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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Pumpkin donuts and cider signal it's fall right? It doesn't make any sense to have them any other time of the year. There are certain foods you can only eat in certain seasons, at least our family has determined that. Dan wanted lasagna this summer, besides being too hot to turn the oven on, it simply wouldn't taste the same. I made it for Aleah's birthday dinner last Saturday and it was the best I've ever made(that's saying something)!

So sweet you were included in the family pumpkin carving{{{{{HUG}}}}}, technology is amazing! I bet you savored every minute and had the sweetest of dreams. Speaking of dreams! This morning I was dreaming(I was on a high school field trip). I'd lent my friend my phone so he could call his to find it. Took awhiile to realize Aleah was actually calling me at the very same time. I now realize how annoying it must have been to my kids waking up to, "Waky! Waky! Eggs and bacy!"

Colors peaked last weekend, we're getting ready for a long slow winter. I should say, "We're looking forward to." :roll Because you mentioned crackling leaves, I sent you pics of the girls jumping in their first leaf pile. Will send pics of Mari and Aleah's pumpkins too.

Aleah and I are knee deep in wedding planning! I love it! Am making lists of my lists! We did a lot of work before summer, now its full steam ahead! Going to use artificial flowers, most of them have come in, honestly they are all so pretty. I've never worked with foam flowers before, we took a chance and ordered some. They're BEAUTIFUL!!! Probably won't start putting everything together until the first of the year because of space, but wanted to have everyithing ready.

Ok, getting a mom look... yes, Aleah had my look down by the time she was ten. Time for us to go shopping.

Hope your're getting through your sorting ok.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey Kim,
I'm rolling in the floor... :lol:
Took awhiile to realize Aleah was actually calling me at the very same time. I now realize how annoying it must have been to my kids waking up to, "Waky! Waky! Eggs and bacy!"
:lol: Wacky is wonderful!

I must admit, I was a bit of a drill sergeant in the mornings. My kids would be woken at precisely the same time and the morning would progress in similar manner with little deviation till we all walked out the door and to the function (school, job) we were committed to.
However, week ends.. whoa boy! Week ends were for enjoying life in the moment. :sunflower:

Have you heard from Sammy? Seems I saw they may be having a Nor'easter?
I must try to catch the world weather today.

It will be so nice to have something to celebrate in the coming year. Aleah's wedding will touch all our hearts, I suspect. I'll pop on and catch the girl's photos in a bit. I could wallow in some fallen leaves here, but it is Sydney Funnel web breeding season and those deadly but gorgeous spiders are on the move right now. But that does not mean I can't enjoy fall beauty inside, eh? ;)

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good morning family!

Just dropping in to say we are fine. The Cape took a good hit, mom's road is a mess but all are safe and sound.

I should be more talkative in a week or so, spending most of my time trying to keep the big dog from getting into trouble with that giant cone on his head :lol:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning all!
Wakey! Wakey! Eggs and bacy! Actually I hope you're still soundly asleep. I would have the kids get their backpacks by the door and all ready to go the night before. With three kids of various ages, and morning temperments, it made our morning routine much easier to get through. It also gave Aleah and I plenty of time to do her hair. She had masses of long wavy hair, so beautiful,... but had to be corraled if she wanted to do anything physical that day. Lol, when she wore it down people always wanted to touch it, drove her crazy. I understand though I loved brushing and braiding it, so soft and silky.

Saturday morning always meant the kids got to watch cartoons for a little while. We usually didn't watch it much during the week, so Saturdays was a treat!

I also sent a few more pics to you. Duke and Ginger in their Halloween costumes.

It was nice to hear all is well with you and your family!

October around here is scary movie month, ... for everyone but me that is :mrgreen: I like the Disney versions and slightly suspenseful shows. Everyone will be talking about their latest and scaries, then laugh at me, but I don't have probems sleepig at night! Well, mot because of that at least.

