Signs or false hope.

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Signs or false hope.

Post by Ph03n1X »

Hi everyone hope you can help me understand everything.
So my story begins in 2013, when i felt lonely and start thinking about all my relationships i had. Then i lied down looked at the stars and "build up" the perfect girl for me. But then i was like "yea right, such girl with those characteristics and everything in one can't exist". So i moved on with my life completely forgot about that "wish" cause i also wished i can meet and be with such a girl and finally be happy after all previous failures for relationships. I wanted like to find love in the movies.
Time passed it was may 2014 already and i had plans to go to UK for the summer to work, but i was waiting to be june 1st, because i was going on a course before and i had to bring them some papers so they could give me back some transport money. And i was planning to leave on 7th june. And my uncle was constantly asking if i'm really going to leave or should he find me a job in the hotel. And previous years when i was working there i was a bell boy at the reception, and if i was going to work there i wanted to work the same so he had a space open for me there. Also i was interested with who are going to be the girls on the receptions and if they were going to be pretty. And they were usually 3, i saw them all and wasn't so fond of them and was 99% sure i'm going to leave for UK. But then i was told there is a 4th one, for the first time since the hotel was open, there was going to be a 4th reception girl and i was surprised who is she and how is that. (also 4 is my lucky number, all my life it brings me luck idk how to explain it. I even had 3 girls i had sexual relations to and wanted the 4th one to be special)
Then on 3rd june i we went to the movies with my cousin. We came back and went to their hotel, cause his car was parked there so he could take me home. When we entered he said "this is Kari" (that was the 4th girl on the reception and her birth day is on 4th), but i heard "Hari" and was like what. Then he repeated it, but i still heard the same thing. I saw the way she looked at me, she was like "who the hell is that" in the bad way. And i was like "why did he introduced her to me, i never asked anyone who is the last girl" in my mind. And then we left. On 5th i came back to the hotel and she was working again. And i was walking around the hotel and was seeing her everywhere. Then i sat down on the lobby couch. I was waiting for something, but then like my inner voice told me to go to reception and talk to her and the bell boy. I went there and start talking to the bell boy cause she was so pretty and i'm nervous around pretty girls. But then i said something i like to do and she said "me too" and she didn't say anything before that. Then we start talking for a lot of things and i was only talking to her, we totally ignored the guy. And he went to the toilet and we were like, "wow did you notice we ignored him" in the same time and we laughed at that, then we felt sorry for him cause he was just standing there watching us talk and couldn't say something to fit. When i left i knew there is something special about that girl and told my uncle i'm not going to leave i would stay and work there. And then i started seeing 1111 everywhere. I found her in Facebook and we start chatting almost 24/7, when we were at work we talked all the time for all kind of topics.
For the 4 months we worked together. We got so close. She knows everything about me and i know everything about her. We're practically the same person in different bodies. We're so alike. Same interests in everything. She was the girl i was dreaming about 1 year ago. And also cause some of my friends call me Phoenix, as my name shows too. Idk how i mentioned it in front of her that i like Phoenixes alot. And she said she has a Phoenix tattoo and showed it to me. I was shocked. We had a connection i could feel it. She liked me, i liked her. I ended up in love, and when i told her how i feel (because i have never lied or kept secrets from her) she told me, that she don't feel the same. Everything went back to normal we we're still close and everything was the same all the time. Sometimes when we were somewhere i could see the look in her eyes it was like she wanted me to kiss her. So i tried but she pushed me back and said "i will kill you" but in the good way. After several days, we were out talking about stuff and there was this look in our eyes again. This time she leaned to kiss me but then she pulled back. I didn't say anything. I didn't want to pressure her, cause she had some weird "relationship" with her ex. But this is another story and i will save you that. But because of her ex, i was jealous and nervous that i will "lose" her even as the friends we were. During those 4 months i was seeing 1111 on mostly car signs and the clock .. but like 1nce a week.
