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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

My plan after September(retirement!!!), is to at long last focus on my stories(there are oodles of them sitting on shelves, sorely neglected) ... along with wedding planning and handyman projects, let's not forget family dinners, and spiritual explorations! I have no concrete plan right now. Focusing on the stories my mean pounding the pavement(so to speak), to find a publisher, or maybe starting a site of my own I'm not sure. Ha! You all probably laughed heartedly at the mention of starting my own site. :lol: now I'm laughing. Of course I'd have to lean heavily on my tech savvy kids, they're whizzes!

Have you noticed how quickly we pounce on anyone getting down on themselves around here? Like old mother hens, "Cluck! Cluck! Peck! Squuuuuwwwaccckkkk!" Translation, "Don't you dare talk badly about my friend!" Sandy did a pretty good job, so I won't pounce right now. Please try and focus on the possibilities instead of the loss. Seems like it's going to be new chapters all around!

You've done a pretty splendid job of creating a tight bond with your family. That takes some doing and you should be applauded for it. Revelency is a matter of perspective. Yup, apparently I made up a new word. It's the one I wanted, so it stays.

Okay ladies, it's my opinion that anyone can carry a tune. Obviously it comes easier to some than others. Family immersion at an early age opens those brain centers. Creating pathways can make 'musicality' seem like second nature. Like any skill it takes practice, a willingness to open your mind to the possibility, and to use your instrument no matter who is listening! :bana: :sunflower: :bana: Congratulations Sammyjo at following your heart to learn that song for your mom's birthday!!! Perhaps it will lead to learning more! :roll

You know, the video set to music is really GOOD! There might be other people out there with neither the know how, or time to make one for themselves. What an amazing addition to any celebration! And you with your extra time, could make it a POSSIBILITY for them... for a small fee of course.

Well, I really need to get something done today. Thanks for the chance to visit and share at The Secret Cafe'. I had very watered down orange juice (my preference)and Omelet a la' Dave! It was delicious!

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Hey Guys!

Kim! Congratulations on retirement!!!!! SO HAPPY to hear you are going to work on your stories! They are going to be amazing! I have one story I wrote years ago, I need an illustrator and a publisher...It's a gem if I do say so myself! But it's been sitting in my file cabinet for 2 decades :lol:

As for singing, I'm pretty sure if you heard me sing you would quickly change your mind about everyone being able to do it :lol: :lol: :lol:

And we should start our own dictionary...Revelency and synchronisticaly...our 1st 2 words!

Sandy-I wouldn't call them musical skills...this was more like spiritual guidance. And I really do mean that. I have been working a bit over the last year to recall how to read music (fairly basic music, barely beyond beginner level), and when I sat down to figure out the notes it was like a little miracle and the chords seemed to add themselves. Honestly is was spiritual!

I hope the wind cooperated with you and that you are getting your soothing walks in. :love

Off to the races...or more like off to motivate the herd of turtles :lol:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello you guys,

Oh to have tech savvy kids here.... I could have used them a couple hours ago. I was trying to do something the real estate agent asked which i send photos of my now sparling clean flat on some site which I think was geared for a mobile. it seems a bit much as inspecting our place is not the tenant's job but I did give it a gallant effort on George's computer...but wound up throughly frustrated and ready to make another run for the Outback. I m thinking I may do it the old dinosaur way.( print photos with exerts and explanations. And mail it to them! We are in lock down so they can't inspect. I still think it is wrong to insist we do this though...Inspecting in any way shape or form is their job.

But enough whining... The good thing... it motivated me to really get onto some cleaning inside and out that I have been wanting to do.

I am expecting in the near future to see both of your all's writings in book form. :sunflower:

Well, I had better try uploading some things to the accountant although it may lead to the next level of frustration as they are involved and big. sigh
I can do this right? :roll

I'll write more later when some of the pressure is off... :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Inspections seem a bit much when not in lockdown, one more stressor for people trying to cope with the currant situation. And you know I am no help at all with your tech problem, sorry. Think of me as emotional support!

