Weird Shadows after a prayer

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Weird Shadows after a prayer

Post by Nikki88 »

Not sure what to make of a recent experience i had. I've been contemplating making a major change in my life and attempting to go after something that might be risky if it's even possible. The odds are against me on this one and as i usually do in such cases i prayed for guidance since I'm feeling a bit lost. In my praying i also mentioned i felt a bit cut off spiritually probably due to some recent experiences in life. Mostly i get guidance from prompts if i get any at all but this time something different happened. After i finished my prayer i went on with my day and was just listening to music in my bedroom while waiting for my computer to finish downloading windows 10 when i saw what i can only describe as a black orb fly by really quickly. At the time i wondered if the sighting was in response to my earlier prayer but unable to interpret its coincidental appearance i went back to my music brushed it off and continued waiting on my computer. Several minutes go by and with nothing particular interesting to look at i just kind of looked at my open door when i saw someone peek their head around the door frame as if looking to see if i was there but not wanting to disturb me. I looked directly at it and thought that it was my mom at first looking for me. When i called her name and she didn't respond i went into the living room to find her and see what she wanted only to find her asleep on the recliner. My step dad was also asleep in the master bedroom at the time. When i asked them about it when they woke up they said that hadn't been to my room and weren't looking for me. I saw the figure well enough to make out what looked like fringy medium length hair but couldn't pick out any features besides that. Normally i would have dismissed the occurrence but since it happened so soon after seeing that black orb thing fly by i'm just not sure what to make of it. We've been living in this house for a little while now and nothing like that has occurred yet and this place doesn't strike me as haunted. I'm not sure if these two shadowy figures are figments of my imagination or if they appeared for some reason in conjunction with my praying. If they did appear because of my prayer I'm not sure what the reason or meaning is. Also not sure if they are what you guys call “packets” as i haven't seen any ghostly activity from this house prior. Anyone have any ideas on this one? Kind of just want some perspective lol right now i'm just questioning my sanity or if i saw anything at all :lol: .

Lots of love,
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Re: Weird Shadows after a prayer

Post by Sandy »

Hi Nikki,
Spiritual happenings of this sort have a way of making us scratch our heads and even doubt if we saw, heard or felt anything at all. But in most instances we are spot on and our intuition usually doesn't let us down. You did not mention any negative feelings you felt upon seeing both the orb and the strange figure so I am thinking it may have been something in response to your prayer since you had just prayed with your heart and soul. Sometimes "Divine Personages" can be so bright that we cannot view them in their true form and light, for instance a TA, whom one most often never "sees" cannot be viewed in their "pure light form" with our human eyes so they cover their light on the rare occasion they show Themselves, making them seem more as a dark spot. George was allowed to view his son's TA before he was born. And it looked much as you described like a dark orb. George said to Bzutu, who happened to be there at the time, " I don't like these black things in my house." As this little dark spot turned in mid air from looking at him to look at his wife, It then said, "If I showed you my true colours you would now be blind."

George believes that the TA came and showed itself to him, in conjunction with what he was thinking about at the time...

Sooooo...I am also thinking in your case She (your TA) allowed you to see Her in conjunction with your own heartfelt prayers and thoughts on this life path you are contemplating. I am struck by the timing and the reminder (for me at least :) ) that we have this very special "Guidance," this awesome loving Particle of God, with us in all times and for all times. This has given me a bit of a boost on a dreary day and I hope that as you think about it and pray about it you feel comforted and cherished by this happening as well.

The figure you saw too... it sounded as if felt no animosity from it either, even thinking in it's polite way that it was your Mom. I doubt that a "packet" or anything negative would have been so considerate. It could have been a Midwayer, but just in case surround yourself with Brilliant Divine Light when you pray and meditate, asking that only beings with your very best interest at heart be allowed close by.

You, however, are your best determiner... Journal this incident writing down all you remember and how you feel... Just chatter away about it and be sure to write whatever thoughts and feelings come up. Hopefully this will give you some guidance and direction in all that you desire.

I add my prayers too for you as you stand before this fork in your life's road.
((((((((HUGS)))))))) and lotsa love from me to you,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Weird Shadows after a prayer

Post by Nikki88 »

Hi Sandy,
You are correct I didn’t feel anything negative from the orb or figure. I was mainly caught up in listening to my music at the time and bored waiting on the update to finish. No more ghostly happenings have occurred in the house since that day. Oddly enough though my step dad gave me a rather coincidently timed speech about how he felt I wasn’t being true to myself a day or 2 after that initial event and I hadn’t told him of my potential plans yet. I’m not 100% sure where to go from here and I have an extremely high probability of failure given my current circumstances so hopefully if this is meant to be a miracle will happen :lol: . Glad my initial post brightened your day Sandy! Hope all is well!
Lots of Love,
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Re: Weird Shadows after a prayer

Post by Mamo »

Hi Nikki :sunflower:

I don't know what your plans are but just want to say that you should put all doubt and fear of failure aside. Your prayers have been heard so go about with confidence and determination.

~ One for All and All for Love ~
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