Living Spirits

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Living Spirits

Post by Heavensabove »

As someone who has I think has experienced quite a lot in such a short amount of time regarding spirits, I have a question about "Living Spirits"

Can someone give me a definition of not just how they become but more importantly why?

My reason for asking.
Some of you may have seen my and others posts in "Phenomena" forum under the topic of "New images in an unusual way" where i have been able to capture spirits on camera.

Well yesterday I was taken aback.
The spirit that showed was my father.

The thing is that my father is alive (although we are estranged, and I know for a fact he is not in good health)

My wife who is Japanese said that it was well known in Japanese culture for it to happen for many reasons.
In Japanese it is called "Ikiryo"

I was wondering if anyone has had experience with Living Spirits?

I am very grateful if someone had some information / experience or theory they could share.

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Re: Living Spirits

Post by happyrain »

Dear Shane,

If God wants to share with you the how and why to his workings, rest assured, these things will be made known. My thoughts are that you are being shown your Father for a reason and it might be time to find Love and Forgiveness between the two of you- first creating the space within yourself. If the opportunity allows for it, be ready to share that with your Father.

You can always try to quiet your mind and pray on it if you haven't already.

Kindest regards,

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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Heavensabove »

happyrain wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:20 pm Dear Shane,

If God wants to share with you the how and why to his workings, rest assured, these things will be made known. My thoughts are that you are being shown your Father for a reason and it might be time to find Love and Forgiveness between the two of you- first creating the space within yourself. If the opportunity allows for it, be ready to share that with your Father.

You can always try to quiet your mind and pray on it if you haven't already.

Kindest regards,

Dear Eric,

Thank you.
I know what you are saying is right however this is a very heartbreaking situation.

I have tried to reach out and show that Love and Forgiveness for a long time.
I have overlooked so many things to try and achieve this, but alas all to no avail.
He has only become estranged because of my mother.
She won't allow contact with him and is very controlling.

If we were never close this wouldn't seem so sad, but we use to be best mates.

Deep down I know that I have been shown dad for a reason.
This is such an amazing thing to be shown but it's like it's bitter-sweet.

Yes I have been praying and will continue to do so.
I believe God has a will and I respect what ever that will is.

At the end of it all for dads sake I have to ask myself what is best for him.

Thank you Eric for your reassuring and comforting words.
I appreciate it.

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Re: Living Spirits

Post by happyrain »

My finals thoughts are that you allow the space in your Heart which keeps that closeness to your Father alive-

This thread is uniquely titled- I like to think Spirit is Alive. In my mind, "Living Spirit." God will show us loved ones, whether they're presently housing an earthly body or not, if necessary. I'd like to think we're constantly being guided by the Living Spirit- that there are lessons unique for each person here.

So why are you being shown your Father now?

Perhaps we are shown images based on a degree of our souls calling, which is often shrouded when plunged in the hustle and bustle of our material and dutiful living. Lessons of the heart aren't always given to us in linear fashion or easy to recognize but everything happens at the right time. I think there's a lot of prepping happening at a subconscious level too.

Given that you are here, I believe it is for you to know these things and secure your Faith in a Loving presence. You might find reaching out to your Father is not happening in the way you think it ought to but you can continue to work on yourself. Will there be an opportunity later? Who am I to say? But the ways in which Spirit guides us are surprisingly creative.

You are working on an intuitive level now, and as the teacher says, leave the sowing of the seed to God.

Godspeed, God Bless!
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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Eric for some thought provoking soul searching posts. (I am trying to apply them to my own life. :) )

I had some ideas about living spirits, Shane. Nothing profound of course, but I was reminded of my George who has been able to astral travel since he was a youngster. He, of course, isn't dead when he does this, just separating a short time from his physical body while his astral self is free to go where it wishes. At times he has been seen in this form by others... why some see him and others don't...???? But this may be one form of a "living spirit." Is it possible that your father is visiting you subconsciously if not consciously?
I am also thinking that our deep thoughts and longings are very potent and travel at record speed to destination. Others on some level can pick them up resulting in any manner of consequences. So your dad may very well at some soul level feel your loving thoughts sent his direction. They can and will help in some way. But you may never know for sure. This is where faith in Love and Loves abilities comes in.

