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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

I don't usually post something from the net..but my friend up in Golden BC sent it to me today and I just thought I'd like to share it..

This is an amazing article! ... I found it profoundly insightful. Enjoy ... *
We Are the Universe Becoming Aware of Itself

G.C. Blogger

Scientists are discovering now that everything in the Universe vibrates at one frequency or another. That includes human beings. Think of your heartbeat, your breathing, your cycles of waking and sleeping. These are vibrations. All things vibrate differently , so we may not be able to sense the vibrations of a rock or a tree as easily as we can feel the natural rhythms of other creatures similar to us: The heartbeat of a dog, the pace of a galloping horse, the buzz of a bee.
Ancient wisdom, and many indigenous people today, bear witness to the fact that even inanimate objects have vibrational energy. Even modern scientific findings, such as superstring theory, support the idea that vibrations are at the core of all existence. The vibrations are there, but in modern culture we are not taught to hone the senses that can detect this type of energy. And so for most of us, it goes unnoticed. But if we stop and think for a minute, we can begin to recognize the ebb and flow of the natural world all around us. Flowers that open and close, cycles of birth and death, the tides, the migration of birds, weather patterns cycling from sun to rain and back to sun, the seasons, the orbit of the Earth around the Sun, even the expansion and contraction of the universe—all of these are vibrations, on smaller or larger scales.

Arkan Lushwala, in his book The Time of the Black Jaguar, states: “

[Humankind was created] with the mission to care for the rest of Creation through the power of their heart and their capacity to produce refined vibrations. … Keeping this memory alive in their heart and signing it back to all that lives became their gift, their mission, and the foundation of a beautiful way of life.”

Humans were given the responsibility of all the vibrations on Earth. It was our honor and task to literally keep the Universe humming with its essential life force.

How Our Ancestors Cared for the Universe

Ancient humans felt (and many indigenous people today feel) a burning responsibility to show their respect, honor, and gratitude to Nature, to the Universe, and to Mother Earth which gave them life. And so, they created rituals involving singing, dancing, lighting fires, and different types of prayer. These activities raised the vibration of the Earth and all life. Their actions, carried out with great love and gratitude in their hearts, reinforced and strengthened the forces of nature all around them. In turn, the Earth and the Universe protected and supported the humans, sharing with them the great abundance of existence.

“It is commonly known by indigenous people that high-frequency vibrations activate consciousness, nourish what is hungry or weak, heal what is sick, and invite in the most luminous forces of Nature.”– Arkan Lushwala

Some cultures also reflected this responsibility in their buildings.

The ancient Egyptians built massive pyramids, the construction of which was virtually impossible based on the technology of their time. These buildings were aligned with the constellations and named after the shining light of the sun. Lushwala theorizes that the humans who designed the Egyptian pyramids as well as the ancient temples in Guatemala, Peru, Mexico, and other places were creating “sacred mirrors to produce and freely share high-frequency vibrations.”

“They built a world on Earth which was like a mirror where the cosmic dance could reflect itself and resonate, and where all beings could receive the nourishment of this vibration.” – Arkan Lushwala

And so, we know from the wisdom of these people who lived thousands of years ago, that we as human beings on Earth, share an intrinsic responsibility to protect and care for the land.

We Are Failing as Caretakers

But today, due to a global economy driven by wealth and greed, humans are destroying the environment and with it the natural balance of give-and-take between man and nature. Generally, worldwide, we are taking from the Earth far more than we are giving back to Her through respect and love.

At the same time, the indigenous cultures of the world—the groups who hold the ancient wisdom and in many cases still practice the ancient healing rituals that are so desperately needed—are disappearing. For example, National Geographic states that 20% of the Amazon rainforest has been cleared in the past 40 years, and another 20% could be lost over the next 20 years. The areas that are being cleared include the ancestral territory of many indigenous tribes that depend entirely on the surrounding environment for their food, water, medicines, and general health and well-being. As these people are increasingly threatened, their populations decline and their traditions become diluted as they are exposed to the modern world. Their young people may trade in the traditional language, songs, and prayers for a modern education and the ability to speak Spanish or English. And as the older generations die off, worlds of ancient knowledge are being lost or abandoned.