Even because one day we were kidding. That she's black (because she goes to the beach) and i'm like white (cause i don't) and i told her the story about the "perfect girl" when i told her my feelings. We were kidding that we were like the Yin Yang sign. That we are one. And i bought a necklace with 2 parts (yin yang) and gave her the Yang (the white part) and kept the Yin (black) so we can like have each other, even if something happen to us and we're not that close anymore. I never did that for another girl before.
And when i told her the story of how i wanted to meet a girl like her and everything. She thought it's just a weird coincidence. Because she don't believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason (maybe this is our only difference). And one day we talked and she told me she got the job in a strange way too. (Short story). A friend, of a friend, of one of her professors in university was looking for a girl for a job and her professor said that this is the perfect job for her. So she agreed and that's how she became the 4th one, 2 days before i saw her for the first time.
So after the 4 months June-Sep. Season ended and we start fighting a lot. We still talk every now and then, but it's not like before. And tomorrow (Feb 1) it will be 4 months that i haven't seen her. For those past 4 months Oct-Feb. We mostly fight and don't talk to each other. But there are some times we talk like the old times. So for those months i was literally "praying" for help from the angels. To help me, guide me, on what should i do and to give me a sign if me and her will be together. Cause i have that inner feeling that we're going to end together. Cause for me nothing of what happened is a coincidence. Ever since i asked them for help. I started seeing 1111 and 222 like 2-3 times per day. I am seeing them everywhere. On the clock, car signs, gas prices, when i play a game in the damage meters, number of people liked/shared something. In december when we were mostly fighting and not talking i had a dream about her and when i woke up it was 11:11. I also see 333,444,555,888 sometimes. But rarely and not everyday. One day i was like "Give me a sign, i need to know if everything is only and empty hope for me or that i'm going to be with her again" or smth like that and in the next minute i saw 222. Checked somewhere in the internet and it said, it's something about that i have to have patience.
And the thing that made me write all of this, is the reason for last night. Yesterday i don't know what happened. We were talking again and we were talking about our feelings. I told her with me nothing changed and is all the same. She said that for now, she don't feel anything at all, for anyone. And that she want to feel something even if it hurts. She want to feel something so strong again. And like i was full of feelings, she is empty, and she said "there should be at least 1 thing we have different at least for now" and i said. "Not it's not a difference, it's balance. We're one. And if i'm full, you have to be the empty. But it was going to be better if we were equally full to keep our balance".
And before i went to sleep i "prayed" again. To help her find he lost feelings for me, to help bring back the time we had together like before. And so she can finally realize what we had/have. Then i fell asleep and had a dream. It was long one, but the only part i remember was that me and her were in a room, the TV was on and there was 1111 on the TV screen. She looked at me smiled, i leaned to kiss her but she smiled at me again disappeared and i woke up. Took my Ipod to see if there are new msgs from her and the time was 11:11. This was the whole reason i told you my story.
I don't know if this 1111 and 222 i'm seeing is kind of message to help me keep my hopes up that we're going to end together. Or that they are just coincidence and i'm fooling myself because i'm in love with her and the past we had, for my "wish" and everything like it happened. So i'm hoping you can help me find out.
Sorry for the long post (this is the shortest story), but i had to share the story to help you at least see my point of view. Also sorry for my English i'm Bulgarian. And also i have hard time explaining things. Maybe some things may not make enough sense, but i tried my best explaining everything.
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Re: Signs or false hope.