Basically...I am contemplating this... what Eric said. :)
Perhaps we are shown images based on a degree of our souls calling, which is often shrouded when plunged in the hustle and bustle of our material and dutiful living. Lessons of the heart aren't always given to us in linear fashion or easy to recognize but everything happens at the right time. I think there's a lot of prepping happening at a subconscious level too.

Given that you are here, I believe it is for you to know these things and secure your Faith in a Loving presence. You might find reaching out to your Father is not happening in the way you think it ought to but you can continue to work on yourself. Will there be an opportunity later? Who am I to say? But the ways in which Spirit guides us are surprisingly creative.
Yes... we can never go wrong seeking first the "Kingdom of God" . ( Hearing that song again. :) )

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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Seeker13 »

I love and agree with what Eric and Sandy have so eloquently conveyed. We all know the Lord works in mysterious ways. Perhaps, especially because your father in is ill health, he's put it out to the universe that he wants to heal your relationship and see you.

Remember everything we do is out of fear. Sounds like your mother is a very fearful woman. I'm sorry for that. Parental issues have lifelong effects, no matter our age. Obviously we do not know all the circumstances surrounding your relationship with your parents. If your mother is the one keeping you from having contact with your father, perhaps she is the one you could approach in regards to healing those relationships?
Heavensabove wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:54 pmDeep down I know that I have been shown dad for a reason.This is such an amazing thing to be shown but it's like it's bitter-sweet.
This is so telling of your true feelings. I've often spoken about instances in my life where I had to overcome my fears and take that step and be brave. Shane, perhaps your time is now. To forgive and be forgiven is so very important for soul progression. This might be an opportunity for both of you to heal something deep within yourselves.

I will tell you from personal experience, it's much easier to heal a broken relationship while your parents are still living. I waited too long, guilt, sadness, and a plethora of other negative emotions weighs you down, holding you hostage for much longer than necessary.

Love, peace and courage to you,
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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Heavensabove »

Thank you all for such encouraging words of wisdom.
I think about my situation and just how ironic it is.

How so?

Being now distant from my parents after many years of mental abuse gave my heart the opportunity to be free and to be happy.
My spiritual side came to the fore and as you all have witnessed I have experienced many amazing things with spirits.

It is now the spirits who are telling me that I should be there to heal.
Yes my mother is fearful.
Won't go into detail but I was never wanted as a child and was told so by my mother all the time when I was young.
This has left deep scars which have lasted until this day.
I tried hard to win her love for more than 50 years, but the nit picking continued and finally broke me.

That's when I decided to make the break and my heart and spiritual side blossomed.

So here I am.
I tried to take that step last night but my calls are blocked.

I have other means of trying to contact which I will rest assured continue to pursue.

I wish you all lived closer that I could hand out the hugs like there's no tomorrow.

God Bless you all and thank you.

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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Seeker13 »

Was going to send this to you in a PM, but as an avid advocate for small children, some things are best to be said out in the open.

I know it's not easy letting the rest of the world see your inner most sorrows. It is a very brave person who can do that. The easy thing is to present the happy go lucky, strong persona that we believe others want to see. But for us to truly be that ideal, we need to heal that battered child who still exists inside. I am so very sorry you had to live under those conditions, even though it shaped the person you are today.

Those words, actions and feelings stay with us. Think I became a closet writer to be able to let those feelings out. To try and understand why they happened and hopefully let them go. One story is titled, Scars Of The Heart. A stanza in a song of that story is:

"Cuts will heal, bruises fade, still bearing the marks.
Forever to carry the Scars Of The Heart."

