The Secret

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Re: The Secret

Post by happyrain »


well, I've been spreading the jamaican accent around work... we've been listening to melodic bob marley techno fusions... :eye: :mrgreen: :loves :bana:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

That is hilarious! Since I've not been able to get that song out of my head began reading Lobsang Rampa: The Cave Of Ancients. Just read, "The more two people are in sympathy, in harmony, with each other, the easier it is for them to read these brain radiations." Meaning being on the same vibrational level, having a sort of telepathy between them. Those words made me think of our group meditations, and believing the more we practice together the stronger our connection will be and closer to having related experiences. Lol! I had no idea that had anything to do with connecting over a song in a Jamaican accent! However who doesn't love Bob Marley?!

See ya later maan!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Morning guys,
There was a monkey a White Faced Capetian on a TV show last night. He was jumping in a cabinet, though, and not a bed. :lol: :roll

I love the Jamaican pick up you received from Eric, Kim. :bana: I do hope no more Monkeys jumping on the bed is not contagious...although now I am in the mood to watch Little baby beep-beep on Youtube. ( I watched Little baby beep-beep repeatedly with my youngest grandson Derek my last visit. That as one of the adorable songs they made into a video... sigh... those were the days...)

We have been reading about the crazy storms sweeping across the US. Looks like another rain event is moving over the south. I hope my parent's basement room doesn't flood again. (Their furnace is in there... :shock: )

I too remember your white beauties, PP. I would have loved to have seen you showing them. I know you will love taking care of Jerry. The flat family over here is crazy about dogs. Of course, we are not allowed to have dogs but that does not mean we can't enjoy friends and neighbours dogs when they pass through. Shoot the landlords themselves bring their daughter's caboodle to our flat for a visit when they are baby sitting her. it goes without saying that I am in dog heaven on these occasions. :bana:

Did I tell you Sadie has become a "guard chicken"? She is so funny, sounding like a male rooster when anything untoward" passes through.

I am enjoying the idea of one of those "spring open cans. hmmm... may be time to spruce up George's day, eh?

Okay better keep moving. I am so behind. :shock: :roll

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm sitting here in shock thinking you might be a dog parson!

Childhood is not complete without being exposed to The Five Little Monkeys! Hmmmm, Sadie The Guard Chicken... sounds like a story title to me!
Did the parents basement stay dry?

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
tooooooooo funny you guys....
sorry,,,no bananas :bana: in or on my bed....I'll watch from the sidelines and enjoy the goings on from afar....
but you really do leave pictures in the mind... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

note for Sandy, re stones,,(before I forget) Sandy,,before I got into wire wrapping/weaving, I used to carry a little pouch in a pocket,,,or a pouch that had a long loup that I could carry the pouch around my neck,,,it would hang down around the heart area (under my clothing),,,sometimes I would carry all the chakra stones, sometimes, whatever stones attracted my attention for a day, or week,,or longer.
so the next time you are shopping,,,don't ignore the push, lol!! that's a stone speaking to you....pick me!!
Then when you get home,,,hold it under cool running water and ask for the energies from whomever else has touched that stone to be released. If you can,,then set it in the sun for a day to charge it..(or a couple of days,,no problem) Then you can sit with your new stone and program it with intentions,,along the lines of the purpose of the stone....just look it up and choose your intentions.

We had another crazy storm last Sat...2 days ago,,must have been the storm you were reading about, we were looking at radar weather,,,and it was literally almost everywhere, coast to coast!!! we even got HAIL!!! first it was just raining bad!! then all of a sudden,,,ping, ping,,,which changed to bang, bangs,,,,about the size of peas first,,,then they got bigger...I remembered seeing on the news once, somewhere got hail as big as golf balls,,,,fortunately they didn't get that big here!! and it didn't last long!! :roll:

Yes, having Jerry visit us, has certainly brought back a lot of memories, it's been giving me a good exercise in remembering good times,,,
I think Allan and Jerry have been having a snooze,,,haven't heard a peep out of them in a couple of hrs now!!
and mercy, mercy,,,,I haven't had anything to eat yet I better go do that...

have a great day guys,,,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi guys... again... :hithere

Tons of good information here... Thanks PP. I will look into a small bag perfect for hanging my chakra stones or crystals for a particular need. Or I might make one myself. Will it matter much if there is fabric between stones and skin? I am thinking probably not as spirit intention charges the result/tool. But what do I know. LOL I am a babe in the woods when it comes to crystals.

