A Continuous Circle of Light

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

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Blessed Love & Light! May everyone feel and be well. :loves
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Thank you for the blessing Kwame...it helps! :D May you too be blessed with good health and much happiness. :sunflower:
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Seeker13 »

Our dear friend Laura needs our help from the Continuous Circle of Light. Imagine the scene. A grassy clearing surrounded by tall pines, a misty mountain in the background. Laura is laying in the center on a raised bed of moss and flowers. She is sleeping and smiling peacefully while her leg is is enveloped in a golden glow. We are in a circle around her singing. All of us, Laura included, are wearing simple long white dresses with circlets of flowers in our hair. Love and healing is flowing toward Laura in waves, we can see it like wisps of colors. A string quartet playing softly in the background. We've asked our healers, guides, friends and family in spirit to join us. Laura is letting go of the pain and infection as she understands the lesson in this. The circle widens as others join us.

It was once whispered to me from spirit, "There are no limits." If we can embrace this statement, who knows what we can do, especially if we all work together!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Dearest Kim,
I join you on the mountain, with flowers in my hair and so much love for Laura in my heart it could burst. so good to be part of the circle again.... and this statement should be tattooed on my soul...
"There are no limits." If we can embrace this statement, who knows what we can do, especially if we all work together!"
Amen! sister...
(((((Big Hug)))))
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Seeker13 »

I visited the this thread about a week ago and was so excited to see it active again! When visiting the Mountain Grassy Knoll Circle last night I felt intoxicatingly joyful! There were so many others there sending healing to Laura! I turned and behind me was George sitting in your living room. Thinking about the whisper I realized I could send healing to more than one person at once. I stayed in the circle, another me went and put my hands on George's shoulders. My hands got really hot and I was thinking, "What color is healing?" You and George were talking not knowing I was there. I split again and put my hands on your shoulders. Turning every once in awhile to see me in the circle singing and sending healing to Laura. Then I thought of Lynn wondering how her neck was feeling. I get all warm inside just thinking about it.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Wow, how cool is that! Thank you Kim. We are nearly always sitting together in the Living room for a time, in I suppose it would be our morning to your night... just talking. You must have met us at that time. I so appreciate the help and I thought I felt something but assumed it must be a Midwayer passing through. You are welcomed in our home any time, Sis! :sunflower: George seems better today and I too am feeling great! I love being a part of the circle ... it is healing for all of us I think... :cheers:
Love you,
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Seeker13 »

It's awesome to get affirmations! I added Aleah's boyfriend's dad to the circle. His name is Jorge, almost blind, has diabetes and kidney problems.

Aleah joined us in the circle last night in my meditation. I've been talking to her about her music(outside of meditation). Jorge's family isn't musical at all so she's confined her music to their upstairs bedroom, singing to the children, but reluctant to share her music with her boyfriend's family. When she joined The Circle adding her voice to the healing, the healing light burst into brightness. I've always believed her singing wasn't just music, boy do I ever miss her singing! Last night the last thing I said to her was, "I think you need to let Jorge's family know you are a musician." A song she'd written for Jorge in Spanish has been swirling through my head the past few days, it's so beautiful. I added, "Maybe you need to sing for Jorge's dad?" I think her joining The Circle was confirmation of that.

By the way I wanted to remind everyone the singing envisioned with the setting I described, wasn't there merely because I thought it would be a nice touch. It was there naturally as an integral component of the healing. None of us should be reluctant to add our voice to the song.

Love to all, please think of Jorge when visiting the circle... Lynn any news about Laura?

