"Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

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"Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

Post by JohnG564 »

In the 8/28/2015 message 'Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time', you mention 'We’re in a swamp of misinformation these days'. Do you mean world media news, or other TR's who say they are receiving so much info on Monjoronson's soon return, tomorrow or next week, and their fanciful imaginings? It is difficult to know what is true since nothing seems to be happening. Has my mind been waylaid with all of their stories?

John G in the U S of A
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Re: "Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

Post by George »

Hi JohnG564,

Especially in the last few months I get emails, almost daily, to log onto Serara dot org or Monjoronson dot something since there is good news, rather than "your same old, same old 11:11."

So I try to find my Friends and I mostly hear "I didn't say that," or "I wasn't there."

People like to hear what they like to hear even if one prediction after another comes to naught.

God bless...

And yes, we're in a swamp of spiritual misinformation -- same with the political, I guess.
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Re: "Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

Post by JohnG564 »

Thank you George for confirming my thoughts. I guess I'll concentrate on soul growth, and finding folks that I can help, and not worrying about all that spiritual misinformation out there. When I read that message on Wednesday I had to read it 3 times to really hear what they were telling us and it hit home to me. I have been very relaxed ever since, much more peace in my life now, and I can see much more clearly. It is a beautiful day!

Thank you,
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Re: "Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

Post by Welles »

Hi John,

I keep a watch on a variety of forums and sites that focus on the Correcting Time and the possible incarnation of divine representatives because I find the general idea emotionally appealing. However I'm always skeptical of my own interpretations of reality when the emotions and mind are the predominant actors. There's one site that regularly provides prophecies of dates and times for cosmic events which never come to pass. The leader proclaims that his body has been modified to last a long time, maybe 500 or 1,000 years, I forget the specifics. Each time a prophecy falls flat there are a consistent series of excuses, sort of cosmic sounding reasons.

Now it might be that this is all 'real' although I seriously doubt it. Most of the effort people in that group put out is to try and figure out where they are going to fit in the cosmic hierarchy that will domesticate this planet. I suspect all of them are sincere but to me the direction of the group is a bit off. From my point of view don't believe anything except the reality of one's own experience and those messages that resonate within. I let the rest go. Spiritual growth is the most important thing we can elect to do right now. The opportunity is phenomenol to make rapid strides. In doing so we help others for we can occasionally provide the story of our experience to stimulate someone else or help them make sense out of their paths to enlightenment.

In all the spiritual offerings that use the Urantia Book's cosmology (which I've embraced) I like the 11:11 Progress Group Messages simply because they help me grow in understanding more than any other online source. Take today's message "About Soldiers". It is a brilliant description of the relative right and wrong of the phenomena of being in war. I had repaired medical equipment in the U.S. Air Force during Viet Nam and worked in a hospital that was the temporary billet of tens of thousands of wounded during my stay. Since that time I experienced occasional confusion about the spiritual result of participation in war. Today's message may have put that worry to bed for good.

I think when we are confronted with assertions of a purportedly spiritual nature we must look inward. If it resonates in the heart it is a greater relative truth. Those that resonate in the mind and heart are relatively greater than those that are mind and guts. I go for the heart as well as I'm able.

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Re: "Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

Post by JohnG564 »

Thank you Welles. Your message is welcome and refreshing.

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Re: "Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

Post by George »

I was about 17 when I had a very strange dream.

In the dream I was to run 10 times or more around an oval track I had never seen before. I was wearing army fatigues and I carried a heavy backpack. It was a very, very hot day.

Some distance away, back at a barracks stood perhaps 12 or 15 young men (soldiers... cadets) and their sergeant.

All of a sudden I was lying face down by the side of the track, lying still, not breathing, yet somehow looking at a figure casually striding toward me.

The sergeant (of Indonesian appearance) kicked his foot underneath my dead body and turned me over with his foot. Then he said (unemotionally and basically to himself): "He is dead."

I didn't tell anyone about that dream, realistic though it was. Soon after, my army call-up papers arrived. I was going to become a Hussar --- a member of the Dutch queen's guard. Family and friends were very pleased for me. I was OK with it but cared little for royalty --- accidents of birth and all that in my opinion.

My older brother had already been in the army and he had much to say... "You'll be jumping out of an airplane at 3000 meters, garrotting some guy in a ditch somewhere. You'll be training at (mentioned a town nearby to the army complex). There's an Ambonese (Indonesian) sergeant in charge there, a tough nut. He'll soon pull you in line."

It was like my life, my future, had "exploded" in that very instant.

And yes, you're right, I got out of that country, pronto.
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Re: "Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

Post by Amigoo »

that dream, realistic though it was

How can we tell the difference between realism and symbolism in our dreams? :?
... or does it matter as long as we're inspired to take action?

And for these advisory dreams that we don't remember, is that information
still recorded in our subsconcious (for later discovery and/or action)?

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Re: "Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

Post by George »

Hi Amigoo,

It was the kind of dream you instantly wake up from. The real stuff,
but at 17 I no longer told anyone at home anything.

My almost daily predictions bothered people.
I had long ago clammed up.

The dream about the "dead me" was so real it stayed with me for days and weeks.
There were other vital dreams I discarded ... and I paid the price.

I trust that answers your questions.
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Re: "Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks for the realism perspective, George.

:scratch: I sometimes have dreams that wake me (I don't want them to continue),
but later think that I should stay with them and resolve the conflict.

LOL: a friend told me yesterday that she had a dream that I rejoined the military
(the type of dream that would have awakened me). :shock:

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Re: "Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time"

Post by George »

I gave all that some more thought, Amigoo.

How many Ambonese (Indonesian) sergeants do you think were training the hussars in the Netherlands?

Each year just 12 (or 24) were trained. Just 12, I think, not sure tho. Only one sergeant trained them all.
All were psych tested for determination, courage, quick reaction... also for physical strength and
being 6' tall plus.

The Ambonese sergeant was the only one I ever heard of in that specialist job.

REALISTIC is meaningful here. :) a 100 percenter IMHO.
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