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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

HA! HA! I'm laughing at you guys! Temps in the 70's!!! Boy are you missing out! It's 5 degrees here and has been snowing for a week solid, accumulated about 25 inches of fresh white fluff. Because of the lake effect snow, areas around us have gotten a lot more. We must love it, that's why we stay, never a dull moment. Although, I've entertained thoughts of doing it more Lynn's way in a couple of years. A few years ago we received over 260 inches for the winter.

Sandy, The Muppet Christmas Carol has been a family favorite for years. A yearly must see for us, although my daughter-in-law cannot understand our enthusiasm. This Christmas Eve Clementine asked her mom and I to put our pajamas on and watch a movie. We all snuggled down to The Polar Express. I spent most of the movie watching her expressions of awe, as she doesn't watch very much TV, it was most precious. And since we were having a nontraditional meal all I had to make was a spinach bread bowl, cheese ball and plate a few other snacks!... my family still doesn't like to do dishes though.

Time to get the New Year's food going. Dan requested appetizers as he has difficulty pacing himself with those and then full for the main meal. So this year it's grape jelly wieners, BBQ meatballs, Nachos, fruit and vegies. Before any eating is done though Dan and Dave have to assemble the kitchen center we gave Clementine for her birthday yesterday... I'd forgotten how heavy it was!

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Here's to leaving 2017 far behind.

Love to all, :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »


I just checked and it won't be long before the new year arrives in your neck of the woods. :bana:

We seem to be having another mildish day again today. I'm not complaining, well yes I am about the heat....But, 70's are great! It's those dang 90ies days loaded with humidity that zap me...
Last evening we watched a couple hour documentary on satellites and how they help us understand our earth better. I was floored! For instance, did you know that according to the information gleaned from satellites they now know that it isn't so much the giant forests that provide most of the oxygen on the earth but the enormous plankton blooms that occur every year in the world oceans. Watching this special helped me to better understand how interconnected all things, processes etc... are on the planet. If you ever get the chance to view it, it is called, "Earth From Space." 8)

Kim I must get the recipe for your grape jelly wieners and those BBQ meatballs. It sounds unusually good! LOL I wonder how grape and peanut butter wieners would turn out... You know, something like "Goober grape" sausages or something. We had a couple of simple items to make it a no fuss but plenty of yum for our simple evening celebration. I made a small cold shrimp plate with some shrimp cocktail sauce, a chicken cheese ball and crackers, easy cheesy lemon bars, (sort of lemon cream cheese brownies) and some chips sort of like Sun chips. It was fun listening to a more classic rock kind of music countdown rather then the latest pop artists with their dime a dozen songs that is usually the fair. George and I really got down to some of the music of Australian Artists like, Jimmy Barnes etc. This one I remember he sang shortly before midnight, "Working Class Man"

Okay I better get busy... Thinking of all of you as we welcome in the New Year.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :hithere :sunflower: :bana: :sunflower: :bana: :sunflower:

Hope this first day of the new year finds you all safe, happy and content. Upon arriving at Sunrise yesterday evening we were greeted by Clementine, and their two puggles, all were wearing tutus... and nothing else, typical happy greeting! The meatballs were a hit! My recipe is pretty precise so pay careful attention. This makes quite a lot of tablespoon size meatballs. I mince a handful each of broccoli, celery, onions and less than a handful of garlic. Add two eggs, about a half cup of oatmeal and two pounds of ground beef, season with your favorite herbs. Mix well, scoop out a tablespoon at a time roll into a ball. Cook on medium heat in a lightly oiled frying pan until evenly cooked (I've been experimenting with coconut oil lately). put meatballs in a crock pot, cover with your favorite BBQ sauce, cook for a few hours on medium. While in the middle of taking an on-line course for work I asked Dave to stir the meatballs. He was so helpful! He thought it looked very lumpy for sloppy joes and did his best to smooth it out!... I was very grateful for the help. Grape jelly wieners are very simple. Put a packaged of precooked sausages in a crock pot. Mix together a tablespoon or two of corn starch with about 1 1/2 cup of grape jelly and about a half cup of Dijon mustard. Coat wieners well and cook on medium heat for a couple of hours. Periodically stir each appetizer while's not necessary to smash the meatballs. Well, if you'd like them to remain meatballs. If, however you desire sloppy joes, then smash away!

