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Re: The Secret

Post by nasra1996 »

Thanks Kim :loves Sandy :loves

:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone,

It is Monday afternoon and in a little bit my landlord and wife will come for a visit so I had better make this short. They recently aquired a gorgeous sweet little puppy who has quickly become the light of their life. :) But that means I had better baton down the hatches as the bunnies are still inside too. should make for an interesting afternoon.

My car, George's car did die. It was my fault. One should never drive the car when the drive train warning light comes on.. :cry: .I would say live and learn but that was a hard lesson with my present circumstances. As you an imagine I struggle a bit with this latest happening. But it did teach me something other then the obvious already stated. God's over care comes from surprising directions and in surprising ways. When I was passing the time of day with flat 1's occupant, a lovely young man, an arborist named Bo, relief came from a surprising direction. Within 5 minutes, (I kid you not) he had solved my car problem. Well it is still sitting broken and sad in my drive way but not for long. He has lots of friends and all of them are car mechanically inclined. In fact, one group is into the car burn out competitions and they take engines in and out of their cars for fun. Well, this is the group who volunteered to put a new engine in G's car... and it will only take a day since my car is so old and roomy under the hood.... all of this in a very affordable way. I am ever so grateful to Bo, his friends and to the Divine who loves and adores us whether we are driving walking or missing the bus... :) :roll:

Other then that... how was everyone's holidays so far? Day by day is the way I am handling it. Seems to work...going with the flow and trying to be authentic with my feelings... exploring them a little more in depth to see the layers where "stuff" unsuspected might lie. Oh my there are lots of layers. :shock:

It is beautiful and cool today. Love it. :bana:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning Everyone!
Good strategy for the holidays... and anytime actually. Has your car been fixed yet? What was that that Maria Von Trapp said, "When Heaven closes a door, it opens a window." Hope you had a nice visit with your landlords... and the bunnies stayed safe.

FYI wouldn't recommend using date sugar and applesauce to substitute for the sugar in the cream cheese filling of Pumpkin Ribbon Bread. "Blahh!" Date sugar turns the yellow creaminess brown, looks and tastes a lot like uncooked dough... and a bit rubbery. Will keep trying to find decent substitutions for sugar though! Will place that experiment in the basket labeled, "NOOOO!"

Have to admit our Christmas was exhausting, but I'll not complain as so many others were unable to spend the day with friends and loved ones. Since our kids live close by, and many of us work together we felt there was very little risk. We all gathered at our son's rental house. It has a large dining room, very spacious living room. The ceiling is like that of a log cabin with exposed cross and support beams. Aleah and Rachel spent hours wrapping all the beams with lights, placing a rope of greenery on the fireplace mantle, and decorating a lovely spruce tree in front of the picture window. So many sweet moments. Nova, the two-year-old(as her usual) only wanted to open two or three gifts then found a lap to snuggle in. Marisol, Aleah's 16 yr old stepdaughter(came to live with them in August), spent her first Christmas with us. Aleah, Rachel, and I each wrote a letter of welcome to her in the first few pages of a diary presented as a Christmas gift. Any child, no matter their age would love to have Aleah as a stepmom.

After opening gifts, consuming too much food(including Dave's famous apple pie, made in a deep dish pizza pan),the girls went to bed, and we played the trivia game All Of Us. Teams were split boys against the girls. The girls lead until for some reason every question we had was drawn from Planet Obscurity! Every question the boys had was so easy, felt like the game was rigged! My eyes were perpetually rolling :roll: in disbelief. LOL! Going to take some time before they let us live that one down. It is not an easy game and apparently being born at the very end of the Baby Boomers generation didn't give me a lot of insight into that era. Which everyone assumed I would know!

Tiny and I were the first ones up the next morning. She'd waited two hours for anyone else to wake up. Finally at 6:00 she saw my light on and rushed in wide-eyed. I was very impressed that she didn't even ask to open any presents from Santa, just really wanted everyone else to get up!!!

We had another big meal of egg bake and all the side dishes, cleaned up, watched A Muppet Christmas, and Dave and I got back home about 4:30 in the afternoon... Have to admit I'm still tired this Monday morning!

