Frequent Frequencies

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Frequent Frequencies

Post by Zachary »

Hello everyone,

I decided to write this because I've been contemplating it for some time now. It's probably been in the back of my mind for almost a year now and has consistently made it's way to the front.

I call them frequencies but really that's just the best term I can come up with. It's really a sound I hear. Sometimes it's more like a ringing in one of my ears (usually the left) but sometimes the right. And sometimes it's more like a change in what I was already hearing. A good example of this 'change' would be like; When your in a room with a fan operating, you become familiar hearing the noise it puts out. You get so familiar with the noise it puts out that you pay no attention to it. The only time it grabs your attention is when it shuts off--you recognize the change in tone.

This happens to my ears and it's usually when I'm thinking of something deep and connected to spirit in some way. I'll be sitting there, almost in a trance state, running through my thoughts and then all of sudden I recognize a slight change in the "frequency"?? About 5 seconds after this brief moment, I can no longer distinctively hear this frequency or try to point it out -- as if I'm already adjusted to it that fast. It always makes me wonder. Was I hearing this 'noise' all along and really didn't know it?? If so I must of been hearing it nearly all day because I get so used to it so fast. I never feel like it's a quick ringing in my ear/ears because I get that too. It's completely different

The ringing in one of my ears will get really loud, really fast and slowly die out within 10 seconds. The change in 'frequency' experience never dies out. It just stays the same, and I only notice it when it quickly shuts off for a brief moment. It's takes around one second when it shuts off. Similar to being in a lit room for awhile. Then flicking the lights off, then back on within 1 second. (the lights flickering is probably the closest similarity I can describe.) It really makes me wonder and has been happening for some time now... so I decided to try and pay attention when these moments happen and of course, what I may feel they mean to me.

(())The simple ringing in one of my ears to me may indicate that spirit is calling me?? Similar to a time prompt, but really I have no definite answer... I see that's what a lot of other people say it represents.
(())As for the quick frequency 'shut off and shut on', I really don't know what to chalk it up to. But I do know it usually happens when I'm running through my mind and really trying to go within to find my answers, but find myself not in a state to receive these answers

I wrote this to share with you guys and wonder if you have had or are having similar experiences and/or have something to say about it. If not--thanks for spending your time on some of my thoughts

:mrgreen: Zach
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Re: Frequent Frequencies

Post by Sandy »

Hi Zach,
I'm not sure if this is the same as what you are experiencing, but I often hear, when meditating, what sounds like the hum of something... like trying to tune in a radio station...a vibration of sorts which a friend told me years ago was the vibrations of the astral centers of consciousness. George calls the sounds you might be hearing (not sure as we can't hear what you are hearing personally) Bells and describes it as the angels contacting you. So you may very well be right on the money with what you say here...
(())The simple ringing in one of my ears to me may indicate that spirit is calling me??
Just a note...The cosmic vibration of the universe has been described by some as sort of like the sound of the ocean. (very cool 8) )

Anyway, regardless of what it means, say hello to your "hard working" angels...they love to be remembered and included in your day.
(LOL I just realized that sounded like your poor angels are overworked keeping up with the likes of you...nope they drew a good lot with you I suspect. ;)

Please, if you would, let us know what you discover from spirit about what you are hearing. :sunflower:
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Re: Frequent Frequencies

Post by Welles »

Hi Zach,

Two notes based on the fact that I know the freqs you are describing by experience.

1. Some materialists have posited that we are hearing the blood flow through our system.
2. There was a meditation guru some time ago (I forget the specific one) whose secret mantra was to listen to those frequencies. If you listen to those you can't listen to the running dialog in your head at the same time. Therefore you have a much greater chance of getting momentary openings of the heart.

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Re: Frequent Frequencies

Post by happyrain »

:hithere Hey Welles I really like point number 2 in your post. That had me thinking and trying to listen to the subtle ringing that much more in hopes that I'm opening up my sacred heart center.

Zach ! What's up man ? How are you ? Just wanted to say, I had read your post and at first wasn't sure how to answer... Probably because I haven't come close to understanding my experience as meaning anything but I do think your post is a definite contribution that I or someone else may come to months or even years later and share their findings on this very thread.

Weird. I just had a high pitch ringing in my left ear.

