receiving prompts again

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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receiving prompts again

Post by happyrain »

the other day i decided to buy a scratch off for the hell of it. to my surprise i won $33 which is an odd figure to win but i had a friend check it just to make sure i wasn't off my rocker.

this morning on the way to work i got stuck behind a car, i couldn't help but feel some kind of appreciation before noticing the license plate ending in 777. on the way back to work i was again stuck behind a car. i thought this guy took really good care of his lexus sc400 and it had some beautiful exhaust and wheels. the color was a champagne or gold and with the combination of the evening sun and the shade provided from the underpass there was this beautiful creamy texture with the light reflecting in my eye in a way that made me feel so good. i was in awe by the black wheels and exhaust and just kept thinkin, for an older car this sucker is nice. something freeing about it... i hadn't payed attention to the license plate until we got off the highway and turned into the neighborhood... yup, the last three digits ended in 999.

it feels good to receive the prompts... even if i'm not always engaging with them.

howdy yall
love from TX
:P :hithere
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Sandy »

(((((Howdy Eric)))))

You can tell you really know and like your cars. ;) :D I'm afraid I don't know one car from another anymore.
Hey! congratulations on that great money prompt! :bana:
I know what you man about feeling good when you see it even if you don't act on it. I had a good one this past week and meant to post it but dang I forgot what it was now. :scratch: :lol:
Oh well... such is life...
Have a great week end!
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by happyrain »

well, i received another license plate prompt this morning. This one said HOU888. HOU being Houston TX.
not sure what's going on so I'll try to meditate a little tonight before going to bed. All through out the day i've been feeling a little tired, nothing bad- just took a while to get my mind thinking right and then this evening again I was feeling a little drained. I could still be getting adjusted to my new schedule but in the back of my mind i think these prompts may have some part to play. Aside from feeling tired I also noticed quick movements from what appeared to be tiny, shadowy and semi transparent streaks or orbs. A part of me wants to chalk it up to just being excessively drained but with the increase in unique 'coincidences', like winning $33 and seeing 777, 999 and 888 i feel foolish to try and put a limit on the experience...

so I think about this energy and about how to use it. I think, maybe we all experience this energy in a different way so of course what I am sharing isn't to say this is any definite answer- just observing what I am feeling and how things are aligning around me. Today I am thinking of this force as "building blocks". I've placed myself under a miniature test. For many years now I've struggled with perversions, negative thinking and giving into experiences that later leave me feeling regret. I know the outcome and yet, from time to time, I engage in these activities regardless. Part conditioning, part social... There are too many reasons and too many excuses. I've done it enough to know I'm ready to change... Heck, this isn't my first rodeo, in my earlier 20s I think I made amazing progress and now I think I might be going through this all over again... and again at a later point... I only hope to be making some type of lasting progress through these trials.

Anyways, I think these prompts are supporting me in my test- reminding me there really is More for me. I don't think it's selfish to strive and be a better person... I'm not sure how long I can hold out and I know some days are better then others... The important thing for me was recognizing, at the moment I thought this outside force was cheering me on- I noticed another streak out from the corner of my eye, like something or someone had just moved away from me.

so there you have it. so bad do i want to fall back on things my mind associates with as comfortable or relaxing... but i can't. i feel like i'd be slapping whatever help i'm receiving in the face and letting myself down AGAIN. got to create new pathways i suppose.


Love from TX :cyclopsani: :hithere


sandy upon previewing my post I noticed your reply. Thanks! =)

Hope you get a chance to read this one today! I love your feedback.

