Babies in Spirit

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Babies in Spirit

Post by Geoff »

I seem to recall that the Ubook says somewhere that unless a child reaches about seven, and has an Indwelling Spirit, it cannot "fuse" and enter the eternal realms?

My dear friend Joseph has just written a book of his conversations with his many members of family in spirit (he came from 12) and one is a child lost at one day. She is now a Celestial, and has guided both parents and all the members of her family who have passed over so far. So something is odd or needs more explanation?

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Re: Babies in Spirit

Post by nasra1996 »

Yep i wonder this too, perhaps it's misinterpreted.
I remember when i lost my fourth child in pregnancy, i was about 4 1/2 months gestation and in surgery having the deceased baby removed, as i was going under and losing consciousness with the anaesthetic, a little girl appeared with curly brown hair, she was what i believed to be the deceased baby in my tummy, about 2 or 3 years old and stood at the side of the operating table, (in my vision) she held my hand and said in a sweet voice "it's ok mummy, it's alright" then helped me count down from 10 to losing consciousness, she then appeared in my dreams after that for a few years giving me little tidbits of advice, she looks exactly like my youngest daughter, so i often wonder if it is her sometimes : )

sorry that was a little bit off topic and i'm now emabarrisingly having a few tears in a crowded public cafe with no tissue and a snot nose lol

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Re: Babies in Spirit

Post by Geoff »


Wow, and I would certainly believe that could be true. The bond of child to mother is very very strong, well 99.9999% of the time. There is a discussion on this subject in Volume 4 of Life Beyond the Veil, which I hoped to finish before going to South Africa, but it looks doubtful now.

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Re: Babies in Spirit

Post by Sandy »

Hi Geoff,
Nope, you are remembering it a little bit wrong. :)

I found this relating to this subject in the Urantia book ... ted-worlds
(569.6) 49:6.11 3. Mortals of the probationary-dependent orders of ascension. The arrival of an Adjuster constitutes identity in the eyes of the universe, and all indwelt beings are on the roll calls of justice. But temporal life on the evolutionary worlds is uncertain, and many die in youth before choosing the Paradise career. Such Adjuster-indwelt children and youths follow the parent of most advanced spiritual status, thus going to the system finaliter world (the probationary nursery) on the third day, at a special resurrection, or at the regular millennial and dispensational roll calls.

(570.1) 49:6.12 Children who die when too young to have Thought Adjusters are repersonalized on the finaliter world of the local systems concomitant with the arrival of either parent on the mansion worlds. A child acquires physical entity at mortal birth, but in the matter of survival all Adjusterless children are reckoned as still attached to their parents.

(570.2) 49:6.13 In due course Thought Adjusters come to indwell these little ones, while the seraphic ministry to both groups of the probationary-dependent orders of survival is in general similar to that of the more advanced parent or is equivalent to that of the parent in case only one survives. Those attaining the third circle, regardless of the status of their parents, are accorded personal guardians.

(570.3) 49:6.14 Similar probation nurseries are maintained on the finaliter spheres of the constellation and the universe headquarters for the Adjusterless children of the primary and secondary modified orders of ascenders.

And Paper 47 ... ion-worlds
2. The Probationary Nursery
(531.5) 47:2.1 The infant-receiving schools of Satania are situated on the finaliter world, the first of the Jerusem transition-culture spheres. These infant-receiving schools are enterprises devoted to the nurture and training of the children of time, including those who have died on the evolutionary worlds of space before the acquirement of individual status on the universe records. In the event of the survival of either or both of such a child’s parents, the guardian of destiny deputizes her associated cherubim as the custodian of the child’s potential identity, charging the cherubim with the responsibility of delivering this undeveloped soul into the hands of the Mansion World Teachers in the probationary nurseries of the morontia worlds.

(531.6) 47:2.2 It is these same deserted cherubim who, as Mansion World Teachers, under the supervision of the Melchizedeks, maintain such extensive educational facilities for the training of the probationary wards of the finaliters. These wards of the finaliters, these infants of ascending mortals, are always personalized as of their exact physical status at the time of death except for reproductive potential. This awakening occurs at the exact time of the parental arrival on the first mansion world. And then are these children given every opportunity, as they are, to choose the heavenly way just as they would have made such a choice on the worlds where death so untimely terminated their careers.