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Oh, I am getting goose bumps! :happy I added my voice to the circle too earlier this morning... and funny thing, I am recently understanding the power of song in worship, praise, in upliftment etc...So I have been trying to overcome my shyness in this area even in lifting my voice when alone... (that is how backwards I am) So in a way you just confirmed something for me. :sunflower: I love it...Life is a big ole wonderful circle with each of us joined in "spiritual hands". Doesn't get much better then that.. eh?
My meditations in the circle this morning were healing for me as well, thank you for all who participate and I will remember Jorge in my prayers. I can truly identify with his struggle with diabetes. Bless him.
Love you all,
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Seeker13 »

That's really crazy...In my meditation this morning Abraham snagged me and took me back to The Cave of Scrolls. This cave is one of my learning centers. Scroll thirty-six was all about the healing powers of music! I didn't even have to read it, the notes came sailing off the paper and my white dress turned into ... well into a starry night. I took the tune back to the healing circle and sang it loud and clear, my dress stayed as a starry night.

On another ...note. I sang in a couple of weddings a long time ago. The last time the pianist was so awful, I was completely embarrassed, I pretty much stopped singing in public, have always had a little stage fright and that plunged me into it. Unless I was singing with kids at work. I realized that no teachers sang with their kids anymore and was dumbfounded. Music is such a great learning tool! Then we had a guitarist come in once a week to lead us in an hour of music. It was fantastic! He always asked me to help him. The next year he couldn't come anymore. There were two locations for our Center. At the other Center singing with the guitarist was how they started their day. We were so sorry to loose him. I suggested we create our own morning Music Circle and we all take turns leading it! It was so wonderful, even teachers who had a hard time carrying a tune at first became more confident and practiced. It seemed the more comfortable they became the better they sounded.

My team teacher and I would break out into song several times a day, either just to have fun or teach a concept... ahhh, I miss my kiddos. Music make the world go round!

There must be something in this music thing if we are both being led to it, don't you think!

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
There must be something in this music thing if we are both being led to it, don't you think!
Oh definitely! I always pay attention when there are these kinds of synchronicities. :sunflower:

We used music in the preschool I worked at too. The lead Teacher led us in song as she could carry a tune even if it was a soprano tune which my "off key alto" clashed with. :lol: Like you, I had so much fun with "my kids."

another sychroncity... last night before heading to bed I went out and viewed the starry sky for awhile... It's been awhile ( not even counting the fact that it has been cloudy here for days) but oh boy what a great way to nearly instantly connect with the Divine...and each other. ;) :sunflower:

Have a great Friday and week end up there. :hithere
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Seeker13 »

That's too cool. I think synchronicity should be in every sentence we use. Aleah sent a song to me on Facebook. It was Stand By You by Rascal Flats. She sang it acappella in the dark. All I said was, "I want more!" I really miss my daughter's music. I've talked to her about the Healing Circle. She said she will try to visit more often. By the way it's a beautiful clear night tonight... it's also a -4 degrees out!

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
Isn't it cool how clear the night sky is when it is bitterly cold? It makes for a wonderful opportunity to soak in the beauty of the starry universe if only one can brace for the frigid cold. We too had a mostly clear evening and night for a change. But I must say it was much warmer...not even a light jacket required if you could dance around the Mosquitos.
I had been watching the waxing moon off and on since its appeared in the afternoon and what an awesome site as night set in and it glowed in dominance in the sky.

The "missing them" lessens a little bit with time when our young ones leave... but it never goes away completely. I know you look forward to your precious little song bird's return home. I hope she can visit very soon. Until then I don't think it is too much to ask for a song and video every night? ;) :mrgreen: Hang in there... :kiss:
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Seeker13 »

There is something so compelling about the moon and the night sky! With me I believe it's my Celtic heritage showing itself. I love sunny days, but will always choose a starry night for quiet comfort. I don't mind the cold, just add more layers, everything seems so much clearer. When city people come to the motel they are in awe, not only the superlative sunrises, but the clear night sky. Hope I never take it for granted. My 21-month-old nephew and my sister spent a few days with us this past week. He LOVES the night sky, could hardly wait to get his coat on to go outside and see it! "Moon! Moon!" One of his favorite stories is Goodnight Moon.