Oh, for some reason several times in meditation this morning I heard the word, "Hellebore." After I looked it up. It's a plant as I thought, but not one I'm familiar with. In Medieval times witches would use it in poisons and sounds a little like poison ivy if you touch it. Soo, I'm not quite sure why it would be significant enough to be repeated in meditation. Anyone have an idea?

Wishing you all a Happy and safe Halloween!

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Oh, for some reason several times in meditation this morning I heard the word, "Hellebore." After I looked it up. It's a plant as I thought, but not one I'm familiar with. In Medieval times witches would use it in poisons and sounds a little like poison ivy if you touch it.
It can also be poisonous to animals...I'm gonna go walk my yard...don't need anymore tummy problems for Brody!

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Re: The Secret

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That's for sure! Happy walking!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi all of you lovelies :hithere

I found a lot of interesting information on hellebore . Here are some images. ... &fr=mcafee

It is truly sports a spectacular flower and has a long and dark history of use and misuse. It sounds to dangerous a plant to use in herbal medicine these days when there are other suitable possibilities. As I said most of what I read was cautionary but I did find this...
"In the Victorian language of flowers hellebore has an interesting dual meaning. It primarily refers to a scandal, which fits well with the plant’s dangerous history and links to both witchcraft and insanity. But, hellebore has another meaning that offers a positive spin on any situation.

Hellebore can mean hope as well. After all, this deadly plant blossoms from beneath the snow. It blooms in dark winter days and reminds us all that spring is on the way. Hope fits the hellebore plant perfectly. Like so many of us, this uniquely beautiful plant has a lot of regrets in its past.

But maybe that’s why hellebore continues to have a home in our gardens. We won’t be using it to curse our neighbors or poison a town. Instead, we use it to find hope again in the darkness. Watching hellebore blossom in the snow, we feel that within each of us lives “an invincible matter how hard the world pushes against [us], within [us all] there’s something stronger—something better, pushing right back.”
I would also like to say that the perception we have been taught is that all witches and witchcraft is bad. That is not true. That perception was fostered by and suited the religious and political leaders of a long ago time. Many of the persecuted witches were the village herbalists and healers of the medieval times and did not deserve the reputation and torture meted out to them. Yet with all things there are darker people and elements who most likely fit the bill and most people's perception of witches...and these people would have used such herbs as hellebore, mandrake and belladonna for evil purposes.

Happy Halloween everyone! :bana:

Sammy I am so happy to hear you and your mom are safe. I know you like a good storm. :)
I had a good chuckle thinking of your enormous Brody with a cone...bless his heart. :kiss:

Kim, I'll get right on those photos which I love. :sunflower: Thank you!

Love and Happy thoughts for all of you!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hello, everyone,
Sammy did you have hellebore in your yard?! Information I found said it grows in the eastern and western region of the U.S., but not the central area. Could be why I've no knowledge of it. Still have no explanation why the word repeated over and over in my meditation. Give Brody a hug for me.

Thanks for the research. I looked at the same images. Such a wide variety of blossoms, very pretty plants. You wouldn't know to look at it that it has such a nefarious reputation. It's a terrible miscarriage of justice the way 'witches' have been treated throughout history. Another insidious example of the rich and powerful seeking to control the masses... Wow, I really thoght about this for a long time.

Guess I could use a herbalist at the moment. Under the weather again, bronchitis, too much coughing to meditate. :evil:

On another note, "The colors are still beautiful!" There's a lovely bright orange leaf maple in front of several yellow leafy beech trees, so pretty! In back there's a maple surrounded by hemlocks. It's covered in yellow leaves with green veins. A pudgy little nuthatch is racing up and down the trunk, while a downy woodpecker is taking on one of the hemlocks... Uh oh, might be a poem brewing in the back of my mind. yup, there was.

Autumn In The Country
November 1, 20121

When all seems seems to slow.
Wind bristles bitterly, practicing I think.

Sun rays dapple 'tween gamboling leaves,
branches bustle their merry prance.

It's time,... to batten down the hatches.
Furried and feathered scramble frantically.

Will there be enough?
... Always seems to be.

