Group Meditations

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

I am so sorry you have been hurting, Kim. :( You are such a beautiful soul. Let's meet in the river in just a little while, Sis.(No time will be fine.) We'll float around on our backs, look up at the angel shaped clouds in the Azure sky and release all our aches for awhile.
This is also an open invitation for anybody who needs a peaceful break from life. Please join us. The water feels great!

You are loved.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Kim this is a little embarrassing, considering how long I've been lurking around these forums but what do you mean by receiver? :mrgreen:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Ha! I just spent some time in the river... floating on my back! Also funny you mentioned azure. The girls and I are in the process of changing the Christmas Village into a Fairy Village! My character's name is Azureline! Didn't expect to go into meditation while in The River, just.. going with the flow. Then was in a group healing standing in a meadow. Asked permission to bring individuals into a circle. The group kept growing and growing as their faces popped into my head, quickly extended it to a global healing. Babaji gave me a quick symbol, then it was gone. Shaking my head, I asked, "Babaji?" Suddenly found myself, our meditation group, including George, in Babaji's cave continuing the group healing and toning. Lynn came in very clearly as if to say, "I'm still here!" Liz seemed excited to be there, thought I remembered someone saying that she used to meet Babaji in meditation? Seemed like only minutes, but it lasted an hour.

"Hhhhh...," I truly believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Because of years of practice, I've learned to work through the hard feelings knowing I have to let them go for my own sake. Only by immediately asking for help to shake off the negative emotions can I manage to regain my balance. Every time the negativity begins to creep back in, I try to stop, breathe, and ask for help. Just the day before I'd listened to an Abraham-Hicks presentation. A person asked what happens to relationships if you're not in the same vibration as another person. The answer was, "Then those relationships disappear. You can not remain in alignment with someone who is not in your same vibration." Especially now this is very sad for me, but I accept it. After working through it for a few days, I'm ok.

My explanation of 'a receiver', is a person who picks up on happenings and feeling from others, no matter the distance between them. Considering you've been on a spiritual journey, meditating more and tuning in to spirit, it also could be that you're tuning into the living also. Several times earlier this week I was saddened because some people in my family will never be able to connect with me on a spiritual level. I then said, even out loud a couple of times. "Well, I guess I'll have to do that with my spiritual family." I was thinking of you guys in particular. When you described your experiences, it very closely resembled what I'd been going through.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Then yes, I could be. In a message to Sandy I asked about you right at that time. And Babaji is a christ-like figure. We've talked about him before.
Who is Babaji?
Babaji was Yogiraj Gurunath’s spiritual guide. People know him by many names, and yet Shiv-Goraksha Babaji is called the Nameless One. He broods over the infant humanities from eternity to eternity. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but he shall be in the here and now, eternally to stay. The limited vision of sages, siddhas, philosophers, and yogis cannot pierce his transcendental star. His spiritual stature is inconceivable. He is the collective Elohim, the spiritual essence of the nine Nath Lords combined. He is the great sacrifice who in countless supernovae explosions infused every atom of creation with his spirit of livingness, wisdom, and truth to redeem not only humankind, but all life and matter to their pristine state of consciousness.
More on,

You know I wanted to share a quote by Yogananda. Interesting that you'd mention Babaji as Yogananda is influenced by Babaji too.
If at this moment you could completely calm your body, your thoughts, and your emotions you would instantly become aware of your true Self, the soul, and of your great body of the universe, throbbing with the joy of God. The soul would be 'established in its own state.' Isn't it strange, that the joy of God is there, yet you cannot feel it? The reason you do not know His Bliss is that you are intoxicated with ego feeling(chitta).
Taken from The Divine Romance by Paramahansa Yogananda
Chapter, How Feelings Mask the Soul

I found this the same day or next day after my crying out to God- I believe it is a reminder. I've also told Sandy I hear the masters telling me I'm the only one who stands in the way of clearer communication. But I also own my ignorance, I'm no master, and am very demanding/child-like in nature. I'm okay with this and my relentless imperfections. :P
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by ChildofGod »

Me too!♡
I have been talking to God and asking if I could have more of Him ...His love ...His peace... His joy♡

I have been feeling the collective consciousness. I've had some frustrating days...I've even felt angry which is not me...I'm a very bubbly person mostly.