Our son Ken, even when he was very small, would walk around outside at night all by himself to stargaze. I of course would run from window to window making sure he was alright. When he was about 12, in the middle of winter I would follow him around for what seemed like hours, as he pointed out all the constellations and other heavenly bodies. For Christmas he gave my nephew one of those balls that projects the constellations on the ceiling, so I guess it's no wonder he loves the stars and moon!

It's so interesting that my meditations continue to revolve around the Healing Circle. I probably should add them to the Akashic Construct section. It was confirmed for me that my dress changed into the night sky as an affirmation and connection of your experience marveling over it. In my next meditation it returned to the simple white gown.

Any more news on Laura?

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
I was just thinking about your "Celtic heritage." Have you and Aleah ever turned your voices towards Celtic ballads? I just love Celtic music! :sunflower: ,

I can just see you following Ken around in secret, making sure he was okay. :lol: The night sky for me is like a doorway...a path to amazing mystery and knowledge and the greatest "Adventure" we can ever possess... and on the flip side it is a comforting friend, the quiet dark... peaceful contemplation and harmony. Seems fall into better focus when viewing the night sky for a time. Good medicine is that. ;) (Yoda :alien: )
It was confirmed for me that my dress changed into the night sky as an affirmation and connection of your experience marveling over it.
I am excited to hear of the connection between us, and in reality all of us. These little gifts "they" allow, that close the geographic gap, mean so much to me. The stars will always be a reminder of the wonderful connection between all life for me now. I will never feel alone if I can only recall how many people there are to love "out there." ( LOL I just saw an imagine of William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk on Star trek. :mrgreen: )

I haven't heard anything new about Laura. I am hoping and hanging on to the thought that her situation is improving. I want very badly for this ordeal to be completely over for her. She has been so strong for so long... bless her.

Just a little longer Laura hang in there sweetie!
We all love you and are already seeing you dancing and taking your usual place in "the Circle of Light" with us. :kiss:
with love,
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Seeker13 »

The synchronicities are hitting already this morning! There was a blurb on my homepage about William Shatner when logging into my e-mail, I mean honestly how often would either one of us think about him! Celtic music is my favorite style, was tapping my toe and humming along to a Celtic song as I read this message! Funny you should mention turning our voices toward Celtic Ballads, Aleah has been drawn to Celtic music since she was little. There are several Celtic songs she sings that bring me to tears. Some of her own originals remind me of that style. She can hit those high pure tones, not me anymore! I'll do the alto harmony thank you.

It's interesting that I wasn't really aware of our Celtic connection, but Aleah was so drawn to it because she has a significant amount of Irish from Dave's side that we began looking into it more closely. My sister and is a wonder at genealogy and has found that several of our lines lead back to the Celts. It was really weird when every other book in stores and the library that Aleah thought looked interesting had Celtic subjects. We also have ancestors on both sides of the Salem witch trials...... As if we weren't spooky enough already! LOL!

I keep hoping Lynn will pop in with an update on Laura..., by the way what made you think we were dancing in the circle? Under a starry sky?

Love, :loves
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Yep I am keeping my eyes open for Lynn too, Kim. :finger: Hopefully, we'll see/hear from our dear adventurous Canadian sister soon.

I love all the synchronicities right now. Our Celtic connections, William Shatner... although maybe William Shatner was on our minds since Leonard Neymoy's passing. I must admit as a little kid growing up in the 60s these two men fed my wonder for the cosmos and my desire to see what's out there... sometimes, I think I would love to just go back in time and experience the first wonder of it, all over again...the Apollo rockets blasting off and Man's arrival on the Moon... so exciting!! :bana: But with that, I am remembering the astral and spirit trips in the cosmos and know we are not really earth bound... we are still invited to journey and it is only ourselves, in many instances, which determine our limitations for one reason or another. (sometimes the reason being a good one, of course. ;) )

Well, I saw us all dancing in a circle...Perhaps simply a way of viewing Laura as healed under a beautiful starry sky. :) Perhaps our spirits collectively find each other when the circle work is in progress. Time I think means nothing to the healing work and can operate in and out of any time zone/reality. But well, what do I know. LOL I don't worry to much about such things...Just let er rip in the moment and leave the rest to the "Experts" ;) :)
Have a good evening up and over there!

