Prayer for George

Post any prayer or healing requests here.
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Sandy »

Hey Kim and everybody else too of course... :)

I wanted to answer you here as you asked how the VS (vascular surgeon) appointment went yesterday on the other thread. :)

It was smooth sailing. George and I were so worried about missing the train that we left way too early but because of that, we wound up being right on time to catch the Wollongong train coming before before our intended ride. We got there in plenty of time to enjoy a coffee and then despite being terribly early, walked right into the surgeon appointment because this very busy man wasn't busy. LOL We had a lovely visit with him...strange but that is what it felt like. I tell you it was the most welcoming and "homey" Doctor's office I had every been in. And because he wasn't up to his neck in waiting patients we talked about things unrelated to health such as pottery (His wife is a fan of the stuff and it was allover the office)
Anyway George is good to go for another year. :bana:

Love to all of you and thanks for the prayers on our behalf. :kiss:
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Seeker13 »

All good news! :loves
Thought for sure I posted the inquiry on this thread! :scratch: Thanks for the update!

Have a :sunny: day!
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