Popping in to send love and blessings to you all.
Much love❤ and peace✌unto you.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

(((((((Liz))))))) I am glad you popped in. I was just thinking of you and yes, missing your bubbly presence on the board. Your energy is so light so loving... very healing for all of us.... sort of like a sunbeam that flickers around all obstacles. LOL I know that sounded a little over the top, but I was trying to describe your energy and its effects.


Now if I could "see" PP I would be a "happy camper."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

It's been awhile since I've read The Autobiography of a Yogi, but if memory serves me, Babaji was also the Guru of Lahiri Mahasaya who was Sri Yukteswar's Guru who was Paramahansa Yogananda"s Guru. Seems like Lahiri Mahasaya had a family and worked until he retired and then had this amazing enlightening experience. Think of the way his life has affected the course of lives... and it still is going on like an eternal domino set.

Blue Nova, Anne, spoke too of meeting Babaji and sitting around his "camp fire." It really makes you think... We think that these things are something only Spiritual hermits who meditate 20 times a day can experience. But I do not think this is so. I think it is within all of us and your desires and your decisions to pursue a spiritual life. These things are ours already we just have to claim them...accept and sing...(I'm really in trouble now... sorry guys I sing like a frog... and dance just about as well... ) it is like going on an outing with your beloved family... Looking with joy and excitement at what is to come when we close the "spiritual car door" and drive off with a celestial in charge.
Gosh I am in a "flowery" mood today, eh? :oops: sorry

Kim, you amaze me with your strength and determination. The way you power through and get down to the "spiritual chase" of what happens in your life.
I like to think that as far as relationships go...they can be fluid. People move and change and grow one direction and then the other. We are all such individuals. Who knows what any of us and our energies even beliefs will be a year, or even five years from now. :roll :love

Eric is that a photograph of Babaji? Thank you for sharing it with us. He has such penetrating eyes. Like he is looking right through you and knows all about you.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy,

Yes it is. Thank you for your lovely words. Claim your magic. That is exactly what I intend to do.

Just coming back from a very peaceful meditation, what a wonderful way to wind down a beautiful day.
Saw a quick flash of light and decided to play with the energy. Echoed Love/Light through out a quiet and dark house. A partially-domesticated feline took refuge by our front door during this. Feeling the magic.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all!
ChildofGod wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:38 amI have been feeling the collective consciousness. I've had some frustrating days...I've even felt angry which is not me...I'm a very bubbly person mostly.
Yay, on feeling the collective consciousness! Think we can all identify with feelings of frustration at one time or another. I understood this to mean frustration with spiritual connection. No matter the type of feelings we are experiencing, there's a reason for them. Don't know about anyone else, but deep feelings bubbling to the surface seem to be the theme lately. Maybe because the world has been steeped in deep negativity lately? All I know is, if you're having the feelings, they are there for a reason. In our meditations you seem very comfortable and eager to be there!

Ever since reading Autobiography of a Yogi and my introduction to Babaji, although sparse, I welcome his visits. Was very surprised at first, but so appreciative of the depth of compassion and calm I feel in those gatherings. The first time seeing his image(think I immediately broke into tears), looking at his eyes felt like an immersion in the wisdom of the ages. Mostly it seems communication is not a verbal exchange, but a simultaneous dispersal of a message throughout the group.

Curious as to what you were asking Sandy about me?
happyrain wrote: Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:10 amClaim your magic. That is exactly what I intend to do. Just coming back from a very peaceful meditation, what a wonderful way to wind down a beautiful day. Saw a quick flash of light and decided to play with the energy. Echoed Love/Light through out a quiet and dark house. A partially-domesticated feline took refuge by our front door during this. Feeling the magic.
Setting your intention is so important! Thank you for sharing your experience, it's like taking us along with you!

A few weeks ago Lynn and Allen finally found a house after much seeking. She's probably told you they decided to not travel south this winter. I'll reach out, as I haven't heard from her in a few weeks.