Tiny's 6th birthday is the 30th(PANT,PANT, PANT) Instead of more presents Rachel thought it would be fun to get her stuff to turn the playhouse and surrounding space into a jungle. Tiny has been wanting to live in a jungle for the whole year. She LOOOOOVES to rearrange furniture and decorate. So with fake palm trees and plants, colorful parrots, flower garland, raffia skirting, animal print lanterns, and giant colorful tissue paper flowers(I though we should get a few giant animal cutouts, but Rachel thought that might be too much... sigh) it should be quite fun watching our Tiny girl go jungle crazy.

New Years Eve Dave and I will go over to Dan and Rachel's, play a little cards and probably not stay up to see the ball drop. 2020 will be tightly wrapped up and we will be ready to begin a new year. WHEW!!!

May 2021 be ever so much happier, healthier, and enlightening for all.

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Re: The Secret

Post by ChildofGod »

What ever happened to the user named gypsie :?:
She last logged in 2014.
Much love,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey everybody,

I love the idea of turning Tiny's play area into a jungle for her birthday, Kim...she will love it. and I am with you...giant animal cut-outs would have been the finishing touches. ;) :roll :lol:

Wow I am exhausted just reading about your holiday escapades, but what I wouldn't give for a slice of Dave's apple pie. You must understand that I have been on a diet since New Years. Oops we aren't supposed to say that word. Never mind. :mrgreen:

Hey Liz, Gyspy Deb stated this giant thread many years ago. So you ask a good question. I haven't been on Facebook in over a year but she is there and last I heard all was well with her. Once again though it was a while back. I would love for her to come for a visit. Maybe I will brave the Facebook hazards and see if I can connect with her again and ask her to come back for a visit.

I have recently herd from Petra. Her children are grown now... wow hard to believe as when we first met, her youngest, Manny, was Kim's granddaughter, Tiny's age.

I'd love to know more of how Aqua Deb and Lilly are faring too. It has been years.

Okay gotta scoot. I have baby magpies crying at my door. :shock:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning!
Liz and Sandy, I've been wondering about all the people you've both mentioned! :cry: I miss Petra! How about Blue Nova(Anne)? Can still picture her avvie in my head! I know Peacockplume talks periodically with Memaw Laura. Who I understand is doing very well after her hart transplant.

Facebook hazards is a perfect description. Guess I have to cut this short, it's a Grandma day. We're going to make homemade hot cocoa. Only 32 degrees her, so it makes sense. I'll try to bop bake later and bring some with me. I like mine with whipped cream... which of course you don't have in Australia!

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Been some time since visiting the Café! How is everyone doing? Darn, forgot to email Lynn. Will try to remember that later. Liz, how is it going in your meditation room?

Sandy, I was thinking of you the other night as we were finally getting some snow! :bana: Winter is so boring and brown without it. Ended up with about 12 in., not quite a blizzard, but enough to go sledding! We've also been down in the single digits and low teens for about a week. Is it terribly hot down there? Wasn't it about this time last year when there were so many fires in Australia?

After packing up the Christmas Village I had a dilemma. Because of COVID we ended up not being able to have a shed built. Since our storage area became a bedroom for the basement apartment, we lost a place to store the village and 8ft. x 4 ft. board. Logically it made sense to me to store the boxes under the board and turn the whole thing into a Fairy Village(hence having fairies on the brain lately)! Tiny and Nova were in complete agreement with me! Taking Oberon's advice to heart, little by little the winter scene transformed into quite a beautiful springy place. Since Dave and I spent so much time these past months purging and cleaning out, I decided I needed a creative outlet. We have a couple of extra sheets of pink insulation board left in the basement. Do you know with a glue gun, knife, and pink board how easy it is to carve fairy houses?!..., And caves, and bridges, and tree stands, and flower berms. The houses we had were small and the doors didn't open, so you could look at them, but not be very interactive with. Now they can!

So the village is pretty complete, yesterday I finished a mushroom house and connected the rivers to the lakes, lining the banks with rocks and stones. There's flat stepping stones and a driftwood bridge for the animals. We imagine the water is flowing pretty swiftly, so the animals needed help to cross them. Of course fairies have wings, but they can walk across if they want.