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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by happyrain »

OH! and PPS, >_< I don't really know my cars or try to spend to much time getting lost in it... The name just happened to be visible on the back. Even though it's a bit dated, it's style to me is GORGEOUS- these were random pics found off the web, guess this guy doesn't care that the plate is out there?
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by happyrain »

just to bring everything full circle-the next day after posting here(friday) i noticed a volkswagen with 333 ending on the license plate in the employee parking.
we were recently assigned new spaces and the car belongs to a coworker of mine. the timing was pretty funny.

if that wasn't enough, on the way home from work today(sat) i saw another license plate ending in 777. the nice thing about this one was i couldn't stop smiling when i saw it- i got the chills and this beautiful feeling. even the sunlight was looking better- 'all of a sudden' it felt like the fibers in my eyes were stretching out (shoot thats the best i can explain it). i had a pleasant sensation along my back between my shoulders and around my chest. it was awesome. i tried to document it and well you wouldn't believe the time i took the picture even if i told ya LOL :lol:

today was an awesome day at work. i'm happy here so far. the prompts may slow down who knows.

bye for now

PS, yesterday i fell a little off the path im setting for myself but i haven't given up and i think these prompts helped keep me thinkin right through out the evening.
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Sandy »

Hello Eric,

Good morning on a chilly start to the day from Australia. :bana: It's gonna be a great day! :bana: Not sure why but how can it not, eh? I supect there could be some trials at times... but... like you I am determined to reach inside and find reasons to be supportive with myself and others and to really enjoy life as it rolls out for me. (giving myself a little pep talk here. ;) :roll: :mrgreen: )

I LOVE THAT CAR YOU POSTED! But what's not to love? It's my favourite color in cars... a good size with plenty of room for my suitcases, groceries etc... and a gorgeous shape. Impressive! Now let's hope the engine is just as impressive along with good and reasonable gas mileage. I suppose for now though I am happy with our good ole dependable wagon with plenty of power to easily get us up Macquarrie Pass. ... -pass.html

You sound determined and strong with the changes you are making in your life. Hang in there and "no worries" if you don't quite live up to your high expectations. You are loved exactly as you are regardless of any slips. Try and keep in mind that any change or addition to your life and routine gets easier as time passes and these more healthy type habits become the norm. Besides, you have inspired me to make some healthy changes myself, young man... so :cheers: here's to us and happy, healthy changes! :D
Nice to know we have such awesome support from our Guides, Angels, Midwayers and friends. Even though this support is always there for us it is ever so helpful when they make sure we don't miss it. :)
I hope you have a really good week at work... Seems you will have classes coming up soon too, eh? :bana:

Reading your posts and talking to you has been a great start to my Monday... Have a good week "E".
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Seeker13 »

Sounds like you are really taking a self-inventory and setting goals! Many of us aren't ready for that yet. For me taking personal responsibility for my actions and reactions wasn't/isn't a smooth road, or easy! Until I stopped blaming everyone else for problems in my life, seizing my own life reins, I couldn't achieve or accept happiness.

Even now there are times, it's infuriating when I can't learn that lesson and move on! Usually it's not when immersed in the retraining, but looking back, I appreciate the progression. Experiencing the prompts and 'coincidences', sure help as a reminder that someone out there recognizes our efforts and is rooting for to stay the course!

Have a happy Fourth!

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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by happyrain »

hi Kim and Sandy,

Happy 4th to yall as well. =)


Is this the road I've heard you speak of before? Although it's described as dangerous I wonder how fun it would be to take a motorcycle through. :bike: Classes went great! I passed the written portion. Did some riding for the first time! I have another day of just riding before I can get my license. Hope I can weave through all the cones correctly next try LOL. :lol:

Hi Kim,

Yeah, it isn't easy and I've already had a few slip ups. If I haven't said it already I am confident these little trials I set up for myself aren't always going to be successful. I appreciate your encouragement. The overall goal is just a healthier happier lifestyle.

I saw 333 again on a license plate last night with a new friend. I pointed it out to her and told her it was a good sign. Seeing 333 mixed with a couple personal experiences I think this prompt has an influential power and helps "manifest" deeper desires- even self centered ones. Almost like I should be careful what I wish for LOL. Not sure, just throwing that out there. Life sure is interesting.

