Strange Sensations in Heart Center

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Strange Sensations in Heart Center

Post by Oswald77 »

Hello there,

Me again... I have one last question I’d like to ask. Of late I’ve noticed I’ve been getting strange sensations in my heart center. These will occasionally travel up and down a bit along what I guess could be considered chakras though I am not sure. These sensations typically occur when I’m thinking about things, reading channeled message, or sometimes when I’m playing video games it will seep through a bit. It almost kind of feels like a projected emotion and sometimes comes in the form of what I can only describe as thoughts with feelings attached. Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone know what it is? I sometimes dismiss the occurrence as just the emanations of my ridiculous brain but I’m not sure what to make of it other times. I know there’s probably not a definitive answer and that I probably just have to work it out for myself but I wanted to at least see if anyone had any ideas.

P.S. Sorry I wasn’t sure where to post this one so I put it under misc...
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Re: Strange Sensations in Heart Center

Post by Sandy »

Hi Oswald,

That's great! I have had similar such least, I am thinking something similar as it is hard to explain and describe these things definitively. Yet because they always occur when I am allowing spiritual pursuits, I associate these things with indications from spirit that I am progressing as I follow such endeavours. It could be your God within, your TA, as we often call Him/Her here, or could be other nudges of spirit.

Eric, do your teachers ever talk of such things things?

I was wondering if it could be associated with kundalini energy but kundalini energy rises from the base of the spine and this arises in your heart center which is one reason I am thinking more along the lines of TA. But I am a simple "traveler" and no expert that's for sure. :)

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Re: Strange Sensations in Heart Center

Post by Oswald77 »

Hi Sandy,

Thanks for the reply. I can definitely confirm for me it does not come from the base of the spine or really from the spine at all. It typically comes from the heart center area down to the navel area at times. Typically when it sinks down a bit it’s when I’m having not the best thoughts or questioning my own survival as I don’t exactly have the best past I admit. Sometimes words will come with it though usually only very few. These aren’t words that I hear and I don’t really know how to describe it but they are easily confused with my own thoughts at times and are sometimes just a summary and not exactly always a phrase or word for word. I don’t recall when exactly it started happening. I noticed it for sure last year. It started out just as a thing that would creep in sometimes usually when I was laying in bed and playing a video game. A little while ago I tried to start writing it down without judgment even if I didn’t believe the source to be anything other than my own mind just to see what would happen. I still do this on occasion though I have my doubts about the source. I noticed this year especially the last few months it seems to be more apparent than before. Not sure what’s up lol.

I suppose it could be TA related but I thought relatively few people ever achieved direct contact with their divine spark and I certainly wouldn’t put me on the top of the list of potentials. I also sometimes wonder if it’s more than one thing. There is the occasion I get the sense that there could be more than one source on very rare occasions but I’ve never heard of this method of communication or contact before. Most methods I have heard about have been the channeling and meditation induced kind and I’m definitely not meditating when this sort of thing happens.

It’s a mystery I guess lol.
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Re: Strange Sensations in Heart Center

Post by happyrain »

hi guys,

well, just skimming this briefly but I think, Oswald, you have a good head on your shoulders and shouldn't be so quick to dismiss your potential. to me it is a unique relationship with spirit and learning to communicate on an intuitive level, while I may have a general understanding of what you're describing and of what the message board describes as being genetically capable of communicating with the celestials- I do think there is an aspect to this communication that takes time to develop. also worth noting is the intelligence that is willing to work with you- in this way it is definitely a unique experience.
one may even call it a strengthening in faith.

as a species bound to a space/time phenomena, our reasoning and even our foresight is sometimes limited. so I believe these messages come at times that might seem random but from a place where there's no such thing. near the end of our mortal life we will see, even if just a little clearer, how everything comes into place.

yes, sandy- swami has said that cakra disc are not limited to the spine. so when we chant mantras going from the center of the forehead in the front, the heart and the navel- these are energy points which are associated with the cakras. I can't remember the order but on a philosophical level it represents time, energy and space. the heart center being associated I believe with energy. i'll have to check my notes and update you if the interest is there.

just listening to you reason it out tells me that perhaps you are a perfect candidate for this beautiful communication. may you continue to sense the loving guidance present in your life.

kind regards
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Re: Strange Sensations in Heart Center

Post by Oswald77 »

Hello Happy Rain thanks for the reply!

I’m afraid I don’t know much of anything about chakras. I wasn’t sure if they were a real thing or not. Is there anything I can do with these two chakras specifically or all of them to improve this type of communication? That’s another road block I’ve hit with it. I don’t really know what this type of communication is and thus am not sure how to improve it. I also noticed lately I have this occurrence that I can only describe as when you are reading a book mentally only it happens when I’m between asleep and awake and I’m not actually reading anything but my mind is talking by itself. I had this when I was younger too though to a lesser extent than now. Occasionally I’ll see text in my head with it but sometimes it’s just automatically running by itself. I’ll remember I had the occurrence and that something important was said but sadly every single time when I wakeup be it from sleep or a meditative state I will have forgotten the whole thing. I don’t know what I can do to improve these two types of communication or at least be more open to it. If anyone has any insight or suggestions I’m up for trying anything.