The cold will be here before you know it!
Nothing left but frosty... everything.

Stashing away memories,... enough,
warming the smile in my heart 'til spring.

For now,... I'll watch, grin, and remember,
autumn in the country.


That's it for me. Oh, sent Halloween pics.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Kim, your new Autumn poem is delightful! :sunflower: It brings back the childhood joy that always enveloped me when Autumn would arrive. Isn't it interesting how children greet each season with acceptance and happiness. As a child I welcomed summer and now I dread it which strange to most people... Maybe it is the lack of walking barefoot in the grasses these days... something I cannot do here because of the Bendies... Nope, its really the heat. LOL I have become a wimp in that it might be a good idea to reconcile myself to the warmth of the hot sun of summer in these changing climates. :?

Sammy, how's Brody doing with that cone? Hopefully no Hellsbore in the yard. :finger: Definitely something we should all be aware of with our pets.. I think I'll check mine too especially around the dandelion plants. I had a thought Kim, by your mentioning it coming up in your meditation on this open forum, it could serve as a warning to any number of people who may read it. so yeah! so I suspect it will reach the intended person.

Okay I must get out an mow the grass...I see some dark clouds on the horizon so I better et a move on.

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good Morning Family!

Kim! What a wonderful poem! But I for one am not ready for winter! Brody on the other hand LOVES winter!

No hellebore in my yard thankfully! But mushrooms....I picked 3 grocery bags full from the backyard! I've never seen so many and numerous varieties as we have had this year.

I had my booster shot yesterday - Had the J&J the first go around (no side effects), moderna this time.....HOLY COW! I Had the shot at 12:30, went to bed early and woke up at 9:30, every cell in my body hurt and was on fire, I've never experienced anything like this - it was as though all sensations were in overdrive. Didn't sleep all night it was so bad. Drank 4 bottles of water during the night which made me need to go to the bathroom a lot, and it hurt to pee! All better this morning besides a bit of a headache and my skin feels like I spent too much time in the sun. Just weird!

Scott and Katie had their first Halloween in their new house. I texted Scott to see if they were ready for their trick or treaters and he sent me a picture of the candy saying they had 20 Lbs of little candy and 20 large bars "to be given out at their discretion"...I said "You've learned well my son!" :lol:

Hope you all have a great day!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Sammy,

One year we had purple mushrooms growing in circles of various sizes in our yard. it was the only year and I haven't seen them since. weird. :scratch: Isn't it funny what we can find when we really notice such things. I bet you never realized there were that many mushrooms in your yard. I may do a little walk around the yard and really look long and hard at what is growing wild there now....

Glad to hear you are over your side effects. I'll probably just get another Astra Zeneca when it is time for a booster, but will probably speak to my doc (GP) about his recommendations first.

Did Scott and Katie have many trick or treaters? I had not even 1 this year. :( We never have many if any but am hopeful. I always by candy I would like to eat just in case lol

Hope everyone is having a good week. It is one of those perfect days today...fresh air and perfect temps. I must get outside and enjoy it.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning!
And a chilly 34 degrees farenheit it is! Sandy you would have loved it! Sleet(Dave informed me it's sleet not hail), snow, frost! No snow on the ground now, but there are sure signs winter is on it way. More mushrooms around here usually mean lots and lots of rain. I should be grateful as so many areas are experiencing drought, but couldn't it be spread around a little bit? We've had so many rainy days the past couple of years, including last winter, I'm wondering if maybe we should get busy on building an arc?

Pretty sure we look so forward to fall and winter because summers are so crazy busy. I'm very excited to experience the sunny season from a retirement perspective! Sandy, I'm with you though, being a northerner, I kind of start to melt when it gets above 85F. It means I have to get outside earlier in the morning if I want to get anything done.

