Re: NDQgr design
"Close, but no cigar!"
While the two "golden" ratios define their propagating rectangles,
Quadrature's rectangle does not devolve into the properties
of the near-sacred (geometrically speaking) Golden Ratio:
a / b = 1.6180339887498948482045868343656.. Golden Ratio
a / b = 1.9130583802711007947403078280204.. Quadrature
However, Quadrature's a/b complements the "near-sacred"

c/a (hypotenuse-to-long side) squared-circle-defining ratio
of that Pythagorean right triangle inscibed in a circle.

More importantly, Quadrature's a/b/c triangle incorporates
the revelatory "Pi Fork" with its complementing line lengths
and these two line length ratios:
1.7724538509055160272981674833411.. sqrt(Pi)
1.1283791670955125738961589031215.. c/a = 2/sqrt(Pi)
Such is the sight from the E-R Bridge.