As usual I had everything perfectly set up when the girls came over today. First thing Tiny races to the village, gushes over all the changes, immediately began shoving some flat stones in a flowery bush. The story has begun! "This one is the nose. A fairy used her magic to make the bush come alive!" As you can imagine bushes just coming to life have pretty voracious appetites'! That crazy thing raced through the village like a swarm of locust consuming every creature and fairy in it's path! One of the caves was designated as it's stomach. Finally reaching full capacity everything came tumbling out. Tiny explained, "The bush is pooping."

I shrugged, "Of course it is."

Completing it's... business. The poor fairies and animals lying very still in a heap trying to recover their latest ordeal, Tiny placed two trees on their sides(to look like arms), and collecting all the other foliage, combining it with the cave, the little bush continued growing into a massive monster! Tiny turned to me explaining, "It's evolving... That's why it needed so much food! See it's turning into this beautiful little island,... so friends can visit!" Seriously as her grandma, I really should have guessed that. I did know however, that the pristine little village with all it's perfectly arranged items, would NOT remain that way!

Anyway that was my day, along with a group clean up of the toy room from last week, playing hide-n-seek with very wild raptors, crafting gift bags for Valentine's day, always surprised how Nova manages to get naked every five minutes, singing the same Easter song book every day since last Easter, doing school work, making sure they didn't roll the play tent down the stairs while inside it, and trying to get in a little sledding time in before going home.

Next Tuesday, the school will reopen and Tiny will be attending Kindergarten for the first time this year... I have to tell you, I'm really going to miss her. :loves

Would love to hear how everyone is spending their time!

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

OK, let's try this again...I was typing a message and accidentally struck some key that took me to a message that said no HDMI 3 connection could be found and then my screen when black. Thought I crashed my computer :shock: :shock: :shock: Thankfully not!


You paint a wonderful image with your words!!! I had a movie playing in my head while reading about your day :loves (which sounds terribly exhausting by the way!) Can you post a picture of your fairy village? I would LOVE to see it!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Guys,

I was thinking the same thing as Sammy...Kimmie, surely you took a picture of this magical place. :mrgreen:
You know, you should write a book on engaging with children for new and current grandmas/grandpas. I guess it could be for all people who love a child. You have the vast experience and the child-like soul freedom to inspire us all. Although, I think I will need to build up my stamina starting now.

Have you heard anything from our PP? I was thinking about her again this morning. Wondering if they have closed on their new home...Where it is at? How she is feeling? etc...

I keep looking at our garage...chocka block full of all kinds of our shared "treasures." I am beginning to look towards an inevitable process... sorting through these things and beginning the process of deciding what stays with me and what can be given new life somewhere else.
I am almost ready...out there, anyway.. But inside is still "pristine George" and I can't say it will change anytime soon. :) In the evening when I sit alone I want and still need his things surrounding me. :)

I have been seeing images of the storms moving across the US. I must say as cold and slippery as they are...You got to admit they are so beautiful. Did any of you see images of the brown snow in Europe last week? I guess it was coming from sand picked up in the Sahara. ... own/533455
pretty cool 8)

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

I keep looking at our garage...chocka block full of all kinds of our shared "treasures." I am beginning to look towards an inevitable process... sorting through these things and beginning the process of deciding what stays with me and what can be given new life somewhere else.
I am almost ready...out there, anyway.. But inside is still "pristine George" and I can't say it will change anytime soon. :) In the evening when I sit alone I want and still need his things surrounding me. :)
I LOVE the idea of giving things "a new life somewhere else" :flower: I think that's what mom did...She still has LOTS of my dad's belongings, but has given away certain things at certain times to certain people. Things that she has a very strong attachment to are with her, some things she loved and could part with but didn't really want to part with were given to loved ones over the course of time: I have his Mickey Mouse sweatshirt, Jack has his Pink Panther Putter (which I often steal from him because it's my lucky putter :lol: ), my uncle has a few of his tools (etc). Things that she didn't have attachment to went to the church thrift shop. But she took her time and did it the way she wanted. :loves

On the topic of weather and raining sand...Years ago, after a strong storm I found a few small fish in our yard, so I googled it and there have been places that rain all kinds of things like frogs! Apparently water spouts can pick up fish and drop them elsewhere!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Wow! :shock: little fish do not have an easy life, do they?... a waterspout! imagine???? You know that old saying..."It's raining cats and dogs?" aiyiyi that is now sort of depressing now as I wonder if it came from a real experience somewhere.

