I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

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I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by H8rsLuvMe75 »

The devil is coming against my family!! We may already be a broken family, I am unsure as of yet! We need spiritually healing in our souls for peace! Thank you!
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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

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Hello. =) Welcome to the forum. I will pray for peace in your family and pray you awaken to the peaceful nature of your soul. It's our responsibility to harvest this understanding in turbulent times. Do your best and forget the rest. This is your journey and it is nice to have you.
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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by H8rsLuvMe75 »

Thank you! I need direction with all of this! I've known for a long time about me & my girls "abilities", "gifts"... Idk! Not only am I seeing 11:11 SEVERAL TIMES A DAY, EVERYDAY!! My life path number is 11, also... 555 throughout 3 of my name's. I've been searching for a long time for answers to this & just the other day found this forum!! I am very grateful for it!! Thank you!!
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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear H8rsLuvMe75,
Have a little better understanding what you're asking for, I hope. I'm taking a deep breath now trying to decide where to begin!

Since you've found this site I would suggest reading the posts that catch your attention, and for that matter any other information out there that feels like it holds a grain of truth for you. If it feels right, maybe choose to explore that concept further. If your intuition tells you no, then don't pursue that right now.

Having spiritual information thrown at you and trying to understand your spiritual gifts all at once, can be overwhelming to say the least. "You have time, your family has time." If you have a question about anything you find on this site, or any other question, please ask. We are all learning together, there are no right or wrong answers, only possibilities and individual beliefs!

A piece of advice I will give is about your daughters. No matter their age, support if they tell you things they've seen or heard. Maybe document everyone's experiences, but let them decide who they are spiritually and if they want to pursue a spiritual path. There is a boatload of information surfacing about the huge influx of children being born with spiritual gifts. I believe it's all about our evolution and adding to the upliftment of our planet, but again, "You and they have time to learn about what that means for all of you."

Welcome to the boards, hope you find this helpful,
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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by H8rsLuvMe75 »

Thank you very much, Kim! That helped a lot! My oldest is 22, my youngest 6. The 22yr old has seen MANY MANY things that terrified her and I both! To the point she's calling me freaking out to the point I couldn't understand what she was saying & at first thought her dad was dead, she was so upset. Ive NEVER doubted her, not one bit! The youngest... She hasn't said too much since her "imaginary friend... prince" left. She'd had him for a long time & argued with him a lot. I asked question a few times, but mostly I let her do her thing. Until I started noticing she was arguing with him more and every time she argued with him she was looking up and pointing upward and this is from the time she was before she was one until three possibly four years old probably closer to three. and I had started questioning her one day because she was extra mad and I heard my mom come out of her mouth cuz she couldn't talk that well she was very young. and she was looking up we're part of your finger hand on her hips she was scowling. I said baby what does Prince look like? Is he little like you or is he big like me? She said he was big like me. And I can't remember the rest of the conversation I have short-term memory loss but I remember at the end of it I instantly said I rebuke combined and cashed you out in the name of Jesus to Prince. Directly after she said "Mom you sent my friend away". She did not know what rebuke buying to cast out meant at that time! So I'm hoping I dodged a bullet there however she's having terrible terrible dreams for the past year or two and the room of the house that we live in my oldest decided to use a Ouija board a very very old Ouija board in the closet by herself when we asked her not to touch them and ever since then it seems like our closet is a portal! But yes, I do not doubt my children!! because I know what I seen and what I went through and what I heard as a child and then when I started awakening in about 2005 since then I have no reason to be doubting them for the things that I have seen in my life. Lol But thank you again and I will take you up on your offer appreciate it!
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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Seeker13 »

I don't want to come off as an expert about... anything! But I can share my experiences as an attempt to be helpful. okay?
H8rsLuvMe75 wrote: Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:16 amMy oldest is 22, my youngest 6. The 22yr old has seen MANY MANY things that terrified her and I both! To the point she's calling me freaking out to the point I couldn't understand what she was saying & at first thought her dad was dead, she was so upset.
One of the main reason I finally began digging into the spiritual arena is because all three of my kids displayed gifts at an early age, especially my daughter(now 26) and I wanted to help her understand and protect herself. When it was happening to me as a kid, just thought I was crazy! Afraid to talk to others about it for what they might think about me. Of course when I was little, things slipped out, but no one ever talked to me about my...'revelations'. As an adult and began learning more and asking questions, found out my siblings had been going through the same thing! Lol, now in our family people having spiritual experiences and gifts probably outnumber those who don't. And we are on all levels of acceptance of it.