Emotional scars hurt as deeply as the physical ones. Your Living Spirit visit may have reopened old wounds, that may have been it's purpose. Sometimes, we have to clear those buried events, thoughts, words, and actions, before we can move forward. I'm not only speaking of reconnecting with your father.

My Dad's death experience was deservedly, torturous. I believe he was only delivered from that, because I worked so diligently at forgiving him years after his death. We reap what we sow. No action is forgotten or simply forgiven, we have to atone for the misery dealt to others. It is completely up to you of course, but if you were to be able to confront your mother, it is a actually a gift to her. This world offers us a chance to ask for forgiveness, to change our ways, to 'repent'. It's so much easier while a person can still speak with those they tormented. Otherwise... I afraid she has a pretty tough road ahead.

If it were possible, I'm sure all your friends here on the board would be giving you a group hug right now,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Sandy »

It always breaks my heart to hear of the mental abuse subjected on little children. The scars run deep and yet they can be overcome as our treasured Kim has shared so beautifully. I was one of the lucky ones and had/have such loving parents which I will gladly share with the two of you! How would you like to have a couple of "hillbilly" parents? I make light but I do mean it in a strange kind of way. I love you guys already like siblings and we form a kind of open family here that is always ready to open the heart for others . I mean, look at our Eric who has been here 11 years. I call him my little brother and although we have never met face to face I know him anyway.

I believe that writing as Kim demonstrates frees up emotions and has a way to cut through the mental "rubbish" so that we can get to the heart of the situation. The words powered by heart and soul energy also can reach places in others that are not sometimes easily accessible in the more conventional ways.

...and Shane, I love your wife's parents all the more for holding you to your heart as they did. God's embrace comes in so many forms does it not? (((((((HUGS)))))))

with love,
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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Heavensabove »

Kim, Sandy, Eric,

To say that this past week has been an extreme in emotions would by far be a massive understatement.

I was able to sit down with my parents this week.
I sat down and told them everything about what has happened to me this year (spiritually) and tried to the best of my ability to explain what has been happening with the presence of spirits and why I was there.

To be fair they are very open to all of this. Dad is 80 & Mum 79.
I showed them photos and I showed dad his spirit and explained that I knew that he had been thinking about me as it had through to me as a spirit.
He cried.
A couple of days after my visit, my fathers spirit once again visited me, this time smiling....amazing.

I went there to offer forgiveness (although I can never forget) and told them that I was also there so we can have peace in all our souls. I wanted and needed to say this badly as you know I will be away for a couple of months in Japan shortly.

Kim wrote - No action is forgotten or simply forgiven, we have to atone for the misery dealt to others. It is completely up to you of course, but if you were to be able to confront your mother, it is a actually a gift to her. This world offers us a chance to ask for forgiveness, to change our ways, to 'repent'. It's so much easier while a person can still speak with those they tormented. Otherwise... I afraid she has a pretty tough road ahead.

Unfortunately there was no repent or forgiveness asked for past wrongs. I didn't expect it, so the let down wasn't huge, but still hurt.

Eric wrote - Given that you are here, I believe it is for you to know these things and secure your Faith in a Loving presence. You might find reaching out to your Father is not happening in the way you think it ought to but you can continue to work on yourself. Will there be an opportunity later? Who am I to say? But the ways in which Spirit guides us are surprisingly creative.

You are working on an intuitive level now, and as the teacher says, leave the sowing of the seed to God.

Eric I have done quite a few things in my life which people have commented "My God you're brave" but I must tell you that this was one of the most terrifying things I have done, but I knew that it had to be done.
I walked out of their house feeling like I was 10 feet tall.

I can't explain how good I felt.

All my life I was surrounded by negativity from my mother.
She started to say something negative while I was there and I straight away said that I no longer accept negativity in my life and said that I would leave if any such words were spoken. Sounds harsh, but I knew the person I was dealing with.

