Struggles, successes, and other experiences

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Struggles, successes, and other experiences

Post by Joe2JS23 »


I hope you all are doing well. I have recently started working with the Akashic Construct again and I wanted to share a bit of my experiences. These are some of my first attempts after getting back into it, and things are going a bit slow, but here's what I have experienced. Now I should note that I have been practicing regular meditation for a while now without the AC disk. I think that has helped a bit, but so far it has been very challenging for me to really relax. I have listened to each track more than once, but so far I have yet to really experience the visualizations with any real clarity. There have however been some rather unexpected occurances. For instance on the first track, which I believe is the "relaxation" portion, I started to for some reason visualize a tile floor. There was water on the floor, yet I couldn't actually feel the water. Then I noticed that there was tingling at my feet, a cool tingling sensation, very strange indeed. Another thing that really caught me off guard was this. I was on the last track, the Akashic construct track, and all of a sudden I started to hear the sound start to break up intermittently; the audio file started to skip. Please keep in mind that I was listening to this on my computer through headphones. I'm not sure if this holds any significance. I have heard that the midwayers can affect electrical systems, so I wonder if it was a midwayer or angel trying to communicate through the audio feed.

On a side note, I would also like to mention a few other events that have happened recently. There have been other similar events that have happened. The other night I was on the couch in the dark, and out of nowhere I heard a female voice say "he's not human." I was startled, as I was not expecting that. I'm not sure who's voice that was or who that was referring to. I have also noticed smells that start to materialize. Usually they are very pungent and unpleasant. I'm thinking they are attributed to dark spirits, I'm not 100% sure on that. There are also times where I will smell something very sweet and nice. I usually attribute this to Spirits from on high, well that makes sense to me anyway.

Another powerful thing that has been happening is this very intense tingling sensation that I have been having, mostly in my abdomen. It usually happens during regular meditation, or sometimes when I am just really relaxed. It's a cool, refreshing sensation that leaves me feeling very calm, almost bissful. My guess is it's some type of healing going on internally. There are times when this happens that I am left feeling very tranquil and at peace. In turn, this has opened my spiritual awareness greatly. Most of the times now I have this all-over, pleasant, calmness that seems to tell me that everything is going to be ok. I would like to express that I am so grateful and happy that I have been guided to this site by God, to have the opportunity to experience these wonderful, powerful and spiritual moments. It's great to be in the company of such great like-minded people. Thanks to George and Sandy!

In summation, as each day passes it seems like the vibration of my life seems to rise, and I become closer with the celestials, Christ Michael, and the Heavenly Father. Thanks for those who have listened. May God bless you all. :) Take care.

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Re: Struggles, successes, and other experiences

Post by Sandy »

Hi Joe!

I must say I am thrilled to read this post and the incredible experiences you share. I love it when things happen quite out of the blue as in when you mentioned the tile floor and the water... and I found myself nodding too as you spoke of the tingling and calmness you experience while you meditate. I am thinking as well that it is, as you say, a healing going on and peaceful energy being imbibed within us. I know now why you hear nearly everyone who practices meditation recommending it to others because it does help instill a peace and calmness quite hard to describe and it stays with you and returns to shore you up in those stressful moments... Does that make any sense? I guess what I am remembering is that several months after I began doing the Akashic construct Cd and practicing some type of meditation daily I was surprised to discover one day that I was not getting angry and uptight at some of the things other drivers were doing on the roads around me. ( I was a little dumbfounded as this was not like me at all. LOL)

As for those elusive visuals... we all have felt at times we could/should see a little clearer...but you are doing it exactly right but keep at it and we've found they usually get clearer as you continue to visit your Akashic Library and special place in nature. I remember noticing one day that the sand of the beach in my special place was brilliant and clear and I could feel it between my toes...the temperature of it... and the smell of the salt sea. It truly was a vacation away from my daily life. But then, of course the next day things were not quite so clear :roll: but sometimes that's the way it goes, eh?... and things are not always the same. I think it is helpful to encourage all your senses to participate as much as you can...touch smell etc... We can really get into it as we use our fabulous imagination we've been given to see, touch , feel, hear etc...all the wonders of these realms. In time it won't be us as we become ever more adept at perception and using our "subtle sense". You are well on your way to this from what you have said as you allow things to happen in the exercises.

I too once over heard a conversation between two celestials just as I was coming out of sleep. They were speaking of someone else and I discovered a few weeks later why I was allowed to eavesdrop as I was able to be used as their hands and feet to get the message I overheard to the rightful recipient who couldn't "hear" at that time. I'm hoping it all becomes clearer to you, these things you hear, as you progress in your own way.

Well I have "trotted" on and on and really what I wanted to say was thank you for sharing these things with us and inspiring us to march on in our own meditation attempts. Please, please, please do share again when you are able. :D
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Re: Struggles, successes, and other experiences

Post by Zachary »

Its great for me to read what u wrote Joe. Thanks for sharing with us!
I'm not so consistent with my stillness sessions so its encouraging to see others establish routine and produce positive results.

The "he's not human" part got me lol.

Idk how that made you feel when you heard it, but often I receive plenty of humor from celestials.. so much it feels like im having a good time and im not just here to study and learn. I get so caught up in the 'now' and the joy im feeling that the message becomes secondary while still being primary... as if the message was professionally wired to my personal mind circuitry.. I love it!

Thanks again for sharing Joe

its great motivation
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Re: Struggles, successes, and other experiences

Post by Sandy »

Hi Zachary,
I was just thinking about you this morning. Love what you wrote!
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Re: Struggles, successes, and other experiences

Post by Joe2JS23 »

Hi Sandy and Zachary,

Thank you for the replies. I can relate to the humor aspect. When that voice came out and said "he's not human" it really took me by surprise. I think humor is a good way to "lighten the load" so to speak. Anyway thanks again you guys again, and please have a great rest of your week.

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