This is why it's important to arm yourself with information. Dealing with spirits can be, and is terrifying if you don't understand, "You Are The Boss." By the time Aleah was a teen, she was a warrior when it came to putting negative entities in their place. If that is not something your kids(well anyone) can do, immediately they can ask their guides and angels for protection. Part of having the gift of Free Will is spiritual helpers cannot interfere unless asked. There seem to be exceptions if an experience goes against that person's life plan. In those instances permission is implied.

You were right to tell your daughter to rebuke Prince. No guide or guardian would tell her to do anything negative or cause her to feel the need to argue with them. Now I'm curious what they were discussing?!

As for the Ouija Board... burn it. It's sold as a toy, but can be manipulated by lower negative entities to obtain permission to do what ever they want to. Those kinds of entities prey on fears and once granted permission to be in someone's life, who knows how long they will leach off their energy and creating chaos in the lives of the living. A gifted person, even in their dreams can be targeted. My daughter had epic dreams! Whenever she said, "Mom I had an awesome dream last night!" I'd sit down and get comfortable, knowing we'd be there for awhile. She learned even while dreaming to stop any bad scenario buy switching it over to lucid dreaming where the dreamer has control.

Portals are a real thing. If you believe their is one in your home,... you might want to consider closing it. Negative energy is attracted to negative energy, creating even more negativity. Some people use sage, candles, and prayers. Some call in their priest. Their are also individuals who do this for a fee. If there's a spiritual store in your area, they probably have contact information.

I'm sorry your family has been frightened because of their gifts. I hope something I share can be helpful for them.

Take care,
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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by H8rsLuvMe75 »

My daughter was seeing suicides at the age of 12 and 13 & one that I can only say was a time traveler, by her description of what happened. Myself... As a child, I had some very odd and a couple terrifying experiences. As an adult...there's so many I can't begin to label any of them. I, too, can control my dreams... I have turned my face to my face and yelled "wake up" once. My family, both mom and dad's side, are a good lot... Or were, a good lot of them sensitive. We have used sage & Ive rebuked often. What's in this house are attached to some of the people living here and they aren't going. Doesn't matter the amount of sage. I just lost the love of my life the other day... He just was done. Neither of us can explain what happened to us, where we went wrong. We both say the same thing... "One day is was great & literally the next it wasn't and 2 weeks later... Two soul mates broke up, when we never had a problem prior. Thank God I work a lot! Been seeing 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 constantly.
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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Geoff »

Dear H8rsLuvMe75,
Seeker13 wrote: Tue Sep 29, 2020 1:00 amA piece of advice I will give is about your daughters. No matter their age, support if they tell you things they've seen or heard.
Absolutely. Excellent advice.

If I knew what was really going on in your house, I would link you to my own web site where I have developed some guidelines for dealing with dark entities and thought forms. But right now I think it would just confuse you. I am sorry I cant come and pray in your house with you. That will lift the light and move some of these guys on. If you own the house I get its better to fix it, but if you rent is it not easier to find another place? You can ask for that to happen, and you will get help with finding a better place. I have lived into two haunted houses. Only one was a real issue. As Kim said, we had a portal there, and its the only time in my life I have been scared near to death, but thats another story. My wife and son are both very psychic and both had issues, but we gained a white spirit lady who came to help us. So help is available, just pray for it.

But just to make sure people know, there are positive and negative energy portals. I now have a magnificent positive energy portal in my home, a gift from God. It was talked about here.

I have a feeling you may be getting angry with these spirits? Thats not the best approach IMHO. Send love and ask them to move on. Fill the house to every single corner with love and light. Build a bubble over the entire house and ask the angels to keep it free of negative energy.
in my oldest decided to use a Ouija board a very very old Ouija board in the closet by herself when we asked her not to touch them and ever since then it seems like our closet is a portal!
Yeah get rid of that thing. Its not a toy. And sadly low and dark spirits find it easier to work than do high spirits. added to which to make it work you actually OPEN yourself as a medium to their controls.

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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear H8hrsLuvMe75,
I'm really sorry you've lost the love of your life, seems like the whole world is falling apart lately. People being bombarded from all directions with their toughest stuff. They say everything happens for a reason, but that's little consolation when you're drowning in the middle of it. I do hope the reasons reveal themselves soon and you find some resolution. Burying yourself in work, often seems to help us stay focused on anything, but your pain.
I do hope you're able to leave some time for you to grieve, or fix the relationship, or what ever it is your supposed to do for it. There's a benefit also for sitting in your pain for awhile, so you can move forever, where ever that may take you.