Just thought of a fun twist on the Outback escape. How about instead of the group meditation tonight we join up and race to the Outback for a party! I'm not one for running anymore so lets go off roading like this! :bike: Mine's a Harley, what's yours? Aaaannnd, I'll be wearing shorts, t-shirt, my choir robe(yes there will be singing) and of course boots. We are on motorcycles after all. Don't let the bandana fool you, it's a helmet in disguise, safety first. I can see your bathrobe flapping in the wind! Wow! You're a wild woman on a motorcycle! There must be food,... I'll bring veggie pizza, and angel food cake! I remember they don't have that in Australia.

As dusk begins to settle all our friends and loved ones will arrive, all the shiny bikes lined up in a row. "'Cause we're Bad A..!" We'll eat, sing and laugh, while roasting marshmallows in the bon fire. When the time is right, it will get very quiet. Everyone will write all their problems down on slips of paper. Tossing them into the fire, burning away all our the Earthly concerns, carrying our deepest desires up to heaven. We'll whisper in reverence, "...Handing it over Lord."

All is silent, stars twinkling brightly, standing around the fire, heads bowed, eyes closed, reveling in the relief of the lifting of our burdens, a voice will call out, "You've been heard." Upon opening our eyes we'll see a spiritual platoon positioned at our sides.

Drawing in a collective deep breath we'll prepare to return to the lives we are presently living, knowing with certainty, "We can make it through the onslaught."

By the way,... I'm keeping the bike. "Rrrrrmmm! Rrrrrmmmm!" :bike:(imagine dust billowing while I'm perfecting my wheely)

Love to all from The Outback,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim and everybody else from the outback! :hithere
I (traded my motorcycle in after I went over the handlebars when stopping too short and sharp. Luckily I'm fine and my bathrobe is now flying in the breeze from camel back. But what fun. (I just watched "The Mummy" movie so it is easy to envisage their log loping strides and it is actually rather comfortable and safe with this seat belt. I am wearing a helmet bandana as well...good thinking Kim and it saved my head a little while ago. :thumright:

I brought some strawberries and blueberries as well as some whipped cream to go along with that yummy angel cake. The fire feels great, and is warming my toes nicely, the smoke, however, as seemingly for me with all fires, is always in my face despite moving several times. That's okay as the Smokey smell in my clothes will remind me of the fun long after we are all safe in our abodes all over the world.

Now, I get quiet almost on que with everyone else and think about the greatest challenge I face and the nearly always predicable worries that ensue. Can I let these worries go and give them to God? I want to...oh how I want to. What's holding me back? How do I accept God's help... His/Her solution? How do I feel worthy? How do I have God... in myself?
Whew! :shock: ... lots to think about on this outback trip. Best not to put those answers off too long...But tonight..."Let's partie! :bana: :bana: :bana:

love and hugs,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm so sorry! :shock: I didn't realize the extent of your lack of skill on a motorcycle. :sorry: Really happy you had a helmet on,... or we would be having an entirely different conversation right now! Of course a camel is the next logical choice! I am having difficulty imagining your robe flapping in the breeze while on a camel though. Seems like it would be more of a lurching motion, but then again I have no experience riding a camel. Bet 'The Mummy' movie was no coincidence! How else would you have known what to do?!

"Mmmm," the fresh fruit is melting in my mouth. I have the same problem with campfire smoke, must be our magnetic personalities... or whatever would be comparable to attracting smoke. The smell on my clothes afterward would be a reminder for me to take my allergy meds.
Sandy wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:18 amNow, I get quiet almost on que with everyone else and think about the greatest challenge I face and the nearly always predicable worries that ensue. Can I let these worries go and give them to God? I want to...oh how I want to. What's holding me back? How do I accept God's help... His/Her solution? How do I feel worthy? How do I have God... in myself?
I think the answer to these questions is, "You never know until you try." Time, faith, and practice my dear friend. You/me/all of us, will get there.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi all,

Of course a camel is the next logical choice! I am having difficulty imagining your robe flapping in the breeze while on a camel though.
We have some pretty stiff breezes down here, especially this time of year...I also have a really fast camel. :lol:

Don't you just love blueberries? I know they turn your teeth and mouth blue but they are just so yummy and great for your eyes I think.
My bunnies love them too. I am careful with fruit, though, as too much sugar isn't good for them.