Sammyjo were any of the mushrooms edible? Last summer I almost got up the gumption to cook some puffballs. There were so many all over the place,... realized you can't let them sit in the frig too long, "Eww." Reminds me of a couple of years ago. I went to a spiritual gathering at a friend's farm. The red/orange/yellow-capped mushrooms with white spots you see in fairy tales. They were everywhere around a long row of spruce trees. Most were about 6-10 inches tall! I'd never seen them in this area before. Think we took an hour discovering and ogling them. Now I want to find those pictures! In our woods, depending on the weather, there are many beautiful varieties of mushrooms and fungi. Who would have thought they could be so beautiful?

I had quite the side effects with my Moderna second vaccine. Experienced a lot of what you did, really glad it didn't last more than a couple of days.

We live in a rural subsidivision that becomes quite empty of people in the off season. Haven't had any trick-or-treaters ever. They usually have a nice little gathering in town. Nothing of course last year. It was the saddest thing this year. Nova is in her first year of preschool. Just like Tiny not a very healthy first year. She was sick for Halloween. Had her costume on, but stayed in the car while her sister asked for extra candy for her. Then Nova didn't even want it, she had a stomach bug, still not feeling well. :cry: Now I feel so sad, think I'll call and see how she's doing.

Sandy, good idea :idea: buying candy you like, good to have a back up plan. :thumleft: I have to admit, :oops: since being a preschool teacher, diabetic, and now borderline diabetic,... I don't give kids candy. But! As a grandma I always have great snacks, and art projects! We started our fairy village collection a couple of years ago. Instead of candy for Valentine's Day, I gave the girls fairies, gnomes, houses, and acessories. Wow, has that blossomed, we're still having fun with it! I brought up the idea of packing away the fairy village, so we could get out the Christmas village soon... :thumbdown: Guess I'm going to have to find room for both!

Ok, I'd better accomplish something today. Have a great day everyone!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning everybody,

I am enjoying a very rainy day. I would be enjoying it all the more if I didn't have to go out in it but such is life and I do have to mail some documents to my US Accountant. I'm sitting here in my thongs...(and by thongs I mean flip flops sandal-like footwear that go on my feet. LOL Just to make sure I don't give anybody nightmares. LOL ) But anyway I am wondering how it happens that within a month we can go from warm wool socks to flip flops. It all happens so seamlessly and before we even know what hits us we are in a summer mode of thinking. The Christmas tee shirts are out in the stores now...seems impossible the year has passed so quickly and so slow all at the same time.

Kim, a decade o so ago George and I were on top of the escarpment at a place called the Illawarra Fly and we saw some of those red mushrooms with the white or yellow spots. They are a nice sized mushrooms and definitely an eye catcher growing under what may have been spruce trees so now you have me wondering id there is a symbiotic relationship between those particular mushrooms and Spruce trees. I know fungi help deliver messages between trees in sort of what seems an underground internet. Anyway, sadly, while we were watching a young child began kicking these beautiful mushrooms over. What is it with kids and kicking things over? :shock:

I'm thinking why nor just turn the whole house into a fairy village. Then you could open it up to the public... Okay maybe not but it is fun for the rest of us to "envisage" (Bzutu's word) your all's creations. It all feels very peaceful when you speak of your home. :happy

Well, I'm off... errands to run and I am still not ready to go. :hithere

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Hi All :hithere

Well, I don't know enough about mushrooms to know if they were edible so into the woods they went! Didn't want to risk getting poisoned!
I'm sitting here in my thongs...(and by thongs I mean flip flops sandal-like footwear that go on my feet. LOL Just to make sure I don't give anybody nightmares.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I remember when Jake was in highschool and summer was approaching, I told him I was going to the store the buy him some thongs. :lol: :lol: :lol: You can just imagine his reaction!

Sandy, I am very envious that you are headed into summer. It is my FAVORITE season. Although like you Kim, the heat and humidity over 82 does suck the life out of me, I much prefer it to the layers of clothes to keep warm. It's a wonder I'm not a nudist! But I am WAY too self conscious for that!

Sounds like it's time to turn that fairy village into a Christmas fairy village!