Ah, thought of Anne(Blue Nova) a few weeks ago, didn't know why. Interesting she mentioned gathering around Babaji's campfire too!
Sandy wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:59 amI think it is within all of us and your desires and your decisions to pursue a spiritual life. These things are ours already we just have to claim them...accept and sing.
Yes! This is God's message... it is our birthright!
I'm not much of a dancer, but I believe if singing and dancing is the way we choose to express the joy in our spirit, then we should do it with gusto! Who can place a negative judgement on that? Although it does help to have a few young children with you, to give others someone to look at!
Sandy wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:59 amGosh I am in a "flowery" mood today,
Nothing wrong with that! It's contagious reading your words! What a lovely way to spread light out into the world.
Sandy wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:59 amKim, you amaze me with your strength and determination. The way you power through and get down to the "spiritual chase" of what happens in your life.
Lol, think I've simply gotten tired of getting repeatedly hit over the head with the lesson. Began skipping to the end to avoid the pain of the lump, knowing it was always going to be the same answer. "I'm responsible for everything in my life,... no matter what others say and do... Ok what do I have to do to let this go?"

Love to all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hey Kim, nothing in particular. I was writing to Sandy in PM and had your presence telegraphed to me(in the moment)- I wondered if you were meditating and made note of it.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by ChildofGod »

:hithere :love
Hello my loves. I'm with you all in heart and soul.
Thank you to all for your lovely thoughts and words in response to my last post.

I went for a walk today with my puppy Sadie and I talked my heart out to God. I felt my spirit lifted with inspiration and was motivated to shift things around. I don't recall where I heard this but "you need to pray without ceasing." It's challenging in some moments to be aligned with my soul. I find talking to God like a prayer. I can feel the love taking over and I feel full of the energy level within me overflows...I get inspired to do what I love....right now I have a few small things going which I found very little motivation for....until I asked God for some assistance. Prayers answered because I knocked at the door of the divine.
I send you my love and light.

Liz :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by ChildofGod »

[quote=Sandy post_id=210713 time=1611810854 user_id=430]
(((((((Liz))))))) I am glad you popped in. I was just thinking of you and yes, missing your bubbly presence on the board. Your energy is so light so loving... very healing for all of us.... sort of like a sunbeam that flickers around all obstacles. LOL I know that sounded a little over the top, but I was trying to describe your energy and its effects.


Now if I could "see" PP I would be a "happy camper."

Hello Sandy, awww thank you for your loving words...they mean alot to me😍💖💗🙏🤗😍
Blessings to your heart 🤗🧡💛💚💙💜💟
PS- I once was nick named Funshine lol🌞☀️🤗😄😂😍🤩😘
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

I am enjoying reading all these light and lovely posts. Been a little tired lately so the energy you guys share is helpful to my weary soul. :kiss:

with Love,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all!
Keep falling asleep during meditation. Will try to join tonight. Anyone have any intention suggestions?

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Invoke Calming Courage if it is a possible intention.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »

Hello all!

I decided to crash your party...or rather I decided to meditate on the river and thought of you all joining me. I have only been back practicing meditation for about a week or so, and it takes A LOT of practice for me.

When I am out of practice I really don't experience much, but as I get back at it I tend to see what looks like clouds that take shape. Personally, I always call on Jesus (he makes me feel safe) and the first thing I see is a cloud that turns into a dove. Haven't gotten that good yet.

Today I decided to focus on love. Specifically sending it to a few people. While I was focused on that I had a bit of a strange thing happen, the love feeling was suddenly replaced with a bit of a heavy feeling and the name Carol came into my head. My mom's name is Carol, but I could tell this was a different Carol. I just stayed there for a few minutes experiencing the slightly heavy sensation, knowing it had to with "Carol" and waited to see if I got any clarification, but I did not. So I brought my mind back to floating on your river and sending loving hugs to people, and decided to just wait and see if my dove would appear...Nope! My white cloud turned into a T-Rex with a cigar in his mouth! (For real!)

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Sammy! I love the T-Rex visual too! :bike: :lol:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

I am laughing out loud right now, enough to get my pigeon voicing her impute as well. Sammy I too loved the T-Rex with the cigar... :lol:

Oh My...still wiping tears from my eyes....

I'll be in no time... hopefully later today. Monday mornings which are your Sunday evenings up and over there sometimes get a bit over run with "must do things." But Tuesdays...ahhh the peace and quiet of this non descript humble day of the week. :)

I'm so happy to see you crashing the party... Isn't "the river" lovely?

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi everyone,
Sammy I also had a good laugh over your t-rex cloud! :lol: I agree with Sandy, "The more the merrier!"