Thank you... those two small selenite wands I purchased for my parents useage were not chared with intention as you suggested I will be doing that within the next couple of days.
Also will look into labradorite and moonstone. Thank you, Kim, for the information you shared about moonstone in particular. The moonstones I saw were a creamy tan colour. I will give them a closer look see this week if I can talk G into going over there.

I ill follow the inner push next time where crystals are concerned...LOL oh, I guess in other ways too. Let's say I will try to be more inwardly observant. ;) :)
It is very quiet here this morning since the birds left a bit ago. This is actually their nap time and George is still asleep. ( He was up late lat night. )
It is a beautiful sunny day. :sunny:
I'm off for now...

The automatic correction didn't allow the title. Little Baby B u m.
I am 60 years old and absolutely adore Little Baby you know what. What does that say about me... :lol:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Oh Sandy, I hope I'm not too late....
DO NOT, put your selenite under water,,,,it will melt them away...
I was just thinking of you all,,,when all of a sudden your post popped into mind.
those two small selenite wands I purchased for my parents useage were not chared with intention as you suggested I will be doing that within the next couple of days.
I just googled selenite,,,
just in case here are some of the contents

Used for centuries, and across cultures, Selenite is one of the most highly regarded of all healing stones due to its unique properties for physical healing, spiritual healing and it’s incredible cleansing and clearing properties.

Selenite is a relatively common crystal and is a variety of gypsum.

Because of its unique physical structure it can be easily shaped, carved and formed into different shapes and styles for use in healing. Unlike the majority of other healing stones, is very soft so needs careful handling as it is easily scratched and damaged.

It is also one of the crystals that should never be cleansed in water as it will dissolve.

Uses In Healing
Selenites healing properties are linked closely with the subtle bodies and in particular to Mental Clarity, Psychic development, Intuition and Spiritual Communication.

It is also known as the crystal of Angels and believed to aid in connection to the Divine.

In terms of the physical world it is a crystal of mental clarity. It aids the user to make good and clear decisions, enables flexibility in thinking and is extremely helpful for those who suffer physical conditions that impair judgement or that have symptoms of confusion or mental disorientation.

Selenite also promotes truth, honesty and clear communication. It ensures the user recognizes the truth and is an excellent stone for communication in relationships (personal and business)

The names comes from the Greek Selene for moon and brings energies and strengthens development of the unconscious, instinct, subconscious, and emotional well-being.

Due to its association with the moon it is linked to water energy hence it’s healing properties for flexibility and intuition.

The Angel Stone – Selenite Crystals Properties.
As well as aiding mental clarity and communication it is an excellent choice of crystal for spiritual work, hence it being commonly referred to as the Angel Stone.

It is the crystal most often used for contacting and communicating with guides, spirit, angels and the Divine for guidance. It is also the crystal recommended for when trying to start communication with spirit guides.

Its properties help to easily remove energy blocks, from the physical and subtle bodies. As well as removing blocks in a person’s chakras and energy fields.

It can also removes blockages and impure energies from other crystals and stones and can be used to cleanse, clear and charge other crystals.

All forms of Selenite has a powerful association with Ajna, the third eye chakra, and is therefore excellent for development of intuition and psychic awareness.

Many use Selenite to assist accessing information regarding past lives and regressive healing as well as aiding communication through clairvoyance.

