The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: "This is the great age of racial dispersion, and it culminates in a period of intense nationalism. Color is the basis of tribal and national groupings, and the different races often develop separate languages." (52:2.5)

:idea: Skin color is probably the best clue about the UB's categorization of the nine world races ... and hints that ancient DNA might some day reveal when skin color differentiated humans. The subtlety of this color spectrum association (ROYGBI,V) seems that Urantia's life plasm (DNA?) for humans was coded to profit from the long separation of the newly evolving colored races. And skin color provided early humans with the visible means by which to align as distinct groups, alignment that was probably anticipated by the Life Carriers*.

While skin color in recent millennia is hardly indicative of the original nine races, it served the Life Carriers' purpose of isolating the nine races sufficiently long enough for DNA to select the preferred traits of those races ... which would then "compete/merge" during unending racial amalgamation thereafter. :finger:

* "The planetary life-planning laboratories are situated on the second satellite of this world number two. In these laboratories the Life Carriers and all their associates collaborate with the Melchizedeks in the effort to modify and possibly improve the life designed for implantation on the decimal planets of Nebadon. The life now evolving on Urantia was planned and partially worked out on this very world, for Urantia is a decimal planet, a life-experiment world. On one world in each ten a greater variance in the standard life designs is permitted than on the other (nonexperimental) worlds." (36:2.15)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re:
"The emergence of skin pigmentation dates to about 1.2 million years ago" 8)

:idea: About the time of the appearance of the first two human beings*
... thus beginning the evolution of skin colors: :colors:

"There are six basic types or races of primitive men, and these early peoples successively appear in the order of the spectrum colors [ROYGBI,V], beginning with the red. The length of time consumed in this early life evolution varies greatly on the different worlds, ranging from one hundred and fifty thousand years to over one million years of Urantia time." (52:1.1)

* "From the year A.D. 1934 back to the birth of the first two human beings is just 993,419 years." (62:5.1)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... 000-years/

"'I think the most interesting observation is that some ancestral light skin alleles are shared between the San and archaic hominins such as Neanderthals and Denisovans,' says Carles Lalueza-Fox at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Barcelona, Spain. 'This suggests a shared, common ancestry for this trait before the split of these three hominin lineages.'"

:idea: Another article hinting that humans can be isolated from pre-humans and other bipeds
by the presence of skin pigmentation (colors) as evidenced by genes in their DNA.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

"Color is the basis of tribal and national groupings" (52:2.5)

:) Evolution humor: The first humans were racist ... by design :!:
The PLAN was for this racism to fade with wise amalgamation.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Humans learn to make and control fire ...

Re: ... _evolution

"H. erectus is also the first known species to develop control of fire, by about 1.5 Ma." 8)

:idea: From the UB ...

"993,408 years ago (from A.D. 1934) Urantia was formally recognized as a planet of human habitation in the universe of Nebadon."(62:7.7)

"Andon, the discoverer of fire" (69:6.4) [when Andon and Fonta were 11 years old]

"Before they had been away from home one moon, Andon signified to his mate [Fonta] that he thought he could make fire with the flint. They tried for two months to utilize the flint spark for kindling a fire but only met with failure. Each day this couple would strike the flints and endeavor to ignite the wood. Finally, one evening about the time of the setting of the sun, the secret of the technique was unraveled when it occurred to Fonta to climb a near-by tree to secure an abandoned bird’s nest. The nest was dry and highly inflammable and consequently flared right up into a full blaze the moment the spark fell upon it." (63:2.5) :roll

Thereafter, man makes fire - woman cooks (if man brings home bacon). :roll:

Popular myth: Andon sang "Light My Fire" when Fonta brought the nest:

See also:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:roll: Furthermore ...

Modern DNA research theorizes that skin pigmentation (including color) evolved in response to environment (where humans lived and worked), especially sun. However, if this were true, skin pigmentation should have evolved several million years earlier (at least).

More likely, skin pigmentation evolved as planned with Urantia's "life plasm" and was synchronized to accompany the appearance of true humans (re: Andon and Fonta) ... furthermore, giving evidence that skin pigmentation (as detected in DNA today) is evidence of a human ancestor; the corollary being that lack of skin pigmentation (not evidenced by DNA today) is evidence of a pre-human (or other biped) non-ancestor. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: More about human skin evolution ...

Re: ... -Their-Fur

"Over time, the Homo erectus species (or its Homo ergaster relative) evolved into our modern species, Homo sapiens.
This happened in Africa about 200,000 years ago."