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

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You go ahead and relive those days, I'm happy to have survived it! I've always been a science fiction nut. Maybe that's why I began leaving Earth very soon after beginning meditation. They were wonderfully beautiful images.

My meditations lately have been mostly about the circle. In the last one I went back to a cave where scrolls of knowledge were kept. My guide encourage me to take five of them with me back to the circle as they all contained instrumental elements to aid healing. It was a clear night, the scrolls were place on the ground at the feet of those needing healing. They unfurled, all having a golden glow. Words and symbols rose up from the scrolls filling the air. The first was love, glittering sparkles shot skyward. The second was music, musical notes rose all around us. The third was laughter. The fourth was heredity, members of the families of those who needed to be healed joined the circle. The last one was nature. Apple blossoms began wafting down. People began dancing in a Celtic fashion. I rose far up into the sky. Gazing down I saw a dome created by the healing encapsulating all of us, kind of like a snow globe! I realized that we were all receiving healing. I rejoined the circle. George was there, clapped his hands and began laughing heartily. It seemed he was relieved that the rest of us were finally starting to get it. Sandy when he laughed your face beamed with love.

So, that's why I asked about the dancing! Now I'm singing, "Dance, dance wherever you may be. I am the lord of the dance said he..."

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Hello Dear family,
On this beautiful rainy Sunday here in Oz, I'd like to add a new member to our circle for healing. His name is Danny, and he is 14 years old. Danny is suffering severe depression and has contemplated suicide. Please surround him with love and joy and healing as we all dance and sing and pray our way around the circle together.

I love you all! :kiss:
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by vivrider »

Sandy, thank you for leading me to this thread, and for placing my son Danny in the Circle of Light. I'd like to tell you a little more about him so that it might help you reach him. I adopted Danny from Guatemala when he was 2. He had cleft lip and palate, and so when his birth mother gave him up as a newborn he went into foster care rather than an orphanage. His foster family was very loving, and of course to him that was just his family. So he didn't understand at all when I came along and took him from them. He was full of rage from the moment he arrived. It turned out that he also had a severe heart problem and needed open heart surgery, as well as multiple surgeries have been done on his mouth over the years. Having a mouth that looked different and affected his speech caused him to have low self esteem.

Recently Danny's anger turned into severe depression. He is suicidal. He has told me that I hate him, that I wish I had not adopted him, and that he needs to either kill himself or run away so that our family can be happy. He has planned to kill me for adopting him. He is currently hospitalized in Minneapolis. The last time I went to see him he refused to see me. I will be going again today.

There's no way to describe the pain, fear, guilt, and worry I've been going through. Kim, your message to Sandy for me was so wise, and I'm going to read it over and over.

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Vivrider,
My heart is going out to you. When inviting Danny to the circle I had him stand directly in front of the Scroll of Laughter, believing this was something he really needed. It's interesting when envisioning him I saw him as him as maybe smaller for his age, dark complected and that his anger and feelings of depression stemmed from something before you entered his life.

The song 'You Are Not Alone' just played in my head.' I believe it is for you. I am so grateful to have scaled to the top of that mountain! Although we never know what trying circumstances we or our children may have left to encounter, right now I'm breathing a sigh of relief and feel nothing but empathy for you and your family. I must say though being able to step back viewing the trials and tribulations we've encountered along the way have been life changing. The lessons learned were many times beyond difficult, but invaluable, both as a parent and as a spiritual seeker. I had to look hard and long at myself and eventually change those characteristics in me which didn't serve myself or my child.

I will continue to visit the circle adding my healing thoughts and prayers in hopes that Danny and yourself may heal in mind, body and spirit. A flash The Four Agreements went through my head, perhaps you have heard of them?