Ever since I read Eric's post in group meditation where he mentions running down by the Bayou. I have had this song on my mind
by the great Linda Ronstadt....

Remember it?

Okay much to do...
sleep well up there.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Tonight sleep is yet again an elusive beast.

Thanks for the further information about your camel. I'd like to see just how fast yours is. Wanna race? 8)

I'm with you and the bunnies. I love blueberries, can always count on a couple sour ones though, finished off the last of ours this morning in my cereal. I'd planned on planting a few bushes this year (or maybe saskatoons), but with the fire there was no time for anything extra. Next year hopefully. The south wall on our house has been replaced though, both inside and out! Just waiting on having the last sanding of the drywall, new window and door to come in. Wall paper and painting are going to be my job. I have big plans for September! The siding will be last. We finally have the smoke smell out of the basement. Can finally unpack the boxes in the toy room. The ping pong/pool table room is still going to need some work.

I haven't gotten around to catching up on all the threads, but I sure remember the song 'Blue Bayou'! Spent many a night in my room singing my heart out with Linda, and several others.

Okay I'm off :bike: .

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning Secret Café friends!
I have an idea for the suggestion box. What do you think about displaying an FYI bulletin board! We can share helpful information that will hopefully alert others to upcoming events and include those, "Duh!" moments, and include helpful hints maybe keeping others from repeating our same mistakes. "For example?" you say! It just so happens I have one to share. I'll just stick it to the wall until we come up with the real thing.

It may be hard to believe I've not experienced this up until now. I learned, "It is possible to burn boiled eggs!" I know who would have thunk it?

I'll often boil several eggs at a time to eat throughout the week, so I'm no novice to the practice. Following my normal routine, filled up the pan with cold water, carefully emerged 6 eggs, set the timer on my phone when they began to boil, went to read something until they were cooked to perfection. Unfortunately a series of interruptions occurred. A workmen arrived, my daughter came to the door, and my husband sent a text. Making it through all of that I became engrossed in an article I was reading. After a few minutes I wondered, "Hey, how long have the eggs been boiling?" Automatically looked at the timer on my phone. It displayed a confusing message. Perplexed at this, and not knowing at all how much time had passed. Not caring at all for a runny yolk, I decided maybe I should add two more minutes. Ok, reset the timer, went back to my reading. Again, it hit me, "Shouldn't my timer have gone off?!" The same message flashed on the screen. Greatly irritated that this was probably yet another glitchy device(there has been a string of these incidences lately). I went to the stove. It wasn't pretty. The water had completely boiled away and the eggs, still in their intact shells were blackened and brown half way through the egg. Quickly I thought, "IIII'd better not put these under cold water." After carefully placing the pan in the sink to cool, I took another look at my phone wondering, "Hhh! Did I kill my phone too?!" It took only a spit second to realize. My phone wasn't dead, in fact it was working perfectly. Yes, I'd turned the timer on. But!...You can't expect to hear it,... if the volume is off. That was only the beginning of a very long day.

(Now I'm feeling the need to distract whom ever is reading this from my ohhhhh so obvious blunder.)

How was your mom's party?

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

:lol: 45 minute eggs was always George's specialty. He thought you were supposed to boil them till all the water was evaporated. But then he was always side-tracked on his computer anyway, and would forget as well.

About the FYI bulletin Board. Do you want it as a stickie at the top of the misc. forum? ... or on the secret thread? I'd have to talk to Geoff if it is to be a brand new forum. Actually a forum might be best and more easily accessible and noticeable.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Oh, so the 45 minute boiled egg is a thing! I don't feel so silly now! I love George stories.

I'm sorry :sorry: Thought I was be humorous about the bulletin board idea. You know like you see in those mom & pop type places where they always have a tag board with three layers of messages on them. Did not mean to cause extra work for you.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

:lol: :lol: :lol: That idea, thought, chuckle went right over my silly little had. LOL
...but really it wasn't a bad idea. I guess I thought it would be a way to post messages, regarding free training or workshops coming up. But I guess in reality the Misc. forum does that anyway.

