
Post any poetry here. It's just too hard to define "inspired" in this context, so we will settle for that which inspires.
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Post by Seeker13 »


As February settles in around mind, body and bones,
restlessness and feelings of, “Enough already!”
Is perhaps a reflection of many throughout the world.

The climate outside my window is frigid, repetitious,... lifeless.
Thoughts stray to months ahead, the final thawing, burst of renewal,
warmth seeping back into hearts and spirits of those waiting.

But what of the present, the here and now?
While wading in the River Of Love, I'm reminded
of the warmth residing within, regardless of what lies with out.

February, as with all things,... has it's purpose.
It is the holder of memories, a reminder of where we've been,
what is to be left behind, to thaw, awaken!
… Again and again.

As February settles in around mind, body and bones,
mindful resolution, contemplation, meditation,
draw forth anticipation, hopefulness, feelings of, “I'm ready.”

After all...it is the cycle of things.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: February

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Kim.

I'm reminded to foster Hope and Patience.

Gratitude and Gentleness.

Kind regards :sunflower:
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: February

Post by Sandy »

Oh that's lovely, Kim! Even though February is the last month of summer here. I think, for me, much of your poem's call to inner contemplation and hope hits its' mark.

Thank you! :sunflower:
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Re: February

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Sandy and Eric,
I think February could be substituted for what ever that thing is we choose to vilify, instead of looking a little deeper to see the value and the wisdom of the obstacle in front of us... However my bones will be happier as we move away from the snowdrifts, allowing the snowdrops( :sunflower: ) to flourish! Oh, no! Another song started bouncing around inside my cranium! There is a season turn, turn, turn...

Inner contemplation, hope, patience, gratitude, gentleness, "Ah, all such wonderful words and feelings to ponder."

Have a joyous night all!
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: February

Post by Sandy »

Love that Song, Kim! ... Takes me right back to another time....


And here's another one that flashed through my mind earlier... You might close your eyes and imagine those fragrant summer breezes of past years. A sure fire cure for February's dreariness. :D


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Re: February

Post by Seeker13 »

Wow! That song sure was compatible with the Forrest Gump movie, captured all the meaningful parts. Can't really say I ever knew all the words before.

I adored Seals and Crofts! Think I fell in love for the first time to that song.

Thanks for the links, February melted completely away playing them. Hey! Just in time for March! No lions roaring today, it's clear blue skies and sunshine, albeit it's only 10 degrees, but ohh, the sunshine! :sunny: Looking forward to those summer breezes.

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Re: February

Post by Sandy »

There's a nice early fall breeze blowing and I'm on my way out to mow the grass. Who knows...maybe I'll be able to send you a little of the smell of cut grass. ;) Nothing says summer like cut grass...well...back home anyway as, dang, we must cut it year round down here. :lol:

Enjoy your week end...Hope its sunny and bright. :sunny:
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Re: February

Post by Seeker13 »

Your lawnmower must not have met with the right breeze. Went outside to check and sniffed up a few snowflakes! March did not come in like a lion. Think we just received more of February's cold and snow. Ahh, well it's to be expected, life moves on as it should. I'm definitely a four season girl though. When I lived in Austin for a yea,r could not for the life of me wrap my brain around mowing is February... Lol! Guess I'm right where I belong!

We did have a good weekend, hope it was the same for you! Started planning our vacation in June, and had a family dinner on Sunday. Tiny and I had a few hours of snuggly play time before everyone arrived. I was, "Daughter Dear," of course she was a very proper queen and we both wore crowns and had magic wands. Nova is growing like a weed and taking a few steps! All is well. :lol:

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: February

Post by Sandy »

Hey "Daughter Dear" :mrgreen: :sunflower:
Your lawnmower must not have met with the right breeze. Went outside to check and sniffed up a few snowflakes! March did not come in like a lion
:lol: That's probably my fault. I got all ready, put on my worst duds and sneakers , walked outside and decided the grass wasn't really growing ...just a few weeds here and there. And then since I have been seeing eastern Rosellas( lovely breed of parrot) eating the seeds these weeds produce, I decided mowing can wait till another day. So there was nothing to smell from our end...hmm that sounded a bit bad... Let's try again. There was nothing for you to smell in the way of "summer wonder" (fancy name for sweat :roll: as ole lazy bones here came up with something much more entertaining to do :mrgreen: )

Snow flakes and all it does sound like you and the family enjoyed your week end time together. I bet Tiny would get on well with my sister's grand daughter, Jordan. My sister, Jordan, and J's brother were all playing together with Jordan being Princess Leia. (from Star Wars) Jordan's portrayal as Princess Leia was a rather feminine prissy little thing...and my sister( a strong woman role model) reminded her that Princess Leia was strong and brave and courageous etc... Well as brother and her Nana giggled at her renewed Character analysis of this beloved movie princess, The tiny look a like Princess Leia stood tall, Held up her hand and in a bold voice said, "There will be no laughing in my Galaxy!" :lol: :roll Kids are soooooooo much fun!

Enjoy the snow and that little Queen of yours! :bana:
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Re: February

Post by Seeker13 »

I fully understand not mowing so the eastern rosellas could feast. "Summer wonder" is a very fancy name for sweat! I'll try to remember that when I'm "summer wondering"! Ah,... sweet summer....Would love to see colorful parrots, probably would never mow the grass having that opportunity! I've seen three eagles these past couple of weeks, always soaring though. By the way our grass isn't growing either. :lol: Wonder when we'll see it again? :?

Boy, I bet the girls could come up with all kinds of mischief to get into! I love it!
Sandy wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:53 am "There will be no laughing in my Galaxy!"
Pretending and role playing is so important! Tiny is either a Queen, running the kingdom while balancing a job, new baby and princess. Or she's Hermione from Harry Potter(think they're on the fourth book), a dreaded dragon crashing through town, suddenly changing into a fairy. She too is Tiny, but bold.

We did have fun last weekend. Instead of a game of ping-pong after dinner, Clementine some how coaxed her mom into playing in the bathtub(empty of course). Was glad it was Rachel's turn, I was exhausted! Then we all congregated in my bedroom watching Dan show how he tosses the girls on the bed as their wrestling routine. It was fun until Tiny(karate student) karate kicked my arm! I said, "Hey! Wait a minute! How did I get involved in this!" She laughed, apologized, and continued to get tossed through the air.

Nine-month-old Nova Jane was right in the mix of it all, laughing and giggling. Rachel was a nervous wreck, Dan explained, "What? We do this every night!" His girls will grow up knowing how to use their bodies in big ways. Makes me so happy they are such fun, involved parents. There are so many kids I know who don't get any of that kind of interaction in their families. Kids are so much fun! Seems like your sister gets it, getting down on the floor and playing with them benefits everyone, and builds memories!

Did not build any memories this week 'cause I've been down with a bug since then. But! There's always next weekend!
Say, "Hi," to the eastern rosellas for me.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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