Okay I was curious and sort of looked it up and scholarly people think it may come from some greek word.
But I also found this...
The term raining cats and dogs derives from Victorian times when street drainage was so poor that pets left on the streets would drown during rain storms. After the rainfall, the dead cats and dogs strewn across the streets made it appear as though it had been raining cats and dogs.

The term raining cats and dogs derives from Victorian times when household pets, like cats and dogs, slept during the night on the eaves of houses. When it rained heavily, the water from the roof washed them off the eaves, and they came down with the torrent of water from the roofs of houses. As it appeared as though the cats and dogs had fallen with the rain, the term raining cats and dogs was born
Seems like street animals have never caught a break...very sad.

Well I took down both Christmas trees yesterday. :( It was hard as I had fixated them with George. But now I am thinking of putting one back up but a smaller version of itself. One that I can decorate with red ornaments and maybe add some hearts for valentines Day... something different for Easter. I really missed the rosy glow last night and the flat seems so blah now. I go... I just remembered something I meant to clarify about the 5:52 transmit.
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
You know that old saying..."It's raining cats and dogs?" aiyiyi that is now sort of depressing now as I wonder if it came from a real experience somewhere.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I laughed so hard at that thought...then I read where it actually came from :cry:
Well I took down both Christmas trees yesterday. :( It was hard as I had fixated them with George. But now I am thinking of putting one back up but a smaller version of itself. One that I can decorate with red ornaments and maybe add some hearts for valentines Day... something different for Easter. I really missed the rosy glow last night and the flat seems so blah now.
That must have sucked!
(((((SANDY))))) (Long cozy warm hug)

I used to do a New Year's eve tree, I got the idea from the show Donny and Marie had on TV in the late '90's, they had purple and blue balloons and other stuff on it, it was SO pretty. I love the idea of keeping a tree up all year and changing the decorations, it really does warm up a place, something about it when you look at it just feels like love :loves Oh how about St. Patty's day, you could hang chocolate filled gold coins on it with leprechauns....wait, what's wrong with leprechauns? I feel like my had is about to get slapped again :?

You should post pics of your cute trees!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Yay, The Secret Café is open for business! :sunflower:
I've sent an e-mail to Lynn saying we all need to know how she's faring.

It's a sunny winter day in my neck of the woods... literally I live in the woods. We missed the drastic storm from the east. Ours had the biggest fluffiest snowflakes you could imagine! We ended up with about 16 inches. It's picturesque out the window, peeking past crystal clear prisms of icicles, appreciating heavily snow laden branches. Everything from flower pots to tree stumps are wearing their thick white caps. Seems very still here, but I can hear the wind and waves from the beach down the road.

Sandy as your post progressed I winced preparing myself, knowing any minute a tragic origin story was coming! :shock: "Ahhhh, why am I so visual!!!"
Think of dancing bananas! Think of dancing bananas!!!... :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: "Whew! Ok, ready to move on."

And that segued into taking down your trees. :( My wonderful, sweet sister friend, grief is the same as spiritual progression. Everything is in your own time and at your own pace. When packing up... precious memories, doesn't feel as if your putting away a part of yourself, then you're ready to do it. Those 'things,' are what George left behind to help you through the process. Sending a hug :loves through the ether, hoping it finds you content in this moment. Please don't stop posting about the hard stuff, that's what we're here for.

Sammy it seems like your mom has a pretty sound plan. When you build a life with someone, the accumulation is an intermingling of you both. All that takes time to unravel.

My hope when sharing stories, especially about my family, is it can help you all feel like your right here with us! Tiny gave me the idea of making the next fairy house look like an old stump. Yesterday, try as we might, couldn't extract the bark from a old fallen beech tree. My vision was to include little steps made out of shelf fungus. Ended up using small pieces of beech twigs and drift wood(collected a grocery sack last summer)standing side by side around a round form. Looks pretty cool as I added an eagle's nest on the tallest one.