What happens as these important rituals are lost? What is the effect on the Universe when fewer and fewer people are left who know the ancient ways of singing and dancing to honor the ground that we walk upon and the animals and plants that provide our nourishment?

Is that shift at the core of what is happening to the Earth now?

Arkan says that “When forgetting to nourish the forms of life that nourish us, everything beings to decay and lose its radiance. Humankind has consumed millions of tons of resources taken from the planet during the last decades … There isn’t any consistent practice or tradition used for compensating the Earth for all that is taken from Her.”

What can we do to reconnect with the Earth and restore the brilliant vibration of all life, to give strength back to our world when people have already taken so much? For if we can find a way to give back to the Earth, then She will most certainly have more abundance to share with us, and humans can live in increased prosperity (richness of mind, body, and heart) instead of being caught up in endless war, greed, and fear as much of the world is today.

Our Responsibility Today

Evolutionary Activism is a rising movement based on the idea that we, as humans, are aware of evolution and our place in the circle of life. We are the universe becoming aware of itself. Ancient wisdom tells us that we were meant to be caretakers of the Earth, and so our consciousness points us toward an extraordinary responsibility to create a better world for all beings.

Bill Twist, co-founder and Executive Director of the Pachamama Alliance, referencing the late ecotheologianThomas Berry states:

“Thomas Berry says that the great work that we are facing at this time of evolution is for our species to make the transition from being a destructive presence on the planet to a mutually enhancing human-earth relationship.

… To really engage with the questions of creating a mutually-enhancing human-earth relationship, it is going to require tremendous boldness, tremendous brashness, tremendous commitment to get at the core of what needs to be engaged with.”

Worldwide today, groups advocating for transformational social change are already impacting our world in significant ways. Movements such as Buen Vivir and Deep Ecology are calling for a change from the current paradigm to one of respect for nature; a shift away from consumption and consumerism and toward a more holistic view of humans’ place on the Earth.

What role will you play? What talents, knowledge, and deep heartfelt passion for your cause, will you bring forward to make our world more thriving, just, and sustainable?

Pachamama Alliance’s online course, Awakening the Dreamer, explores the immense possibility of living at this moment in time for bringing forth a mutually enhancing human-Earth relationship. Discover your role in creating a new future in this self-guided, free online course.

In closing, consider this poem from the Teton Sioux people, which beautifully expresses their ancient relationship with the land.

Love of the Land

The old people came literally to love the soil, and they sat or reclined on the ground with a feeling of being close to a mothering power. It was good for the skin to touch the earth, and the old people liked to remove their moccasins and walk with bare feet on the sacred earth.

Their tipis were built upon the earth and their altars were made of earth. The birds that flew in the air came to rest upon the earth, and it was the final abiding place of all things that lived and grew.

The soul was soothing, strengthening, cleansing, and healing. This is why the old Indian still sits upon the earth instead of propping himself up and away from its life-giving forces. For him, to sit or lie upon the ground is to be able to think more deeply and to feel more keenly.

He can see more clearly into the mysteries of life and come closer in kinship to other lives about him.

– Chief Luther Standing Bear, Teton Sioux, Born 1868

This article (We Are the Universe Becoming Aware of Itself) was originally created and published

View this article online at: ... f9a77f5b22

love pp xoxo
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for posting this PP. I have been thinking much lately about the vibrations of the earth and all things upon her and in the grand universe. :sunflower:

I recognize the excerpt "poem" from Chief Luther Standing Bear. There was a little more to it not shared in this article that I found and took to heart years ago when first reading one of my all time favorite books called, "Touch the Earth".

Chief Luther standing bear goes on to say after this sentence, "He can see more clearly into the mysteries of life and come closer in kinship to other lives about him."
"Kinship with all creatures of the earth, sky, and water was a real and active principle. For the animal and bird world there existed a brotherly feeling that kept the Lakota safe among them and so close did some of the Lakota come to their feathered and furred friends that in true brotherhood they spoke a common tongue.