Love to you and your family,
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Dearest Vivian and Kim,
I just want you to know, I love you both. :kiss:

I was unfamiliar with the song, Kim heard "You Are Not Alone" and so I hope I found the right one.
Either way...this one got the water works going and I thought it worth posting for all of us who at one time or another felt we were alone in this big ole scary world....
"You're Not Alone"
Meredith Andrews lyrics

I searched for love when the night came and it closed in
I was alone, but You found me where I was hiding
And now I'll never ever be the same
It was the sweetest voice that called my name, saying

You're not alone for I am here
Let me wipe away your every fear
My love, I've never left your side
I have seen you through the darkest night
And I'm the One who's loved you all your life
All your life

You cry yourself to sleep
â€~Cause the hurt is real and the pain cuts deep
All hope seems lost with heartache your closest friend
And everyone else long gone
You've had to face the music on your own
But there is a sweeter song that calls you home, saying

You're not alone for I am here
Let me wipe away your every tear
My love, I've never left your side
I have seen you through the darkest night
And I'm the One who's loved you all your life
All your life

Faithful and true forever
My love will carry you

You're not alone for I, I am here
Let me wipe away your every fear
My love, I've never left your side
I have seen you through the darkest night
Your darkest night
And I'm the One who's loved you all your life
All your life
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by vivrider »

Sandy and Kim,

Thank you. I wasn't able to visit Danny yesterday, but his psychiatrist called and said that he is starting to show some improvement. He is opening up with him and they actually watched a documentary about space together, a passion that they share. So I'm feeling a little bit of hope.

Kim, thanks for your wisdom. I'm thinking, meditating and praying a lot. When I was looking for a child to adopt, I was immediately drawn to Danny. For a long time I thought that I was meant to be his mother, but then for a long time I thought that it must have been a mistake. That I was definitely not the right mother for him. Now I'm trying to accept that whether or not it was meant to be, we can both learn a lot about love and forgiveness and acceptance, we just have to keep trying.

Love, Vivian
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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Vivian,
So happy to hear Danny is connecting with his doctor, such good news! That is so important, can't tell you how many appointments my son got up and walked out on. You know all any of us can do is our best. I had a really strange meditation the other day. Very little if anything resonated with me, wondered if any of these symbols meant anything to you?

My cousin, whom I asked to find Danny, protect and explain some things to, came in. Her symbol felt very faint as if coming from very far away. I asked her if she was able to find Danny? Then these images began coming to me in separate frames, like snap shots it was really difficult for me since I had no point of reference for the images. Usually they are like stories. I kept stopping going back and recalling them over and over again so I wouldn't forget, even though I didn't remember them all. The meditation was about an hour and a half, but seemed like twenty minutes. Here are the images I remember:

a brain with blue fluid running through it, for me the fluid is source energy
A clear glass box held together with gold metal. Inside was sand on the bottom with shells arranged on top of the sand. This box seemed very important as it came back a few more times.
A large blue capital E
A white and pink tulip falling through the air
Graduation pictures of my nieces Stephanie and Jennifer placed above my closet door.(I do not have these photographs placed here, or anywhere)
every once in awhile a paper pentagon shape would appear and quickly disappear
Then I was in a Kmart looking out the door into a small enclosed outside space, probably 12 x 12 maybe. It wasn't a regular exit, but I was desperate to get outside trying not to have a panic attack and
was willing to risk getting into trouble just to get out there
a blurry e-mail page
a row of photograph negatives
A song I can't recall the title to, it was a contemporary violin song, something about ...all my secrets away
something quick about a dollar amount, five million maybe?

I didn't know if my cousin was practicing making a connection with me or if the images were only suppose to make sense to Danny, you or maybe even her daughter. I would appreciate any feedback.

Vivian, I'm not sure how much wisdom I possess. I'm just like everyone else trying to figure everything out. If anything I say and do will help someone that's good enough for me.