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

BURNED BOILED EGGS!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you for my morning laugh! Seems I've missed a lot of fun over the last few weeks! Had I been aware I would have been in a Jeep for the Outback...Rode a horse once and it didn't go very well, tried to ride a moped and couldn't buddy no motorcycles or camels for this little chicken!

Mom's party was AMAZING! (Thank you for asking). I'm actually heading down to her place in a few hours, she has to have a little procedure done and needs a driver, so I will take her and stay a couple days. This may actually afford me some time to do a little more catch up on the board. If I find time I would love to share some details about her birthday, we filled it with many little surprises and her reaction to each one made my heart full to bursting!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I’m having a little time to myself too. New window and door going in today,along with siding! Holed up in my room, staying out of the way.

Lol, I think George’s boiled egg story beats mine by a mile! The smell lingers on long afterward as a reminder of your blunder. Ha, coincidentally I boiled more today. Carefully checking this time that the timer was set and volume maxed out.

Seriously, a Jeep? Where’s your adventure?! Wow, was flooded with a torrent of not so smart choices I made as a teenager. :oops: But honestly, you have to ride a horse more than once. There’s nothing like being on one while it’s swimming,… aah heavenly. Then too, I’ve been on more than my fair share that seemed like they wanted to kill me. They have personalities like anything else.

I would love to hear about your mom’s party. I’ll live vicariously through your words. Hope all goes smoothly with her procedure. :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

How's you Mom, SammyJo?

You know, kim, I was buying your statements below, thinking that , "Hey, maybe it isn't too late for me with my delicate bone structure to learn to ride a horse...
But honestly, you have to ride a horse more than once. There’s nothing like being on one while it’s swimming,… aah heavenly.
I paused for a moment and envisaged sort of Lady Godiva Sandy ( but with clothes) bareback with long hair blowing in the all around...

and then you said this...
Then too, I’ve been on more than my fair share that seemed like they wanted to kill me.
:shock: Is it just me or is it a true test of a horse person to think that those two sentences back to back in the same paragraph seem totally acceptable reasons to persuade the unsuspecting public to risk life and limb on the back of a killer horse while courting another race with death?

LOL for all horse people, I am kidding and my comments above come from the latter quote which sadly accurately described what occurred during the three times I have ever been on a horse's back. :lol: I can laugh now but it was terrifying, beautiful beast or not. :shock:'s camels for me and if no camels...a rollator will suffice. ;) :roll :love

xxSandy :bike:
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

LOL sense of adventure rode away with that horse! Although I did take my jeep off road once...I drove up this this incredibly steep sand hill only to get to the top and realize it was JUST wide enough to support my tires and the down hill side of the hill was even steeper than the up side! I was like :shock: "I guess we're all we go!"

How's the window, door and siding?

Mom's doing good. It was a little biopsy, waiting on news which I am sure will be good.

I wanted to share a few of the wonderful surprises we gave mom for her birthday...

A little back story...My niece Molly stayed with my mom for several months during COVID. They have a very sweet, special relationship. Molly has her own marketing business and can work remotely from anywhere. In April she left for Guatemala, and planned on returning to surprise mom for her birthday. I picked her up and drove to mom's, I went in the house and Molly hid outside and facetimed my mom...Here are part 1 (may be hard to hear, Molly is saying she wants to sing Happy Birthday but there are too many people around so she's going to move to a quieter place) and 2 of the Molly surprise:

That was by far the best of the surprises. I won't bore you with all the other videos, but we surprised her with getting her sister to come for a visit, then a surprise dinner with several people she hadn't seen in quite some time, and then cake at her house after dinner with a few more surprise special people. Every time her reaction was "YOU'RE KIDDING ME! OH MY GOD!" :loves :loves :loves By far, the BEST several days I've had in years!

In other news, Scott proposed to Katie at Scargo Tower ... argo-lake/ (a 5 minute walk from mom's house). Scott closed on his house and they will be moving on Sept. 5th to a town near Syracuse NY. I am VERY excited for him but will miss them terribly!

Well, it seems as though news is either feast or famine for me :lol:

Chatty Cathy signing off

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Chatty Cathy :lol: ( Love your chatter by the way. It is missed when you are quiet.)

I am in video heaven after watching your videos, Sammy.

