Meet up groups in London?

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Meet up groups in London?

Post by Aleph »

Hello lovely people,

I need to TALK to someone about what's going on and how to deal with it (no, I'm not referring to North Korea, Trump, and Brexit. I'm referring to Angels and their signs... :D ).

Could anyone suggest meetup groups here in London, UK? I'd love to join.

Thank you all

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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Paola,
I need to TALK to someone about what's going on and how to deal with it (no, I'm not referring to North Korea, Trump, and Brexit.
:lol: I find myself saying nearly everyday the words the Wicked Witch in the West said in the movie, "The Wizard of Oz".

" What a world, what a world,..." :)

Well, right off hand I do not know of any meet up groups in London, but that doesn't mean there isn't one or that you and others who discover your common interests can't meet up.
We did have a moderator that lived there a few years ago but she has moved well away from London. Maybe some UK eleveners will chime in to your request.
:finger: hope so.

Welcome Paola! :hithere
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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by Aleph »

Hello Sandy,

Thanks for your support! Hopefully, someone in the area will chime in. In the meanwhile, this place is turning out to be a well or resources! I, like many others out there, have been seeing the 11:11 message since my adolescence. I've always wondered what that meant but never gone further than googling it and reading a few articles here and there. A year ago, I was living in Boston where I had momentarily moved for work and study. During a visit to Salem, MA, this woman approached me and said that I "should develop my gift". When I asked what she meant, she just repeated that I had "the gift", I just had to work on it. I then asked how I could do that, and she said that I should definitely start with meditation. On the same day, while I was standing on the platform waiting for the train back home to Boston and thinking this over in my mind, the train approached and I could not avoid noticing the train number: 1111.

I know, this all sounds like a bunch of coincidences spiced up with witchcraft-like stories. Just one of the many episodes. Whatever we want to call it, I finally decided to go deeper into it, and I'm amazed by what I'm finding out. I'm taking meditation much more seriously and trying to find the right path to follow. There's so much out there and one never knows which one is the good one. Unless that meetup group comes to reality, all I can do is try them all.

I'm looking forward to letting you guys know how it goes.

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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by Sandy »

I got goose bumps thinking of the woman who told you you had a gift, Paola. "Bumps" In a very good way as I would classify it as a spiritual happening... something quite normal in some ways for celestial imput for some people but every bit astonishing especially when it arrives unexpected. :shock: I was wondering if you remember what the woman looked like? You see, sometimes Midwayers, who fall in between humans and angels in the celestial hierarchy, well ... sometimes they can appear as solid as you and me. They often are the ones who do the actual physical part of a miraculous rescue that is assigned to angels. Of course, they all work together and I doubt that a midwayer would be there unless instructed to by an Angel who would have gotten the needed information from a much higher source. Anyway, it is something special, your experience and I am happy you shared it.

Okay, all you UK readers especially those from London... you may want to chime in and make a new friend in Paola. Of course, some of my very best friends I've met on this board and most of them we've yet to meet in the flesh. Spirit makes connections just as powerful and important via the subtle connections as the physical. So please feel free to hang out here for as long as you want. You could very well be "our blessing." :D
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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by happyrain »

Hi Paolo!
Sorry but I'm from Texas :lol:

What a fascinating story! You know, you don't need to try them all :scratch: maybe I'm going out on a limb here, seeing as I don't practice much of anything but the Paolo path is a unique one. Some of the best meditation advice I've ever received seems the simplest of task... focus on the breath, don't mind your thoughts or try to control them- witness them... there's nothing wrong with taking a particular thought for a ride just remember to come back to your breath. The idea, I think, is to eventually still or slow all that activity- You're slowing down your mind and going into the zone- a very magical zone :lol:

Maybe not the best advice, you'll have to share more and teach me a thing or two along the way!

A big howdy/welcome from the US! :hithere
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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by Aleph »

Yes, I do remember the woman. She's a very powerful woman, in all sense of ways. I met her in a store there in Salem and of course, we then started talking and turned out she's a psychic and card reader. I asked her to do a reading for me and up to date, I still think that was one of the "strongest" experience in my life. I also want to say that I'm quite sceptical when it comes to this kind of things, so I approached it very carefully. Not only did the things she said came true, but she gave me information on my past that there was no way she could know, as well as mentioning the guy I was with, who wasn't there with me in that particular moment (he was elsewhere in Salem).

During the reading, she asked if butterflies meant anything to me. I was quite confused by that and said that they are pretty insects that fly on flowers. Then she explained herself. She believed that my grandmother (who had passed away two years before and hadn't been mentioned during the meeting) was there with me and she showed herself like a cloud of butterflies around me. She also added that nonna (Italian for grandmother) had the gift too and she believed I had taken it from her. I couldn't make any connection between my nonna and butterflies, nor did I know anything about her being even interested in this kind of "supernatural" things. That night I rang my mum and asked her if she knew anything about nonna being involved with "butterflies" or the "gift". She said no but then she added that her mother, my great-grandmother whom I've never met, was called the "strega" (Italian for witch) in the little village on the Italian Apennines where she used to live, and villagers used to go to her if they thought someone had cast a jinx on them that needed to be erased.