:? Still don't know how to add pics to the boards. Any suggestions?

Sandy your right, it's best to get into shape(both physically and mentally) for the grandparent sprint! Have you ever noticed kids do not walk? My advice to grandparents is, "Think back and recapture your sense of child like wonder." Meeting a kid where they are? Is an amazing, breathtaking adventure!" I'm aware that I have a unique perspective regarding children, :lol: that I'm not sure many other adults are willing to share! :roll It involves chasing raptors at any moment, and talking about poop a lot!

I've stacks of stories, books and poems piling up on shelves. It's always been my dream to share them with the world. My mom always asked, "Well, what's keeping you from it, fear or common sense?"

Lol! My answer, "Yes... to both." Think I'll be able to fully retire next September. Then! Think I will go fervently searching for that dream in my vortex!

Love to all and welcome to the grandparent adventure!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Thanks for the info! Will try and figure it out tomorrow.

I'm recuperating. Tiny and Nova stayed over last night. We had a Valentine's Day sleep over! Marisol(16), joined us for most of the time, making gemstone decorated treasure boxes, playing with the girls in the fairy village. We had pizza, strawberry sauce and whipped cream over Angel food cake for dinner. Technically it was a holiday celebration, so the girls thought we didn't need veggies. We watched Turbo. Marisol had both the girls on her lap for the movie... I'm the luckiest grandma ever. :kiss:

It was Nova's(2 1/2) first time sleeping over. She's over a lot and used to taking naps here, but was so surprised she didn't have any problems missing mom and dad. She went right to sleep last night, and they both slept in to 8:30 this morning! We had applesauce, cranberry pancakes for breakfast played with the fairy village some more, watched another movie('cause Grandma was tired!) I love that Nova asked, "Grandma can we watch Halleluiah(Pentatonix') on your computer?" After four more of their videos and some good snuggle time, mom and dad came to pick them up.

I think this is what Valentine's Day is all about. So, "Happy Valentine's Day everyone! May love and light fill your days!"

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey guys,

I too will work on learning the ropes on picture posting. :finger: :lol: It sounds a little complicated but also sounds like if we follow your step by step advice we will get there.

I love that photo of you, Sammy. It looks like you trying to break out of the house or something. Does Photo bucket put that big ole advertisement in the middle of all the photos you post there?

Once again Kim, you have to be the most fun gramma on the planet....and creative...your little fairy village sounds enchanting. I didn't get very far last year on mine. The first wind (and it was a gentle zephyr rearranged everything and looked like a catastrophic event had occurred. No self respecting fairy would even consider such shoddy workmanship. ;) :lol:

I love the name, Marisol. It is so pretty and unusual. It sounds as if all of you had a lovely time together on Valentines day. I remember days like that when my boys were little.... holidays were so much fun. I also like the idea of a St. Patricks day tree. I was thinking about Easter completely forgetting about the fun in March. The gold coins would look great on the tree too. Along with some shamrocks if I can find them. Oh boy now I am wishing for a Shamrock Shake from McDonalds. I do have a less evil version of that somewhere. It uses chopped spinach in the mint smoothie mixture to give it its' green colour.

Well, I had better keep an eye on the cockatoos that have just arrived. There is a gang of them that come around in the early evening and as adorable as they are with those "puppy dog" eyes, they are areal destructive menace when they get bored.

Have a fun week and enjoy all that beautiful fluffy white stuff for me.

xx Sandy
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Okay, I'm a posting pictures to the boards, even with directions failure. I mean it's really bad. I didn't even know how to put pictures to Facebook.
In my defense I never go on Facebook, only to send pics on Messenger(which Aleah had to set up on my phone). While I was making dinner she showed up. I told her what I was trying to do. My plan was to post one photo on the boards. She sat down, put all the photos of the village on Facebook. Then proceeded to put all the URLs on the boards without my knowing! So, you wanted Fairy Village pics? You've got them.... And I still have no idea how this magic is performed. ... 4157816169 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257 ... 4281339257

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good morning family,

KIM!!! :loves

I needed that today! My BFF of 49 years is going in for a mastectomy today so this was an amazing delight to start my day. I LOVE IT!!!! What a beautiful and fun thing to wake up to! I love your crystals mixed in with the rocks, and the ladybug mushroom house...and the little fairy looking at the deer in amazement! :loves :loves :loves Such wonderful detail in all of it!