They are wonderful and your mom's reaction, priceless. :cheers:
How did she like the song/photos you put together for her?

Congratulations!!! :cheers: :sunflower: I hope Scott and Katie have a blessed life together. :bana: :bana:
Scargo Lake is beautiful! It looks to be the shape of a Sturgeon. That whole area... WOW! What a wonderful place to call home. Are you guys safe from the rising water the Hurricane has dumped?

Please stay safe in this world gone mad.
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »


The "hurricane" was quite the let down for us. We've had way worse passing showers :lol: I do love a good storm, but it seems we chose to live in a town that has "white witches" that break up storms before the get here. I met these ladies many years ago, the were a massage team trying to help my fibromyalgia. They do reiki, trigger point therapy (you name it, they do it). During a session we could hear thunder in the distance and immediately they told me they had to end the session to break up the storm. They told me they have a friend terrified of storms, so they meditate and split them up over our town or push them off to the side of our town. I now watch the radar on with each storm and 99% of the time the storm on perfect track to hit us either splits or drifts off course just long enough to miss us! I figure the 1% that doesn't miss is because they are on vacation :lol:

Since you asked about mom's reaction to the just so happens I have a video of it :lol: My brother is by the back wall, his wife Wendy is behind my mom, and the horse in the room is our sweet Brody.

One last video to torture you with...Singing Happy Birthday at the first birthday dinner (the one to throw her off the scent of the real deal)...I just LOVE how she is singing for herself!

Thanks for letting me share all that...Her reactions to everything filled me to overflowing with joy!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Oh boy... I am blubbering now...Your mom's reaction was priceless! :sunflower: Man she has some serious rhythm going. :bana: I love the way you both got into the, "Bah - bah- bah!" Shoot you had me doing it too and swaying to the music as well. :bana:

You did great, lady! Your Mom who is a special person looks as if she had the time of her life. :sunflower: Thank you sooooo much for sharing it with me. :kiss:

I chuckle at your disappointed reaction to the hurricane or lack there of and I am not a bit surprised. I thought of you when I heard it had fizzled out. I know you love a good storm and figured you would be disappointed. A journalist actually interviewed someone from your area who was much like you, a bit let-down, and video showed only the merest of waves gently splashing the rocks of a local ocean barrier.
Ney Sayers would scoff at this...but I believe it was large group of wiccans who broke the drought that put out the fires in Australia's horrible summer of 2020. The day after their effort the skies opened up and places that hadn't received rain in 3 years were inundated. There was so much rain that flooding became a wee bit of a problem which is one of the reason I suspect this kind of thing is only done in the most dire emergencies.

Here's to the next storm and any and all those behind the scenes working to keep us as safe as is possible. :cheers:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

That was amazing! So sweet and wonderful, thanks so much for sharing. Seeing it made my joy to overflow as well! Hurray for technology making you able to present her with wonderful memories and to be able to record the special moment! As I said before, "Living vicariously through your mom experiences."

Awesome story about the weather witches. Makes me wonder even more about my own family, having relatives on both sides of the Salem Witch Trials. Whenever there's a storm Aleah dashes outside to dance in the rain. Seems like she's in another world face raised toward the sky spinning slowly with a broad smile on her face. Growing up we loved storms too. Our house was up at the top of a small hill, with a wide covered deck. We used to stand out and watch the weather all the time. I remember many a night sleeping out there as close to the wall as I could get, letting the raindrops splash my face. It sounds crazy, but the most fun to watch were tornadoes(miles away).

I went on a Girl Scout canoeing trip when I was 12. We'd camp each night along the river. The last night a tornado hit! It was miles of devastation all around, taking out everything, but our five little tents. In the morning I woke up to shivering, crying, girls all huddled together in a puddle of water. I'd slept through the whole thing. :roll

Seeing the weather report a few days ago I too was hoping you and your family were safe.

Awe, how are your parents? It's worth missing out on sleep if you get to share a few minutes with them huh?

It's been a busy, busy week for here, haven't had a chance to visit the boards. The heat and humidity for the past month have been oppressive, but nothing compared to experiencing what others in the world are going through. Now we have to pray for those along the Gulf of Mexico as Ida(my Grandma's name), wreaks her havoc.