The old Lakota was wise. He new that man's heart away from nature becomes hard; he knew that lack of respect for growing, living things soon led to lack of respect for humans too. So he kept his youth close to its softening influence."
("Chief Luther Standing Bear speaks of the Lakota which is the tribal name of the western bands of plains people now known as Sioux (the eastern bands call themselves the Dakotas)
Lakota tends to be used interchangeably with Dakota." )

I have seen over the past few years a gradual change and acceptance of critters around me simply by my showing of respect for them and an acceptance of what/who they are and their ways of being. It doesn't take much... just kindness, staying your hand, and respect, even admiration for them and their environment. I love this article and believe humans would unleash amazing change in humanity by finding a lovely balance with Mother Earth and discovering the innate wisdom and peace offered by our feathered, furred even botanical friends and truly respecting the precious home we all share. We are all connected.

Ah well...time to get a wee bit of house work done.
Love love love,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

ABSOLUTELY!!!!! :bana: :bana: :bana:

I'm sorry to post though that I just have the hardes time with some of the Insect species.....I always ask for their forgiveness as I squash them...

I would make a terrible buddhist....

The Sioux and Cree, intermixed in my hometown area,,,so it's interesting that after being there,,these connections are surfacing...

your back to housework....I' back to deleting emails...

love you :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Wow you guys,,, :roll:
I can't believe nobody has posted here in such a long time,,, :sorry:
not dealing with any serious health issues in this last year,,even managed to avoid pneumonia :mrgreen:

we spent another winter being snowbirds down along the Colorado River,,,Allan digging for fire agate...I did some desert walking :mrgreen: and collected a few coffee containers of chalcedony with some lovely crystal around the edges. I also started to learn how to do 'wire weaving' (look it up on youtube) to make settings for it and the fire agate. Heres a site Allan put up about it.. lots of pictures of the rough rock and how it looks after Allan has spent a couple of weeks working on it.

It wasn't a particularly warm winter,,,although,,,in retrospect,,,better than being up north. It's the wind I don't really like down there,,,it comes up fast,,,blows really hard,,,then just disapears,,,sometimes dropping some rain. In fact we had more rain last year than our combined 4 winters down there. For 98% of the time is dry!! very dry...

I'm still not used to being in the desert,,,and I always have a sense of relief when we get back into the trees on the way home.........and the 'moisture'.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gawd,,I just checked their weather and it's 98 F in Needles CA where we stay,,,and it's only 48 F here....Illawarra is even warmer than us on the Island,,,sporting 58F at the moment.....sheeeze! at least Sandy ad George will have a high of 72 F today,,,we've had our high of 50 F and going down to 41 F tonight,,,which is 9 C and is really Feb weather,,,not the end of April......I can't believe how cold (to me) it still is.....and still raining every day!!! we've been luck if we see the sun at all,,,well at least once a week for an hr or two....when we left CA/AZ it was up in the 90's,,,and for us west coasters,,,that's actually pushing almost too hot!

If anyone knows of a place that's about 80 - 85 F only rains at night and oh yes,,,,no spiders ,,,or snakes,,,please let me know where it is,,,,oh one other criteria,,,,still on this planet!!! :mrgreen:

Well,,,all joking aside,,,I guess we are where we are meant to be and doing what we are supposed to be doing,,,in service,,, and I'm quite happy and content,,,just being and doing when I am called.

Hoping everyone is well,,,,love and blessings ,, pp :hithere :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »


I want you to know that now, thanks to you, I am hearing "I don't like Spiders and Snakes" in my head. (Jim Stafford) :lol: It's not the spiders and snakes I'm worried about but I am a little squeamish where roaches are concerned and we have some the size of a Volkswagen beetle down here. :shock:

We had a very wet March! I believe it was the wettest on record or close to it. Since I love rain I was in my element but it did make for a very long month for some people. (don't want to mention any names. :mrgreen: ) I am so glad though we didn't have this much rain last year's March as I had to walk several miles a day back and forth to the train and hospital while G was ill.

I am so excited! We had a wonderful day with Geoff and an old message board friend, Ruthnfla, who came for a visit. :bana: It made my week... dang... my year seeing them. I only wish they could have stayed longer. Maybe next visit... I am happy to have what ever time we get with our friends and family.