:idea: Note: "Homo sapiens" is the modern, non-UB identification of "human being":
"The age of speciation of H. sapiens out of ancestral H. erectus ... is estimated to have been roughly 350,000 years ago."

"Once hairlessness appeared in humans, it is likely that another evolutionary factor kicked in, known as 'sexual selection'. This is the process in which traits in one gender become preferentially selected by the other (like a peacock's tail), and thus spread throughout the population. Humans may have begun to select mates that had less body hair than the others in the group, perhaps because less body hair meant fewer parasites, or perhaps because hairless bodies were able to display better sexual signals. ;)

:idea: Undoubtedly, more ancient racism ... and predicting (IMO) that a Fashion Race is now evolving where mating is selective on fashion possessions (or potential). Then, there's the obvious New Tech Race where mating is selective on all things new and electronic ...
and the Fat/Slim Race where food quantity is emphasized (or not) ... but I digress. :roll:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: Obviously, DNA research (and conclusions) will remain controversial for a long time ...

Re: ... in-humans/
"The genes that gave early humans their larger brain size, for example, evolved around 500,000 years ago
but we still share lots of genes with other primates and mammals [and plants]." :o

:lol: Today's geneticist humor in the men's locker room:
"My great granddaddy was a sequoia, but yours was a fern." :roll:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... NC2-SNP(s)

(posted 3/29/17) "The two SNPs (rs10756819, rs2153271), located in the BNC2 gene, are likely to be derived from Neanderthals. The BNC2 gene is present in regions of the human genome with increased levels of Neanderthal ancestry, which shows that our skin pigmentation was deeply affected by Neanderthal admixture. BNC2 is associated with skin pigmentation in European and East Asian populations but it's mostly absent in African populations as there was no Neanderthal admixture in Africa."

:idea: Translation (IMO): Human skin pigmentation, as evidenced by DNA today, was provided by humans from non-African locations,
such as "the foothills of the northwestern Indian highlands among the tribes of Badonan", UB 64:3.1).

:o To wit ... Africa (if at all) is a secondary source of human evolution -
"northwestern Indian highlands" is the primary source! ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Human skin pigmentation, as evidenced by DNA today,
was provided by humans from non-African locations
:scratch: This conjecture proffers intriguing perspective:
Many Blacks today have ancestors from Africa ...
but their ancestors were not from Africa. :?

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: More about human evolution ...

"Primitive man — the Andonites — had black eyes and a swarthy complexion, something of a cross between yellow and red. Melanin is a coloring substance which is found in the skins of all human beings. It is the original Andonic skin pigment." (63:4.1)

"These Sangik children, nineteen in number, were not only intelligent above their fellows, but their skins manifested a unique tendency to turn various colors upon exposure to sunlight. Among these nineteen children were five red, two orange, four yellow, two green, four blue, and two indigo. These colors became more pronounced as the children grew older, and when these youths later mated with their fellow tribesmen, all of their offspring tended toward the skin color of the Sangik parent." (64:5.3)

:idea: Subtle emphasis that sunlight exposure caused the variation in skin coloring ... but discovery of ancient human skin is very rare - just the DNA in bones ... and suggesting that ancient DNA would not necessarily reveal the original Sangik colors (ROYGBI).

:study: Homo Erectus were the first humans - not Homo Sapiens ...

Re: ... ectus.html

"Homo erectus was much smarter than previous hominins, being the first species to use fire and may have been the first
to live in hunter-gather groups. They made stone tools in a style called the Acheulian, characterised by distinctive hand axes."
See also: ... ool-171238

:idea: Apparently, Andon and Fonta (first humans, discovered fire) are classified as "Homo Erectus" ... and suggesting that DNA research of human evolution should begin with this migration. ;)

"These early Andonites evinced a very marked clannish spirit; they hunted in groups and never strayed very far from the homesite." (63:3.3)

"As Andon had invented the stone ax, so his descendants early discovered and made effective use of the throwing stick and the harpoon. At last a tool-creating mind was functioning in conjunction with an implement-using hand, and these early humans became highly skillful in the fashioning of flint tools." (63:5.6)

:o Interestingly, modern DNA research is beginning to doubt Africa as the origin of Homo Erectus:


"H. erectus most likely originated in Africa, though Eurasia cannot be ruled out. Regardless of where it first evolved, the species seems to have dispersed quickly, starting about 1.9 million years ago (mya) near the middle of the Pleistocene Epoch, moving through the African tropics, Europe, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. ... H. erectus was a human of medium stature that walked upright. The braincase was low, the forehead was receded, and the nose, jaws, and palate were wide. The brain was smaller and the teeth larger than in modern humans. H. erectus appears to have been the first human species to control fire, some 1,000,000 years ago. "


"However, since Homo erectus pops up more or less around the same time in East Africa and Eurasia, there is a chance that their origins lay in Eurasia instead - this could help explain the presence of Homo floresiensis in Indonesia, which has erectus-like traits. Either way, they spread very rapidly across the globe."