Love you all!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Seems like the weather has been rapidly shifting to the extreme for a couple of years now, difficult to acclimate sometimes. It's a balmy 48F today, and ... oh my goodness what is that,... sunshine? :bana: :sunflower: :bana:

I could never wear flip flops, irritated the heck having something rub between my toes, but it was fun reading about the 'thong' conversation! :lol: Thanks for the clarification.

Christmas tree t-shirts? I guess, Aleah put out her Christmas village this past week. Dave looked out the window last night and groaned. I asked what happened. He replied, "There's a snowman dancing on the lawn." She'd put out her Christmas lawn ornaments, the leaves aren't even close to all falling yet. Well, Aleah does LOVE her holidays!

Um, "No," on the parade of people coming to see the villages, close friends and family only please. Speaking of fairy villages though, there's an actual Fairy House close by. A wealthy father had it built for his kids a long time ago. It's the size of a real house, ... bigger than mine I think! I've not been in it, but I believe everything is kid size, and the outside is very fairy like, a child's paradise.

Amanita muscaria(looked up the mushroom), according to Wikipedia, "Generally has a symbiotic relationship with pine and birch plantations." You were right! It's also indigenous to the northern hemisphere, but has been introduced all over the world... Makes me wonder why I haven't encountered it much before,... and what else I've been missing? I remember pictures when you and George went to the escarpment. Isn't that where you walked on an extremely flimsy bridge, very, very high :shock: above the ground? Yeah, some parents do not have an environmental preservation mind-set and don't convey to their kids the philosophy, "Respect nature and leave only foot-prints," Any they may have had, often goes out the window when on vacation.

It's possible you and I are related somehow. :scratch: In my family if you're kid and wearing clothes, then you're probably a neighbor. If actually a family member, then having difficulties transitioning into and following societal customs regarding appropriate apparel. Some struggle with those confines for their whole lives! Fortunately, I am one of those who would rather wear a couple of extra layers in the winter and not cause mass hysteria in the warmer months to unsuspecting bystanders.

I'm actually toying with the idea of putting the Christmas village over the stairway. It's been something I've considered for a while now,... and the girls would not loose their fairy village! :sunflower:

Ok, love to all! I hope you're having the best day you can,

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good morning everyone, :hithere

On this whole clothes thing...I must not be related to either of you. :( I am a layer kind of gal... and probably as far from a nudist as humanly possible. I suspect, were it possible, I would wear clothes in the shower. LOL no kidding! I am remembering now a conversation I had some years ago with Anne (Blue Nova) She often spoke to the celestials in her bathtub while taking a bath as it was time all alone where she would not be interrupted. I told her, "heck! I don't want the celestials to see me in my "birthday suit!"... Well Duh. LOL they do anyway don't they? LOL Not that they ogle or anything...our skin is our skin and truly what is underneath that skin is what is of interest to them... and no, I am not speaking of a kidney pie the likes Hannibal Lector might enjoy... :) It is our gorgeous spiritual souls they are appreciating.

You know, country girl that I am...I never knew that there was foot wear called thongs until one day probably on this thread somewhere or maybe in an email...Petra told me she was directing a customer to the thong section of the Woolworth's store in Wales where she worked. (You know Petra... it would have been part of a hilarious story.)
:shock: :shock: :shock: but I am thinking Wow... you can't buy shoestring like thongs in the grocery stores in my neighbourhood! And of course the great big sized Prude within me thought I was glad of that. LOL

I'm with you Sammy! No wild mushroom collecting and eating for me! I've watched the BBC show, "Midsummer Murders" and know what the wrong kind of wild mushrooms can do to you. But I must admit I admire people who do know the difference, trust their judgement and eat them almost as much as I admire the first men to step onto the surface of the moon! ;)

Kim, I am picturing everyone carefully stepping around miniature adorable Christmas homes, trees, dogs, and people all up and down your steps at home. LOL but then I suspect that in reality, everything would be placed on just one side of the steps making it rather easy to create an attractive mountainous Christmas village.