But oh boy, there is nothing like coming back home to the environment that sits right next to your heart is there? When I look down from the plane and see the rolling hills of East Tennessee as we land I could just cry... well in a good way. Part of that, of course, is knowing my family will be there with "Welcome home Sandy!" sign in hand. (The same one they welcomed me back the first time with. :lol: :sunflower: )
It was so funny one year when my plane was a little late coming into Knoxville and they had been waiting there for awhile. Because of that they had sort of forgot to look and were busily talking among themselves. I just slipped into the group and listened for a teeny bit until my sister saw me and it suddenly dawned on her there I was! :lol:

You know just this week I was thinking of posting something on this "dusty" thread and you beat me to it. :) Kimmie is around here too somewhere. Hey, a question....Do you know anything about fairies? Or does anybody out there have any experience with them?

Well I suppose I should start thinking about supper. We don't need much as Geoff took us out to lunch. But G needs regular meals to keep his blood sugar stable.

Have a good day up there!
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

g'day to you down there Miss Sunny and G... :hithere :kiss:

so,,,if you've been thinking of dusting off this thread and I beat you too it,,just shows you how closely we are aligned.

it's actually not raining at the moment,,,but no sun yet either.

waiting for the propane delivery today,,,they didn't deliver last Tuesday like they were supposed to and we ran out this last Friday,,,so Alan hooked up a smaller tank and it ran out at midnight last night... inside temp dropped fast, so I turned on our infrared heater,,,and I think it needs an overhaul as it didn't really give me the heat I wanted....

he woke up about 6 am and went out and hooked up the bbq tank so that has kept inside warm until the $#*&#@ propane company arrives!!!

then I got a call from a lady here who wanted me to go to the dentist with her and I couldn't because I actually have company arriving this afternoon....she is facing open heart surgery,,,they have to replace a valve....and it's been a daily (almost) conversation getting her out of anxiety....getting her to calm down with 'conscious breathing' return to center and and get her ducks in a row again....

plus another situation that I am helping a lady with .... that's going well...

and to think... I had been asking why we had decided to stay here in this park again!!! we had been checking out other places especially since he has officially retired.

well,,well,,well,,, today seems to be the worst day for negative energy than I have experienced in a long time....more 'stuff' has transpired just since I've been writing this!!! :shock: :grrr

Time to cut some 'energy cords' ,,s'cuse me a moment or 2.....making some chai!!! and a munchie!!

well,,maybe I better finish this first,,,company coming!!

Fairies eh Sunny??? not being visual I don't see them,,,but I believe they exist as part of the Elemental Kingdom,,I do have a friend who sees them and am aware of others who report on their shenanigans,,, they can be pesky little beings,,,but apparenty very helpful...sometimes...try google,,should give you some info...

but alas,,,I must cut this short,,,,chores piling up!!

sending you much love,,,and still working on that disappearing pm :roll:

pp :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey PP,
Boy oh boy! Sounds like you are having one of those days...definitely worthy of this song... one I have been humming all morning for some strange reason...

Well I hope you wake up to a day that is just the opposite. :thumright: Did the Propane fella get there yesterday afternoon? I know you handle the heat so much better then the cold... so I hope so.

I didn't know Allan was completely retired now.... Good on him! :D He deserves the freedom to relax and do what ever he wants. My eldest sister retired last Friday. So as I type she is footloose and fancy free. She will make good use of it I suspect. More time in nature! :bana:

You have such a good heart nurturing the friend in the park who is facing serious surgery. It can be overwhelming though at times when you are facing other's worries and fears on a daily basis. I know you are quite adept at creating a personal shield to block the energies and we'll keep her in our prayers. Would it be alright if you gave me her first name so I can feel some kind of a connection? Did she make it to the dentist?

George is using my computer right now (my pc) so I am using my wonderful little mac that a dear friend gave me a few years ago. It has been such a "life saver" the past few years with all our computer woes. I am smiling now remembering all your troubles with Vista. These contraptions can drive you crazy one minute and be a godsend the next. :?
Well that's about it from me today. It has been quiet and peaceful with the only noise coming from our washing machine. (which right now sounds like a 747 taking off. :shock:

Good night dear friend!
Love from Sandy and George too :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Sandy,
well that was just the perfect song,,,,absolutely picked up my spirits,,,and gave me some good laughs,,
I'm saving it for just those moments!!

things are good with the Lady in the park,,,her name is Marion, her dentist appt turned out good, so one step at a time.

