Angels and Ancient Aliens

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Angels and Ancient Aliens

Post by jgrpoco »

Today I was listening a DVD of A documentary of History Channel called Ancient Aliens volume 2 and I found a chapter about Angels.
There they stated that the meaning of Angels would be intermediary, messengers and others things.
Imediately I remember that some of the e-mails I received from 11:11 assume this statement and I was wondering what is this about after all.
May be worthy to see this documentary.
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Re: Angels and Ancient Aliens

Post by overmind »

Hello JG. I know a lot about the various responsibilities of the seraphim and have some very basic info on what our brothers from other worlds are up to, so I can answer questions relating to these topics. The overall idea behind Ancient Aliens is correct, we are not alone and there have been past visitors that occasionally impacted the lives of individuals or larger societies. However, the people on that show are not at all trustworthy, and will spread misinformation in order to back up their personal biases. There are some debunking videos on youtube if you are that interested, but the basic gist of it is that the actual facts relating to the historical sights they visit are ignored or directly changed for television. The History Channel is not a source for education anymore, it is merely for entertainment at this point.
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Re: Angels and Ancient Aliens

Post by Sandy »

Hello jprpoco,
Welcome to the message board! I haven't watched the TV show "Ancient Aliens" We can't get it here since we don't have cable but I thought I might be able to post a couple URLs relating to information about Angels from the Urantia book that might interest you on the subject of these wonderful and most helpful universe beings.

Paper 38 Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe ... l-universe

Paper 39 The Seraphic Hosts ... phic-hosts

I too have always been fascinated with the thoughts of beings from other planets, Angels and such. It was exciting to realize nearly 10 years ago that angels were indeed as real as you or I. Of course that realization comes from my own individual effort at communicating with my own Guardian angels. I guess proof is fleeting in regards to helping someone else believe, though. We each have to do the "work", if we wish to have undeniable proof that is able to appease our own greatest critic, ourselves! ;) :)
It's nice to meet you. jprpoco!
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Angels and Ancient Aliens

Post by pointman19 »

The people that i find pretty reliable when it comes to Ancient Aliens is David Hatcher-Childress, Erik Von Daniken, Jason Martell and David Wilcox. Theres a few more but i cant remember their names off the top of my head....OH and Phillip Coppens!

Ive come to some revelations lately and its about our place in th Universe, whos watching and helping, and are they all here at the same time?

What i mean by that is there are physical beings in the universe, that exist in the third dimension, that are either watching us, aiding us...i cant tell. What i can tell is, there does seem to be some kind of cover up of some kind. But im not the conspiracy theorist type...this is just starting to sound like fact.

There seems to be some kind of "force" on this planet that drives our society to be the way it is. Money is the root of power and greed, Women have to be able to hide behind a flagpole if your to be considered beautiful in our society...keeping the general public in ignorance when their are greater things happening.

I dont know what this "Force" is. Some people say not so sure i can believe in that.

Now these "watchers", the ones that are interacting or viewing us from the 3rd Dimension, maybe their intent is to try and enlighten the human race to whats really out there. But the Force that tries to control and subdue the human population is possibly whats keeping them silent for now. But somehting is out there, in our own physical dimension, that is watching us.

Right along the side of the third dimension, i believe that there are spirits out there, real life beings that vibrate to such a degree that they are nearly Light. This higher vibration and elevated consciousness is what allows them to live in a higher dimension...possibly the fifth and beyond. These beings can interact with us on the third dimension right along side of us. However, our senses have been limited down to 5...and these senses cannot detect these beings. But if you hold intuition close to your heart, you will "Feel" when these beings are around you.

Its a tingle that starts. Sometimes at the top of the shoulders, down your arms and sometimes from the neck to the middle of the back. These tingles can be felt all over and all at once. I call these tingles "Angel Hugs"

I know i may sound a bit crazy...but this may be why i havent done much on my blogs lately. There is so much out there to write about, but i fear that the things i have uncovered through my research, through my intuition, and through what i call "a feeling of guidance through education". is whats holding me back. Are people ready to keep an open mind when it comes to my very new ideas? I think my history blogs can show that there difinitivly some kind of intervention long ago on this planet. It kinda blows my mind that this kind of information can only be found by looking for it. Its right in front of our eyes, its very obvious...and its not discussed in the mainstream....why is that??