Post by Zachary »

Hey Ph03n1X,

Thanks for sharing part of your life. Your English is just fine to me and I understood what you wrote. I think you'll find very little people on this message board believe in coincidence or fully random events. I sure don't.
I enjoyed reading your writing!
I see you questioning whether the 1111, 222, etc. are false hope or signs. I personally discovered they are certainly not false hope. But I hope you understand when I say 'false hope' I'm not referring to your desires with this girl. I sure wouldn't know if this girl is your twin-flame...?? I guess only you would know that. But these number prompts you receive are not just hope, or signs. They're real personalities that see what your going through. In fact, their is a good chance they understand what your going through better than you yourself. They're willing to help you, in righteous ways of course. However, they will not interfere with your freewill and what you desire.
So if you have your target set on this girl, they will not try to change your target, they will not change your will.

It seems like you have a heavy dose of seeing 11:11 and even in your dreams. I do not think they are saying this is the wrong girl for you or this is the right girl for you. I think what they are saying is they are willing to help you and your hearts true desire. A true hearts desire is often something beautiful and good.
I hope you see I don't have yes or no answers for you, only you can determine what's for you. But those number prompts are pretty incredible, and the ones who give them to you work with God and understand Him better than us. If I were you I'd try to speak back to them and see what they may have to say to you.
You can speak out loud to them or even in your mind.
Practicing stillness is probably your best bet of receiving answers from them as opposed to best guessing
within this link are more links relating to stillness

I hope this helps you are your way!
"Why try to use the wrong tool for the job when you have just the perfect tool. If only you would pick it up and learn to use it." -TA
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Re: Signs or false hope.

Post by Sandy »

Hello Phoenix,

I hope it is okay if I call you that and spell it this way instead of your screen name as I'm afraid I would never be able to remember that. :)

I agree with Zachary and his lovely post. First, in that your English is wonderful and I had no idea that it wasn't your first language. Well done!
I am also grateful for the time you have taken to help us understand what you are feeling in this present moment. I sort of feel as if I know you a little at least already and that is a good thing. Do you want to know what stands out to me about your post? It may surprise you that it isn't the 1111 that you see but no, instead the way you go to the Divine with prayer and share your hopes and dreams and desires. That is so important feel a closeness with the Divine Creator and we are blessed to be able to communicate and develop a family bond as well with our other celestial kin who are rich in wisdom and long to assist us much as Zachary has said. So I won't repeat what Zach said so beautifully, but I just want you to know that I hope your love story works out the way you so deeply desire. And I hope as you explore the 1111's you receive and continue to practise prayer and the important follow-up, listening to guidance from the Source, that your sense of peace and belonging and oneness multiplies for you three-fold.

It is so good to have you join us, Phoenix. Please do visit us as often as you can and let us know how things go with this lovely young woman who has captured your heart.
God bless you always,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Signs or false hope.

Post by Ph03n1X »

Hi again. Thank you for taking of your time to read it and respond. I also forgot to mention i'm seeing 111 as much as 1111 and 222. I realized i missed to say that, when i saw it a couple of times yesterday.
Zachary. I don't if she is my tiwn-flame, soul-mate, other half, or whatever else it's called. But i sure feel like she is. I have never before, met such a great person, that threats me the way she did. She stayed where most people left and she is still part of my life somehow, even if we usually fight. Like i said before i met her, i didn't believe such a girl could possibly exist, but not when i met her, i can't imagine what my life would be if she's not in it. And somehow deep inside of me, i feel that somehow, someday we will be together, even if things don't look so good right now. That's why i'm waiting for her. Whatever i do, wherever i go, i think of her. Can't even look at another girl anymore, without imagining it's her. Never been so much attracted to someone in my life so far...
I will try to do the relaxing thing you gave me.

Sandy. Yea, you can call me Phoenix, Daniel (since that's my real name) or just DL like some of my friends, it's up to you.
Since i don't believe in religion, but i believe in a higher power that exists, whether it's God, angels, Universe. I use prayers when i'm really desperate and need help. Usually it helps me. Makes me get some hope in hopeless situations. And sometimes the things i pray for, happen. Like when i wanted to finally meet a girl like her and have a love story like in movies.
And for sure i will tell you the end of the story. Whenever it happens. But it may take time, things don't look so good right now. But like always i'm still hoping that we will end together and i'm not giving on her, since she's the best things that happened to me so far.

PS. Finished writing this and there it was 11:11 on the clock again.
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Re: Signs or false hope.

Post by nasra1996 »

Warm welcome Daniel, i hope things turn out well for you and this lady, perhaps you will get a chance to get things going with her again soon, the midwayers can only do so much as to place you both on a similar path, the end result depends on the two of you :loves:

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Re: Signs or false hope.

Post by Ph03n1X »

nasra1996 wrote: i hope things turn out well for you and this lady, perhaps you will get a chance to get things going with her again soon, the midwayers can only do so much as to place you both on a similar path
That's all i need. I hope so too, thank you!
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