Morning meditation February 24, 2020 We can do magic...

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Morning meditation February 24, 2020 We can do magic...

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm posting this here because all of my meditations are an extension of The Akashic Construct from George's CD. That's where I first learned how to visualize and meditate. The space has grown over the years to include the bridge and The River Of Healing. Once again I express my extreme gratitude to him for giving me such an amazing tool to expand my spiritual awareness.

Because of our group meditation experiences, I guess we're going to be coming together more than at the weekly scheduled times. And seems we've become 'visible' to many others in doing this. And like our other meditations, this one is told from my perspective. I do hope you all are experiencing your own version of this experience!

Morning meditation February 24, 2020 We can do magic...

Began at the River. Many of us were there healing the group.

My grandma symbol signaled, she came for me and we left. Monjoronson joined us. We ended up in a cave far, far away. I was very surprised seeing Babaji and his spiritual group! He said it would be good for me to look into Hindu teachings(I'd been told this before, but somehow it slipped my mind) He reminded me of how I deeply connected with the poetry and chants. Basically I needed to look beyond the few items that I didn't agree with and learn from the larger pool of information the teachers convey. I agreed to read more closely of the links Eric shared.

It was very interesting and more than a little intimidating as the group around the fire continually increase in numbers of very high level celestials. My mind went to what I had learned about Babaji. A living saint, been around longer than anyone could remember. He and his group of followers are continuously engaged in praying for the upliftment of the world. His whole countenance exuded serenity, simplicity, an acceptance of others. I thanked him for all his work.

As the group grew I asked if Shane could be invited, immediately he popped up at my side. We all held hands and began to pray in a large circle around the fire. Shane, then directly across from me, looked very overwhelmed! Instantly his wife stood next to him holding his hand, and they joined in the quiet meditative prayer.

During this time I asked questions of Babaji. And I was gradually becoming a younger version of myself, very young maybe four? I questioned this, he explained, around this fire we all appear as we truly are. “You look at the world with childlike wonder.” It was then we heard the song You Can Do Magic playing, seemed to be coming from over our heads(and continued to play for the duration of the meditation) I thought of the Sandy and the link for the song she put on the boards. The atmosphere had changed completely, this was going to be a celebration!

Shane was standing to my right again, appearing as he does today on the boards. Babaji explained, “This is who he truly is.” George appeared opposite me as a younger man, standing to the right of Monjoronson. Sandy took hold of my hand and was as young as me, we could have been twins! We began laughing, singing, hopping around and dancing together. Lynn appeared across the fire and a few people to the left of George. She was a young hippie chick laughing, talking, thoroughly enjoying the music and conversation. Eric appeared across the fire and to George's right. He looked to be in his late teens, dressed in a long robe. He was a religious student. I assumed he was a student of the Hindu religion, but looking at him a little closer I couldn't tell if it was that, or a Druidic apprentice(shrug). More and more people were filing in, but the cave was expansive, so didn't feel crowded.

I was my younger self playing with Sandy and I was also an adult spirit observing everything. Babaji was still sitting serenely in his same position on the ground, smiling. I apologized, somehow feeling responsible for bringing this chaos into his presence. He waved the apology away, not my doing at all. It was such a joyful gathering! Every once in awhile words of the song seemed clearer, grabbing my attention. Reminding me I guess, that indeed we are capable of performing magic. This gathering of individuals corporeal and noncorporeal, from different times, places, and levels of spiritual advancement was proof of that.

Christ Michael began talking to Babaji, I became younger still, about 2 and ran to his side. While they conversed Michael bent down and picked me up without pausing, like any dad would at a barbecue. And like any two-year-old, I was wide-eyed and smiling, became interested in something else exciting and began squirming. Nebadonia had joined us and was by our side. Michael handed me over to her and she held me like her own precious child. Bouncing like a mom does, looking about the room, pointing out people, waving my hand at them and smiling.

As my observing spiritual self, I wanted to hold us in this space, maintaining this profound feeling of kinship for as long as possible. I was full of wonder at the scene unfolding before me. We were in a stark bare walled cave, no comforts to speak of, except the warm, bright flames of the fire, happy conversation, and friends, (spiritual and human)grateful to be gathered together sharing each other's company. "We can do magic!..."

The meditation ended.

Toward the end of rereading this I felt a quick tingle along my spine from the base of my scull down about three inches. This was one of the unrecognized symbols I had in the new moon meditation. It reminded me of Eric's meditations about a similar feeling.

In writing the last paragraph the same sensation repeated except further down along my upper spine, then happening in little isolated spots on my shoulders and neck... This continued over the last few minutes. Felt like little electrical sparks touching me at different points all over. Last night's meditation came to mind, of sending out vibrations to others as we released our energy. Wondered if maybe that is what is happening now?