This didn't sound like the old me, and it wasn't.
I felt like a teacher in a classroom. Hard but fair.

My heart will never fully heal but God knows my journey and I have complete faith that the future, now that I have taken this path, will be considerably more enjoyable and satisfying than the past.

Sandy wrote - ...and Shane, I love your wife's parents all the more for holding you to your heart as they did. God's embrace comes in so many forms does it not?

Yes it does Kim.
My wifes parents are two of the most wonderful people I have ever met and I was meant to have them in my life.
If only to show me what "normal" parents are.

People from a totally different culture in a totally different country. Shows that we're all one.

Thank you all once again for your support and wisdom.

Lots of hugs to you all.

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Re: Living Spirits

Post by happyrain »

Dear Shane,

That came a lot quicker than I imagined. Some folks don't get such instantaneous results.

What a blessing, to be guided in the manner we are.

I am happy you had an opportunity, I don't believe anything is over but that the connection has been reopened to heal your family for the better.

Time to carry on, with Love and Respect.

Thank you for sharing and being as courageous as you are, it is an inspiration.

To your safe and exciting travels.

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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Sandy »

Dear Shane,
I can't imagine the courage you had to muster to have this talk with your parents. It sounds like spirit was moving through you and with you and I suspect you were not too far off when you said this.
I felt like a teacher in a classroom. Hard but fair.
You know, negativity can become a habit, it may take a little time for your mom but maybe, just maybe, you have helped her to take notice of what she is doing and how it not only demeans those who are the object but also herself as these things have a way of coming back to us and biting us in the "you know where."

You sound as if you brought a truck load of love's ingredients with you and I am so happy that you have initiated the healing process.
I walked out of their house feeling like I was 10 feet tall.

I can't explain how good I felt.

I think to some extent we are all enjoying your "feel good" vibes. :D

Well done, Santa! :santa:
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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Heavensabove »

happyrain wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 5:18 am Dear Shane,

That came a lot quicker than I imagined. Some folks don't get such instantaneous results.

What a blessing, to be guided in the manner we are.

I am happy you had an opportunity, I don't believe anything is over but that the connection has been reopened to heal your family for the better.

Time to carry on, with Love and Respect.

Thank you for sharing and being as courageous as you are, it is an inspiration.

To your safe and exciting travels.

Hi Eric,

Thank you for your kind words.

I didn't expect to be walking out of there feeling so good.
Yes it comforting to be guided in such a way and with the help of friends such as yourself.

An interesting note that ever since this has happened I have been bombarded by 44 and 444.
I have had them before but this has been incredible.

I just noticed that you sent this at 7.44 am!

Thank you again Eric.

I don't know if you have Facebook but you can follow my travels next month as Santa in Japan here -

Shane :santa: :santa:
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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Heavensabove »

Sandy wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 7:33 am Dear Shane,
I can't imagine the courage you had to muster to have this talk with your parents. It sounds like spirit was moving through you and with you and I suspect you were not too far off when you said this.
I felt like a teacher in a classroom. Hard but fair.
You know, negativity can become a habit, it may take a little time for your mom but maybe, just maybe, you have helped her to take notice of what she is doing and how it not only demeans those who are the object but also herself as these things have a way of coming back to us and biting us in the "you know where."

You sound as if you brought a truck load of love's ingredients with you and I am so happy that you have initiated the healing process.
I walked out of their house feeling like I was 10 feet tall.

I can't explain how good I felt.

I think to some extent we are all enjoying your "feel good" vibes. :D

Well done, Santa! :santa:
Dear Sandy,
I don't know if it was courage, but to me it had to be done and the need for it to be done overtook any other emotion that may have been lurking. Although as I mentioned at one stage I was petrified.

The funny thing was the more I spoke the more fluent I became and the easier it flowed.
I remember thinking at one stage - Is this me talking?

Sandy next year I'm 60 and for far too long I had been on the end of so much negativity and my mother speaking to me as if I was still 16.
In the time I spent with her I'm sure she woke up to alot of things.