(532.1) 47:2.3 On the nursery world, probationary creatures are grouped according to whether or not they have Adjusters, for the Adjusters come to indwell these material children just as on the worlds of time. Children of pre-Adjuster ages are cared for in families of five, ranging in ages from one year and under up to approximately five years, or that age when the Adjuster arrives.

(532.2) 47:2.4 All children on the evolving worlds who have Thought Adjusters, but who before death had not made a choice concerning the Paradise career, are also repersonalized on the finaliter world of the system, where they likewise grow up in the families of the Material Sons and their associates as do those little ones who arrived without Adjusters, but who will subsequently receive the Mystery Monitors after attaining the requisite age of moral choice.

(532.3) 47:2.5 The Adjuster-indwelt children and youths on the finaliter world are also reared in families of five, ranging in ages from six to fourteen; approximately, these families consist of children whose ages are six, eight, ten, twelve, and fourteen. Any time after sixteen, if final choice has been made, they translate to the first mansion world and begin their Paradise ascent. Some make a choice before this age and go on to the ascension spheres, but very few children under sixteen years of age, as reckoned by Urantia standards, will be found on the mansion worlds.

(532.4) 47:2.6 The guardian seraphim attend these youths in the probationary nursery on the finaliter world just as they spiritually minister to mortals on the evolutionary planets, while the faithful spornagia minister to their physical necessities. And so do these children grow up on the transition world until such time as they make their final choice.

(532.5) 47:2.7 When material life has run its course, if no choice has been made for the ascendant life, or if these children of time definitely decide against the Havona adventure, death automatically terminates their probationary careers. There is no adjudication of such cases; there is no resurrection from such a second death. They simply become as though they had not been.

(532.6) 47:2.8 But if they choose the Paradise path of perfection, they are immediately made ready for translation to the first mansion world, where many of them arrive in time to join their parents in the Havona ascent. After passing through Havona and attaining the Deities, these salvaged souls of mortal origin constitute the permanent ascendant citizenship of Paradise. These children who have been deprived of the valuable and essential evolutionary experience on the worlds of mortal nativity are not mustered into the Corps of the Finality.
(((((((Sarah))))))) Love you Sweetie. :kiss:
You know, George's Mom lost a baby boy. She always said George who arrived next in line, was that child being given to her again. He even had the same birthmark on his arm (a very distinctive one)
sorry that was a little bit off topic and i'm now emabarrisingly having a few tears in a crowded public cafe with no tissue and a snot nose lol
I found myself once at a funeral service without any tissues. I boo hooed and boo hooed until finally a woman beside me took pity on me and handed me a few. :oops: :lol:
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Re: Babies in Spirit

Post by Geoff »

Dear Sandy,

Well that is a relief, wonder how I got the wrong idea? Thanks for that.

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Re: Babies in Spirit

Post by Sandy »

It's a huge book to remember and if it is any consolation I do the same thing. :oops:
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Re: Babies in Spirit

Post by nasra1996 »

:loves :loves
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Re: Babies in Spirit

Post by Krystalshard »

Hi All,
Thank you for the references Sandy, that is good to know. I was one of those scared and un-guided young women of the seventies that had an abortion for an unexpected pregnancy. I have lived with the guilt my whole life. In fact, this is the first time I have ever spoken of it. It gives me a sense of hope that I can pick up my responsibility, and opportunity for love of the child, when I arrive in the next realm.

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Re: Babies in Spirit

Post by Sandy »

((((((Jean))))) It's a good feeling to know that the Divine has every aspect of life and death and "spirit" under control isn't
As I sit here thinking of the goodness of God and Life in all its many colours, I am so happy that these words in the Urantia Book give you comfort and that some day you will have an opportunity to be a part of this child's life. We have soooooo much to look forward too, eh?
Love you, Sis,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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