I also have the same problem with rubber or plastic flip flops. I wear the kind with cloth between the big toe and its' next door neighbour. They don't seem to rub and because we wear them here 6-8 months out of the year our skin is hardened and used to it. ;)

We are having a fair few rainy days this spring too which is unusual as spring is usually the dry season here along the coast in NSW. I think they said we are in a La Nina year though with the ocean currents sending s more moisture...But who knows anymore with climate change reeking havoc on all we have grown accustomed to in nature... and unfortunately this is just the beginning. It will get much worse and more rapidly then we can imagine if we all don't do everything we can to limit the rise in temperatures.

Okay on that last depressing note I am going to say good bye for now. as you all say, "good riddance! :lol:

Stay safe and happy,
Welles posted something quite fascinating on tree migration today in the Misc.. forum...
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Fortunately for the sake of the world, at my age I'm a layerer also. And NOT one to have celestial conversations in the shower!

Speaking of mushrooms, did I ever show you the mushroom fairy house I made? Ha, of course it has a red cap with light spots. Actually the girls and I did a fair amount of research on wild mushrooms because of all the puffballs we found. There are several varieties that are edible and coveted by many a chef.

Reading your post about the Christmas Village I had to stop and think about it for a minute. That created quite an image! You were probably being supportive, but were thinking, "A Christmas Village on the steps? Is she crazy?!" :shock: Not that I'm not crazy,... and it might still sound a bit out there, but I meant placing the village board on top of the railing, over the stairs that go down to the basement. Is that a better explanation? Now that I think about it I do know people who have put their houses on the stairs. With all the accessories, I would be more worried about Dave and the dog than the girls knocking them over. Think of the poor tiny people in the village gaping at the imposing steeps they'd have to climb just to go shopping! Hmmm. now I'm thinking, :scratch: chairlift?... No GONDOLA!
Sandy wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:04 amWe are having a fair few rainy days this spring too which is unusual as spring is usually the dry season here along the coast in NSW. I think they said we are in a La Nina year though with the ocean currents sending s more moisture...But who knows anymore with climate change reeking havoc on all we have grown accustomed to in nature... and unfortunately this is just the beginning. It will get much worse and more rapidly then we can imagine if we all don't do everything we can to limit the rise in temperatures.
I'm in full agreement that people need to wake up and take care of our planet.

Your statement strikes such a cord in me and swiftly brings to mind my study lately of the Law Of Attraction. It is something I would like to have many discussions about, but seems such a complicated subject to grasp and implement, I haven't known how to address it. I've been so immersed in it's understanding and changing my thoughts and language to come into alignment with The Law Of Attraction lately(it's been a long journey). I'm trying to think of what might be another way of expressing my hope for turning problems around to solutions.

More and more often I have to admit that I face the world and it's obstacles out of fear. Not that I mean to, probably because it has been programmed into my being since birth and reinforced by everyone and everything around me. What perspective can I shift toward and maintain so as to not affirm the negative(which brings more negative to me)? It really takes much sifting and sorting, and amending of my thoughts and words to bring about that desired attraction. Ok, this might appear to be a rant coming from out of nowhere, but It's something I would really like to explore outside of my own head.

For now it's time to go about my day.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim and evyone..
Kim said,
Your statement strikes such a cord in me and swiftly brings to mind my study lately of the Law Of Attraction. It is something I would like to have many discussions about, but seems such a complicated subject to grasp and implement, I haven't known how to address it. I've been so immersed in it's understanding and changing my thoughts and language to come into alignment with The Law Of Attraction lately(it's been a long journey). I'm trying to think of what might be another way of expressing my hope for turning problems around to solutions.

More and more often I have to admit that I face the world and it's obstacles out of fear. Not that I mean to, probably because it has been programmed into my being since birth and reinforced by everyone and everything around me. What perspective can I shift toward and maintain so as to not affirm the negative(which brings more negative to me)? It really takes much sifting and sorting, and amending of my thoughts and words to bring about that desired attraction. Ok, this might appear to be a rant coming from out of nowhere, but It's something I would really like to explore outside of my own head.

yes, you are right and instead of lamenting it is time for action. It not only will provide hope and a better sense of well being but it will also contribute in a real sense to the long term solution... So with that in mind...I am researching articles that will empower each of us to join hands all over the world and in our own homes and in the broader community by example lead the charge in saving this planet...