Clementine's kitchen center remains in the box. The first sentence of the directions says, "Please set aside at least two or three hours for a fast assembly." They decided to put together the bike instead. This morning Dan sent a picture of the diagram of the kitchen center with only a question mark as explanation. Oh, dear I might have to go over and assemble it myself.

Clementine entertained us until her bedtime, then we played a couple of hands of euchre. Dave and I are always partners of course, easily able to predict each other’s next move... needless to say, we laughed a lot during the massacre, ours of course. Our parents often played euchre while we were growing up. A common saying was, “Got the horn!" We agreed last night we really didn't know exactly what it meant. After that game we realized it meant your team didn't give away two points by managing to win one trick, only one. By the end of the evening we used that term for almost every hand! Don't know if you all play euchre at all, but the word, "Trump," is used quite often. We all were quite saddened by the correlation of a game we love to play and our, ...sitting president. Even went so far to look up whether that was really his last name. By the way his last name was changed, but not by Donald. It was decided then and there we would use a different word in our game. None of the substitutes were really very nice.

About two minutes to midnight we turned on the television waiting for the ball to drop. Trying to be as quiet as possible, so not to wake Tiny, Dave walked toward the sliding glass door intending to open the champagne bottle on the deck. When he was about two feet away the cork popped by itself, ricocheting off the door pane, the sound echoing throughout the house! Rachel has very large eyes, you should have seen them after that! I just leaned over and whispered, "Rachel, this is your future." Turning our attention to the TV we all cheered quietly and for some reason, "Happy Birthday!" came out of my mouth. Mind you there was very little drinking going on, Rachel and I don't drink at all! Getting ready to leave, Dave picked up our very large three crock crockpot. A minute later we heard a loud clamor of him falling down the last few steps. Before even checking to see if he was alright we all burst out laughing, agreeing this year was probably not going to be much different than the last.

Once again, I wish all of you have a very wonderful new year full of laughter and love.

Love, Kim
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

((((((((KIM))))))) Hidee HO!
I giggled my way through your post imagining helpful Dave and those sloppy Joes , the infamous champagne bottle cork, and his graceful exit down the steps. (Hope he was alright.) Those corks can be unexpected projectiles don't I know. I was expecting to seriously have to pry the stubborn cork out of the bottle (looked like way too much cork for the bottle opening) but I gave one tiny half-hearted tug and POP!!! away went the cork narrowly missing George and giving his heart a run for the money! I almost never drink...I just cannot handle even small amounts as I get sleepy and terribly uncoordinated. But I generally make an exception at new years since it is always just the two of us.

As I type, a storm is brewing over the escarpment. Actually it has been mildly rumbling for an hour now and I have been debating whether to go ahead and let the bunnies out and feed and clean their hutch. We are under cover but, well, you know lightening doesn't consider a carport any kind of serious barrier. Most all our storms last year formed and moved in the direction of Sydney, turning into real monsters and causing damage. I hate to enjoy our luck at the expense of others, but I am grateful those storms didn't linger.

Thanks for the recipes, KIm. They sound just what I have been looking for. I have a feeling I will never be able to make either of them without thinking of your very entertaining Dave and his mishaps. I'm thinking, what a wonderful year this is going to be! I am determined to fight, fight, fight for our democracy. LOL And by golly, I'm not giving up until we see the backside of "you know Who." Somehow it is easier if we don't actually say his name so G and I have gotten in the habit of calling him some generic term. Maybe when it is all said and done we will see what if any benefits towards "Light and Life" this craziness has produced. It better be good as 2017 has been a rough and discouraging year.... okay
sorry...enough of my whining. :oops:
Here's too a great year!!!! :bana: :bana: :bana:

I love you guys!

P.S. Did Dan ever get Tiny's kitchen put together? My kids ran into that putting together Eli's desk we gave him. Now that it is together he loves having his own space. That boy loves to draw and create! :cheers: While I was visiting he was making colored fire alarms for the walls. Sent one back with me for G too so our house would be protected. :lol:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Cool breezes and crisp clear air wished for my friends down under!

Thankfully Dave was fine, otherwise our laughter would have been terribly misplaced. Over the years champagne corks have often gone array, unpredictable little buggers! You're welcome for the recipes, today I'm making Spicy Sopa.

