Hermetics, occult and demons

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Hermetics, occult and demons

Post by atsguy »

For some reason, I have been coming across allot of stuff dealing with hermetics.

It seems fitting since there was recently a transmission here from Helena blavatsky, and it’s interesting since she felt with allot of occult and magic type stuff.

Initiation into hermetics by frank bardon, allot of occult stuff. Doaism seems to be connected to this type of stuff. Demons and angels...

Anyways I am having a hard time trying to understand how this fits into the urantia book. For example there seems to be allot of information dealing with

- elemental beings
- energy that deals with the planets, and earth fire water air

- geotec summonings (king solomoms 72 demons)
- enochian magic
- demons and angels
- magic...

The urantia book is very cut through and clear. And from what I understand demons/jinns were basically the rebel midwayers. Along with seraphic angels that rebelled.

And yet I find it hard to understand how magic or hermetic stuff can fit into the urantia book. Since it is basically dismissed in a a big section in the book.

I have not seen this discussed here or anywhere relating to the urantia book.
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Re: Hermetics, occult and demons

Post by atsguy »

I just found this old transmission in the archives


So basically elves are real. And these are coined spirit fused beings that are connected to the earth.

“We are primarily of land; beings at one with the Mother, assisting her upon her journey and purpose, yet aligned also with the Father, without whom the Mother’s creation would be empty of life.”

So is there truth the the magical realm of elves, and ogers, and trolls, and all these things. Are they a order of being with a morantial body? Or is this purely a astral/etheric/spiritual being...

The urantia book when read seems more of a hard science text book. And I think concepts of magic are kept out for a good. Now when I go over the section on magic itself, the urantia book never dismisses it. But instead just lays out the evolution of it and how magical thinking eventually became the scientific method.
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Re: Hermetics, occult and demons

Post by Amigoo »

Re: "The Urantia Book, when read, seems more of a hard science text book."

:idea: Because of this common perception and sources of the Papers,
we might be able to synthesize the seeming disconnect by saying
that the Urantia Book presents what the world and universe are -
everything else is how the world and universe are perceived. :roll:

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Re: Hermetics, occult and demons

Post by Sandy »

Hello Atsguy,
I've been thinking about your posts here...Trying to organise my thoughts on a rather prickly subject, depending on which side of the experience you've been on... First of all, thank you for re posting the message from Helen from years ago. Helen was an amazing receiver , very experienced in in areas not often spoken by those who solely live by the Ubook's pages.. In all honesty, though, I can say that some of what she speaks of in this transmit, I too have experienced in relation to nature and information gleaned from some unidentifiable (for me anyway ) sources..."tree spirits" for lack of a better term.

I guess I long ago gave up trying to make all my experiences co exist with every word of the U book. I absolutely love the Ubook but it doesn't always cover our spiritual experiences and that's okay. These experiences often arrive unexpectedly but are not without guidance.Generally when I ask about something I get an answer in some way or fashion.... I just have to widen my view sometimes to recognise it. This does not mean it is a universal answer for everyone out there. No, it is a personal one for me. I have taken many branches on my own path and in retrospect, all for good reasons and actually sanctioned by my Teachers. Why? Several reasons actually. Firstly, there was something I could learn from these branches that would further my spiritual career into eternity. And secondly, I needed to be more open.... to look deeply into the spiritual eyes of a brother or sister of differing beliefs with respect as I walk shoulder to shoulder with them. They certainly don't need me dismissing something so vital and precious... their own connection to the Divine. Thirdly, I began to understand that beliefs are not the end all to end all but are flexible vehicles to further our love and understanding of the Divine. Some of the most loving and powerful spiritual healers I know personally are of what some would consider questionable beliefs...But this serves to illustrate that the Divine can use any number of human hands and feet to further His/Her will.

Well, I've sort of gone off on a side tangent lol but from my own experience I can say that there are beings of earth/Spirit who will come when you are open to them and there is a need. It does pose new questions..but it also overwhelms with the thrill of amazement when realising that we live in an amazing world filled with beings of every description...I feel that when we are ready perhaps more and more people will find these beings helpful as we try to find a balance with Mother Earth and all life on the planet. Experience, your own experience is the only way to learn, really learn more about them, I suspect.

Once again, what I just said comes from my own experience.... In all honesty, it serves me but may do nothing for you... Your TA knows best the directions fruitful for your own spirit growth... as it should be.

I cannot answer definitively that being I have yet to encounter/understand exist...But we live in a world overflowing with opportunities to investigate for ourselves what "lights our fire" with the help of our TA, Angels and Celestial Teachers. This planet is far more complex then just what our eyes can see, our ears can hear and our tongue can taste. We are rich beyond compare. Blessed Be!
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