:study: Dispersion of the Sangik races into Europe, Africa, Asia ...

"Between the times of the Planetary Prince and Adam, India became the home of the most cosmopolitan population ever to be found on the face of the earth. But it was unfortunate that this mixture came to contain so much of the green, orange, and indigo races. These secondary Sangik peoples found existence more easy and agreeable in the southlands, and many of them subsequently migrated to Africa. The primary Sangik peoples, the superior races, avoided the tropics, the red man going northeast to Asia, closely followed by the yellow man, while the blue race moved northwest into Europe." (64:7.3)

"The red men early began to migrate to the northeast, on the heels of the retreating ice, passing around the highlands of India and occupying all of northeastern Asia. They were closely followed by the yellow tribes, who subsequently drove them out of Asia into North America." (64:7.4)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 1-62_1.pdf

Saskia's pictorial summary of human evolution. 8)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: Speaking of stone tools ...

Re: ... we-thought

"The new discovery is telling us that our focus on East Africa as the birthplace of early humans is too narrow –
we should be doing what Sahnouni and others have done all along and looking elsewhere."

:!: However ...

With so much overlap in world archaeology about "firsts", the UB's focus on "first human minds" seems the salient point ...
and would not necessarily suggest (IMO) that all of Andon's earlier descendants possessed that level of mind.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... -1.5281217

"The generally accepted age of the universe is 13.7 billion years, based on a Hubble Constant of 70.
"Jee's team came up with a Hubble Constant of 82.4, which would put the age of the universe at around 11.4 billion years."

:idea: However, the UB suggests that the currently known universe evolved from the breakup of the Andronover nebula:

"875,000,000,000 years ago [875 billion] the enormous Andronover nebula number 876,926 was duly initiated." (57:1.6)

"8,000,000,000 years ago [8 billion] the terrific terminal eruption began. Only the outer systems are safe
at the time of such a cosmic upheaval. And this was the beginning of the end of the nebula." (57:4.6)

See also: Paper 57 - The Origin of Urantia

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: New archaeology supports the revealed story ...

Re: ... f-the-5000

"Traditionally, people believe the miracle took place near the Church of Multiplication in Tabhga on the northwest side of the Sea of Galilee. However, this new finding could point to it taking place near Hippos."

:study: From the UB ...

"Some of the evangelists were left to talk to the multitude while Jesus and the twelve planned to escape, unnoticed, to the opposite shore of the lake, where they proposed to obtain much needed rest in a beautiful park south of Bethsaida-Julias. This region was a favorite resorting place for Capernaum folks; they were all familiar with these parks on the eastern shore." (152:2.1)

See also: , ... ntury.html
(shows Capernaum to the west - Bethsaida-Julias to the east (with Hippos south) 8)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:cheers: Fishes, loaves, and baskets ...

Re: ... f-the-5000

"In addition, the mosaic at the Church of Multiplication has a depiction of two fish and a basket with only four loaves,
while in all places in the New Testament which tell of the miracle, there are five loaves of bread, as found in the mosaic in Hippos."

:study: From the UB ...

"While Philip was conversing with Matthew and Judas, Andrew sought out the Mark lad to ascertain how much was left of their store
of provisions. He returned to Jesus, saying: 'The lad has left only five barley loaves and two dried fishes'" (152:2.7)

See also: Paper 152 - Events Leading up to the Capernaum Crisis
Section 2. Feeding the Five Thousand -

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ntia-book/

"typical channeling involves 'mind-to-mind' communications or 'inner dictation,' but the preponderance of the public record reveals that the Urantia materials were not at any point transmitted through the mind of the contact person. Rather, it was 'materialized' by largely unknown means with the help of minimal human involvement.

Why such a methodology of transmission? Usually, channeled works are the result of what can be called auto-revelation or personal revelation, which can be valid as far as it goes. But a purported epochal revelation like The Urantia Book should have no connection with the limited viewpoint of a human personality" 8)

:idea: In other words, the mind of the "sleeping subject" did not participate in any verbal transmission of the Papers ...
and he was never observed writing any of the material (as a patient of Dr. Sadler, he was often monitored as he slept).
Thus, by popular definition, the Urantia Papers were not "channeled". ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: A very brief story of "life" ...