Let's hope that getting rid of so much negativity is one of them.

Once again I thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement!

Lots of hugs

Shane :santa: :rendeer: :santa:
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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Seeker13 »

:santa: Shane!
You are a marvel! Brave isn't a big enough word to describe it! Here I was hoping our words had not pushed you too far and away from the boards.
Heavensabove wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:56 amUnfortunately there was no repent or forgiveness asked for past wrongs. I didn't expect it, so the let down wasn't huge, but still hurt.
Part of that pain of rejection in our early lives, will stay tucked away in a withered part of our hearts. Hopefully after this it won't weigh so heavily, or take up as much space. I'm sad for you mom for not recognizing her own fear and taking it out on you, and not seeing your immense value, such a loss. Whether it was asked for or not, who knows what impact your words had on your parents, or how much healing took place for all of you. I'm so very happy especially for your father and you, for walking though your fear and saying what needed to be said, truly an inspiration. You wife must also be so proud!
Heavensabove wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:56 amAll my life I was surrounded by negativity from my mother.She started to say something negative while I was there and I straight away said that I no longer accept negativity in my life and said that I would leave if any such words were spoken. Sounds harsh, but I knew the person I was dealing with.
High-five on breaking that cycle between you and your mother!!! I've had years of training knowing that if you say, "You this and you that," it only makes people defensive. Saying what you did instead, "I no longer accept negativity in my life and said that I would leave if any such words were spoken." Is so very perfect! How did you learn that?
Heavensabove wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:56 amMy wifes parents are two of the most wonderful people I have ever met and I was meant to have them in my life.If only to show me what "normal" parents are.
Reflecting on the state of the world right now, I'm not exactly sure what 'normal' is, but I too am grateful to your in-laws for bestowing their love to you.

What a weight you've lifted from your shoulders, :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: you deserve to feel ten feet tall!
Heavensabove wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:56 amThis didn't sound like the old me, and it wasn't.I felt like a teacher in a classroom. Hard but fair.
You are a teacher... and the world is your classroom. It's quite incredible learning of God's love for each of us. It does change a person,... or maybe allows us to be the person we always were. Removing the layers of fear and negativity that kept us from being... us.

I too have been experiencing repeated 444 sequence the past two weeks! For me that is Nebadonia's number. Truly our celestial mother has been enveloping her children in a loving embrace.
Sandy wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 7:33 amI think to some extent we are all enjoying your "feel good" vibes.
For sure! This made my day!

Thank you so very much for sharing your latest adventure!

Safe travels to you Santa Shane, and Mrs. Santa too! :bike: (imagine this is a sleigh)

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Heavensabove »

Seeker13 wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:54 pm :santa: Shane!
You are a marvel! Brave isn't a big enough word to describe it! Here I was hoping our words had not pushed you too far and away from the boards.
Heavensabove wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:56 amUnfortunately there was no repent or forgiveness asked for past wrongs. I didn't expect it, so the let down wasn't huge, but still hurt.
Part of that pain of rejection in our early lives, will stay tucked away in a withered part of our hearts. Hopefully after this it won't weigh so heavily, or take up as much space. I'm sad for you mom for not recognizing her own fear and taking it out on you, and not seeing your immense value, such a loss. Whether it was asked for or not, who knows what impact your words had on your parents, or how much healing took place for all of you. I'm so very happy especially for your father and you, for walking though your fear and saying what needed to be said, truly an inspiration. You wife must also be so proud!
Heavensabove wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:56 amAll my life I was surrounded by negativity from my mother.She started to say something negative while I was there and I straight away said that I no longer accept negativity in my life and said that I would leave if any such words were spoken. Sounds harsh, but I knew the person I was dealing with.
High-five on breaking that cycle between you and your mother!!! I've had years of training knowing that if you say, "You this and you that," it only makes people defensive. Saying what you did instead, "I no longer accept negativity in my life and said that I would leave if any such words were spoken." Is so very perfect! How did you learn that?
Heavensabove wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:56 amMy wifes parents are two of the most wonderful people I have ever met and I was meant to have them in my life.If only to show me what "normal" parents are.
Reflecting on the state of the world right now, I'm not exactly sure what 'normal' is, but I too am grateful to your in-laws for bestowing their love to you.