Thanks for the feedback everyone!
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Re: Strange Sensations in Heart Center

Post by happyrain »

hi oswald,
personally i would not get caught up with the cakra philosophy if you are uninterested. the in-between state you're describing, i'm familiar with something similar. i remember, as a child, being fascinated with the minds activities as it was time for sleep. specifically, observing a switch from self-created dialogue to daydreaming- that is, switching from conscious creator to conscious observer. as if the daydream would begin to play out on its own. this interest has lead me, over the time span of years, to a world and a phenomenon i'm still learning more about. this journey, your journey, is a side by side experience with something very special. if the cakra system calls you, then you may find support for understanding and growing closer to this special communication(a reality which exceeds simple verbal exchange). if however, it does not, you will never be shorted an outlet or an opportunity- know that this intelligence is not limited to any one structure but is a unique partnership. every soul has its own religion. i don't expect answers to come to you so readily, your eagerness is admirable. your rationalizing mind is something i also appreciate. your sincerity, beautiful, is already acknowledged by god. whether you believe in god or not, or how you come to define your experience, well that is not my business- you will develop your own understanding, no matter what i or anyone else tells you. my advice then is to keep the magic alive in your heart. pray in a quiet place for understanding if that's what you desire most. pray most of all. i've learned that sometimes answers come even a decade later. it seems, spirit delivers on its own time. have faith in your self, be patient with your self, love and appreciate your self. translate all of this to god. that's my advice.
doing that, is a lifetimes journey in its own right.

loving regards
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Re: Strange Sensations in Heart Center

Post by Oswald77 »

So basically just let it be and it will come along or not in its own time?

Thanks again,

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Re: Strange Sensations in Heart Center

Post by Sandy »

Hi Oswald and Eric,

I was very moved by your words here. Eric. It was very beautifully spoken and spot on in my humble opinion. Thank you my friend. I take your words to heart.
if the chakra system calls you, then you may find support for understanding and growing closer to this special communication(a reality which exceeds simple verbal exchange). if however, it does not, you will never be shorted an outlet or an opportunity- know that this intelligence is not limited to any one structure but is a unique partnership. every soul has its own religion. i don't expect answers to come to you so readily, your eagerness is admirable. your rationalising mind is something i also appreciate. your sincerity, beautiful, is already acknowledged by god. whether you believe in god or not, or how you come to define your experience, well that is not my business- you will develop your own understanding, no matter what i or anyone else tells you. my advice then is to keep the magic alive in your heart. pray in a quiet place for understanding if that's what you desire most. pray most of all. I've learned that sometimes answers come even a decade later. it seems, spirit delivers on its own time. have faith in your self, be patient with your self, love and appreciate your self. translate all of this to god. that's my advice.
doing that, is a lifetimes journey in its own right.
So basically just let it be and it will come along or not in its own time?
:lol: That's about the size of it, Oswald. It helps to remember that our part of the whole communication thing is to be available and open for input and growth. We tend to make it rather complicated, if we don't sit a certain way or pray a certain way, be pious enough or quiet enough then the Creator's emissaries will be thwarted. Thankfully that is not the case.

There are many ways that Spirit and celestials reach out to us. We would all love to see the visions that some see, or hear the amazing celestial messages that others do...but there is one method of spirit communication that is often overlooked... and that is sensing and feeling. Many of us sense spirit's connectivity yet do not acknowledge it as viable contact. Kim calls this type of communication, as it happens to her, as Spirit's symbols. (I think that is right anyway. LOL Kim, correct me if I am wrong.) She can tell which of her celestial friends is contacting her by the symbol she feels within her body. For instance, I know when our friend Midwayer Mathew has joined us by the pressure I feel on my nose and on my face. It is difficult to describe but it has always been Mathew. So it is possible perhaps that you are sensing a particular celestial...

I also wanted to say that on this world...everything is turned topsy turvy as far as what is generally possible. TA communication is possible and becoming ever more frequent with those individuals who regular open their heart to the Divine. :sunflower:

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Re: Strange Sensations in Heart Center

Post by Oswald77 »

Hello Everyone,

I thought I posted this but it didn’t show. I think I might have been signed out for being idle too long. If this shows up more than once I apologize.

I know this would be better posted somewhere else but since it’s in keeping with this post I’ll just put it here.

When I was a teenager I had tried meditating and with no one to teach me I had tried to teach myself. I was pretty abysmal at it to say the least. I think I wasn’t ready and was too young at the time to really get it. Recently during quarantine I picked it back up. In my 30s now I find I’m better able to relax now that I know what works for me which for me is to focus on my breathing. I grew up in an unpleasant household environment and tended to be an over thinker because I always had to be ready at a moment notice to deal with those difficulties and stay ahead of the game at all times. This aspect of my mind made it kind of difficult for me to do meditations that utilize visualization because I found it kept my mind too active and I couldn’t relax. When I was meditating yesterday and I was in that in between state of being empty and relaxed I had that weird jolt in the heart space area again. It brought my awareness back ever so slightly and when it did I saw text that said “need more activity”. I know it’s possible that it could just be random and sometimes it is but this got me wondering. I I wonder if the reason why I don’t recall the messages I receive other than remembering it happened is because I’m able to relax now but I’m not maintaining enough of my awareness. In other words i’m relaxed and empty but not really being an active participant and so it happens but I don’t recall it when I come out of the state. It’s been a long time since I’ve done visualization meditation but maybe I’ll give it another shot to see what happens now.

Thanks for all the messages everyone and stay safe out there.
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Re: Strange Sensations in Heart Center

Post by Seeker13 »

Wow! This is a lot to absorb! Great thread! Many of the sensations you mentioned, reminded me of some I've experienced. It does sound as if your TA and/or teacher is trying to communicate with you. Possibly you've asked for contact and this heart sensation is the result. You don't have to be in meditation to receive prompting. Maybe your mind was disengaged enough, your spiritual contact took advantage of the moment.

Without trying to be presumptuous, I'll say your own intuition is your best guide as to what these sensations may be about. My personal assumption is, "This is The Correcting Time. Spirit has gotten the full go ahead to making contact with those of us who have expressed an interest in spiritual exploration... What you do with that is up to you."

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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