I sympathize so about the weather. Our last two summers have been unusually hot and humid, two of my not favorite things. We live in a little hollow surrounded by trees and it's wonderful, except need to power wash the mold off the siding of our house at least twice a year, yuck! And the weather patterns are so much more severe with wind and rain than I can ever remember. I like a strong wind, but the last couple of years extremely high winds often sway treetops teetering dangerously close to snapping. We thought that the trees that can break off and damage our vehicles and the roof have already wreaked their havoc, but now with the added force, that's always a possibility... I still love the wind. For some time lake water levels have been receding more and more year after year, but in the last two all that has been lost has been replenished and then some! The shorelines used to be covered in beautiful sugar colored sand, unsightly shrub and reeds were growing thirty feet or more where it used to be only water. Now you step right into the water with no beach in sight and these odd hardy trees and shrubs poking out of the water. All a part of Urantia's growing pains I guess when you think about it, it's all beautiful, but still a little dangerous. By the way the word, escarpment, evokes an array of wonderful visuals for me.

As far as 'you know who' goes, I feel like a character in Harry Potter and afraid to say the name Voldemort out loud. Anyway, I have to believe everything happens for a reason,... everything happens for a reason...but still feel the need to apologize to the world and still cant quite understand how this happened! It continues daily to haunt and overshadow our lives and an irreparable rift has rent relationships of family and friends. This too shall pass, but not quickly enough, who knows how long the damage will linger. Okay shaking it off with a shudder.

There has to be a story behind the colored fire alarms! Eli sounds so sweet!!! Grandkids, they fill your heart so quickly, sometimes it's difficult to hold all the love isn't it? Clementine has already declared, "I'm an artist Grandma!" Half a shelf in our kitchen is full of art and craft supplies. :lol: can hardly close the doors. For Christmas we gave her four bottles of glitter glue. She spent a long time(at home ha ha!) systematically emptying all of them into a pile onto a piece of construction paper, "Making a glitter mountain," as a get well card for Uncle Kenny. Rachel said, "It finally dried!" For her birthday we took three Mylar balloons. Our project for several minutes after that was taping all the little balloons from her party to the Mylar ones. New Years Day she'd tied one of them to her sandal with a the long ribbon. It was a new game. She'd throw them up in the air, giggle and run away. I think the sandal was supposed to land on our heads, ...but I'm still a little fuzzy on the rules!

Dan did finish the kitchen center! It only took three hours. Think Tiny's help added a few extra minutes to the construction. Guess she kept trying to fill it up with food and dishes the whole time during the process. She loves it, by the way and it warms Rachel's heart to watch her play and pretend.

The best present I received for Christmas was when Dan and Rachel asked Clementine what she wanted to be when she grew up. She responded, "Um... a grandma." :love :loves :kiss: :roll :D

Well, I'd better get started on crossing things off my list. Thanks for 'the cuppa' and the chat! Love you!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

The best present I received for Christmas was when Dan and Rachel asked Clementine what she wanted to be when she grew up. She responded, "Um... a grandma." :love :loves :kiss: :roll :D
Oh that is just the best!!! I think you should give grandma seminars. LOL Seriously, I can see you up there teaching us how to let go our adult inhibitions and be a little kid again...well a responsible "little kid." .. One who can enjoy making glitter mountains without worrying about the effect it might have on the carpet and clothes etc... :sunflower: I bet it is gorgeous and you know, Eli sounds much like Tiny, full of wonder and creative ideas. We like to get on skype and both of us work on "art projects. Sometimes there are no words for 10 minutes or so as we both color cut and paste 8000 miles apart. But he gets busy with school and I have to back off a bit as the time is so limited in the evenings.
There has to be a story behind the colored fire alarms! Eli sounds so sweet!!!
At one point Eli was afraid of tornadoes and fires etc after drills at school. It's like he never realized such things were in the world to worry about. But then he made peace by sort of being proactive and being prepared. So now he makes fire alarms and talks about what we need to do if there is a fire or dangerous weather. The child is fascinated by extreme weather. Who knows, he may grow up to be a meteorolgist some day on the weather channel... one who paints and colors the weather for us? :lol:

Oh I must tell you that we had "cool crisp air today! :sunflower: Thank you! :bana: G and I decided to get a little grocery shopping done while it was cool so our kale wouldn't go bad so quickly (kale hates to be hot... can't blame it there) Almost a waste of a good day!

Alright, now you must tell us what Spicy Sopa is? :lol: I haven't a clue. :lol: But it sounds intriguing.