I meditated in 'no time' Monday afternoon. It was very comfortable, a solid deep connection. Several celestials gave me their symbols. I thought, "Oh this is going to be a good meditation." Was very happy when all met at the river! We stood in a circle and greeted each other, then 'whoosh', everybody went off in opposite directions, like they were attached to a cable or something! I stood there for a few seconds blinking trying to figure out what happened when I was whisked away also. After that it was quick conversation after conversation. I tried to explain that I didn't have any idea who I was talking to, or what everyone was saying as they were slipping by so quickly. Trying intently to focus on the person I was talking to at the time and in an instant a new figure took their place.

I came out of meditation thinking, "Well..., that was weird!" It felt like I'd been meditating for only a few minutes, was shocked it had been two hours.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
After that it was quick conversation after conversation. I tried to explain that I didn't have any idea who I was talking to, or what everyone was saying as they were slipping by so quickly. Trying intently to focus on the person I was talking to at the time and in an instant a new figure took their place.
Wow... makes my head spin just reading this...would have been a little disconcerting :shock:

I am wondering... were these beings in conversation with you or in conversation in general? Were they speaking directly to you or were you watching another being conversing to another or perhaps even a class of beings? and too do you remember what they were saying?

I am sorry I ran out on you. It doesn't sound like I had much choice LOL

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »

Good Morning :sunflower:
Were they speaking directly to you or were you watching another being conversing to another
Now I wonder that too :lol: Ya' know how sometimes when your trying to fall asleep you hear what sounds like a very quiet you can make out voices but not what their saying? I guess I'd call it chatter. (Hopefully I'm not the only one that experierinces this :lol: )

Kim... Maybe you got to see that rather than hear it?

Curiouser and curiouser...

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

hey sammy, i can attest to tuning into that chatter. it happens as i enter sleep. my desire of late is to ask, who are you? whenever i hear one voice specifically talking to me.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »

Eric, I never thought of that! Do you get an answer?

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

the opportunity hasn't presented itself lately.

i think there are things i can do to help this, but don't put much emphasis. i've been enjoying a slow and steady pace.

in the past the answer i received was, "no." as in- don't engage with me. :lol: with this particular experience i was stumbling around the astral like a drunkard. it was hard to talk and a curious observer called me an idiot. :roll turns out you don't have to speak using your mouth like we do here.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Morning guys,

I am thinking there are various "people/beings" we can accidentally tune into as we fine tune our listening skills and sometimes it is on purpose for our own spiritual growth and confidence as out mortal-celestial relationships grow.

I'll give you to for instances from my own past that are stand outs...

Years ago I was quietly drifting in meditation allowing the experiences and lessons etc... what ever they were to be to come to me. All at once it was as if I was moving from one place/image to another. They were mortals doing various things as I appeared. God only knows where who I viewed for mere seconds at a time before moving on to the next one. I did not think I was visible to these "earth beings" until one soldier in a strange coat-like uniform with a belt looked right at me as I materialized and was shocked out of his "gourd.(Gotta admit his reaction shocked me too! :shock: and I left as he was pointing to me to the other solder who had his back to me.

The other instance I bring up happened as I was waking up one morning. I heard a conversation between what was most likely two celestial beings who on purpose allowed me to hear their conversation. They were speaking of another message board member but I did not know it at the time. What they were saying would have been very beneficial for this person to hear. I did not recognize the name but I wrote down everything I heard in my journal because it "felt "important to do just that. (Intuition eh? ;) ) A week or so later George and Geoff were talking to each other on a thread on the board and they called another member, whom they both knew well, by this odd sounding name from that eavesdropping session. It took another week before I had the nerve to approach this person and tell her what I had heard, but it was important this message and it helped her in her spiritual growth... as at that she was having some difficulty bringing in some celestial messages. As well, let's face it, we all could benefit by some "writing on the wall" every now and then. LOL

Then Sarah one of our old-time members often awoke to the singing of Angels.

Now what was my point with all that? :scratch:
hmmmm well, I suppose it just goes to show the celestials have unlimited ways to confound us at times. :lol:

Eric... I am shocked and appalled on your behalf! .. How rude! ...
with this particular experience i was stumbling around the astral like a drunkard. it was hard to talk and a curious observer called me an idiot. :roll
They'd eat me alive, I suspect. :shock:
turns out you don't have to speak using your mouth like we do here.
Hmmm one would truly have to mind one's thoughts, eh?

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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