Re: ... cceed.html

"Every day, it has been estimated, between one and five of your cells turns cancerous and your immune system captures and kills them. Think of that. A couple of dozen times a week, well over 1,000 times a year, you get the most dreaded disease of our age, and each time your body saves you. Our bodies are a universe of 37.2 trillion cells operating in more or less perfect concert more or less all the time." 8)

:idea: New perspective about "race" (we were one before we differentiated) ...

"As we have seen, our genes come from ancestors who most of the time weren’t even human. Some of them were fish. Lots more were tiny and furry and lived in burrows. You are the product of three billion years of evolutionary tweaks." :o

:idea: A room full of busy things - not life ...

"The basic unit of life is the cell – everyone is agreed on that. The cell is full of busy things – ribosomes and proteins, DNA, RNA, mitochondria and much other microscopic arcana – but none of those are themselves alive. The cell itself is just a compartment – a kind of little room to contain them, and of itself is as non-living as any other room. Yet somehow when all of these things are brought together, you have life. That is the part that eludes science." :?

:idea: The UB explains the mystery (why the cell becomes a living thing) ...

"The biologic unit of material life is the protoplasmic cell, the communal association of chemical, electrical, and other basic energies. The chemical formulas differ in each system, and the technique of living cell reproduction is slightly different in each local universe, but the Life Carriers are always the living catalyzers who initiate the primordial reactions of material life; they are the instigators of the energy circuits of living matter." (49:1.2) ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... professor/

"Instead of trying to persuade Catholic worshippers that priests are somehow divinely consecrated, she said,
perhaps the existence of robot priests would offer a new perspective on being a good person to deserve eternal life."

:idea: That's the ticket! An AI priest who speaks Urantia! :roll:

... but I jest (I think ; - )

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re:

This simple geometric symbol was created over a decade ago to be the Revelation's Christian ichthys, symbolizing dedication - in all possible ways - to promoting this Revelation. In no time at all, widespread usage of the symbol will convince that the fields and gardens, highways and byways of dissemination have no shortage of fellow travelers. 8)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: Who would know if this is still posted on 1111angels?
Were there any updates to this discussion of Second Revelatory Commission?

Illawarra District, Australia, January 8, 2011.
One Without Name or Number. Subject: “Further Revelation.”
Received by George Barnard.
One Without Name or Number:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Regarding any premature sequel to the UB ...

:idea: Great opportunity for more (or the first) Urantia euphemism: "Urantia Linoleum"
"New & Improved" man-made flooring, placed over the polished oak floors of the 1955 Revelation
(but still acceptable for pot lucks and socialization in a variety of forms). 8)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

The End of the Dinosaurs (Two Tails) ...

Re: ... bombs.html

"A dinosaur's-eye view of the cataclysm that hit Mexico with the force of a BILLION Hiroshima bombs,
ending their (180,000,000) year reign on earth"

From the UB ...

"120,000,000 years ago a new phase of the reptilian age began.
The great event of this period was the evolution and decline of the dinosaurs." (60:2.1)

"These massive creatures became less active and strong as they grew larger and larger; but they required such an enormous amount of food and the land was so overrun by them that they literally starved to death ... they lacked the intelligence to cope with the situation." (60:2.3)

"(100,000,000) years ago the reptilian age was drawing to a close. The dinosaurs ... were all but brainless animals, lacking the intelligence to provide sufficient food to nourish such enormous bodies. And so did these sluggish land reptiles perish in ever-increasing numbers." (60:2.14)

Albeit, the asteroid theory is more exciting than "they ate themselves to death". :roll:

See also: Paper 60 - Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era
2. The Later Reptilian Age -

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

The End of the Dinosaurs (Two Tails) ...

Re: ... rs-formed/

"Craters come in two flavors: those that aren’t caused by asteroids or comets, impact craters, are formed by powerful volcanic explosions."

Perhaps, the Mexican crater is volcanic - not an asteroid - since ...
"Great volcanic actions occurred south of the Alps and along the line of the present California coast-range mountains.
The greatest crustal deformations in millions upon millions of years took place in Mexico." (60:3.6)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: About the Chicxulub Crater ...


"This layer could have resulted from the intense heat and pressure of an Earth impact, but at the time of the borings it was dismissed as a lava dome — a feature uncharacteristic of the region's geology." ... but the UB disagrees (the feature is indeed characteristic): :o

"Great volcanic actions occurred south of the Alps and along the line of the present California coast-range mountains. The greatest crustal deformations in millions upon millions of years took place in Mexico." (60:3.6)

Rod :)
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