Do you know there are some places in the Pacific that are already dealing with rising ocean waters. And the August/September winds were worse worse this year for us too. We're just rolling with what comes our way, G and I. I do just fine as long at it isn't hot and humid. ;) :roll: :)

Oh, I wish you could have seen the escarpment today. The air was so clear it looked like it was within walking distance...(Not of course...) Along the bottom is such beautiful lush farm land and then the rain forest crawls up it's ever steeping sides... truly is gorgeous. I should see if I can find some photos on google. :mrgreen: I have to drive us up that mountain on Tuesday. Doctor time again.

Well I am off to get G's supper. Something simple I think...

Love you,
P.S. You wouldn't believe what I did this morning. Now this serves as a reminder for all of us how important it is to stay in the moment...
Anyway, I went to brush my teeth and as I was brushing I noticed that the tooth paste tasted different...really different! I looked down and lo and behold I had picked up a tube of Deep Heating instead of toothpaste. :shock: (for those of you unfamiliar, Deep Heating is a cream that comes in a tube that you rub on a sore back) :roll: bleah! I'm not sure my toothbrush will ever be the same. May be time for a new one. :? :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

PP, sending warm thoughts and wishes your way! I would love to go rock hunting with you some day.

Imagining you and Eli doing art on skype 8000 miles apart makes me tear up a little bit. Using a coping skill to overcome a fear and teach others in the process, is pure genius! Don't think you would need any seminar, but the idea sounds like extreme fun! As a grandma, teacher and mom I ask myself, "How do you want to be remembered?"

As for the Spicy Sopa, "You do not want to make it with the weather you've ben having!" I'm melting just thinking abut it, ugh. Wait, I have to step outside for a minute, two foot of snow,... okay that's better. Spicy Sopa in our house started out as something I made with the left over liquid from canning salsa. Thinking of my grandma inspired the soup we end up with now days. At the end of the week she would empty all the leftovers in the frig and dump them in a pot of water, along with a handful of barley and that was her Barley Soup! We had a Mexican meal for Christmas dinner. Into the pot went nacho dip, Spanish rice, refried beans(might have been a little spinach dip also), chicken cooked in enchilada sauce and Aleah's fresh salsa(SPICY!!!). There was also leftover spaghetti sauce, a slew of fresh vegies(carrots, cabbage, red pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, gr beans, tomatoes), maybe more. Also added two chicken breasts, a can each of kidney beans and pinto beans, lg. onion, three lg. wedges of garlic, three or four tablespoons of lemon basil, teaspoon or so of chili powder, three tablespoons of vegetable soup base. Cubed and cooked the chicken in coconut oil and garlic pepper, chopped up and steamed vegies, peeled and chopped onion and garlic. Combine all ingredients, added enough water to make it the consistency of our preference, nacho dip and refried beans will thicken it. Cooked on a slow simmer for about an hour.

Last night was family dinner night again, I must say I make a mean lasagna! We have to have family dinner nights you know, I've yet to learn how to cook in small quantities.

Yikes! Deep Heating cream does not sound delicious!!! Bet it woke you up though! Reminds me of the time my dad brushed his teeth with Preperation H. I'm sorry, that was hilarious!....... for days.

Hope the Dr. appointments went well, would love to glimpse a pic of the escarpment. Will also send another wish for cool weather. Take care you all down under. :hithere

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello you guys!

Kim, I am in awe of your spicy sopa. WOW! LOL You know on a much smaller scale considering it is just the two of us, I've done something similar. So spicy sopha can be anything and everything you want it to be. What an excellent idea to use left overs and limit food waste. I am going to clean out the old fridge and get rid of a bunch of stuff later today. George has been sick and to be honest we aren't sure if it is an independent bug or something not quite right that he's eaten. Thankfully he is well on his way to health again but I do not want any set backs. This month is going to be a busy one with 5 doc/tests visits for G and a few needed stuff for me. I could use some prayers for my right thumb. Trigger finger is relentless now and the doc wants me to have surgery. The surgery is minor don't get me wrong but if I can avoid it. I am extremely grateful that" ole leftie" (left thumb) is feeling better. I hope you too are seeing some amazing good results in your health. We have been thinking of you and hoping all is well.
Imagining you and Eli doing art on skype 8000 miles apart makes me tear up a little bit. Using a coping skill to overcome a fear and teach others in the process, is pure genius! Don't think you would need any seminar, but the idea sounds like extreme fun! As a grandma, teacher and mom I ask myself, "How do you want to be remembered?"
Let me know if you ever teach a grandma seminar! I'll be the first to sign up! :lol: The cool thing about all this wonderful fun loving hands on experience you are giving Tiny...She will grow up with many of the underlying ideals. Love produces love. I think it has been easier for me to let my hair down with my grandsons. People already think I am a flavor of nutty anyway so I have nothing to loose. ;)

Here are some photos of the escarpment. ... 3&bih=1082

Well better finish up and take care of the bunnies. I have them out running around in a protected enclosure but they still can find ways to get in trouble.