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Morning meditation February 24, 2020 We can do magic...

Post by happyrain »

kim, how fortunate to see babaji. I am in admiration and watery eyes reading your experience. thank you.

babaji is able to appear in different forms, often reported for having very young features...


there's some good stories about him in Autobiography of a Yogi.
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Re: Morning meditation February 24, 2020 We can do magic...

Post by happyrain »

there are *

it also occurred to me that you might enjoy this mantra...

lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu

may all beings be happy

consider the benefits provided to you by wishing the happiness of another...

yogananda is a strong teacher to connect with... i believe i met anandamayi ma in a dream.... the young energy you described was felt when i got to see life through the eyes of her spirit.

the word sufi came to me in a dream. though i am not hindu i am drawn to vedic philosophy for the monotheistic principles.

all paths lead to the one.
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Re: Morning meditation February 24, 2020 We can do magic...

Post by Seeker13 »

I was completely surprised to see Babaji! I remember him and his image from Autobiography of a Yogi, and being so drawn to his fantastic story!
happyrain wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:48 pmthough i am not hindu i am drawn to vedic philosophy for the monotheistic principles.
I'm sorry to say that I'm not educated enough in their discipline, to even know what to call it. Pretty much everything I've been exposed to is because of your recommendations. Really connect to Sufi poetry, and the meditations and chants you've posted links to.

If you remember the first group meditation I participated with you and your friends, Yogananda was the teacher who came to us. Generally I do not set an intention to connect with a specific teacher. LOL! That's why I'm surprised so often on who shows up!
happyrain wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:48 pmi believe i met anandamayi ma in a dream.... the young energy you described was felt when i got to see life through the eyes of her spirit.
Thank you! You told us of her and I spent quite awhile reading her quotes and stories about her. She is the person I think Yogananda told me to read more about and I couldn't remember her name! That makes perfect sense what you said about the young energy you felt when you got to see life through the eyes of her spirit. Babaji also said that we appeared around his fire in the form of who we truly were.

It seems there is so much I'm supposed to connect and learn about lately it feels like I can't keep up and kind of loose track of one thing, as I go off another branch of the path. So, I'm really trying to keep up with all the links, but sometimes they get lost in my zeal to know more.

I believe when guru's and yogis appear to us in meditation lately it is mainly because of you. That's why my first thought when recognizing them is, "Eric, I sure hope you're seeing this!" I deliver the meditation from my perspective, but I really think we are all having our own individual experiences within that meditation.
happyrain wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:48 pmall paths lead to the one.
I believe that is why the gathering was of persons of all persuasions and personalities. Christ Michael having a warm conversation with Babaji, and all the rest of us intermingling. And maybe an answer to your question from the other thread about the Damascus Scribe. In that gathering, "We were all equal in the eyes of God."
happyrain wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:48 pmit also occurred to me that you might enjoy this mantra...lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu may all beings be happy consider the benefits provided to you by wishing the happiness of another...
I do like this mantra and that is my wish for others.

Thank you Eric.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Morning meditation February 24, 2020 We can do magic...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim...Hey Eric :hithere

What a fun and compelling meditation. It reminds me of the pot lucks my parent's church used to have when we were littlies. It was always organised chaos with mommies busy setting out the amazing amount of food and daddies talking amongst themselves and kiddies running here and there between all of them. It is among some of my best family childhood memories. :bana:
So much joy to see it go on and in greater depth and dimension. ;)

I am smiling because, of course, PP would be a brilliant hippy chick. Heck she still is. 8) :kiss:

Great to see Shane and his wife joining too. :sunflower: There are so many of us to meet and greet...impossible as human perhaps but think about it..we have eternity to know each other...Wow... Had one of those overwhelming moments when the partial reality I am able to glimpse is contemplated. :shock:

Oh before I forget....The electrical sparks kind of thing you are experiencing... I have had that happen twice in the past couple days. The last time was last evening when I as just finishing up my outside chores... just one on my left shoulder blade. :shock: Took me totally by surprise! :shock: I have never felt anything like it before I am not sure if it means there is an open connection between us or that we both are being "worked on in some fashion." Well of course it could also be a zillion other things. :) life is ruled by magpies and they are calling ...maybe a clue that I have rattled on enough. ;)

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Re: Morning meditation February 24, 2020 We can do magic...

Post by Seeker13 »

Added the chants to my favorites list. I really love it.

I call them zings!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Morning meditation February 24, 2020 We can do magic...

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Eric,
It's a beautiful way to begin the day. :sunny:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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