I am here.

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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I am here.

Post by Prey4Light »

I have been a lurker for a very long time, but have decided to come out of the shadows because I really need help. It is not just for me though, I am doing this for society, especially the people in my area I live in. Forgive my basic vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure as I am an under developed human, with mental illness. I have a lot of issues that have been piling up that have weighed down my mind with fear, stress, and paranoia. I am typing this right now as I know I have no other options left. I cannot get into stillness whatsoever. The midwayers have been contacting me for a very long time, over 5 years at least. Over the past 6 months the prompts are increasing by midwayers that I know, only by name and number, :03 Beatrice, :06 Sharmon, :08 Dr. Mendoza, :22 Bzutu, :33 Matthew, :11 (unknown through all my research,) and I am sure at least a ton more. I see the prompts almost every hour. I have been praying to them, angels, ascended masters, and God for all the help in the world. Especially to be able to reach stillness so I can hear the voices of reason. I really need help. Please, Sandy or George, contact me through P.M. as I cannot do it as this is my first post as I have a lot more information I want to share. I hope all is well for those reading this. Whoever, and wherever you are on Urantia.
Thank You.
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Re: I am here.

Post by Sandy »

Hello Prey4Llight,
I was a lurker too once. :) It took a whole lot of courage for me to post back then. I'm glad you came out of the shadows But i'm so sorry to hear you are in pain of sorts. I will be writing you in just a few minutes via a pm and we can talk in private. But first I wanted to welcome you to our little board family. It's just a formality because in reality you have been a member for a long time now.
P.S. You write beautifully and seem adept at expressing yourself. No worries about grammar and punctuation etc... We don't care about such things. (as you can see from my writings.. :lol: ) xx
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: I am here.

Post by happyrain »

Welcome. Agreed, given your writing and intuition- stillness may not be as foreign as you have lead yourself to believe.

I too, perhaps on a different scale, suffer from fears, stress and judgments. My overly critical nature has created a sense of imprisonment despite the good intentions and desire for progress.

I hope you find the peace you're looking for and look forward to reading more of your post.

In Divine Friendship...

Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: I am here.

Post by aidebynature »

You write beautifully! In fact, it even looks to me you have a talent in expressing yourself. :sunflower:

But what is this lack of decisiveness..Anyway I would love to try to help you. Feel free to message me, if you want. :)
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Re: I am here.

Post by Prey4Light »

Thank you taking the time to greet me, Sandy, happyrain, and aidebynature.

happyrain, I really appreciate your insight on my writing and intuition. I was never confident in those two areas, but you have got me thinking that maybe I possess more ways to connect with not only myself, but more importantly others. In regards to your overly critical nature, just go with the flow, stop resisting the universes help. I know you are capable of achieving everything you want.

aidebynature, thank you for the kind words. I have a lot of things to improve on, my decisiveness included. It will work out. It always does.

My blessings to you, always.
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Re: I am here.

Post by happyrain »

Prey4Light, thank you


I have lost touch with lovers and friends due to my own selfishness, shortcomings and other ego based realities but despite all that I see God is still ever present and helps me through it all. I would say my resistance and misunderstandings are due to an imbalance from the duality that is our nature yet places like this(the 11:11 spiritual reservoir) have really helped keep me centered... Prayer, meditation and practice. Thank you for the encouragement, my goal is to simply Love and live a life of Discovery. Your advice to go with the Flow and belief in me is appreciated... Thank you...


Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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