P.S. I love this!!!
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Yep,,,left the 17 far behind,,,on with the new for sure,,,,our get togethers we good,,,great pot lucks with the usual turkey and trimmings and a lot of unusual stuff too...and an outdoor fire till the countdown,,,and,,,a nice warm evening!!

like Sandy, we're in the 70's too,,,but I have to admit we did have a day of rain yesterday and much cooler temps,,,then a beautiful rainbow....but that was yesterday!!

We just got back from a little visit to Phoenix with some friends from brrrrr Alberta, Canada brrrrr,,,my sister is there,,,brrrrrrr!!

The second day we were there, the guys went to a western thingy,,,but Sue and I (me driving) went to Sedona for the day,,,, love it!
Sue took a lot of pics for me as I drove and stopped,,but I took a lot too when we stopped and both got out of the car....240 pics!!!

god, but it's beautiful there!!! I got my energy shot for sure this time!!! we were gone 11 hrs, and I drove 9 of them!

needless to say,,I've been really R & R'ing it since we got back,,,but it's pack up time again as we head down to visit them in Yuma on friday,,,we'll come back on Mon,,,it's only a 3 hr drive from here and we stop in a couple of places on the way.

I am truly blessed and my gratitude overflows.....sending you all love :kiss:

pp :bike:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I've always wanted to visit Australia, you and George in particular, but after viewing the pics from the escarpment, man the incentive is stronger than ever! So massive, beautiful and awe inspiring!!! Gum and eucalyptus forests, waterfalls, coastline, caves, sea cliff bridge, Gymea lily and other gorgeous flowers, panther! Might take some convincing, but I would even like to experience the VERY HIGH lookout tower and walkway!.... I think. Thanks for posting the photos, a visual feast.

Yikes! We are having a thaw after the extended deep freeze, a foot of snow just slid of our metal roof! Sounded like a freight train... I'm awake now!

Hope the doctor visits and tests all are good news. Me too, wading through it. Since things have been, ...breaking down, I've been really focusing on taking better care of myself and EFT tapping with a litany of positive affirmations taken from Louise Hay's book, Heal Your Body. So interesting how 'on target' the reasons she lists for causing the individual symptoms are, scary really.
Sandy wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:41 am I think it has been easier for me to let my hair down with my grandsons. People already think I am a flavor of nutty anyway so I have nothing to loose. ;)
That's why I'm a preschool teacher! People think my behavior is tailored to their needs, when really it's just me able to be me without raising any eyebrows, or being captured by the guys in the white suits! For some reason I envision them always carry a large minnow net. Yesterday Dave delivered a huge mountain of snow to our playground. He's a hero in the kids eyes.

Did I ever tell you we had a huge white male bunny(size of a big cat) that would not be incarcerated! Finally we just let him roam free. He made a home under a twenty foot high wood pile. We'd visit almost daily bringing food and petting him. We could hold the crazy guy, but he had a second sense about being carried off to the pen, immediately jumping out of our arms and scurrying away. He lived for years under that pile, one of our friends took him once to breed with his rabbits.
Sandy wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:41 am And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."
Around the time my mom passed away I was walking through the house and I heard those words as loud and as plain as day, stopped me in my tracks! Immediately I wrote them down in twelve inch size letters. Those words have gotten me through some very tough times.

PP, so happy you are having such a great time! Would love to have an outdoor count down to the new year, maybe someday! Lol! I can tell you really miss the northern winters...not.

You know how much I adore Sedona! Really want to go back, it is breathtaking! Every day Dave and I would go out from dawn to dark trying to take it all in. Good thing he was driving though! The energy from those vortexes, and so many other sites, was discombobulating to my balance and psyche! Again, "I loved it!" Be sure to share more of your traveling exploits and warm weather. Me, I'm just enjoying the Christmas lights aligning our walkway, on this pitch black morning. There's something magical about their friendly glow on... several feet of snow. I'm wanting to keep them up as long as possible even though Clementines says, "You know Grandma Christmas is over. You should take your lights down." Soon enough she will learn I'm not all that crazy about convention!