There used to be a member here by the name blue nova who shared her understanding of the ear rings with me. Haha no pun intended. I don't know if I remember her understanding correctly... But I believe I was taught it had something to do with the energy or presence of another persons spirit or soul. We, and a few others would try to reach out to each other remotely and sometimes we'd hear specific tones for different people. This wasn't a one time thing either.

When I would meditate often, I'd hear the ringings more often. At this time I'd experienced a more connected sense with life... Synchronicities happened often and I was able to communicate and gather helpful hints with seemingly meaningless events.

When I would think about a friend, I'd sometimes hear the ringing in my ear- and moments later my phone would ring or a text would appear bythe person I was thinking about.

Something to contemplate on...
I'm kind of starting to miss my meditation... Miss my youthful 9 mile runs and morning yoga exercises. I had experienced more then than I do now... My discipline is not what it used to be.... ARGH I'm getting off track bro !!

Love from Texas
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Re: Frequent Frequencies

Post by happyrain »

Sandy wrote:a vibration of sorts which a friend told me years ago was the vibrations of the astral centers of consciousness. George calls the sounds you might be hearing (not sure as we can't hear what you are hearing personally) Bells and describes it as the angels contacting you.
Are we talking about the same person Sandy ? This reminds me of something similar to blue nova's description which was also shared with me years ago ! Can't believe I've been a member here since 2008 ! PS: :hithere from a bored salesman :loves :kiss:

I'm going to try and find the post... :idea: :!:
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Re: Frequent Frequencies

Post by happyrain »

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Re: Frequent Frequencies

Post by Zachary »

Thanks for all the replies :hithere

It's always a treat to bounce ideas off others than myself!! I really got a few things to say to those of you who replied

Just a note...The cosmic vibration of the universe has been described by some as sort of like the sound of the ocean.
Wow, this is great to read! I honestly have heard this noise and still do, it's just not common, but I never thought of how to describe it. I would of said it sounds very close to when you put your ear to a big seashell. Which if you did this as a kid, there is a good chance the person that told you to put it to your ear, said "you can here the ocean". Haahaha! I never heard of anyone saying it to be the cosmic vibration of the universe, which makes it all that more delightful!! I will make sure to take your advice on saying hello to my "hard-working" angels... I couldn't agree more with the hard working, but it's really hard to see how personalities even at the level of spirit could put so much effort into being present with me, and offering assistance. It really makes me grateful and boosts my intentions to help others and be more grateful for their imperfect presence, as they are to me. I will certainly keep up with any discoveries-- as always. I don't know any people in person to bounce these ideas off of, it's a real treat for me

Welles, thanks again for the reply, I forgot to post the other day I resent your link about the Sioux Indian Chief quotes to a friend. I loved it and took plenty of it to heart.
1. Some materialists have posited that we are hearing the blood flow through our system.
I can actually relate to this and can confirm it happens. I know for a fact. The evidence is in my heart beat. I can hear what I guess to be the flow of my blood?? Anyway, sometimes when I open my eyes after being very still, or never closing them and being very still, I can see my vision pulsate with my heartbeat. Perfectly synchronized. It's usually at the bottom of my eye sight and it is sort of blurry as my heart beats. I never tried to listen to this to help me open up though. In fact, whenever it happens I re-adjust and do what it takes to make it stop. I feel like it's a distraction. The complete opposite of what you said in #2. I think next time it happens I'm going to just let it be, I don't think I've ever done that so I don't see why I shouldn't try it out. I can say it's not the same as the "frequencies" I was describing. The 'frequencies' are pretty high-pitch and stick out a lot. Thanks again for the post- I'm going to try #2 and see what happens!