Anyway, I'm still in contact with this woman and if you're interested, I can ask her whether I can make her public, as to say. I'm pretty sure she'd say yes.

Love to you all.

PaolO (which is different from PaolA, which in fact is a female name :lol: )
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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by Aleph »

happyrain wrote:Hi Paolo!
Sorry but I'm from Texas :lol:

What a fascinating story! You know, you don't need to try them all :scratch: maybe I'm going out on a limb here, seeing as I don't practice much of anything but the Paolo path is a unique one. Some of the best meditation advice I've ever received seems the simplest of task... focus on the breath, don't mind your thoughts or try to control them- witness them... there's nothing wrong with taking a particular thought for a ride just remember to come back to your breath. The idea, I think, is to eventually still or slow all that activity- You're slowing down your mind and going into the zone- a very magical zone :lol:

Maybe not the best advice, you'll have to share more and teach me a thing or two along the way!

A big howdy/welcome from the US! :hithere
Hello Happyrain!

Yes, I think yours is a good piece of advice. I've been trying some guided meditation that I found on YouTube... but the voice on the guide ends up distracting me instead of guiding me! Perhaps it's me, I don't know. I noticed last night that wearing earbuds amplifies my heartbeat, which is good to focus on.

Thanks for your tip! :sunflower: :hithere
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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Paolo,
:oops: Sorry about that slip in name spelling. :shock: I will try to remember it is O at the end. ;)

The story just keeps getting better. :D Yes if this woman you speak of would not mind you telling us her real name that would be just fine. But we understand if she is uncomfortable with this disclosure to people she had never met. You know since this is a public forum it might be best if we do not use her full name. How about just a first name? It's possible that her full name and the location Salem might be too much information on the open internet.
I think it is awesome that you are still in touch with her!

I'll never be able to look at another butterfly again without thinking of your story. Butterflies are such emotionally charging creatures. They have a gift of easing the stress and strain when one watches for awhile...just something about their movements I think. So how wonderful that your Nonna reminds you of her presence with such beautiful creatures.

Also very cool that your great grandmother was one who helped take care of her village. I am thinking that she probably helped with health remedies , blessings etc...
George's grandfather was of such. He was very connected with the energies of the earth. For instance he was the go to person when one needed to find water or something that is lost. I suspect there was more to it then that too as George was very little and may not have been told it all. These things passed to his daughter and then to her son, my George.

I understand that some people seem gifted with such things from a very early age but I am thinking that all of us can get better at sensing energies by turning our attention to that very thing...staying in the moment and make an intention to feel/sense the energies that are around you in the moment.

Anyway I hope you haven't had too much trouble posting on the board. This week we have had some website troubles and it still isn't fixed but a little better then yesterday so Yeah! :bana: we are progressing. It will probably be next week before we get updated now as our IT volunteer will be gone for the next few days. But hoping all will be well and we can hang in there until then.
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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by Aleph »

I asked her and she's ok with that :)

Her name is Leanne Marrama and this is her Facebook profile

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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Paolo,
I just looked at the thread and it didn't look like what I posted yesterday was showing. But when I go to post a message just now...there they were. I will be glad when the board problems are resolved.

Thank you for posting the website. I will take a "look see" in a little bit.
Have a great week end!
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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning All!
Welcome to the boards Paola! What a fun thread! Sorry not close to London. I was closer when you were in the States also. Struck me as funny the lady gave you a message in Salem. I have ancestors on both sides of The Salem Witch Trials. When it comes to what information to trust, I always go with my own intuition. If it feels right, I follow. Looking back it all felt very carefully guided, because I too was very skeptical. When in a new age bookstore several years ago it was overwhelming to say the least. I asked which direction I should take and Georges book fell off the shelf in front of me. When the 11:11 jumped off the cover, I almost jumped out of my skin! That book lead me to this site. Still not wanting to be lead down the wrong path, I read practically everything in the archives before reading the message board and signing on as a member. After a month or so, still worried about believing false information I sat in front of my computer and prayed, "Is this where I'm suppose to be?" Immediately all the numbers on the board turned to the date and time I first signed in. Even now I wait to log in because when I do the numbers all change to the date and time I first signed on.

Welcome again!

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Re: Meet up groups in London?

Post by Sandy »

I am enjoying poking around Leanne's facebook page, Paolo. Did you see the Corgi racing? :lol: :lol: My brother and his wife raised Corgis for years...such wonderful funny dogs.
Anyway, please thank Leanne for allowing you to share. Hopefully we will have the MB problems sorted this week. I know right now it is a bit of a pain. Sometimes the posts show up and other times not until you go to post under a thread can you see the most recent posts. :sorry:
Well the day is too beautiful to fret. Take care everybody.
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