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good day you guys!

I enjoyed your exploits PP, it is nice thinking about you driving around, listening to your impressions of what you see. Now I wish I couls see Sedona.... (again LOL) I went through this when Kim and dave went there a few years ago. Hmmm when you have a chance maybe we can see some of your favorite photos/places there. Until then maybe I can cheat and get it off the internet. :mrgreen: ... 3&bih=1082

OH MY!!!!! Breath taking!

I must look up Yuma too. You know how I like to have a feel for your travels pp.

I broke down and took the Christmas tree down yesterday. Now our insides are dull and blank again. (house anyway) I will probably put up a smaller version again in July. (Christmas in July ya know is much easier to enjoy when it is cool outside)

It really does fees good to let the child in me out of some of the confines the conventional world thinks is proper. Bleah! Time to buck traditions not of my making and be me in all my childish glory. LOL Okay hopefully I will keep a little of my adult wisdom but maybe tempered with imagination, curiosity, sheer joy and the workings of life around me. ( and unafraid to revel in that joy :bana: )

Well, our Doctor visit ended with George at the emergency room. But he is okay now and on the mend. He could still use a few prayers and some healing. We are trying extra hard to create new habits and ways of being that help our poor ole physical bodies. I'm afraid we both have a tendency to forget that side of spirituality...or maybe we pretend to forget...sigh. But all is well here... no worries.

Better go... Love you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I was wondering how the doctor visits went. Sorry to hear about George's emergency room visit, so scary. Sending my prayers for healing, even if they're a little tardy. Me too paying for neglect of my ageing husk. Last Sunday I was in Urgent Care through no fault of my own, contracted conjunctivitis(pink eye), from one of my shorter friends. Phew, it was B A D, bad! Took pics all week and sent them to my own kids, just to gross them out. Allergy retesting tomorrow, do you know how much I like going to the doctor? This has been a rough winter for everyone here as far as illness goes.

Ha! I finally took the tree down yesterday, outside lights remain. Get a little claustrophobic with all the Christmas paraphernalia, took care of that a few weeks ago, but love the tree and lights! I understand your liking for Christmas in July, but the thought of it here, kind of makes me melt a little. Hmm, maybe a fairy tree outside though!... Have to keep that in mind.

Well, want to check out those Sedona shots you posted the link for. I really need to learn to share pictures here, Aleah took one tonight of the sunset out over Lake Michigan, so gorgeous! The sunset was in the middle framed by icicles frozen around a tree branch.

Hi, PP where ever your travels are taking you! Sandy give George a hug for me.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
The doc visit this time went fine. George was feeling much better and come to find out his illness had sort of made his medicine ineffective to that's why his heart was being a little "controversial" and his blood sugar spiked. He had some trouble after the last test checking the blood flow in his neck. The technician must press very hard on his neck to get the necessary information and it has caused lasting pain in George's neck. (With me as his wife G has plenty of pain there as it is. :roll: :lol: )

Thanks for your thoughts via the pm for Eli too. My kids found it very helpful and asked me to thank you.

We are off on a walk to the post office. I'm afraid we have been rather boring and house bound lately. When it is hot I seem to get lazy. PP would love this though. And I imagine you too right now. I can only imagine how cold it must be up there. My parents had snow in tN last week. they were sort of excited about it. My older sis told them No shoveling snow or walks to the mailbox.

Okay gotta go...G is waiting.
Love you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I can't let this thread sink into oblivion! While making dinner tonight, I thought of you and the international cafe' we all visited for so long. The humidity is stifling so everything was cooked on the grill(gas). We're having rubbed pork loin, roasted asparagus and broccoli, and fresh cantaloupe. We don't have dessert very often, but tonight it's strawberry/rhubarb shortcake. Even baked the shortcake on the grill to keep the house cool.
...Wish you all were here sharing it with us, maybe some day.

Love, :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
I was just thinking last week I should pop onto this thread and move it forward. It's also a good way to find out what you guys are up too. So I'm glad to see it on the front page again.

