am so grateful for everyone and wanted to know if anyone would like me to try and offer something specific for them during my prayers/meditation??? Kim your meditation reminds me of a practice I found my self doing for a gentleman on the way out of the hospital. I hope he received the blessing!

Last nights meditation I could not put a face on God(which is expected)but I put my focus on that energy whenever I start my prayers with "Dear God"- so last night was practicing rising to that energy, holding this one thing as a type of concentration, gently with each breath. Also, Swami Vidyadhishananda is hosting an event tomorrow night- he's very knowledgeable and teaches the history of his creed/philosophy so thoroughly. I am sure it will be a lesson with blessings filled in. It's a zoom meeting and we may get to see one another on camera if anyone is interested. It will be pretty late- I believe tomorrow marks an auspicious occasion where many will stay up late and contemplate.

Anyways... Do let me know if there's something specific I might be able to offer tonight. As promised, here's the fortunate cookie... What comes to my mind? "Don't get bent out of shape" =P What does the fortune cookie actually say? "There's more to balance than not falling over."

See you all in the no-time! And quite possibly, see you tomorrow in zoom! If I miss you here's the event page: ... 1266985857
Hi Eric,
Haven't been here for a little while, but happy to hear that you are doing better and hope that you continue to do so.

Take care my friend.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Shane... Really bad episode today, very bad. Mental faculties are waning. Better I keep you updated once things are settled.
Happy to have you here, I just made a discovery worth sharing with you. It's been 14 years since the green man initiated me in 2008. I think it's important to note all that is happening now and wonder what the connection is. Now, on the 14th year- these mysterious ailments are prevalent. But Life goes on. We will continue on after death. Maybe 14 even guides us in this transition.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Dear Eric,

I am keeping you close in heart. Love can help us over all obstacles. I don't know how or in what way it will manifest but let's claim love and focus on the love we all share...with each other...with those who have gone before us, with family, with friends. Some how, some way love will prevail and is the answer to every hard question. I am going to put it to the test. LOL Not sure exactly what that means but that is what I wrote so ...yeah :roll: ;) :)

As our dear SammyJo would say, Love, love, love, :kiss:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Absolutely! Today was one of the best days I've had. I think everyone's love is really helping me. Thank you all. Need to make some serious lifestyle improvements- but I believe God, the group here, Swami, family and friends- all love filled blessings have helped tremendously.

:bana: Sorry for the scare yesterday. All is well!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Heavensabove »

happyrain wrote: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:51 am Absolutely! Today was one of the best days I've had. I think everyone's love is really helping me. Thank you all. Need to make some serious lifestyle improvements- but I believe God, the group here, Swami, family and friends- all love filled blessings have helped tremendously.

:bana: Sorry for the scare yesterday. All is well!

Hi Eric, :hithere

This is great to hear. :bana: You'll be surprised how effective lifestyle changes can affect your health. In late 2013 I discovered I had Advanced Prostate Cancer (still fighting) and given 5 years to live. Immediate changes all around for me. As you know I had a full on stroke in 2014, more lifestyle changes. I fully recovered from that (Only the Lord knows how). After the cancer diagnosis I immediately gave up alcohol cold turkey. I now eat better and exercise more.
I'm not preaching but it does make a difference, trust me.

You're young enough and strong enough, especially mentally to get through this with these changes and along with all the prayers and thoughts from all of us here.

14 14 14 Take Care my friend 14 14 14

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thanks for the 14 blessing. Seeing those numbers made me smile! I saw it in a similar fashion yesterday.

The time was something like 10:14 and the TV had 141 displayed one moment and 014 another. :shock: 14 14 41 41 14 41 41 14 14 14 14 14 :mrgreen:

I'm happy you are feeling blessed too! Yes, lifestyle changes are super important. I abstain from alcohol as well, which might be a blessing for our lineage! I'm severely reducing my caffeine intake too. Adrenal-fatigue and kidney protection are words to consider.

A lot of external 'dependencies' need adjusting too. My last girlfriend, beautiful woman, has taught me a lot about no TV or laptops in the bedroom. Cell phones too. About nutrient dense foods. I need sodium but not salt- celerey and beets are apparently great at this!

And of course, meditation! She would meditate morning and night- right now I am trying to create a night time ritual of meditating before bed. The idea is one hour before bed, shut off electronics and get into prayer and breath!

Cheers y'all. ^_^ Can't wait to see/feel everyone Sunday!!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Good evening! :bana:

Eric how are you doing? {{{{{HUG}}}}}. Have you been able to follow through with the increased meditation routine?

It was very difficult for me to meditate while on vacation. On the plane ride back home I tried. Cleansed my chakras. Suddenly there was a door in front of me. Monjoronson opened it and took my hand. Unfortunately right after I walked though I lost the image. Planes can be very loud places.

I'm so eager to get back to my regular meditation routine and sleep in my own bed!... and of course rev my engines, getting back into wedding mode.

I love you guys!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Kim,
An unofficial welcome home from your long distance friend. That's a nice meditation, can't believe you were able to see all that on the plane.Very cool.

I'm okay, my last bad case of episodes were Sunday. Still no answers but I'm finally starting to feel that 'resting point of awareness' is back in its proper and comfortable spot. Still having weird sensations, burning around the chest- back of neck and head. The MRI showed something and we're still waiting on the urine labs. Follow up is Monday. I'm also dealing with my second head cold since all of this. When I lay on my side my heart does some weird stuff. I'm back in my original bedroom I had growing up because that mattress has a bed-frame. Seems sleeping without a frame causes issues. Strange, strange stuff.

I have increased my meditation, I think it's funny you asked- when I started feeling good I started easing up again on my disciplines. I am working now, 20 hours at least. I think your question is a friendly reminder. Still working on the balancing aspect- sometimes I enjoy being lazy. Guilty pleasure I'm afraid. But there are some lifestyle changes I need to make into daily routine, meditation included... I hope to see/feel everyone this weekend!