See ya guys!
:alien: :study: :cyclopsani: :bana:
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim and Eric,
I too have been actively working on overcoming some "things" down here, as well, and find I haven't always been as patient with myself when I seemingly fail to live up to my expectations and goals. You're right, the prompts do help. Nothing like a quick reminder. You know, it helps to focus too on what is good and wonderful about you and your life. Embrace the joys everyday, the stuff that moves your spirit and helps your soul to sing. ( I'm thinking that may very well be something different for each of us.)... and somehow remembering those mood changing feelings and emotions when something causes a knee jerk reaction...hmmm... remembering Love perhaps... in all its many expressions.

I just ran to the back of the neighbor's property LOL (still huffing and puffing...obviously I need to move a little bit more...He was getting ready to mow the public area behind their fence which is choka-block full of good greens for my rabbits. So I dashed out to get a bag full before they are gone.

Anyway, Eric, good job on the written tests. Yes, Macquarrie Pass is the road I mentioned before. It has been the bane of my driving life this past year since our Doctor moved up the mountain. but I must say I have come a long way and in fact last trip I didn't fret at all on the trip up or down. George seemed relaxed too and wasn't hanging onto the door rests for dear life. So Yeah! It feels so good to have let go of that fear. Now to tackle my other driving fears. (I could write a book! :roll: :mrgreen: Oh well, I am so pleased looking back to have come as far as I have.

Okay better go..been a strange day and it will soon be the middle of the afternoon. ("Momma said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this my Momma said...Momma said, Momma said".... Yep that's the song I'm hearing. :D )
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Bill Merritt »

Hi Everyone!

Brand new to posting. Been receiving daily emails for a couple years. Saw the topic and figured it was a good place to start.
Hope to be able to add my "2-cents worth" from time to time

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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Sandy »

Welcome Bill... nice to meet you!

It's great to have you here and I for one welcome your 2 cents any day! :D Do you have any favorite messages?

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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Bill Merritt »

Thank-you Sandy!

As for a favorite post, kind of hard to say. I'm at a point where I can say the daily messages I get from here and a couple closely related websites, were obviously very encouraging. I'm at a point where the posts all seem to kind of sync at times and speak directly to me. Either answering a question I seem to stubbornly hold on to or just plain encouragement. Saying in effect, yes your right. It's both amazing and mind boggling. Coming from a new person I know how it must sound. But I actually first visited this web site as an unregistered guest many times over the past couple/three years.
Been reading the Urantia Book for probably close to 5 years.

I had to laugh out loud when I first cottoned on to this whole 11:11 thing. I'd been receiving prompts in the form of streetlights that repeatedly blinked out when I'd pass to seeing 9:11 for years. I'll give the midwayers credit, they are persistent. When I say years I'm probably going back to the mid '80s.

Yes I was that thick-headed.

Anyway, I'm happy to find a place with like-minded folks. Thanks for being here


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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Sandy »

Bill, I am late getting to the web site today but as I sit here with frozen fingers typing a post back to you the word delightful sprung to mind. Your post was delightful. LOL I had a good chuckle at the end when you said, " Anyway, I'm happy to find a place with like-minded folks."
I'm with you there and must admit it was a real godsend when as a newbie I found this site 11 years ago. (think it was around 11 years anyway) It seemed sort of crazy busy back then but over the years I've seen this place gradually evolve and change. I suppose we are still evolving with each new person who stays awhile and adds their personal stamp.

I'm hoping this place will continue to be here long after George, Geoff and the rest of us have long moved to celestial shores. But hopefully that's many years away.
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by happyrain »

Wild Bill :bike:

Welcome Brother! :alien:
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Bill Merritt »

Thank-you both. It's encouraging to know that your not alone or crazy. At least not yet!!!
Please, I pray you folks that make this place happen are here along time to come, although I can understand the urge to see what's waiting on the
"other side."
When we buried my Mom recently it was a full on Catholic Mass of Christian Burial. It's what she wanted and I know how close she walked with the
Father so I have no fear. It was, as they say her path.
But I saw so many sad people. And I found myself hugging, comforting, and otherwise trying to lift-up their spirits. The priest understood. Although
obviously steeped in church dogma, I had given him a paper just outlining Mom's life in a sense. He used it as the basis of a homily/sermon that actually
made someone behind say WOW!! He said what I so wanted everyone to hear. By the time we arrived at the cemetery I was surprised at how many
folks came. By the time we met for a dinner in her honor, everyone was happy. Joking, laughing, enjoying the moment.
I don't know who helped who that day, but it definitely ended on a high note. Obviously I thank Him, and how ever many helpers were there that day.