As others have all that to contend with, I'll begin painting the kitchen, hoping and praying for everyone out there who is suffering.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Heavensabove »

sammy wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:53 pm LOL sense of adventure rode away with that horse! Although I did take my jeep off road once...I drove up this this incredibly steep sand hill only to get to the top and realize it was JUST wide enough to support my tires and the down hill side of the hill was even steeper than the up side! I was like :shock: "I guess we're all we go!"

How's the window, door and siding?

Mom's doing good. It was a little biopsy, waiting on news which I am sure will be good.

I wanted to share a few of the wonderful surprises we gave mom for her birthday...

A little back story...My niece Molly stayed with my mom for several months during COVID. They have a very sweet, special relationship. Molly has her own marketing business and can work remotely from anywhere. In April she left for Guatemala, and planned on returning to surprise mom for her birthday. I picked her up and drove to mom's, I went in the house and Molly hid outside and facetimed my mom...Here are part 1 (may be hard to hear, Molly is saying she wants to sing Happy Birthday but there are too many people around so she's going to move to a quieter place) and 2 of the Molly surprise:

That was by far the best of the surprises. I won't bore you with all the other videos, but we surprised her with getting her sister to come for a visit, then a surprise dinner with several people she hadn't seen in quite some time, and then cake at her house after dinner with a few more surprise special people. Every time her reaction was "YOU'RE KIDDING ME! OH MY GOD!" :loves :loves :loves By far, the BEST several days I've had in years!

In other news, Scott proposed to Katie at Scargo Tower ... argo-lake/ (a 5 minute walk from mom's house). Scott closed on his house and they will be moving on Sept. 5th to a town near Syracuse NY. I am VERY excited for him but will miss them terribly!

Well, it seems as though news is either feast or famine for me :lol:

Chatty Cathy signing off

Hi Sammyjo,

Just loved these videos.
Your mum moves much better than me!

She is gorgeous! :bana:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning all you guys,

Shane said,
"Just loved these videos.
Your mum moves much better than me!

She is gorgeous! :bana:
She is isn't she?... goodness and love just emanates from her and her daughter too. ;) :)

Its a wonderful is all of yours!... a confession :oops: :roll: I sort of think of all of your all's families as mine too. LOL I'm alone here... but not really... Did you all see Gorge's message posted on the list from Andrea today? I found it helpful...actually remember sitting with my G for that one. I always loved it when Andrea came through. Her presence filled the flat with so much love.

I have been battling a little bit of depression the past week so been a bit quiet...wallowing just a little which doesn't really help but decided last night to go to bed early and get up with the sun. I took a walk with coffee in hand along the lake and it was the best medicine. ( not the coffee the walk ;) ) The beauty of the new day could not be denied. Life cannot be stopped... beautiful and precious the sun rises and so does our soul...even if it does not seem possible in the depth of a cold lonely evening. (LOL Yes I am a bit melodramatic today :lol: ) But seriously, I am feeling good and even optimistic. Gonna work on my own spirituality, pray and allow the problem knots to unravel in the Creator's perfect timing...

(remind me of this an hour from now when I once again try to wrest control from the Big Guy/Gal. (yep...I have long suspected my "soul" walks around with one of those big yellow triangle signs stating "CAUTION: WORK IN PROGRESS!" and for all angels and spirit workers... "CAUTION: THIS IS A HARD HEAD AREA" :lol:

Life is good... :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Hi Family!

Thanks for taking the time to watch - it brings me such joy to share joy!

Sandy- I feel the same way - we ARE a family here! It is your patient loving soul that keeps us together and keeps us coming back :kiss:

Well, no chatty Kathy today, just wanted to say I'm still here lurking, just a little quiet.

Sending LOVE!!!!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy and Sammyjo {{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}!
Life should be all about those quiet reflective moments. The rest is simply background noise. Huh, a song just stared in my head, it's pretty obscure, have absolutely no idea what it is. Seems like I'm suppose to figure it out... ok later will have to hum it to Dave The Five Second Tune Master.

Sending love to you both,
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Love is a daily decision ~ Mom & Daddy John
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