I have a few pieces of selenite,,,,and quite often I will set some of my other stones on top of it or laying beside it, touching the selenite because of it's cleasing properties....wands are useful in spinal alignment...

well,, before I can't stop,,,perhaps I should suggest that whatever stones you purchase, you should look them up on as many sites as possible....also I would recommend you locate a book on crystals.....Judy Hill's Crystal Bible is a great starter and will give you many basics that I can't begin to even remember......perhaps if you ask the universe will ring one across your path :love

There are stones you can make elixers with,,,,but some would dissolve in water,,,and some are toxic....(malachite for example)
so go carefully xoxoxoxo

don't worry about carrying them in a pouch...their vibrations will reach you...
if you hold them when in meditation,,,and focus on a particular stone,,,you may hear something from them...

but with all tools,,,please remember they are only external tools....
everything we really need and want comes from within....

oh there I go again....xoxoxoxo
loves to you
pp :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Thank you PP!

That was brilliant... and, no, I didn't rinse my parent's selenite wands. So no worries. :) The little beauties in question are currently sitting on my altar with some amethyst... which I thought could help with the charging? But after reading what you sent that probably wasn't necessary. This is after I ran it through incense before placing it on my altar with the intention of cleansing. :finger:

Am I right in remembering that amethyst (always have trouble spelling that one) is helpful in charging other stones or am I thinking of something else?

I just love my own selenite crystals...

Well George just got up. I do hope his neck is feeling a bit better. Any prayers on his behalf would be much appreciated. :kiss:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Lol! George has been invited into The River so much lately I'm surprised he's not feeling a little waterlogged. I'll step up the prayers for him. Hmm, how about relaxing under the palm trees, on a sunny beach, with a gently blowing breeze?

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hmmm,,,I could use the sunny beach!!! actually I just got a flash of a beach I was at once (in Honduras) just like you described...
Thanks for that reminder Kim....

now Sandy,,,on to crystals,,,, I just typed in my google search bar..... charging crystals with amethyst
and here's what came up
Simply place one or more crystals on the amethyst crystal points inside the amethyst geode or amethyst cave and leave them there overnight. The amethyst crystals pull the negative energy out of the crystals, bringing them back into resonance with their natural frequencies
one word of advice with amethyst,,,,do not place it in the sun (for long periods of time),,,(or any other coloured crystal) the light will leach out the colour..,,,moonlight charging would be better for them.

Sandy,,you mentioned George waking up with a sore neck??? Is it muscular or spinal??? Is it caused from the hrs he spends bent over the computer,,,or a wrong position for his neck while sleeping???

here is a site that might help you a lot.... ... 12069.html

BUT!!! I just remembered this one,,,,this site is IMO the BEST online site for everything you want to know about crystals...

you have a question,,,that's the place to go,,,,it's awesome!!!!

and although it's nice to have wonderful crystals of many varieties around,,,,the #1 crystal,,,is a simple quartz crystal...
it can be clear,,,or have inclusions,,,or bands,,,or rainbows (and many other things),,,,but it's like.....the Master Crystal...
you can use it for anything and everything....clean it, (run it under cool water and ask for it to be cleared) charge it (set it in sun/moon light for 24 hrs),,,,re-intention it (state your intention what you want it to do)....
clean it, charge it...
you can use it for many, many (all) long as you....clean it, charge it, and re-intention it,,after each use.

Keep an eye out for a crystal wand,,,maybe 4 " long,,,,round at one end and pointy on the other. Make sure the tip on the pointy end is not damaged,,,in the slightest,,,,not one little nick....if anyone tries to sell you one that has even a tiny scrape on it...
just say,,,I'm terribly sorry,,,it's just not speaking to me,,,,and keep looking.....

what I'm about to tell you can also be done with a pillar,,,,,6 sided (all crystals have 6 sides, but there are some different ones),,,,pointy on top and has a flat bottom,,,so it stands like a pillar... the wand has a round bottom and pointy top...
the round part can be used like a massager,,,gently massaging a sore spot,,,,,it will draw the pain through the bottom and out through the pointy tip. (so try not to aim it at yourself) lol. Then clean it,,,just hold it under water and I'm sure you know the routine by now....If you are going to use the same crystal for the same purpose,,on the same person,,,you don't have to do the whole process...just running it under water will help release any stored negative energy that didn't get out the point..