It is finally a little on the cool side down here. So I am happy and enjoying the more favorable (for me anyway) weather. I am just the opposite...making supper in the oven then turning it off when finished but opening the door to allow the warm are to help make our kitchen living room a little more comfortable. :lol:

Your grilled dinner sounds really nice though. Everything even cake it seems tastes better on a grill. Right now I am contemplating what we are going to have for lunch. It is nearly 1:00 pm so I know g is getting hungry, though he is busy and hasn't complained.

I'm a little late today getting on here...lately we have been dealing with some health blips and so have had a few more doc visits and blood tests etc... But all is well and we are going with the flow. Oh my goodness!!!!!!! I just saw the date. It is our anniversary! :oops: You hear about people forgetting and wonder how. LOL Opps Well, G forgot too so it isn't as bad as it could be. :shock: :oops: :roll

hmmm better go wish him a happy anniversay. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Love to you and the "international cafe" crowd. :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Happy Anniversary! Know all about the health blips, hope you all are on the mend.

Our weather has been the more erratic this past year than I can ever remember. Long cold winter, but with three major thaws. Heat wave for a few days, flooding rain, cool, then hot! The humidity has been bad for about a week, then cool. No time to adapt, just trying to go with the flow. Little Miss Nova Jane does not like the heat! Tiny will run around with no clothes on, no matter the temperature.

Finally getting the last of my flowers planted today and was thinking of you! Have a few days off before helping at the motel with the summer rush. So grateful to breathe in the peace and solitude of my gardens, helps put everything into perspective.

Getting pretty late, have a little insomnia tonight, better try and get some sleep. Hope all is well for my lovely friends down under! :loves

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Last night I too had a bit of insomnia. Funny thing, I was dead tired when I went to bed and then waking up nearly every hour trying to get back to sleep.
I need to get some chickory starts planted today and maybe mow the grass. It hasn't grown much the past month or two but the edges are getting rather raggedy. Chickory plants first, though. The rabbits love chickory so when we cut the stalks off of purchased chickory in the store I put the remains in a tray of water and allow small roots to form. Then they are easy to replant in my garden. I have two trays that need to be replanted.
We have the most spoiled rabbits. They are enjoying a winter of kale, endive and chickory. (dandelions are in short supply in the wild after a very dry summer and over zealous cutting. :roll: :(

We had the quietest anniversary one could imagine. Maybe next year we'll make a big deal about it but knowing us, probably not. Besides next year George has a milestone birthday. He'll be 80. So hard to believe. :shock: Slow down time! :?

Well enjoy your garden and those little nudie nymphs of yours... Here's to No clothes and warm summer nights! :lol:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:hithere surprise...

think the last I posted we were still down south,,,so I scrolled down,,,saw Sandy's post with pics of the Escarpment...
had to go there (awesome pics,,I'd live up there for sure) and promptly lost my post :roll

Got back to the Island and rain last March,,,and it was cold (compared to AZ) and stayed wet and cold till a week after summer solstice...after I got the garden cleaned up,,,between showers I hardly spent any time outdoors at all. Going for groceries was my biggest outing...

Then my sister and hubby came out to be on their boat,,,didn't go out on it at all this year, but did go swimming with 2 of her grandsons a couple of times at a local pool...even went down a waterslide (screaming all the way I might add). We went out for dinner a couple of times and shopping a couple of times and they came up to the rv park a couple of times.

we also had road construction all summer for the 2nd yr...but it's finally done...4 lanes now,,,about time,,,I didn't think it would be completed bfore we leave again... (it was the biggest mess of 4 miles,,what with tree removal,,rock blasting and finally paving...) and that now is only 6 sleeps away...not that I'm counting..much!! and the rain has started again!!

Traffic on the highway was horrible all summer...5 major accidents...2 fatals...the highway closes down for a good 8 to 10 hrs
I just stayed off it as much as possible...and the only way to get up island is a little ferry which can't handle the traffic, or a 3 hr trip up the west coast and across country to get back to the hwy....needless to say...Islanders were not very happy this year!!
and traffic will just NOT slow down....police made a lot of money this year!!

So for the last couple of weeks, we've been getting ready to takes quite a bit of work,,so I start early...just can't do it as quickly as I used to...but it gets done,,,is done...yahooooooo!!!

we have our ferry reservation for next Monday,,,then a 5-6 day journey down to AZ this year...we are changing rv parks this year!
I'm really looking forward to's an awesome Fiesta RV Park, Bullhead City, AZ and you'll see what I mean!!
it's closer to 'everything' and I'll still be able to visit our old friends in Needles.

