Ghost/Demon Encounters

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Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Lightcosmos25 »

Has anyone ever had encounters with evil spirits such as ghosts and demons?

I think this is an interesting topic even though it's not something most would want to experience.

My story is nothing serious but still it makes me wonder just what is going when it comes to these kinds of encounters.

When I was about 16 years old I heard someone whisper my name directly into my ear as I was getting ready to fall asleep. I instantly thought it was my dad who was nearby only to find out that he was actually downstairs. What really freaked me out though was soon after some dolls I had around my room seemed to randomly tip over. Of course, I didn't notice until the next morning but whatever it was that whispered my name was definitely not a good spirit and appeared to be trying to strike fear into me. You can just feel how evil these things are. Luckily, I didn't have any more strange things like that happen again and I believe it's because I refused to show fear and not give into this spirit that was perhaps trying to ground itself in my home.

Anyways, what stories do you have regarding your encounters with evil spirits?
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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Lightcosmos25,
You said,
Lightcosmos25 wrote: Wed May 01, 2019 6:27 pmI think this is an interesting topic even though it's not something most would want to experience.
Our culture has heaped so much fear on spiritual encounters that many are afraid of all spirit contact. As with anything if we can step out from behind our fear it might be nothing like we'd imagined.

Lightcosmos25 wrote: Wed May 01, 2019 6:27 pmLuckily, I didn't have any more strange things like that happen again and I believe it's because I refused to show fear
This is a good way to be when encountering any spiritual phenomenon, and if a person does feel fear they should immediately call on their guides and guardians for protection. I wonder what it was that made you believe whom ever you encountered was not a good spirit? Was it that you felt the heaviness of negativity surround you when your name was spoken? Or was there something about the way the dolls were arranged that appeared to have been done by a negative entity?

I'm inclined to believe that those souls who for some reason get stuck here because of hatred, fear, confusion, inability to let go of the material life they led here, didn't have a belief in the concept of 'heaven',... aren't necessarily negative or evil. In all the encounters with 'ghosts' my family and myself have had over the years only a very few were nasty, none I would consider truly malevolent. It's important to let them know about God's love and his willingness to help them if they ask. That's one of the elements I feel is missing from the ghost hunting groups. It's all fine and dandy to locate lost souls, but don't abandon them after all that without offering the help to move on.

With the adjudication of those involved in the Lucifer Rebellion, it is my understanding those truly evil, no longer exist. And scores of lower spirits were cleansed from the Urantia Borderlands due to the amazing efforts of some truly dedicated individuals.

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Lightcosmos25 »

Thank you. You are right, I know I shouldn't assume that these spirits are evil but the best way I can describe it is just as you said, the feeling of a "dark" presence. I do pray that these entities find peace and can move on to the next journey in their life. I am just confused because if they are trying to get my attention and they mean no harm then just what is it they are trying to communicate?
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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Lightcosmos25,
Please don't assume I'm an authority on ghosts. I'm just like everyone else trying to figure these things out. I can share with you my beliefs and experiences the way they happened to me and my crazy family.

As you become more and more experienced at communicating with your guides, you can ask them to help understanding the entities intention, also for protection from them if you feel you need it. I've been told that ghosts cannot have any power over you if you do not allow it, so staying strong and in control is important.

My daughter has had many more encounters with lost souls than I so I'll use her as an example. Several years ago, after dark I had to make a quick stop at work. My daughter, a young teen, stayed in the car as I went in the building. I had a creepy uneasy feeling, but shook it off, going about my business. Suddenly she came racing up the sidewalk like a warrior, a negative male entity was following behind me, acting like he was going to do me harm. She yelled at him to stop and go away in no uncertain terms and he did. As in many instances she was able to see the spirit, and I would have a sudden knowing as to who it was. I think when people die they have the same personality as they did when alive, this is where the negative spirits fit in, angry in life, angry in death.