I try to be close to my angels, passed on relatives and spirit guides....but my head just works too fast. Meditation is very very difficult to me because i cant quiet my head down. So i feel that, until i find a way to get a better grip on meditation, i have to use alternate ways of listening to my guides. Repeating numbers, Feelings or tugs to go in a certain direction....

Anywho, i really got off topic here and i apologize. When watching Ancient Aliens, just go by your gut on who is trying to be genuine and who is trying to amp up a story or a find a way to snare your interest with a little misinformation. Many theories on that show are you have to take some things with a grain of salt.

Oh and dont judge Georgio Tsukolos because of his hair ;) He has some great ideas. There are times i think hes off, but i like his ideas.

Peace and love


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Re: Angels and Ancient Aliens

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jason,
It is always good to see you when you pop on from time to time. I am hoping your life is flowing nicely and pleasantly as you follow those awesome tugs and nudges.
There seems to be some kind of "force" on this planet that drives our society to be the way it is. Money is the root of power and greed, Women have to be able to hide behind a flagpole if your to be considered beautiful in our society...keeping the general public in ignorance when their are greater things happening.
I do feel the people of this planet have been interfered with in our past. The Urantia Book speaks of such things in papers such as Paper 54: The Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion. ... -rebellion As it stands now, we are pulling ourselves up out of the muck and mire of this interference by our own bootstraps. But I do not believe that we can be forced to do anything without our inner agreement. We can choose evil and good or a whole colour scheme of grey choices in between but the choice is still ours in the end. And while it is easy to group people into categories... on a spiritual scale, the only thing that is counted is our own individual efforts. In the end when we transpire from this world and transcend to another realm. We will stand on our own merits not those of a group or association. And so we live our mortal lives.

I, for one, and as a woman, do not take much notice of fashion and products expecting me to be flagpole thin. At the ripe old age of 56 I have finally learned, through my own efforts and mistakes of self judgement that I am more than the way my body looks or society decides I should look. Perhaps this is in a weird kind of way a coming of age for women. Women all over the world, hopefully, are waking up to this themselves. As surely we have more important things to consider as our life unfolds. If men want to continuously decide what their ideal of the perfect women is...well then that is their problem not ours. if a man is that hung up on "looks" then surely he is the one missing out in the end. My hope is that all the little girls born on this earth will love and appreciate themselves just the way they are. And that is what I am working towards.
I try to be close to my angels, passed on relatives and spirit guides....but my head just works too fast. Meditation is very very difficult to me because i cant quiet my head down. So i feel that, until i find a way to get a better grip on meditation, i have to use alternate ways of listening to my guides. Repeating numbers, Feelings or tugs to go in a certain direction....
Oh boy can I understand what you're saying here, Jason. :) It is real easy to think of meditation as just one thing what other people may deem ideal. For instance, someone sitting cross legged, eyes closed or staring at a candle. But it can be 1001 etc.. things. Please keep searching till you find something that you can work with, keeping in mind that with meditation practice, everyone has moments when it just doesn't seem to get anywhere. Yet, it does serve an important purpose, even those moments when you have just realized your thoughts have run off again. What we don't realize is that even these meditation practices too are productive.

It doesn't matter what happens while you meditate... whether you are meditating like a Guru or leading yourself gently back (without judgement) over and over again. What is important is that you are regular in your practice regardless of outcome each time.

In meditation we are developing our mental focus, regardless of distractions. If we keep doing it, we get better at it. All we need to do is keep showing up... keep trying even if it is only 10 - 15 minutes a day.
So please let's keep looking for a meditation practice that we are comfortable with in our efforts.

Let's remind ourselves when frustration creeps in, that meditation, of any sort, is immensely valuable and why we are doing this.
Edgar Cayce once said, (I love this quote) "Through prayer we speak to God. In meditation God speaks to us."
How can we put a price tag on that eh? :D

Okay... off we go then...into the wild blue yonder" each of us following our own path to what resonates with our souls.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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