After you do that for a few minutes (on Georges neck) then you can place an amethyst or a rose quartz on the spot...It will help to relax and calm the muscle.....if the kink is spinal,,,then get your selenite and hold it over the area for a few minutes...

and of course,,,,lol,,,all the while,,,you are visualizing,,,healthy tissue,,,good blood flow,,,and spinal alignment....
wouldn't hurt to call in MNO8 to watch over you either.....and follow your intuition,,,,you will be guided!!!

Thats all for now sweetie,,,,have fun....

since you guys were talking about breathing on our med thread,,,I'll go there now..

loves,,,,pp :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Thanks guys for working on our George. His neck is feeling better today. :) He had a good chuckle over the possibility of being water logged. I think he is content to sit in the river until he is "prunie" So no worries. The beach sounds good too as long as there are no fire ants.. :mrgreen: long story.... ;)

He has been having trouble with both shoulders. (pain) making it hard to sleep on especially his left side. I am going to try some of the new tools you guys have introduced me to and maybe fall back, as well, on an old faithful.

PP :bana: :bana: :bana: That was wonderful!!!! So much information not only on those web sites but your condensed lesson on the post as well. Thank you! Have you considered giving a seminar on crystals ? I volunteer to be your first student. :sunflower: :bana:

Anyway I have booked marked both sites. So yeah, instant info when ever I need it... 8)

Hope you guys are enjoying the week end. PP you will be getting ready to go north in what...about a week? Are you site seeing heading home or getting there in record time?

Kim, are you snowed under? I was thinking we heard there was another snow storm on the horizon for your area. Won't be long (hopefully) till you will enjoy your flowers again. Hang in there. :)

...and Eric, we saw the most shocking water main break in your area (Houston) It looked like a flash flood. I've never seen anything like it. I hope it didn't affect you. What a mess! :shock:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Crystal vaults is one of my favorite crystal sites too! Dave just showed me an article in National Geographic. Ever heard of the Pulpi' Geode? ... &FORM=IGRE
What kind of crazy energy must cycling in there?! :shock: I wouldn't be able to pull my eyes away.... spiritual and shiny!

Today we have sunshine and the beach!... but you probably wouldn't want to do any sunbathing, only 32 degrees F, unless of course you're in a snowsuit, then it would be GREAT!!! :sunny:

I'm packing this weekend also, my fondest hope when we hit Phoenix is to find some great crystals!

Never thought about fire ants at the beach. :shock: Doesn't not sound like a pleasant relaxing retreat. I was hoping the girls didn't have to discover fire ants on our vacation!

Sorry to hear George is going through that. That's the way of it isn't it, when something hurts, you tense up, compensating with another group of muscles, then they get tight. Hope he gets relief soon.

When the snow was falling the other day I thought, "I bet Sandy would love this!" It's chilly, but sunny and gorgeous! We've had such a crazy winter, not going stir crazy yet. Besides in a few days we'll be in Arizona :bana: :bana: :bana: :sunflower: :bana: :bana: :bana: . Speaking of which, need to get back to packing, or taking a nap?