Just wish more people knew how easy it truly is.

Thank-you very much happyrain! Think I might consider that moniker ;)
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Sandy »

I like that too :) ..."Wild Bill" :bike:

I am sorry to hear of your Mother's passing. It is something on my mind lately, loosing parents, as both of mine are still living a fruitful and happy life. But I must admit, a little part of me is pained when I see a growing frailty about them. How I long for them to live forever. hmmm I just realized what I said was, indeed, a little silly as they will live forever just not in the selfish little way I want it when my insecurities of living on this planet without their guidance overwhelms me. Your post though... well, it takes some of the sting and ache out of those imagined fears of a time I sure hope is well and truly in the distant future.
I know, after reading the Urantia book, I look forward to the time after mortal life, yet... while here how I wish to keep everyone close, in view, and happy and healthy. Those things are not up to me, though, are they? And so, coming to a reckoning, remembering the joys and wonders we all have to look forward to, and living happily in the present with gratitude...well...that will do.

So thank you for your words as you shared this special day with us. I suspect your strength will impact, in a positive way, more people then you know. God bless you, my friend. :happy
With love,
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Bill Merritt »

Thanks Sandy :D

You have a very eloquent way of speaking and I'm sure it carries over into your personal life.

Birds of a feather flock together so I know I belong here.

As I can and when time allows I'll post on here. I hope to get to "meet" as it were some of the characters that make up this site.
BTW, I'm gonna change my moniker on here to Wild Bill. I like it; It speaks volumes. Trust me. :bike:


Love Bill
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Sandy »

Hey Wild Bill :bike:

You wrote:
"You have a very eloquent way of speaking and I'm sure it carries over into your personal life."

Why thank you! :D But George could tell you a few things. :lol: I can be a bit, shall we say, "over bearing" on certain subjects. :roll: :D

Have a fabulous week end!
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by happyrain »

Bill you don't want to meet me! The real world is scary.
Besides I'm more at home naked on a stool typing a personality into being while a glowing monitor damages my retinas- aside from social media how else am I expected to communicate in today's world!!

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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Sandy »

I think it's interesting, (I'm thinking about personalities that come across on the net,)how some use the net to sort of be someone they're not under the skin... you know, those who vent and attack and let out some of their aggressions and aggravations on unsuspecting strangers. I read one person's ugly comment somewhere else who said, that their therapist had advised them to vent out this aggressive behavior on the internet as it wasn't real and could do no harm. :shock: :(

Well hello! My experience says otherwise. I have seen great hurt and harm come to the sensitive by a person or persons who didn't know them in any way shape or form. I've met many people through this portal. There have been some who have trolled us, making up scenarios or being just outright "ugly". But, for the most part, thankfully, there have been beautiful souls, siblings of cosmic unity.
But I do understand, as you intimated, Eric, being somewhat anonymous does allow you to be open. Yet, as I have spoken to you nearly all of your 7 years here behind the scenes :), I know from experience that what you post is most often from your very dear heart. :)

We are certainly not perfected beings in any way shape or form, eh? And so honesty is a beautiful thing. Yet compassion is just as worthy and kindness and caring and of course all of these are surrounded by the all embracing, Love.

Some people scoff at the use of the word "love" by so many so called enlightened groups/people coming and going out there. Perhaps it isn't macho enough or seems to some ears overused. Yet Love is without a doubt the very foundation of our universe. The "currency" our Teachers have told us. Meaning in a way I suppose that by practicing Love here in the mortal form and becoming familiar with its overarching usages, we will have a little "something" in our "pockets" when arriving in the next realm after death. And so, I ask, just sort of throw it out there...What harm can come from loving and caring for those we meet in every instance, be it the internet or those we pass by in the physical? I then ask, what harm can come from withholding your love on the internet or in the Physical? (and as you all know, just to clarify, I am talking about the beautiful esoteric love shared between all of the cosmic community.)