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by vivrider »

Dear Kim and Sandy,

Thank you for your continuing prayers for me and Danny and our family. He gets a little better, then worse again, but there's gradual overall improvement. Kim, he seems to be more angry than depressed now, which I remember you said is a good thing. When I said you were wise, I was thinking of some of the things you said to me in a note you wrote to Sandy. Especially to release guilt, and wondering if this is my fault because it doesn't help me help him.

A few days ago I went to visit Danny, and he was out in the common area playing cards with some other kids. I was sooo happy to see that. He came into his room to see me, showed me some amazing drawings he has done, thanked me for the candy I had brought, and then asked me if it was ok to go back to his game. And then hugged me! I was so happy that day.

Kim, regarding your meditation, there were a couple of things that came to mind. The blue fluid around the brain. . . of course I'm talking a lot with Danny's doctor about how his thoughts are so disordered. He thinks Danny has a body image disorder regarding his cleft palate, and other physical abnormalities he was born with, and he is filled with self loathing. Maybe the fluid is healing his brain. The negatives. . . Danny is a really good photographers, though with a digital camera and no negatives these days. And the pink and white tulip, my other son got a tattoo on his arm a last year to represent me, and it's a pink and white tulip, because tulips are my favorite flower, and the pink was to represent breast cancer which I was going through treatment for.

I'll be visiting Danny later today and I'll let you know how he's doing. Thank you so much for loving and caring for him.

I have another request for the healing circle. My daughter Liana has a friend named Sophia Bouwens who was in a terrible car accident 2 weeks ago. She is in her late 20s, is married with two young children. She works as an acupuncturist and Liana says that she is a wonderful healer. She suffered multiple skull fractures and they have had her in a medically induced coma. They recently let her wake up and she is responding to questions with hand signals. Please help this beautiful young woman heal and return to her family and her life. She lives in Minneapolis.

Sandy, I'm starting a new mosaic today. I'm so thankful for the time I can spend working on the book, it makes me happy and gives my mind a break from worrying. The page I'm working on is "Love the moon and stars." I decided to use the page from the giraffe book, "Thank you for the moon and stars," and copy it as a mosaic. I'll be posting pictures soon on my blog. Have you seen it yet? It's www.mamaearthhealing.com. Kim, if you didn't know, I write and self-publish children's books. Please send me your address and I'll send you copies.

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Re: A Continuous Circle of Light

Post by Sandy »

Hi Viv,
I am over the moon with your post today! First to know that Danny is making improvement and that you had a very happy day visiting him...Well that has put a big ole smile on my face. :happy I was just thinking yesterday at where you were a year ago. Bless you! When you look at it in days... (for me it is easier to see the flow of life that way) you see the good and the hard stuff that propels us forward and the paths of resolution. So glad you didn't let the hard stuff stop you in your tracks and were willing to look ahead to the better days beyond the cancer.

I loved your Blog site. I've just spent some time reading some of the information too. George and I will be shopping in the next few days and will put the produce lists to good use. Don't you know that most of G's favourite fruits are on the naughty pesticide list... :(

Your Mosaics are works of art in themselves! I hope they will be displayed somewhere after the book's needs are completed. I am in awe of the creativity inherent in you and other artists I know. Have you ever seen Flint's (inlikeflint) artwork? I was just thinking about him not long ago too. He makes his art from matchbook cars... Yep, match book cars!... uses them sort of the way you use glass to illustrate a creative idea. I'll see if I can find a URL.

I'll add Sophia to my own prayers and bring her into the circle of Light with the rest of the family. And George is sending her to the Progress distant healers. It sounds like she has been through quite an ordeal...I hope and pray she is well on her way to a complete recovery. Those little ones need her as does the world, who needs all the healers it can get.

Anyway, thank you for sharing the good news... :bana: we will continue the vigilance as we send love and healing to your dear young man.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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