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by happyrain »

yes sandy we were affected but only for a little...

i wanted to chime in to say that i had a recent revelation, answers from dreams of 12 years ago, proof of the guiding spirit... connections to sufism... i am a bit... awe-struck... but it's only a sign of the beginning.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi y'all :hithere :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
well,,,today is Monday (afternoon already) we are in the middle of the Canadian Mens Curling Tournament,,it's called the Brier..
Womens was a week ago,,,called The Scotties....all in prep for the World Curling Event,,,and we'll be back home for that!! YAY!!
So,,between games we are packing, cleaning and last minute shopping for food. We do not plan on stopping anywhere, for anything.
Except for gas....and we will sleep at Rest Areas, since we are self contained...generator gives us any power we need for cooking and we use propane for heat at night, and we will have water tanks almost filled,,,enough to use for bathroom and washing up. we drink bottled water. We will be all packed up ready to go and will leave this WINDY resort on Sunday. So we actually plan to have everything done by Sat afternoon...Then Sunday,,,all we'll have to do is unplug from power and drive away...we are only going down to Needles to the resort we stayed in for 5 yrs,,,and only overnight. We'll plug power in, but thats all!
Monday 9 am,,we are meeting a friend and caravaning back with him. He had a health issue and flew home for surgeries last Dec. but he had to come back to drive his truck and 5th wheel back home. He lives in the same park as us on The Hat,,,just across from us. so we've been friends since 2013.....when he comes down here he stays down in Lake Havasu City. He wasn't sure how far or how long he could drive in one day,,so we offerred to travel with him....just in it is,,we are planning to take at least 5 days to get back on the Island,,,,and it's almost 1,500 miles....
So I've been planning, with the assistance of Google Maps,,,where our gas stops are,,,they are fixed,,,but breaks and overnights will depend on how he feels,,how far he can go in one stretch.

Meanwhile,,,we went out for some groceries yesterday....kinda opened my eyes...lots of very empty shelves!!!,,I'm not going to get much more than we need to get home tho...and we always do a big shopping trip,,,fill up the freezer,,,lots of canned goods,,,
But watching the news,,,keeping an eye on this "flu",,,and apparently there are a lot of very scared people,,,and they are stocking up....can you imagine Costco running out of toilet paper and water,,,just to mention 2 items!!

We have to drive right up the I-5,,,from Bakersfield CA to the top of California, then thru Oregon, then through Washington. Like I said,,,we are stopping only for gas (7 times) and sleeping at Rest restaurant, or Casino Buffet stops!! We should be home on the Island by Sat 14th,,,,maybe Sun 15th, depending on Ken.

We're having winds 30 mph right now,,,with not much of a let up till tomorrow night when it should go down to 16 mph,,,
the good news is by the wednesday it will be down to 8 mph (time to pack up outside stuff) and next monday,,it will only be 10-20 mph,,,which is just fine...and lower as we head west then north....I guess that's the next chart I need to make,,,wind and rain.

Oh it keeps me busy :mrgreen: :roll :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :bana: :bana: :bana:

Also,,,as we travel,,,we won't have any wifi,,,so I'll have to catch up with you as soon as we are home!

He has been having trouble with both shoulders. (pain) making it hard to sleep on especially his left side.
If you try the Quantum Touch method on Georges Shoulders,,you can do it 2 shoulder at a time,,,or both together.
You can even do it while he's at the computer....
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

I lost the rest of my post,,,it timed out!!! Good thing I was writing it on word and had copied that first part!!! So I’ll continue (in word) and copy it when I’m done!!
I was about to say Sandy,,,
One shoulder,,place right hand over the front of Georges right shoulder, left hand over the back of his right shoulder (like your cupping it) keep your hands about ½ inch away,,,and run the energy.
Then do the left shoulder.
Both shoulders,,,stand totally behind him,,place right hand over the outside of his right shoulder, place your left hand over the outside of his left shoulder (not touching his shoulders) and run the energy!!
Easy peasy!!
Seminars/classes,,,did that a long time ago,,,now I don’t have the stamina/energy to be able to do all it entails,,,,but,,ask away,,if I don’t know the answer I can find it and also send links

Your last question, was about sightseeing on the way home…no,,hahahahaha
That was rather blunt,,,sorry about that,,,but I’m sure you’ve already understood why!!