Also maybe one of the reasons you had a visit from this spirit is because you were able to be communicated with. Some spirits are just trying to find someone who can see or hear them. Many are as surprised as you that they were seen, heard, or felt. I once had a meditation about the area where I live. It was dark, but in that pitch darkness, random shafts of bright lights shot up into the sky. I was made aware these were the locations of light workers, people with abilities and loving personalities. Spirits are drawn to these lights. One time my daughter drove by an abandoned state hospital, she made the driver stop immediately because she saw a young woman looking out the window at her and she knew the woman needed help. After speaking to her she found out the girl had been there for many, many years because she didn't know it could be any different. Aleah explained about asking God for help. The girl seemed scared, but listened. My daughter returned home, came through the door explaining, "Mom! I saw a poor girl in the window of the state hospital..."

I finished her sentence, "She was attracted to your light and followed you home." I couldn't 'see' her like Aleah, but I understood her feelings. We spoke very gently to her for a few minutes, when it dawned on her she could move on to a different, better place. The air in the room felt lighter and more hopeful, peaceful, and just like that she was gone.

There are also guides and guardians who may try to communicate with us, but because we've been conditioned to be afraid of disembodied voices, we believe them to be ghosts. One of the reasons it's so important to work though our fears. There is so much more waiting for us on the other side of fear.

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Sandy »

Hi guys,

I have only had one puny spirit experience with something untoward. I was almost asleep, turned over and then there in my spirit vision I saw a hideous disembodied hollow like entity. (obviously very hard to describe :roll: LOL) It surprised me but disappeared when I told it in a firm voice that it did NOT belong here and to begone. I was protected.

I have heard voices whisper in my ear and sometimes loudly but these voiced belong to Midwayers who are our friends and do not ever wish to harm us but can accidentally and unintentionally spook us a bit... (human nature I think to feel uncomfortable when something out of the range of our physical comfort zone occurs.

Kim, Gypsy Deb was much like your Aleah. She saw spirits or "packets" of intensive left over human energy quite easily. That long ago day when she and Lilly visited us here, she brought along a young girl who followed her home and was tagging along with her where ever she went for awhile.

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Seeker13 »

Aww, Gypsy Deb. Sending her an air hug... and a few :bana: :bana: :bana: .

Like you, I've had guides, guardians, or midwayers call out, my name, words of encouragement, and save my life. All in a regular voice tone, well, except the save my life one, that was a very firm yell.

Boy, this thread prompted a lot of memories. Before Aleah was born we lived in an old farm house. We knew one of the spirit of a previous owner stayed there, but he wasn't malicious, although I do remember our dog would not go down to the basement. Lol, neither did I for that matter. Only felt startled a few times. One was on a very hot summer night he touched my leg, woke me from a dead sleep. Think he just reached out to see if I was real or not. Another time I woke up and thought I saw the dark full figure of my husband standing in over his desk in front of a window, moonlight outlined his body. I asked, "What's the matter honey can't you sleep?" He turned to look at me then suddenly disappeared. At that moment Dave let out a snore, I reached out and he was asleep beside me. It was interesting, Dave had been worrying about money, I thought maybe the spirit was trying to help him out with the books, trying to put his mind at ease. Later Dave found three one-hundred dollar bills between the pages of his notebook. He didn't remember putting it there. It's not beyond the realm of possibility he placed it there then forgot, but three hundred dollars is quite a large sum to forget about. Oh, just remembered another one from that house. My sister came to live with us. One night she fell asleep watching television. She woke up seeing me turn off the set and a few other lights and thanked me. the next morning she talked to me about it, only I had never come downstairs. Some other things happened there, but I can't remember the specifics.

Lol! this conversation prompted me texting my sister, bringing up encounter after encounter we hadn't thought about in years. After Aleah was born it was one after another. But will save those stories for a later date.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Lightcosmos25 »

Wow @seeker13 that sounds like a scary experience for you daughter!