I also love that there are links to the pic rather than a ginormous picture hogging up the thread! (By the way Kim, that pic was taken when we first went into lock down and I was awaiting delivery from my favorite hang out :lol: ) I wonder if Aleah just copied the link but didn't do the last step of my instructions...I will try this next time I have a picture worth sharing.

Thank you for starting my day off this way!


Edit: Just got off the phone with my BFF, sigh...she didn't sleep much last night because her super sweet dog started bleeding from his behind. She's handling it amazingly! I can't imagine going into surgery and having to let go of the weight of not being able to be with my pet at such a scary time. (Then again, ya do what ya gotta do!) Thankfully her daughter is taking Westen to the vet while she undergoes surgery. A bit ironic because she called while I was reading a thread called "the uncharted territory of remote healing"...something I used to dabble with but don't feel spiritually "in-shape" enough to attempt. So I put it all in God's hands and pray my friend is healthy and wakes from her surgery to good news about her doggy. Isn't he cute???!!! ... e=605098F7
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

No wonder you looked so forlorn in the pic you posted, "Give that woman something to eat!"

My kids know a lot about computers, Alesh didn't look at the directions, just did it her way. There were other problems she had to fix with my Facebook account. Apparently they suspended it for suspicious activity. :shock: That gave me a pretty big laugh since I've only post once in the last five years except for sharing pics on messenger! It could have been like that since then!

So glad you liked the village. It has brought us hours of imaginative fun! I had a hard time with lighting taking the photos, was either too bright or too dark, oh, well. When the girls get here in the morning it's the first place they run to. I think the fairy painting a flower is my favorite.

So sorry to hear about your friend, and her adorable little dog. The photo reminds me of Aleah's little Duke Duke. How did the surgery go, for both of them? Did Westen have an injury or illness? I'll send loving healing thoughts to both of them. I was going to take Reiki classes last fall, but had to put off until COVID is under control. Until then I believe that remote healing can be done without a formalized approached, as long as our intention is sincere. I always begin by asking permission from the person's TA, then ask for, and visualize them surrounded in loving healing light. In fact I've included a healing tree in the fairy village. My hope is it will grow into a healing forest! For each person I choose a small trinket I've designated for healing, hanging it on the tree. A couple times a day I'll look at each one sending a prayer for that individual. If you'd like to PM me your friend's name, I could add one for her and little Westen.

I figure since spirit often calls on me to send out prayers for those in pain, danger, or suffering, what I'm doing must be ok. Learning more can only be a bonus, right?!

I'm so happy our little venture helped you start your day on a positive note. It was created with love!

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Re: The Secret

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Thank you for your offer, she is out of surgery and there was no sign of cancer in her lymph nodes :bana:. I will pm you her name in, every little bit helps!

I sure wish I had room around here for a fairy village but with 3 extra adults living here space in this big house is scarce. That said, I wouldn't trade them being here for the world! I will have to live vicariously through you :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

So glad to hear it hasn't spread to the lymph nodes! That must be a huge relief. I wish her a speedy recovery!... How is Westen?

Our house seems to be shrinking by the year too. But that's ok! Surrounded by family has made COVID easier to deal with. Our oldest son lives with my husband and I. We recently added a bedroom to Aleah's apartment(our walkout basement), as her step-daughter moved in this summer. The new bedroom was our former storage space. The storage space was where the Christmas Village was set up. We had to set up the Christmas Village, which ended up in my bedroom! Because of COVID the new storage shed we ordered ended up not being built. That's where I was going to store the Christmas Village and board. I thought, "Well, no storage shed for the village...Guess I'll leave the board up, store the Christmas boxes underneath, and... put a Fairy Village on the top! Funny how things work out. It's been more fun than we ever imagined. Since the houses are not lit, all of the structures are mobile, so there's a new configuration three times a week(every time the girls come over)!