I hadn’t heard of those geodes,,,awesome to say the least,,wish I had been into crystals when we were in Spain,,
Heres a link,,,these are gypsum tho,,,like Sandys Selenite

I googled mexico cave gypsum crystals

Eric,,,so glad you didn’t get hit hard with the Houston floods,,,keep safe!!!

Well folks,,,it’s been a great afternoon at the coffee house,,,but it’s coming on supper time now
Oh,,,another 444,,,I just love those angels….
Hope to connect again before we leave
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »


The Dragonfly Spirit Animal ... it-animal/

When it comes to the dragonfly spirit animal, you possess the power of the light! The dragonfly symbolism carries with it the wisdom of change and learning through experience.
It’s the symbol of joy and lightness, and having a deep connection with your thoughts and emotions, just like the honey bee animal spirit.
Just like the changes that a dragonfly undergoes, the appearance of the dragonfly spirit animal calls you to live your life and experience what the world can offer.
The dragonfly spirit animal symbolizes change and transformation, and being open to experience new things. It’s usually symbolic of something big unfolding in your personal journey.

The dragonfly meaning also resonates with wisdom and deep thoughts. Dragonflies are not exactly the biggest and strongest creatures in the world, so every flight they take is perilous and truly unforgettable.
It symbolizes lightness of being and purity of heart. It also represents prosperity that will make its way to you with your determination, dedication, and hard work.
The meaning of the dragonfly also symbolizes harmony. When there’s strife, work to have the harmony back.
When there’s harmony, do your best to keep it with you always. Do your best to share it with others so that others can also benefit from the gifts that harmony brings.

The dragonfly symbolism is also an invitation to break away from thoughts and beliefs that are no longer healthy for you. Be open to receive and embrace new ones.
Your dragonfly totem is urging you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace your full potential. Break the illusions that prevent you from growing or changing for the better.
Unlike the Heron, the dragonfly spirit animal is a symbol of magic and mystery. They are messengers and spirit guides that carry a valuable message that can impact your life significantly.
Do Dragonflies Symbolise Good Luck?
The dragonfly spirit animal represents the freedom to express your true feelings. And what better way to invite luck than to tell the universe what your heart most desires?
The dragonfly is a powerful ally who can help you weed out the undesirables. It can help you be on the lookout for deceit, lies, and falsehoods, just like the scarab beetle spirit animal.
It also allows you to see through illusions. With your dragonfly totem right by your side, you will not be blinded by sweet talk and pretty things.
Does seeing a Dragonfly mean Love is coming?
The dragonfly totem is linked very closely with your emotional state. This is an indication that you need to remove the layers, and reveal your true self if you want to attract the right kind of romantic energies.
With the dragonfly spirit animal, you don’t have to pretend to be someone else. You can be your genuine self and attract the kind of love that will allow you to blossom.
Like your dragonfly totem, you can expect to undergo a metamorphosis when it comes to love. This will make you a better lover and a better person as well.
xoxo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

It's nearly bedtime and I am nodding but I wanted to come here and say good night and thank you PP for transcribing all this wonderful Dragon Fly information for me. I have copied it as I need to carefully read, think and meditate on what you have shared.

I have also been reading about your upcoming trip home. I don't know why but I am so excited, almost as if I was going on the trip. :bana: I can't wait to have you out of the wind and back in your lush and beautiful Island. You're heading north and Kim's heading south. But I am beginning to think it doesn't matter as where ever we are we are also together. I find this rather comforting tonight.