Well that's it for my catch up!! Take care everyone...

love and blessings,,pp :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey PP,
t's been awhile for sure. funny how time passes these days. I turn around and days and weeks have gotten past me.

I just looked up what will soon be your new winter abode. It looks great! In less then a week you will be on your way. I'm sure getting on the road will be a welcomed relief after all the packing. I hope you will give us some updates of your trip if and when you have the time and all about the area Bullshead AZ and the campground. I looked it up an watched several videos of the place and viewed some images.
Here is some for those who would like to view this very "desetie" area of the country. ... 30&bih=752

It sounds as if you all on the Island have had your hands full negotiating the highway construction. That kind of thing does seem to raise people's blood pressure and at any other time a sensible patient peon can loose it navigating through narrow slow corridors.

As for George and I, we're hanging in there. Have a problem with the radiator now I think so today should call the mechanic and see if they can squeeze us in. Maybe it is just a hose... not sure as I don't know a thing about such things.
so it should make for an interesting hopefully not frustrating day.

It is cool today much to my liking. I am thinking soup of some sort for supper. Of course George has the stroganoff bug. So I suspect that will be his preference. Anyway I must get a move on and take a gander at the engine of our car again maybe add some water to the radiator.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

love and hugs,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Mamo »


I feel like posting this video here in The Secret :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

thank you mamo

this might be better in a thread of its own,,,just a thought..

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hi Sandy,

not finding time to write,,,but will soon..

love pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Mahsa,

Thanks for that I have been watching it but missed the last 5 minutes due to my computer stopping and refusing to go any further. sigh. I think I caught the jist of what Gregg Bradden is saying and find it fascinating that the information matches what has been coming from areas like Ester Hicks for years now. Of course some of these ancient texts might be what many of the modern manifesting teachers base their platforms on. Don't know although in Ester's case it came from Direct channelling I suppose. :scratch:
I must say that I have seen this wok in my own life. So I cannot doubt the validity of the information. But I suspect it is something each individual must come to term with. The subconscious is very powerful and there are hidden ways of being we may have adopted about ourselves as little kids. Sometimes we used it to protect us...Yet these things still sit there causing us to be fearful or feel undeserving or unappreciated.... I think when we really see ourselves and valuable much loved and feel it in every cell of our being then we may realise how limitless our lives can be. I know this isn't supposed to be hard but somehow our minds can certainly make it yi yi....don't I know... :roll:

Onwards, upwards and inwards! We all have something soooooo beautiful about us!
Love you guys :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning all!
As we move further and further into The Correcting Time, and the lives of almost everyone I know is in chaos... I'm finding myself almost desperately lately trying more and more to understand and work with The Law of Attraction. For some of us... 'seasoned' participants of 11:11 Angels Message Board, this thread has been an oasis for gathering, sharing and supporting each other on just about anything.

I'm declaring the Tea Room officially reopened! When first finding this board I was scared, not having anyone to talk to about spiritual questions, more than a little freaked out by burgeoning and existing spiritual gifts. On top of that my children had mind blowing spiritual gifts that I needed to be able to help them sort through and understand.

Truthfully, I don't really know if I'm any wiser, it does feel as if time spent trying to figure things out, and having had so many experiences has helped abate many fears. We are all in this together, let's talk. Perhaps even a few old friends will drop in once in a while.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Well done, Kim. It is high time the "tea room" was opened again. And boy do I need it.

Yep. Chaos is a good word for what is felt. But is a day made in heaven. I am barefoot but there is a nice cool nip in the air. And from where I sit typing I can see my huge mounds of lavender up and down the fence. ( I really should harvest some but they are so pretty in their" gynormous" state. ) Need to get these feet dirty I think...Bare feet on the earth...truly very calming and invigorating as Urantia soothes and softens the worst that comes at us.
Truthfully, I don't really know if I'm any wiser, it does feel as if time spent trying to figure things out, and having had so many experiences has helped abate many fears. We are all in this together, let's talk. Perhaps even a few old friends will drop in once in a while.
You were wise then and from my advantage point...yep you're wiser still. ;) It is always a good day when we talk. :love

So I am off to make George a late lunch. (after 2:30 pm) We are the most irregular meal people on the planet. sigh. both of us are easily distracted these days. :hithere

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