Okay here's a few simple, quick and easy to read articles ...

Top Ten Things You Can Do About Climate Change. ... te-change/

10 Things You can Do to Reduce Climate Change ... Change.pdf

What Can we do to Slow or Stop Global Warming ... al-warming

It isn't something I thought about until Kim mentioned it...but the way we speak, think and envisage is very important in achieving the desired results...We, as individuals, are not without strength and purpose...and it is the way we approach these extreme issues that may make all the difference not only in positive results on a grander scale but within ourselves and our own inner well being. Anger, fear and the likes produces stress hormones reeking havoc on our body's physical systems but as spiritual beings, these emotions also reek havoc on our spiritual well being creating a sense of hopelessness that is simply not the case.

It will be helpful to approach this extreme situation in a sort of positive light...plant the images of the desired result firmly in our emotional heart/brain as we actively do what we can as individuals and collective groups to spread action and hope. Does that make any sense?

Lets start working on some of the 10 things mentioned in the above articles with determination, a sense of knowing and a huge smile as we figure this all out... Its a start...

On a light hearted n


I found this pretty good article too....after seeing a report on PBS today speaking of some of the same things. It is important to be aware of what has been going on and what is currently going on in relation to climate change issues and to become empowered. ... nsibility/

Still trying to remain optimistic... :roll
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

We're having a beautiful first snow and I thought of you. Huh, I wonder if Shane and Melody are getting snow? He tossed out the idea of having a snow competition since we're both in the northern hemisphere now. Ha! Think I'm going to bury him! :roll

Happy first snow everyone! :albino:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Heavensabove »

Seeker13 wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:06 pm Sandy,
We're having a beautiful first snow and I thought of you. Huh, I wonder if Shane and Melody are getting snow? He tossed out the idea of having a snow competition since we're both in the northern hemisphere now. Ha! Think I'm going to bury him! :roll

Happy first snow everyone! :albino:

Hi Kim,

No, no snow here. Very rarely snows here in Osaka, maybe a little later. Further up north would be guaranteed. Looks like I'm conceding already doesn't it? :(

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Well, I am really jealous of both of you. LOL While you guys are enjoying the crisp cool air I will be melting all over the living room. LOL Seriously, just the mere thought of snow makes me happy. :D But just wait until I am back in the US slipping and sliding all over the icy roads again. ai yi yi. Ask me then how much I still like snow. LOL

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I was surprised our average snowfall is only 105.6 in., assumed it would be more than that.

You'll probably still love it!... At least for a few years anyway. :bana:

Oh, leaving a few loaves of banana bread in the Secret Cafe'. We can ask Shane to make the coffee!

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

You know, I was just thinking how good a slice of banana bread would taste. Thanks, Kim. LOL I don't dare make it here as I would eat the whole loaf in a days time. How's the coffee coming along Shane? ;)

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

The way I make it substituting most of the sugar with date syrup, and most of the oil with applesause, you can mouw down without regret! :mrgreen:

Dan and fam came over for dinner last night. We had honey ginger chicken, veggie rice, and pot stickers, all gluten free. Oh, and by the way so was the banana bread. They never had the pot stickers before and loved them. Rachel asked how to make them. I laughed and showed her the box they came in. The chicken and the rice were homemade!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey Kim,
Okay, I know I've been over here a long time but...what is "pot stickers"?

This dinner of yours sounds really good. As for me I had a bowl of diet vegetable soup last night...You may remember the soup that was passed around years ago called the "Heart patient's diet". LOL It makes enough for a week and I am finally getting through it. It sure tasted good with a snicker's bar for dessert! :mrgreen: :roll sigh

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