Entering The Angelic Realms — by Soren Dreier

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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Entering The Angelic Realms — by Soren Dreier

Post by Welles »

This is a subject about which I have little or no personal knowledge but I found this series of articles by Soren Dreier really interesting. Any point of view I might espouse would come from my (no doubt) poor understanding of the Urantia Book. Soren builds his perspective up from experiences. In that regard his is a very practical approach. I always like that. 

In any event he has just published four of six articles on the subject. If you have any interest in the field they are worth reading.

Entering The Angelic Realms


Entering The Angelic Realms – II


Angelic Realms III – Be Still My Heart

http://sorendreier.com/angelic-realms-i ... -my-heart/

Angelic Realms IV – Debunking Celestial Structures of Hierarchy

http://sorendreier.com/angelic-realms-i ... hierarchy/

Parts V and VI are not published just yet. When they are I'll add the links.

Angelic Realms V – Merging With the Angels

Angelic Realms VI – Breaching Celestial Firewalls

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Re: Entering The Angelic Realms — by Soren Dreier

Post by Sandy »

Wow! I feel like a kid in a candy store! :bana: Thank you Welles! I can't wait to dive into these a little later today. :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:
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Re: Entering The Angelic Realms — by Soren Dreier

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Part V was just published today...

Angelic Realms V – Merging With the Angels — by Soren Dreier

http://sorendreier.com/angelic-realms-v ... he-angels/

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Re: Entering The Angelic Realms — by Soren Dreier

Post by Sandy »

Well, I did read the first article so far, and to be honest, I am not impressed. But then again, that is just me. It seems unnecessary for the author to discredit and in fact call "out" any information in opposition to what he himself is channelling as ghoulish interference. In my experience celestial beings are the art of diplomacy. It is the human receivers that mess it up from time to time.

But from the very first sentence of the first article I was left scratching my head. When the author said,

" Angels seem to have become out of fashion, on the account of other metaphysical realm entities such as ghouls, nature spirits, ghosts and other non-biological beings getting the majority of the attention. I would like to bring them back on the table."

Obviously, he/she hasn't looked at the enormous selections of angel books and information, in book stores and on Amazon, much of it written to help others make contact with the angelic realm. There are as well, zillions of websites cluttering the internet with information on these celestial beings... thereby rivalling the ghost story cult in no uncertain terms.

I have read a fair bit on the subject, and many items with differing thoughts on these celestial beings. In most instances the authors state their points and views without lamenting on the inadequacies on differing views. But I suppose some people appreciate that kind of thing.
Okay with all that aside... one can't like everything I suppose and I am sure this person would not agree with much that I abide with. So to each their own. If a person gets enlightenment and inner joy from these articles then more power to them as the celestials have broad plans and thick "play books". In the end everything works out for the good of all of us.

Thanks Welles... my disappointment in no way is a reflection on you as you are a kind of human artistic creative saint in my book. xx
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Re: Entering The Angelic Realms — by Soren Dreier

Post by Sandy »

I just read the second article and it felt much better. The negativity gone.
I also now understand why he sees ghouls everywhere as it seems he works on clearing such things.

Soren wrote:
"We often see guardian angels, spiritual helpers and so on, along that line of metaphysics. Often, departed ones, no matter how they lived their life, will enter that realm and take on Angelic tasks and wait for their loved ones also to pass, so they can enjoy a celestial time-out within the framework of what I like to call ‘Spiritual Families’.

They are often being confused with Angels."

We are often told that the Midwayers often do the tasks attributed to angels as it is simple for them to enter our realm and interact when needed.
For instance, my good friend was vacationing at the beach many years ago. She was not a strong swimmer and unfortunately when swimming alone late one afternoon she became caught in a rip. It was carrying her out to sea when she was just able to grab hold of the last peer support. She was being battered and cut by barnacles as she clung there for her life with nobody around to help her. But then out of the blue there appeared a man in his late twenties or early thirties with the deepest bluest eyes she had ever seen. He gruffly and firmly without any "sentimental fluff" demanded she let loose of the peer and he would tow her back to shore. (Probably the only thing that would have coaxed her into loosening her death grip on the peer support) When she got to shore she was collecting herself and when she looked around, he was gone!... just completely gone and she could see quite a distance in every direction. To this day she believes it was Angelic assistance and maybe it was or maybe too it was a Midwayer or spirit helper. I don't think it is important either way. She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt she had celestial assistance of some kind when she needed it the most. :happy
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Re: Entering The Angelic Realms — by Soren Dreier

Post by Welles »

Hi Sandy,

I understand your meh about the first in the series. I thought it set a tone and Soren grew out of it into a much lighter perspective as he went on. From what I've read and listened of his work he is a spiritual seeker who is way into his head. That means that his points of view are built on the evolutionary truth of personal discovery rather than having a foundation in revealed truth. As a result mysticism will tend to crop up.

I have a simple strategy when it comes to mental stuff. If I can hold it in my heart as well as my head it is relatively more true than ideas I hold in my mind and guts. That is simply because those concepts have a bit more of a divine perspective. The gut level ideas are relatively more animal/earthbound and will have a shorter life span for they will be jettisoned with our passing into a slightly more perfected realm and form. I find Soren's perspective interesting for the process of his comprehension. It is very evolved in my estimation even though some bits are uncomfortable.

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Re: Entering The Angelic Realms — by Soren Dreier

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Here's the last of the series...

Angelic Realms VI – Breaching Celestial Firewalls — by Soren Dreier

http://sorendreier.com/angelic-realms-v ... firewalls/

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Re: Entering The Angelic Realms — by Soren Dreier

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Welles!
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