As for having a spirit attached that won't go... there has to be a reason the living person is hanging on to it. As I said before, "You are the boss!" A spirit cannot remain, unless it's host is allowing it. But! You probably have enough on your plate right now. Would like to ask you about sageing, if you've heard of The Law Of Attraction, The Correcting Time, and about your other experiences when and if you have a chance.

Hope today is better for you and your family than the day before was.

Take care,
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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Geoff »

Seeker13 wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:41 pm As for having a spirit attached that won't go... there has to be a reason the living person is hanging on to it. As I said before, "You are the boss!" A spirit cannot remain, unless it's host is allowing it.
Dear Kim,

Not quite true. This is true if they are merely on the outside of your aura. But if they get inside, some of them don't actually know how to get out, and many simply wont go. I had an attachment for over 20 years that George removed from me, but at a conscious level I never knew it was there. What I did notice is I found myself getting too angry too fast over nothing. I prayed for that to be resolved, and instead I astral travelled to George who cut it off, in true George style, with a sword, and boiled it in acid. Gotta love that guy!!!!

You may like to read this chapter from a book on attachments, and a technique that really works to move attached and even controlling spirits:

Removing Dark Spirit Attachments

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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Seeker13 »

Thank you so much for adding the message about portals. Immediately felt a loving light inside of me while reading it. It's so important now when things seem so bleak worldwide, that the offer of love and hope exist also! In our area there are supposed to be five portals of light opening! A friend of mine, along with some Native American tribe members have been helping with this endeavor. It's very exciting to be alive at this time!

There was also a very nasty portal open in a rental house of a relative of mine. It remained open for years. Sensitive people immediately had a horrible feeling when entering, especially in one of the back bedrooms. We were aware of the woman of light who guarded over the portal. Aleah cleaned it and would find a child's peg board in random places that read, "GET OUT!" Not one to be intimidated by such things, she would take out the pegs and put it back where it belonged. One day she just got mad and threw it outside. The next time, it was on the walkway, plain as day, "GET OUT!"

She said matter-o-fact, "No, you get out. This is not your space and you don't belong here!" She threw the pegboard in the trash and never saw it again. A few years later I began cleaning the house. Always talked to the guardian, giving my thanks, sang, talked, and prayed while I worked. One day realizing I couldn't feel any of the negativity anymore. Asked Aleah if she'd noticed too and she had. Now it feels like a loving house of light.

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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Seeker13 »

Ahh, one of Satan's generals hiding out in your consciousness do you suppose? Thanks for setting me straight. Yikes! Sounds gruesome! :shock: Good thing you had George in your corner! Aleah once told me I didn't have it in me to see the darkest darkness in people. I wonder if that's what she was referring to. Although she has stepped away from her spiritual gifts for a time. She has it in her to do that also.

I'll check out the link, thanks.

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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Geoff »

Seeker13 wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:17 pm Geoff,
Ahh, one of Satan's generals hiding out in your consciousness do you suppose?
No just a "sangoma" or African witch doctor, female. Stuck on my back. No idea how I got it. George said "I owed her"? Made zero sense to me. I never dealt with African witch doctors - not that I knew of. George asked if anyone would claim "her" No one would, so he boiled her in acid. Hmm. Not an approach I might take, but then, George is George. Even Jesus said he would have worn a sword and used it in his day.

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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Geoff »

Seeker13 wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:05 pm She said matter-o-fact, "No, you get out. This is not your space and you don't belong here!" She threw the pegboard in the trash and never saw it again.
Yup don't buy their story, its our world, our free will they are impinging on. They rely on you getting scared of them. If you won't they have no power.

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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Seeker13 »

Geoff wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:04 amNo just a "sangoma" or African witch doctor, female. Stuck on my back. No idea how I got it.
Wow, I really would like to know the story behind that one!

When you say George asked if anyone would claim her, does that mean a guide or guardian of hers? Or a celestial being to make her release you?

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Re: I need prayer for spiritual healing in my soul for my boyfriend, myself & my 2 daughters

Post by Geoff »

Seeker13 wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:44 am
When you say George asked if anyone would claim her, does that mean a guide or guardian of hers? Or a celestial being to make her release you?

Yeah not sure why he exactly did that, but its very common with Earth-bound spirits to ask if anyone knows the spirit and will claim it. This is to lead them out of the astral world to their home in the spirit world. In particular children. As I don't believe you can destroy a soul, so I think all George destroyed was an weak astral shell, forcing the entity out of the astral into the spirit world. It would have found its place as the Law of Attraction does that.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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