The propane guy showed up,,,just as I was calling the office to make sure we were on their list and she assured me I was on the weekly delivery..

next....I had a lovely visit with a friend,,,,so all in all,,,it was just one of those wade thru days, with a little help from my angelic helpers and keeping detached from the flying emotions. not my stuff!!

So now it's my 'night time' and I'm tuckered out now,,,,and that friend has now called me,,,so best I buzz.

talk soon sweetie(s) :kiss: :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good night PP! Glad your day finished on a happy note.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Lynn!!! :loves
I was just lamenting about missing some 11:11 friends! Seeing Sandy had posted to this thread was so exciting! Off to work, but wanted to say, "Hi! :hithere " Will read more catch up later. Welcome back, I missed you!"

Love to all!
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:hithere :kiss: thank you Kim,,,
its always great when I get the 'kick' to come and say hi!
and it also gives me the 'kick' to do more introspection as to why I feel blocked to participate on the mb.
I suspect it's because I'm in 'the change' myself,,,,so much has changed, although most of it I know is normal,,,as we are always changing....evolving..getting closer to home....I'm always thinking,,am I doing enough (and come up short),,,but even that's normal,,,ya,ya,,I hear ya (you too Sandy - what's normal!) :roll :roll :roll :roll :roll
see ya later guys
food is calling...I'm hungry

:love :love pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all! :hithere
Well is a chilly damp 50 degrees F. here today. Spring has been such a tease this year. Might be in the same weather roller coaster ride as 2016. Seriously I'm ready to burn my winter coat, but the hyacinths finally bloomed and the daffodils are trying, so all is not lost!

Speaking of bugs, when opening the shed at work to get the bikes out, a big old spider plopped on my head. Brushed him off admonishing, "Oh, no Mister Spider go find some nasty bug to munch on." And sorry, but you can keep the roaches in the south.

Thanks for trying to help your friend Lynn, hope all goes well with her operation. Wonder if you've ever heard of EFT Tapping? I've been talking to people about it like crazy lately! So many are going through very serious happenings in their lives. My 18-year-old niece, Josie, moved in with us last Sunday. We talked about Tapping before I went to work one day and she couldn't believe how much it helped her with her stress and anxiety!

We had another fun connection on Wednesday. I stopped at Aleah's. She was figuring out a song on her piano, after a few minutes she decided it would sound better on the guitar. She was right, just before she finished I suddenly started crying. My mom came to me conveying she loves to hear Aleah play her music. Mom's so proud of her, she sings and plays so beautifully it makes her cry. Aleah looked up, "Why are you crying?"

All I said was, "My M..." And her nose started tickling like crazy! We instantly laughed, not having to finish the sentence. My Mom's symbol when coming to Aleah and four of my nieces is tickling their noses.

Just before bed that night, I suddenly remembered to tell Josie about it. Went to her room, opening the door I realized she was crying! She said, "The second your door opened I thought, 'Oh no! She knows I've been crying." Right then her nose began to tickle. Another thing is my grandma tickles my nose for her symbol!