@Sandy While that was just one experience it also sounds pretty scary! I don't think I could have been as brave as you telling it to go away.
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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Seeker13 »

As with any fear, repeated exposure to the thing you're afraid of, lessens the effect it has on you. These types of experiences have been happening her whole life. By the time she saw the guy in the instance I relayed... she was so to speak, 'a seasoned veteran'. Even though she's suffered from anxiety most of her life, she's always been a huge protector of the underdog. In situations like those instinct kicks in, all fear is tossed aside when focusing on how to help someone. I also believe she has more than a few powerful spiritual protectors of her own.

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Sandy »

Wow Kim... :shock: It does seem the entity living in the old farm house was benevolent. Hiding money and turning off lights. If you had to have a spirit in the house, that's the one for me! ;) :)

Do you remember some of the stories Petra spoke about when she and the family were living in an old farmhouse in southern France. There was a not so nice spirit living there and a rather lovely one as well. Pet's daughter Mathilda was quite the little "sensitive spirit sensor" in those days and she would see the woman. Can't remember now if Pet ever saw the scary entity. Seems like it was mostly very nasty energy and was centered, if I am remembering right, in her kitchen. I'd look it up on "The secret Thread" but haven't a clue where in its' many pages this bit would be found. :scratch:

Good Morning, Lightcosmos
@Sandy While that was just one experience it also sounds pretty scary! I don't think I could have been as brave as you telling it to go away.
Not really brave ...I was very sleepy lol and was too tired to stress over it. Midwayers were always close by back then so we had very little trouble with such things as they were forced to keep their distance. .. and it did leave ... so whew. :lol:
Hope you are having a great week end...
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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Seeker13 »

If you tried finding something on The Secret Thread, that would require A LOT OF READING!!! :roll Funny thing I've been having the urge to watch The Secret DVD again.

I do remember Petra's experiences in France. Believe the dark spirit worked diligently at keeping her in a very dark place emotionally. That is the time when I shared with her about the scent of apple blossoms filling the room where I was when it was way too early for it in my area. She read that PM while she was sitting under an apple tree in full bloom. Several of us on the boards urged her to get out of that house! She said that the dark spirits in Europe seemed so strong and pervasive. I wondered at the time if that was the case because the U.S. was much a younger country and we didn't have such a high concentration of people living and dying here compared to the thousands of years there.

Think all of her kids were spiritually connected in different ways. Really interesting when Aleah, Thalia, and Mathilda all felt they knew each other. Remember them saying an older girl visited them in their dreams and they just hung out. Also, I had dreams where Petra and I were talking together at the edge of some white cliffs overlooking the ocean.

By the way, I believe you're a lot braver than you let on.

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Sandy »

Hi KIm,
Now that you bring up some of the details of Petra's time in France, some of it comes back to me. I think you may be spot on in your speculation as to why there is such a "presence" in Europe or as we called it in our history Primers as a kid, "The old world." There has certainly been an unbelievable amount of "waring" and death in this area of the earth. :shock:

I love that your all's "littlies" :) felt a strong connection. :sunflower:

As for me being brave... the juries still out on that one... although I do love spiders and snakes... :lol:

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Lightcosmos25 »

Sandy wrote: Sun May 05, 2019 1:36 pm Wow Kim... :shock: It does seem the entity living in the old farm house was benevolent. Hiding money and turning off lights. If you had to have a spirit in the house, that's the one for me! ;) :)

Do you remember some of the stories Petra spoke about when she and the family were living in an old farmhouse in southern France. There was a not so nice spirit living there and a rather lovely one as well. Pet's daughter Mathilda was quite the little "sensitive spirit sensor" in those days and she would see the woman. Can't remember now if Pet ever saw the scary entity. Seems like it was mostly very nasty energy and was centered, if I am remembering right, in her kitchen. I'd look it up on "The secret Thread" but haven't a clue where in its' many pages this bit would be found. :scratch:

Good Morning, Lightcosmos
@Sandy While that was just one experience it also sounds pretty scary! I don't think I could have been as brave as you telling it to go away.
Not really brave ...I was very sleepy lol and was too tired to stress over it. Midwayers were always close by back then so we had very little trouble with such things as they were forced to keep their distance. .. and it did leave ... so whew. :lol:
Hope you are having a great week end...
Lol, not even ghosts can phase us when we are sleepy! :lol:
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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Sandy »

Lol, not even ghosts can phase us when we are sleepy! :lol:
:lol: Isn't that the truth, Lightcosmos. We miss out on some stuff too, for instance last night we are experiencing meteor showers beginning around 3:00 am and I planned on getting up, donning my clothes and trucking out th back yard to the lake...but did it happen? No :roll: when I woke up being all snug and warm I opted to tun over and go back to sleep. Hey, but tonight is another chance. I'm determined.... I just hope its not foggy. (Never got over the original movie, "The Fog." :oops: :roll: :lol: ) I know it is childish but ... I can't stand outside in dark in the fog ever since.... ghost lepers and all.... :roll:
So much for being brave! :lol:
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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm so sorry for laughing at the expense of your fears :oops: ... sort of :lol:. If you were afraid of mice! I would be totally sympathetic.

And you know fears instilled in childhood are the most entrenched. Also found out entrenched can be spelled with an I or an e!

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Sandy »

Hy Kim,
And you know fears instilled in childhood are the most entrenched. Also found out entrenched can be spelled with an I or an e!
:lol: Okay a good thing to know. So just to give the ï" version a little press... ;)

I now know why mice are not an "entrinched " problem for me...I was always saving the little furry troublemakers from my cat and begging my parents to let me keep them for a pet. :roll: But they can cause disease so your fear is totally healthy. :roll: :)

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

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And yet neither of us is afraid of spiders or snakes!

I know exactly where my mouse phobia came from. My older brothers were often left to babysit. We lived in a fear based home and they were much too young to be left with the care of younger siblings. I don't remember why I was being punished, but they made me sit on a little stool over a rat hole in the dirt floor of the laundry room, I was five. Don't know how long I was there, hours I think, plenty of time for me to develop a severe fear of mice.

Repeated exposure to the object of fear does help... a little. While managing the motel our cat would leave remnants of his nightly stalking at each doorway. He always seemed to time it after Dave went to work, so it was my task to clean up the mangled, headless bodies( sometimes four a day!), before guest came in for breakfast. Shivering and shaking I'd sweep them into a long handled dust pan, or shovel, then toss the carcasses into the woods.

:pale: several memories of times I had a mouse encounter just ran through my head... I will never tease you about fog again! Lol! it's kind of funny that I get more scared about seeing a mouse than a ghostly one!... Nope, don't even want to think about a headless mouse ghost. :shock:

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Sandy »

Nope, don't even want to think about a headless mouse ghost. :shock:

Okay I'm chuckling but I really am so sorry you had to sit over a rat's home. That is no laughing matter. And I can't talk either because I was once scared of roaches...I mean they can't even bite! (Can they? Yikes I hope not as we have some ginormous ones down here. :shock: )

But yeah! Spiders and snakes :bana: :bana: We are so brave! ;) :D :love

:bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: (still dancing)

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

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I'm not afraid of roaches, but also not inclined to make friends with one... let's face it, they're creepy.

So glad you're (still dancing). We've kind of gotten off the subject of ghosts and demons haven't we. The dancing banana man is very distracting.

Was there any other encounters you wanted to share?

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Lightcosmos25 »

@Seeker13 Thankfully I don't have anymore ghost and demon encounters. I did enjoy reading everyone's experiences though.
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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Seeker13 »

Maybe next we could all share about angel encounters on another thread! You know to balance out the other.

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Re: Ghost/Demon Encounters

Post by Lightcosmos25 »

Seeker13 wrote: Sat May 11, 2019 3:30 pm Lightcosmos25,
Maybe next we could all share about angel encounters on another thread! You know to balance out the other.

Yes, that sounds lovely as I have a couple experiences to share!
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