Eric :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Man you are really going through it. I hope you'll have some definitive answers soon. Hang in there my friend! It's awesome you've been able to go back to work, at least part-time.

I've been reading the link you sent me on the Green Man. Didn't want you to think I'd forgotten, it just seems almost everyone I know is experiencing crisis since my return! :roll: Which makes me think that this old Correcting Time, although not easy on a personal or global level, is doing just what I believe it was designed for... Giving us all repeated experiences to once and for all, "Face our stuff!"

I think we should start a thread in the Angel section on The Green Man/Peacock Angel. The gardening magazine I ordered containing an article on The Green Man arrived. While on vacation I almost fell over when there was a whole section dedicated to Green Man products at the Tohono Chule Gardens! I didn't purchase any as the soaps were so overpowering I began having an allergy attack. That is one of the reasons why I believe we should start a discussion on The Green Man/Peacock Angel. References to this being are, "So in my face!" The link you provided showed how he has been present in cultures across the globe since the beginning of recorded time.

I know you are going through a lot right now and I'm busier than ever, but I feel this is something, if you are able, that we should do.

Take care,

P.S. I'm actually going to meditate right now and try to make contact with him. :finger:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

As I began to prepare for meditation I felt Babaji's symbol, and faded very quickly. Then Archangel Raphael gave me his strong symbol. As seems normal for AR now, the symbol was immediately quite intense! I think he wants to make sure I recognize him, then it eases. I thought it was interesting it was him that came to me as the chakra and color I associate with him is the heart chakra with the color green. The Green Man was who I really wished to connect with.

I was probably too tired to meditate, kept falling asleep. I'd fall asleep then wake myself up again and again, then go right on trying to meditate. At the end I felt Green Man/Peacock Angel's symbol, simultaneously this song began playing in my head. Not quite what I was looking for, but I guess it was something!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Kim,
I took your song as a sign to try and get out of the city and experience something nice. For now a hike to the local bayou might suffice...

Thank you for the noble effort to connect. I realize just being our self is the best gift we have to offer others, I wonder if that has anything to do with the correcting time too. My falling out with Steve, I believe is a part of the "script"- but our souls will meet finally at the truth. I think I'm trying to say, if being your self causes others to come or go, it is exactly what needs to happen for each person. This leads me to ponder with faith, the divine timing of all things. Reflecting on divine timing takes my mind off the physical ailments, if only for a little.

So, the uncertainty of why a particular song comes to you- is definitely for someone. And the way you share your experiences here, or me- mine... They are not just for us. They are for someone. You may be right to create a thread on the peacock angel... For now, I am tired and don't feel this is my endeavor to start. I woke up at 2:30AM and was reflecting quite a bit... Reading up on "NonOrdinary Sates of Consciousness" ... -feelings/

I woke up to what sounded like criminal activity happening down the street. I started hearing a song play too, one I've shared here before:
That song kept repeating in my head over and over, no matter how hard I tried to concentrate. Lol.

By the time my ruminating was over, it was almost 4AM. Before falling back asleep I heard multiple gunshots. Our neighborhood is actually quite friendly- but we are in an area where crime has risen, and the apartment complex a block from us has really gone downhill. The sirens came about 10 minutes after the gunshots. I guess I was hearing that song for a reason... And sharing this might be for someone else too. :hithere
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Kim, hi all.

I took the advice of the song and went outdoors. Down by the bayou. I sat under a tree. Laid in the dirt, and looked up through the leaves. It was refreshing. I noticed a fresh scent immediately after nestling in my nook. It had a jasmine fragrance. The tree and I bonded. Lots of kids though, didn't meditate much. Not sure I'll get anymore in tonight either- so tired... I acknowledged our group, figured this would be my no-time check-in. At one moment I had the quick chills running up and along the spine. That was my cue I indeed made contact- or tapped into a type of healing. Concerning these episodes and discomfort, not sure how much more I want to take. I dare not say can't. I'm not welcoming this pain. Tuesday is our first day the masses will begin to notice immediate relief- it's when Jupiter is no longer combust. Maybe some revelations in the news will be solidified. I'm not going to tune in, need a detox lol.

Apparently the spot I found comfortable shared a path with some dirt bikes. Not motorcyclist. I tried snapping a picture near the end of my meditation, caught the tail end of some bikers. I'm no photographer but I'll try to upload later. For now, just resting- envisioning the place I just went to. Recreating the meditation from bed. <3
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone,
I'm thinking of all of you this morning and not the first time over the past couple of weeks. I am sorry I have been relatively missing. Things on the upcoming move are "heating up" and I find quality time eludes me.

Eric, you have been close in heart and I am so sorry that you are in pain with still no answers. I imagined you at your bayou...and some of you may remember the song that immediately flashed in my mind at the mere mention of the word, "bayou."

Yep :) ...Linda Ronstadt's "Blue Bayou"

A bayou seems a good place to let go of our troubles...maybe a big blue bayou in the sky, eh? I need to remember that as when the mind races with all the problems one encounters it seems strange, but often times a connection is the first thing we fail to nurture.

I am grateful to all of you and the patience you have shown me these past months. I pray we all find our way through the hurdles and mazes our lives create for us. I pray love guides us in all ways. I am going to try harder to get out of "my head" and just love...apply love to all the conflicts and dilemmas and omg there seems to be a no end of those pesky things. :)

United in love!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hey... I just had the thought to come in here and check-in with our meditation group, and here you are Sandy.

Just checking-in with everyone, how are you guys? Sammyjo still there? Mrs. Plume?

I like your sign off Sandy, I'm using it =)

United in Love,
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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