Just a little something to think about on this Thursday morning in OZ.

... Each and every one of you are of great value to the Creator of all and none of us have to be perfect beings to earn Divine Love on this earth. We are loved just as we are at any moment of the day by celestials and many humans alike as we sit on this "stool" and type.

From my heart to yours... Have a wonderful day/evening. :kiss:
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by happyrain »

hi Sandy,

I hope all is well.

Thank you for your reply. It was lovely. I still exercise caution online. I admire your words.

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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
December 1 when you wrote this seems an ion ago. On Nov. 1, as you were aware, I was on my way to the US, a very long flight to my family. I arrived quite late close to midnight and as I walked down the long ramp there were my elderly parents, both in their 80's now, with a smile on their face as broad as your Texas and there too, unexpectedly, were my two sisters.... My heart swelled at the sight and my eyes brimmed with tears. I wanted to hold that image forever, the peace and happiness and security my family always provides me... I know... I am so blessed and I try to remember not to take them for grandit. From there all became a blur... happy times and outings as I was transported to Ohio and my children and grandchildren and each place I told myself I never wanted to leave and it was so.... But life always propels us forward in some way and I knew these moments were precious but not meant to be my forever.

So I find myself back with my George and on Australian shores waiting expectantly for what this new day will bring. (Hoping the jet lag is finally working its way out as my body adjusts to the rhythms of the southern hemisphere. :) )

Life is good... and I think of you, dear friend, with love. Thank you for your undying support as I made my way back and forth between the continents.
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy,
I’m glad you had such a memorable time. The moment seeing your family sounds wonderful. Very interesting perspective you have too. I am happy for you and all the love you feel recalling and sharing your moments. Wishing you a relaxing recovery 🙂
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custom plates

Post by happyrain »

i don't wish to debase my experience with God, so i hope by bumping this thread we can see the progress together and come to our own understanding's. My desires have grown from wishing to live a healthier lifestyle(still a goal) to wishing to spend more of my time seeking God. I've noticed as well, a confidence in openly discussing my desires to commune with God among my peers and Family. I still feel the pains or fatigue in the mind as it continues to struggle, hoping to fall back on pathways of old, once designated comforts. The message I am receiving, which was spurred around the same time from a celestial message thread, is to enjoy 'this little time of respite'.
I am reminded just how little I understand... How silly I can be, but it's okay. Forgiveness is necessary... yet these loftier desires/goals are life style's, so i suppose i have many years more to experience- maybe lifetime's. The reason for bumping this thread is because the license plate prompts have taken an even more direct approach. Once numbers now written as blatant messages- All of this, very recent- two of which happened shortly after practicing Yoga. One plate simply read, "Awaken." Tonight, again after practicing yoga and having gone a different direction home, I noticed a car with a plate that read, "He wept."

God is alive. I must take time and pray for clarification. There have been even more of these license plate messages but I will leave it at this for now. I see the 11:11 Prompts as a gateway to Faith. As is Prayer. I am grateful to know this magic is meant for us All....
Thank you for the space to share.
:loves _^_ Peace <3
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Re: receiving prompts again

Post by Sandy »

I'm glad you bumped this thread, Eric... a bit like a little journal of life it is as I suppose could be said about this board or any place people share and support each other. In beginning Welle's essay in the Essay forum, I thought about families and the differing kinds and groupings... I think the definition for family has grown in leaps and least for me over the years I have been part of the family here. I'd like to think that in a grander, less in your face way, we are all a family and take a little of the essence of each other into our hearts as we go about our life... I know I am the better for this large spread out family of posters, past posters, present posters and future posters. I am truly blessed and watching the miracles and the Magik unfold as we seek, find and grasp the hand of Divine.
It doesn't get any better then that. :happy
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