Well, for some reason Dave thinks he needs dinner. :shock: Have a great night ladies! Here's hoping for sunny skies and warm breezes!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Thanks for the 'hoping' we need it, although we actually got up to 55F today at 5 pm,
rah, rah, hiss boom bah!!!
Burn your winter coat!!! :shock: you just know whhat would happen the next day :D :D :D
I'm still wearing my long down filled coat,,,,I think it only gets put away for 4 months,,,Jun Jul Aug and Sep, and Sep can be iffy!!! our spring and fall is much like our winter down south as far as temp goes, but we don't have the damp down my coat is pretty much a permanent fixture..(but our daffy's are all out and the flowering trees are finally blooming,,,they are almost a month late! tulips have their bulbs, and my hostas have poked out a couple of inches and the columbine has flowerbuds starting.)
Mind you,,last year we did get to experience in the 90's F until Nov 11th,,,,then it dropped,,drastically, like 50 degrees,,,,untill March when it all of a sudden popped back up to the 90;s again....but as soon as we hit northern CA Mt Shasta area we lost the heat again,,down to the 40's,,,and untill today,,,have had mid 50's a couple of times, but only if it's raining,,,clear skies and it's fact within the last 2 wks we've had 2 hail storms......"spring"??? in the rain forest??? nada!!!!
Glad you all get tickly noses,,,that's cute!!
Yes I know about eft,,,but she doesn't have an open ear! after a month I finally have her practising breathing to get her out of a stress moment,,,she has next to a nil belief system,,so I'm tippy toes,,, sayings things in 3d language and getting a few points across. She's more of a park acquaintance than a friend....her 'friends' are away at the moment and as soon as they re-appear, I'm sure I won't be seeing much of her,,,but whatever...I have a hard time with 'whiners' who don't want to do or try anything to improve their lot!! When someone asks me for their help and I give it I hope to see some effort put into it,,but after 6 weeks of almost daily visits and the story or the tone doesn't change,I take another viewpoint and set my boundaries. I have to!!! I don't live in that kind of energy and it takes some work not to get sucked into it....
geeze,,,am I venting. ???? better get using that Violet Flame and get back on track!! practise some more compassion,,not sympathy...
well I'm off to have some Belgian chocolate now,,,mmmmmmmm
loves :kiss: pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Well it is sunny skies down here. Been a peaceful morning. (now afternoon) I spent some time this morning sitting outside with a diseased cockatoo. Poor little darling has a problem that causes the beak to be weak and malformed and the underfeathers to fall out. It will eventually be fatal. But for now as he sat on the windowsill and me in my fold out chair sharing the morning and the warmth of the sun, Life was precious.

Awhhh kim, I have a tear in my eye too as I read your post. Your mom what a sweetheart to still touch your lives in such a delicate loving way. Makes me miss my mom who is alive and well but just thousands of miles away. Maybe I should write her a little note today. :D

I had to laugh at kim's statement...
Well, for some reason Dave thinks he needs dinner. :shock:
I gotta admit I've felt that way with George too. LOL Sometimes so hard to wrap up what you're doing and tackle the mundane. Although I suppose food doesn't have to be mundane...unless you are in a food rut which is where I sit at the moment. I found an interesting web site called Chocolate covered Katie a little while ago. She, Katie, works out healthy dessert and snack recipes with many of them centering around chocolate. I just tried making one of her brownie recipes and was being plagued with a strange sort of bitterness that I think has come from not blending the baking soda properly with the rest of the ingredients. I noticed it with another cookie recipe and in both instead of using a mixer I used a wooden spoon.
The first recipe I tried was a Peanut butter pie recipe that used banana rather then the cream. I think normally there would be peanut butter and cream or cream cheese. Well anyway.. that's it for me with food today...

Hope you guys have blue skies and a good week end! :sunny:

Just started to post this and see PP posted in the meantime...Now I have Belgian chocolate on the brain... :shock: I hear you PP. It is hard not to be sucked into other's negativity. I was wondering if you could suggest some things that might help us if we find ourselves in a similar situation? What do you do to not to get sucked into it? Enjoy that chocolate for me... I am, as I speak, looking at a glass of "green juice." It isn't bad... but... it isn't chocolate either. sigh. ;) :roll: :mrgreen: xx
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi again gals,
almost bedtime, so I won't make this long tonight...
yes there are some simple and effective things you can do to help you in 'a' just general situations, or when those emergencies happen...and if you do get caught, how to get unattached' easily and quickly.

Being aware of others energies around you is usually your first clue,,so keep your intuition honed up, pay attention to it and act upon it...

I'll write up some things tomorrow,,but here's some quick clues,,
Father Mother God,,,Archangel Michael,,,Discernment and Detachment...
then after you get caught,,,,because it takes practise to see it and avoid it,,,we use The Violet Flame, and cord cutting...

tomorrow darlins xoxo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning Ladies!(and any gentlemen who may be dropping in)
No sense in talking about the weather today. We had hail last week also,...and snow, and rain, and 30 degrees, and 70 degrees, and fog, and high winds. What was that about change being inevitable? Can't really count on being frost free here until Memorial weekend, so 'I should stop whining', but a girl can dream!
peacockplume wrote:I have a hard time with 'whiners' who don't want to do or try anything to improve their lot!!
You make me laugh Lynn and we all need to vent! I understand, we can't really do anything for anyone except support. Its up to them to look outside their box to find a way to help themselves. So many factors are involved to getting each of us where we are. Who really knows if it's by pre-planning, gentle guidance, or just dumb luck that some of us open up to a new truth to set us on a spiritual path. My poor guides and guardians must have been pushed repeatedly to the point of utter frustration trying to get me to remove my 'victim mantle'! I'm so grateful for the effort it must have taken to get me to let go of fears and see beyond such a narrow view of the world.

