Discussing message 'Preparing The Soil for Progress

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Discussing message 'Preparing The Soil for Progress

Post by Seeker13 »

Asheville, NC, US of A, March 4, 2018.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “Preparing the Soil of the Soul for Progress.”

Message received by Chris Maurus.

Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear students on the path, we would like to speak about the healing of minds. There is much dysfunction and confusion in the minds of many of your brothers and sisters and there are certain techniques you may use to begin the healing process for those who so desperately need it — to assist them and guide them on a progressive path to self-discovery and what lies beneath the heavy facade of their own wounded and conditioned minds. As always, this energetic work is to be executed with compassion, mercy, and Fatherly love — prayer with surgical precision.

“To begin, we would ask that you connect with your own guidance teams and ask your Thought Adjuster (TA) to coordinate the communication between you and the patient to be healed. To ensure a pure connection we ask that you examine yourself first and ask that all energetic attachments be cleared and that your own auric fields are clean and filled with light.

“There are many who are weighted down with all manner of dysfunctional maladies of the mind and who may not be consciously open to any kind of divine intervention; spiritual energy or healing. For many, this is a ‘condition’ of the mind — the wounded child putting up a façade to be protected from further injury. However, this is not so in the subconscious mind where they are crying out for love, mercy, and compassion — wanting to be healed, loved, and set on a path that leads to purpose in life.

“When you find willingness on the part of the inner child to open up to divine healing through the subconscious mind, you have secured the free-will acknowledgment of the individual to proceed with this healing. To do this, you first ask your TA to connect with the subconscious mind of the patient. You then identify yourself and state your intention to assist them in their own healing. When you have permission, you would begin by asking their guidance (TA, angels and other guides) to clear their auric field of all energetic attachments. Then ask if there is any damage to this field — if so, ask for the field to be healed and filled with unconditional love. This is the preparation for the healing — to get the energy system ready to function with enough capability to facilitate the healing process.

“Some of you students are healers and understand more about the auric field and how it may function and you may be very precise in your direction for the healing, but for those who are less aware of these energetic functions, we ask that you have confidence in the ability of the patient’s own guidance team to give them what they need. In essence, you are asking (‘Ask and it is given’) that they initiate the healing by releasing all negative and trapped emotions in the chakra fields starting at the root and working up through each chakra to the crown and above the crown. It is these negative emotions, fears, and wounded feelings that block them in life to deal with any deeper sense of self and purpose, and until these can be cleared, it is very difficult for them to move forward in any progressive way.

“What you are doing is assisting in the preparation for their healing by asking for this clearing work. It is, however, still up to the individual to take the lead once these energetic blocks have been removed. Once the energetic cleansing has begun, the conscious mind is more open to doing the work of further healing. We see from our vantage point (from the spiritual realm) that billions of people on the planet suffer from this ‘energetic pollution’ and we are calling on the student healers to take up the work of ‘preparing the soil of the soul’ for progress. A world cannot enter Light and Life until the individuals are healed and ready to participate in it.

“We ask that you begin first with friends, family, and acquaintances. Then, once you are confident in the work, you move to small groups — then larger groups. This progressive approach will eventually prove to be more productive and efficient. Your assistance in this area is needed, my dear students, to promote the next phase of correction on your world. As always, when you have questions, ask your TA for guidance — ‘Ask and it is given!’

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

This missive feels like it's right up my alley. Praying for healing and protection of others has become integrated into many parts of my day. I appreciate the addition of the specific intention of 'clearing the auric field of energetic attachment'. I would really like to encourage more discussion of this message.

Since I live in kid world I'm hopeful on receiving input on what this may mean for young children? Believe it or not I see this 'energetic pollution' more often in 0-5 year olds. Yikes! Since posing this question my mind fractured into multiple subquestions on that subject. Will take time for me to sort it all out, but still encourage discussion on the above message.

Love to all,
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Re: Discussing message 'Preparing The Soil for Progress

Post by Lightened717 »

Hi Kim!

I did this practice yesterday on my immediate family and some friends. I haven't done this sort of work regularly in a while but trying to be brave enough to get back.

It was an interesting experience - each "inner child" that I spoke with was different and aligned with the personality of the person I was attempting to heal. Some were ready to be healed, others actually appeared to be locked in a prison almost and were unwilling to trust me. I always wonder whether I'm making all this stuff up, but the visualizations came without any effort on my part and the personality of the inner children did not surprise me whatsoever.