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

HI Kim :hithere

I haven't heard any news on Westen yet. I messaged their daughter last night (as I didn't want to bother my friend or husband about that topic last night) but haven't heard back.
Guess I'll leave the board up, store the Christmas boxes underneath, and... put a Fairy Village on the top! Funny how things work out.
Seems like it has worked out for more than just you and the girls...I love reading the adventures of Fairyland, it's like story time, and it puts a silly grin on my face and makes me warm all over :loves Looking forward to the next chapter!

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Re: The Secret

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Makes me smile that the village makes you smile!

The board is pretty full, so I'll probably not be adding more to it(unless that is I get another inspiration!). Was thinking of adding a house completely covered in flowers... that's not entirely out of the question. Or pussy willows! I was thinking of calling the village Pussy Willow Glen. They hold a warm place in my heart since childhood, and Aleah made up a sweet song about them when she was three. But then again fireflies rank right up there with pussy willows,... and sumac forests, and tickle weeds. Well, this might take a little more thought.

My husband asked yesterday, "When are you going to start writing stories about your village?" I was just thinking that might be my next move, especially since Tiny started school this week and Nova still takes a long nap. Without school work I'll need something to do! Lord knows there's not any housework I should be getting done! :lol: I do have an adorable Fairy Song I made up for a friends Fairy Tea Party. That was a magical day! Imagine an old fashion tea party set up under the boughs of an ancient pine tree. Then several little girls spinning and dancing through the tall grass in party dresses, wearing fairy wings, and chasing butterflies while singing. Such a lovely summers day!

Take care!
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good Morning Kim!

It very quickly became my new favorite thing....Coffee and reading the adventures of Pussy Willow Glen!

You are SO descriptive in your writing, it paints vivid images and short movies in my head! I think you should start writing!

What are "tickle weeds"? I grew up with tumble weed, but I'm pretty sure if one ran into you it wouldn't tickle!

I don't have much to say this morning because of the whole car thing. I was hoping to educate him, but turns out I have turn into a "helicopter mom" and have taken the process almost completely out of his hands. (Long story for another time). Hoping to wrap the process up to frustrating! Trying to throw love at the process to ease the aggravation.

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Re: The Secret

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I never knew the actual name of the 'Tickle Weeds', that's just what we called them. Probably the relative of Prairie grass. The stems were so wispy and delicate though, we should have called them... fairy grass! Being from the north my husband and I had our first sighting of tumbleweeds. A few years ago while on a cross country trip, we got caught in our first sand storm in western Kansas. It was a terrible storm, but we found it so interesting.! Being used to blizzards of snow, we were comparing the two, when several tumble weeds blew across the road, one after another! As excited as little kids, we marveled at the size of them!

Dave thinks Pussy Willow Glen is an awkward name for the fairy village... Fortunately, his opinion carries very little weight in these matters! :lol:
Thanks for your compliments on my writing. It's been a passion of mine forever.

Buying a car would be the last item on a very, very long list of things I wanted to do with my day. Hope it all wraps up quickly.

Will visit the bards again later. Girls are come over, we had quite the snow storm last night, so I'd better get to shoveling off the walkway.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good Morning Family :kiss:

Car buying is about wrapped up - all negotiations done, papers signed, just waiting for the dealership to bring it in from another dealership. THANK GOD!
several tumble weeds blew across the road, one after another! As excited as little kids, we marveled at the size of them!
Isn't it amazing that we (as adults) can look at something like that and still get so excited!

I'm off to the grocery store...I find it mentally and physically exhausting. People with noses hanging out of masks breathing all over the produce, people ignoring the GIANT directional arrows...( guess I'm a rule follower :lol:) Puts my "love glow'" to the test! This past summer as I was entering the store I actually had a guy hit on me, I can't remember exactly what he said, but eyeballing me with lots of compliments and silly questions coming from his covered mouth and unmasked nose. I wanted to reply "Thank you, you have a nice NOSE!!!" Come on it REALLY that hard?

Enough venting....Luckily for them I have an overwhelming love glow again today! :lol:

Just wanted to pop in and wish you all a fantastic day!

Love is a daily decision ~ Mom & Daddy John
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