What a weight you've lifted from your shoulders, :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: you deserve to feel ten feet tall!
Heavensabove wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:56 amThis didn't sound like the old me, and it wasn't.I felt like a teacher in a classroom. Hard but fair.
You are a teacher... and the world is your classroom. It's quite incredible learning of God's love for each of us. It does change a person,... or maybe allows us to be the person we always were. Removing the layers of fear and negativity that kept us from being... us.

I too have been experiencing repeated 444 sequence the past two weeks! For me that is Nebadonia's number. Truly our celestial mother has been enveloping her children in a loving embrace.
Sandy wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 7:33 amI think to some extent we are all enjoying your "feel good" vibes.
For sure! This made my day!

Thank you so very much for sharing your latest adventure!

Safe travels to you Santa Shane, and Mrs. Santa too! :bike: (imagine this is a sleigh)

Hi Kim,

You are a marvel! Brave isn't a big enough word to describe it! Here I was hoping our words had not pushed you too far and away from the boards.
Wow I have never been associated with brave, courageous and marvel.
Your words could never push me away. Your encouragement and wisdom are priceless.

Kim this was something I knew I had to do.
Knowing you have to do something like this and then actually doing it are yes I guess two different things.
Something I can't explain came over me before I met with my mother, calm and confidence come to mind along with knowing somehow that it was like the world had my back.

All my life I was surrounded by negativity from my mother.She started to say something negative while I was there and I straight away said that I no longer accept negativity in my life and said that I would leave if any such words were spoken. Sounds harsh, but I knew the person I was dealing with.[/quote]High-five on breaking that cycle between you and your mother!!! I've had years of training knowing that if you say, "You this and you that," it only makes people defensive. Saying what you did instead, "I no longer accept negativity in my life and said that I would leave if any such words were spoken." Is so very perfect. How did you learn that?

Easy answer, I don't know.
I'm sure that it was a part of the package of the confidence and calm I just mentioned.
When I was talking to my mother it was like I had an earpiece in and I was repeating words that were being spoken to me.
The more the words flowed and make perfect sense, the more the confidence built.
Maybe this makes sense seeing that's where all the spirits show up, in my ear!! :D :D

Kim when I read your last post here, I just had tears in my eyes.
Then my wife and I then read it together and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Thank you.

Regarding the 444 / 44.
Yesterday I I took note that up until 7 pm I had seen the above a total of 7 times.
It has already started this morning with 2 x 44's and it's only 8.20 am!

Kim you are the one who is a Marvel!

God Bless you.

Shane :santa: :rendeer: :santa: :rendeer:
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Re: Living Spirits

Post by ejsanch23 »

Hi heavensabove

I am so sorry to hear about your situation. Peace be with you.
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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Heavensabove »

ejsanch23 wrote: Sat Nov 30, 2019 7:01 pm Hi heavensabove

I am so sorry to hear about your situation. Peace be with you.
Hi ejsanch23,

Thank you for your kind wishes.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
With the encouragement and support from members here I have been able to pull through with confidence in myself and also to have such a positive outlook on so many things.

God bless you,
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Joined: Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:29 pm
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Re: Living Spirits

Post by Seeker13 »

Heavensabove wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2019 3:25 amWhat doesn't kill you makes you stronger. With the encouragement and support from members here I have been able to pull through with confidence in myself and also to have such a positive outlook on so many things.
Hope you never loose that positive outlook! :bana: :bana: :sunflower: :bana: :bana:

Merry Christmas :santa:
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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