Eric, Thanks for all the reflections - truly. I've been so great lately!! I couldn't say anything bad about my life or I'd be telling a lie-- everything has been so good.
I do think your post is a definite contribution that I or someone else may come to months or even years later and share their findings on this very thread.
I like reading this, and call it a reflection because really that's a big part of intent on my post in the first place. I love reading some old posts and am always thankful for some of them, of course I try to be similar in that sense. I don't find it easy to post a new topic when there are so many to respond to. Which in all fairness, I don't know how Sandy responds so much and posts so little topics... In fact I can't remember one she started.
Synchronicities happened often and I was able to communicate and gather helpful hints with seemingly meaningless events.
This made me laugh because I can really relate to it. Such meaningless events that anyone else just wouldn't understand. I guess it's that personal
When I would think about a friend, I'd sometimes hear the ringing in my ear- and moments later my phone would ring or a text would appear by the person I was thinking about
This is rare for me. And only on my best days that start off with strong spiritual connections and stay strong does something similar happen. Almost like you know what's going to happen in the near future your so in tune.
Something to contemplate on...
I'm kind of starting to miss my meditation... Miss my youthful 9 mile runs and morning yoga exercises. I had experienced more then than I do now... My discipline is not what it used to be.... ARGH I'm getting off track bro !!
Love from Texas
Haahahahaha! I find it helpful when someone is contemplating and 'getting off track' and tells me. It wasn't off track for me and in fact I can only reflect the same ideas back to you. I too have had more meditation experiences in the past. When I first tried it I was more dedicated-- I must say. It's interesting you used the word morning in your writing as my best days start off with good morning decisions. Thanks, and thanks for the love from Texas. When I drove through that state it didn't seem all that common haha :alien: . I haven't read your links you posted but will do so either tonight or sometime soon

Thanks again for all the replies everyone, I have much more to contemplate on with a bigger spiritual 'field-of-view'

:mrgreen: Zach
"Why try to use the wrong tool for the job when you have just the perfect tool. If only you would pick it up and learn to use it." -TA
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Re: Frequent Frequencies

Post by Sandy »

Hey everybody,
Sandy wrote:
a vibration of sorts which a friend told me years ago was the vibrations of the astral centers of consciousness. George calls the sounds you might be hearing (not sure as we can't hear what you are hearing personally) Bells and describes it as the angels contacting you.
Are we talking about the same person Sandy ? This reminds me of something similar to blue nova's description which was also shared with me years ago !
Yep that would be our Anne. You may remember she was and probably still is a part of the Self Realization fellowship. She has a lot of knowledge on such things mostly because she has exercised her spirit muscle daily. Geez I miss her. Been missing people all day today. but I suppose when we meditate we are actually feeling the oneness of all things and all people. Anne used to connect with me via meditation even though we were on opposite ends of the planet she knew what was going on with me. Once I was actually in the zone enough to see her but only briefly. LOL I got excited and that was that... :lol:
Can't believe I've been a member here since 2008 ! PS: :hithere from a bored salesman :loves :kiss:
Eric...I am so glad you are here! I pine away sometimes for our lost "loves"... and it is silly really but some days I just miss them and today is one of those days. But we are not alone, eh? Each of these people have given something of themselves... shoot, I suppose everyone who comes here and shares a little of themselves leaves us with something special that remains with us in small and large ways.
Once again...I am so glad you are here!... and you too Zach and dear Welles among others who haven't posted on this thread... :kiss:
I love reading some old posts and am always thankful for some of them, of course I try to be similar in that sense. I don't find it easy to post a new topic when there are so many to respond to. Which in all fairness, I don't know how Sandy responds so much and posts so little topics... In fact I can't remember one she started.
LOL Yes, Zach, you'd be right...I'm not much of a topic starter. Although I have recently started a couple. Not sure if Happy Australia day really counts though. ;)
It's 5:33 pm and I had better start supper.

Wishing you all a day full of bright blessings! :sunny:
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Re: Frequent Frequencies

Post by Zachary »

I just now read yer links to the topics about ear ringing. Thanks brother. It seems the experience of ringing is pretty common especially when being more connected and centered. I still haven't found anything about what I was describing about frequencies shutting off then back on. I did find those links very helpful and I can relate to the 'hum' they often described in them.
Anne,The cup over the ear is a good example
I wrote seashell earlier but it's the same idea I guess.

I haven't actually experienced the ringing in my ear for about a month, until yesterday actually. My brother was talking to me and had me distracted, whilst my lovely niece was trying to give me a hug and kiss. I was in a conversation and wasn't really paying any attention to her. I was just going along with the motions of a hug all while being emotionless towards her. The ring sure did change that
"Why try to use the wrong tool for the job when you have just the perfect tool. If only you would pick it up and learn to use it." -TA
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