Now! If the trail had been baited with Belgian chocolate! I would have been the first in line to run the race to enlightenment!

Sandy, I bet a couple sessions of Tapping would help with your food rut! Also might help too! I recommend the Blueberry Cheesecake Cookie although it's really not a cookie, but a mini cheesecake mouthful of taste bud tantalizing delight!

Time to get something done today, love you guys.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

I hear ya Kim!!!

I love

good recipies......I found the basic sauce for stir fry and now make great chinese food, I prep 'everything' the day before because I can do it sitting down,,, including the sauce and I buy the meat already cut all I have to do the day I cook is defrost the meat,,,,it's too big a job for me to do at once now,,,standing too long will pinch the nerve in my lower back then it goes into pain and numb,,,,I haven't mastered cooking standing on one leg yet,,but working on it :roll
actually,,,Allan does the cooking now, with me attempting a dish every now and then...I wash the dishes leaning on the sink,,,rinse and air dry, then he puts them away. whatever works!!!

have a great day ladies and gents
:sunflower: pp :sunflower:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello you guys!

Well what a morning ...Lynn you may have missed the excitement but it is ongoing as the board is acting just plain crazy. Geoff thinks it may be a memory cookie problem but not sure...yummmmm cookies! (Cookie Monster. :mrgreen: ) How can anything named cookies be really bad, eh? I agree with Kim our celestial guides perhaps could up the ante... Now, chocolate Belgian cookies would be a good start but in my case caramel will have me hooked... :mrgreen:
Thanks for the all recipe suggestion. and I do like your idea pp about preparing the veggies and sauce for the stir fry the day ahead, PP. I must be more organized as I have lost my microwave this week. I'm afraid I used it in speedy defrost and warm ups... maybe its a good thing as some people think they are devilish on your health. Don't know but I am already seeing the benefits of more counter space with its absence.

Well here's hoping and praying what ever is wrong on the site is corrected quick smart... :finger:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning!
And a beautiful sunny morning it is. A chilly 40 degrees out there, but happily getting some clean up done outside! Taking before and after pics this time, wow what a mess. Yesterday pruneed a few lilacs. I only have them branch out on the top, kind of like trees. Aiming to eventually have a living arbor over the walkway. Hoping I can coax my Mom's climbing roses to intertwine with the lilacs, we'll see if it works! Also got half the berm weeded, don't recommend anyone plant lemon unless they want it for naturalizing, very invasive, smells great! After being left to it's own devices for three years the only thing left on the berm are oregano, sage and the rest lemon balm. Of course I realized after growing it the first year I was terribly allergic to any balms for tea, so it's bye bye lemon balm! Going to bring all my roses back from the motel and replanting them on the berm. Hello rose hips!

Today is a Tiny day, we're working on an outside play area, she's bringing her own shovel and rake. Working today on a floating platform for climbing and trimming up some down trees in the woods. We'll have a few plastic items, but mostly will be a natural playscape. It's the first year we've lived here since she's been born, so needs to be a little more kid friendly. Well, burning daylight!

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Oh, Boy!
Still experiencing gliches. Left a post here yesterday, showed up then, but is gone now. Well, have a great day everyone! The sunshine beacons! Okay went to post this one and it flipped me back and the other post was there.... Gremlins, must be Gremlins.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi ladies,,,
about a week ago I couldn't get to the mb thru the links that camein the email,,,,,so I waited,,a day I think, then got in..

I saw your post yesterday Kim,,,just couldn't answer it right then...