I don't really have spirit vision except in rare moments, so I can't see the energetic attachments. It doesn't surprise me that you see it in children below the age of 5 since they typically won't have their Thought Adjuster yet - their presence protects us somehow. Besides, my impression is that most parents aren't adept at managing their own emotions, let alone teaching their small children how to manage the big emotions kids feel. I have always understood that we can attract these things if we resonate with them emotionally. It is very sad though.


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Re: Discussing message 'Preparing The Soil for Progress

Post by Sandy »

Hi Peggy

I am happy to read you had such a positive experience while helping others to heal using this wonderful healing instruction from Teacher Ophelius. We've spoken about "inner "kids" before haven't we Peggy? But I must admit I hadn't thought of using them in healing. I can see it might very well get to the very root of the problem or problems as I hadn't thought to look for troubles in a person's energy fields either. This makes perfect sense as this unresolved injury could remain and contribute to future problems as well. It's very good transmit and one of those keepers I like to keep handy for reference. Thank you Ophelius and Chris.

You know, It wasn't long ago I was thinking about "mindal" problems and our ability to heal. While I know anything is possible with the Divine, I suppose I was wondering about free will. It seems this transmit addressed that nicely and I got a good reminder to take care of myself as well making sure I was ready to assist in healing. It also brought the Circle o Light healing which PP began way back in 2008 to mind. She spoke of something similar when she encouraged the speaking to ones own Higher Self (TA)and the Higher Self of the person in need of clearing and healing before beginning. It seems by doing that we were basically asking a person's permission to assist. Of course the TA would know whether the subconscious mind of the individual was ready and wanting healing.

I am still overwhelmed when I remember the day I realized that I could contribute in helping to heal another person! It is so exciting to know that we can all do these things should we want to! Anybody with love and caring in their hearts can make such a world of difference when someone is suffering.
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Re: Discussing message 'Preparing The Soil for Progress

Post by Lightened717 »

About a year or so ago, I stumbled upon a new creation that caught my attention for a little while - the WingMakers. It came up again for me today.

Apparently from what I can tell, it is a mix of fiction writing (i.e. new inspired "mythology"), art, music, poetry, writings on philosophy, being T/R'ed through an individual with the purpose of encouraging individuals to live from their hearts. The cosmology and verbiage is different than the UB but I think aligns well.

While perusing the website, I found a new website by the same creator I don't remember seeing last time - Event Temples http://eventtemples.com/. Read the description of it's purpose:
"When a person participates in an Event Temple session, they'll be brought into a 'waiting room' where they can learn about a target event. Let's say the event is focused on the Darfur Camps and the human deprivation therein. Participants will be 'released' from the waiting room at the same instant, regardless of their time zone, and they will enter a virtual temple as a community of participants. Within this temple an animation will play that will orchestrate the energy of the assembled participants and direct this light energy towards those entangled in the target event.

"The participants will benefit from the experience of learning how to kindle and direct their heart energetics to the goal of supporting their fellow brothers and sisters, no matter where they are on the planet. This is the basis of what I call quantum communities, and participants will feel a potent connection to their inner spirits, those of their fellow participants and the people they are supporting energetically.

"This is not a one time event focused on one subject. Event Temples will be responsive to past, present, and even future or impending events, in specific geographies on the planet. And there will be sessions nearly every day that people can schedule and participate in. This is a practice that builds momentum over time, and this momentum can create profound and positive changes."
Sound familiar? :lol:
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Re: Discussing message 'Preparing The Soil for Progress

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning all!
I've added the 'Preparing the soil for progress'(PTSFP) to my morning and/or evening routine, still trying to make it feel more organic and flowing. Sending healing to others has become so common for me, probably why I felt invigorated by this message! Sending healing to others is easy and can happen anytime of the day or night, but was looking for a new... format I guess, to refocus and redirect my energies. Another personal benefit, while taking the time to be more intentional about sending healing to others, reminds me to stop and check in with myself!

Since incorporating the PTSFP my focus has been on individuals. Am feeling a sense of urgency to expand to larger groups, but don't want to lessen the individual intent... Maybe right now it feels more important I focus on individuals closer to me. Have always believed I'm a, 'save the world one child at a time', kind of person. Think I will try and connect with a few 'inner children' this morning! Maybe starting with my own!

Ah, the Continuous Circle Of Light. Have returned there numerous times, includes some wonderfully memorable meditations. Will check out the event temples site when I can, right now duty calls.

Hope eveyone has a glorius day despite the nature of the weather!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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