Tomorrow we are in for some rain. :bana: Probably the rest of the week as well. So this little lady will be doing some puddle jumping. We're in Autumn now. :sunflower: So all is well in my world. :bana:

George and I went shopping today to pick up emergency supplies, just in case... There were still plenty of stock on the shelves at the grocery store, with the exception of toilet paper. LOL We decided to stock up on some non perishable food items and of course cleaning and disinfection supplies. Now I must get our prescriptions filled, get more kale for the bunnies and we're apples. (good to go ;) )

I'll write more tomorrow but my eyes are drooping so I am off to bed. Good night.
Have a good day up there! :sunny:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Will write later Sandy,
I just got a call from Laura
The hospital called her at 2:30 am,,,they have a heart for her.
so at my time 10:11 am pacific time, she is in the hospital awaiting the operation.
I forgot to ask her which hospital,,so I'm just presuming she's in Orlando Florida.
Advent Florida Transplant HOSPITAL,,Orlando Florida,
I am on the phone with her as I TYPE
She says hello and thanks everyone for all their assistance.

she's 63
Laura Settoon
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Sandy,
I'm glad you enjoyed the Dragonfly info..I had first looked it up in my Animal Speaks Totem Book,,,figured a refresher wouldn't hurt, 2 1/2 pages later,,I thot,,,what am I doing??? so I googled it....but there was a few different things in my book,,,
like...did I know (no I forgot) that the male is called a Dragonfly,,and the female is called a Damselfly (sp) I put the book away of course....the male eats while flying, but the female lands before she eats... Their element is both water and air....logical!!

Geez,,,just when I figure I have some time to 'chat' something comes up....will come back later
pp :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all,
We're having problems with our internet connection again, :? Been wanting to reply to several posts, but not happening. Tomorrow we are off to Arizona. I'll try and check in when I can. Will try to do group meditation, but will probably be a little later. Love you guys and am really excited by all the connecting and visualization going on!

See ya later! :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Have a great trip Kim,,,and lots of fun,,,really enjoy yourselves....we head west in about 5 days...
Safe Journey,,,and God Speed

loves,,pp :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Will write later Sandy,
I just got a call from Laura
The hospital called her at 2:30 am,,,they have a heart for her.
so at my time 10:11 am pacific time, she is in the hospital awaiting the operation.
I forgot to ask her which hospital,,so I'm just presuming she's in Orlando Florida.
Advent Florida Transplant HOSPITAL,,Orlando Florida,
I am on the phone with her as I TYPE
She says hello and thanks everyone for all their assistance.

she's 63
Laura Settoon
Oh thank you so much PP for letting us know. I am so sorry I am late getting on the board today. But I am praying, praying, praying and ever so hopeful for a successful operation and recovery. Have you heard anything yet? Please let us know when you know how she is faring and tell her we love her down here and some day hope to be able to give her a big ole hug in person.

George is sending her to the healers...Wow I am amazed it was only bout a month ago the first healing request went out and she wasn't even on the transplant list yet. :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
Have a safe and fun trip down in Arizona. I'm already looking forward to you coming home again and telling us all about it. Please stay safe. :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

did I know (no I forgot) that the male is called a Dragonfly,,and the female is called a Damselfly (sp) I put the book away of course....the male eats while flying, but the female lands before she eats... Their element is both water and air....logical!!
I did not know that! :shock: I am thinking then that the one I saw for sure must have been a little boy as he definitely did seem to be chowing down while he flew. He was a big one too. I never saw any that big back home where they were plentiful by our creek. :shock:

I am so sleepy. Rain, rain, and more rain and nice and cool too... You would strongly dislike it but I am in my glory. :bana:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

I wrote a post,,,I thot on this thread,,,I know I hit submit...I wonder where it went???

Laura is in surgery now,,,

I phoned a couple of hrs ago,,thinking I'd see how Robert was faring...and she hadn't gone up yet...
so we chatted,,,until the actual moment they walked in her room to take her up to surgery....
She thanks everyone,,,sends her love and gratitude for all the love and caring.
Her op started at 10 pm Est....and will last till the wee hrs of the morning....your afternoon,,

I'm having a bit of a strain trying to stay objective,,,,but I remember,,,Nebadonia told me "not to worry"
(I didn't know it would be about Laura...)

so all faith, hope and love puts all my concerns into Mother, Father's Hands...

Thank you and George,,,so very, very, much...special hugs

loves pp :kiss: :kiss:

I will call Robert tomorrow night and let you know how she is....
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