I can't believe how dang cold it is and it isn't just here,,,I think temps are way belw normal everywhere...

just part of the change??? eh!!! yeah,,,right!!!

sorry lades,,,'m being interrupted :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

loves pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello again,

Been a long day and it is only afternoon. Finally decided better have a doc look at my thumb so that meant a trip up the mountain. Still don't know what is wrong with it (brake, dislocation, tendon trouble???) but should know in a couple days since we just got back from having x-rays taken. (Yep...I am officially a whiner. LOL...) Okay enough of that... :oops:

Hope everyone is managing the board okay. It is a bit dicey at this time. People with Google Chrome seem to do better then those using Firefox and Safari right now. Geoff said he couldn't get on at all. I've noticed posts are also doing a "walk about" still too. I am sure I posted a message here a few days ago and it isn't showing up. Nelson is going to try again this week I think to update us, so hold onto your hats...we may be in for an interesting ride. :)

Thanks for the good impute on managing the maze of daily interactions. I'm working on staying in the present too. Its' so easy to drift off one direction or the other and perhaps there is a time and place for that but ... there's always a but :) and I decided to stop there as I don't want to use the word "shouldn't." (At least I caught it this time. (Also trying to be easier on myself. )

Well, I have a White Cockatoo sitting outside wanting my attention. If I don't give it to him he will eat my house! (literally :shock: )

Love from George and I on this beautiful Monday! :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Testing, testing one, two, three! Had a few minutes to see how the boards were coming. Love and miss you guys, suddenly in the low eighties this weeks, going crazy on gardens and play area for Clementine. Sandy hope you thumb is ok, you're not a whiner if there is a reason! Have a great day all!

Love, :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Morning Kim, :sunny:

Eighties are great for gardening. As for us... I think we may have been in the seventies the past few days. It has been quite comfortable. Not that it really gets too uncomfortable in the winter along the coast where we live. I always complain when it gets a little chilly though..silly person I am sometimes. :lol: Still enjoying the respite from last summer's heat.

As for my thumb... we know what the problem is now. I have what is known as a "trigger finger." It comes from the tendon that runs down through the finger (in my case the right thumb) to not slide smoothly through the tendon shaft, making it to sort of pop into two positions when you try to move it. This can be rather painful. :( They gave me a shot of cortisone in the joint on Monday and it has given me a little relief. Still hoping it will solve the problem. I thought originally it occurred because of the force I exerted to try and cut through some wire, but now I think I may have been mistaken because last night my left thumb began doing the same thing. I wonder if there is something deficient in my diet? Will have to do some investigation. :?

Anyway, it seems the board is mostly fixed and operating dependably again. :bana: Please let me know if you or anybody else has problems.

Wel, we've got a fair bit to do to day so I had better get a move on.
Have a lovely evening up there on the top end. :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hello ladies....

gardening and trigger 'thumb' uh huh,,,,sounds like it could have caused it,,,,and you probably used your left hand also and forgot!!!

well...if you keep gardening,,,you'll keep damaging it,,,not much of a choice!!!

my sister and her husband were at their sailboat for a week,,,,we went down to visit and I carried a bag too heavy, and yes hurt myself,,,my neck is still quite kinky,,,so I damaged some nerves going down my left arm ,,,fingers slightly numb.... WHEN will I learn!!!

and of course I've had to drive a few times,,,,so now I'm recouping!!!

we had beautiful sun for a week tho,,,,and I had fun with my sister,,,she took me out for a belated 70th birthday lunch,,,,had shrimp!!
wanted lobster, but the Keg wasn't open and I didn't want to drive all the way into Victoria.....shrimp was good though.

we also had a weather change today,,,more rain and the worst thunder and lightening storm I've ever heard, since we're almost on the top of the mtn it's pretty scary,,,sounds like a gunshot going off right by your head,,,,,only worse.......a lady a few trailers along said she thot it hit her trailer...wouldn't surprise me,,,,it was that close to us....lucky it didn't strike a 100 ft tree and bring it down,,,they are all around us!

so now we're in for a cloudy week,,,,then it's supposed to turn warm again,,,,hope so!!

well ladies,,,take care of your bodies please....they really don't appreciate hard work,,,and the older you get,,,the more your body tells you about it!

but do have fun! I mean,,,really,,,we gotta have fun!!!

keep smilin!!! and have a great week...much love

(oh,,,ps....the other lady here had her heart surgery yesterday,,,she is doing good!)

pp xoxoxo
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