reflecting on a dream that has come to life

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reflecting on a dream that has come to life

Post by happyrain »

hello ! often times when i share here, my writings tend to come off in the form of personal reflection... trying to understand my experiences and although i stand the risk of embarrassing myself lol i find it has been very therapeutic to release these thoughts and receive objective replies from other members. it's a hefty read and i apologize but this forum has been a place that has welcomed me in my search for understanding the weird.

i first joined this forum in 2008 under the alias AiR1k. I posted here because of three specific dreams that still leave me questioning today. when i first had these dreams, i had no idea what they meant. over the course of 6 years i've had moments where i am reminded of these dreams and have a little more understanding each time... my most recent experience was probably the strongest feeling of a dream coming to life. it was a couple nights after the movie interstellar had been released. my friends and i were hanging out on the roof of an apartment complex gazing out at the city(i live in a busy/populated city)... we were surprised to find two owls chatting above our heads on the night post ! they seemed out of place. after a few minutes of starring out at the owls something changed inside me and around me. i started to look at the owls in a way that had me thinking back on the very dreams that brought me here. in the next instant my friend spoke out to me and said something that mirrors the exact words and phrasings i've heard from my dreams. i was spooked. i thought this meant we were going to die before the night was over, like get in a car crash or something.
i didn't want to be negative and in actuality there was a calming presence after the thought of dying... maybe my intuition alluding to the fact that this was not the case.

well we went to see the movie interstellar that night and i was astounded. the imax experience really set things off. not only was i reminded of my dreams but of a couple vivid imaginings i've had as a child. after the movie, it was time to go home.
by the time i got to bed i started to feel very emotional from thinking back on the feelings i've had as a child. the memory was of leaving the earth. i started to cry. that's about it. the night was over. we didn't die and it was a regular day(except for what was happening inside me).

i'm posting now because, i'm partly trying to understand the significance and what this all means... something on a deeper level was stirring. something i don't know or remember, asking for my attention.
after years of wandering, i was eventually lead to the idea of these dreams and moments being insights of transitional phases from one life to another...

to sum this up, my dream has come to life- on multiple occasions. i feel the meaning for me has to do with reincarnation and/or a symbolic representation of the the transitioning phases- prebirth, birth, death. has this happened to anyone ? what did it mean for you ?
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Re: reflecting on a dream that has come to life

Post by Zachary »

Whatsup eric!

Unfortunately for me, my dreams while I sleep never come true and I lack experiences similar to the ones your describing. There are a few dreams that I sort of repeat that may have significance. It's not really the same dream I have, but different dreams in the same 'dream location'. It's always deep in some mountains. To be honest I rarely remember what goes on in these particular dreams except picturing the landscape and waking up with different feelings, not knowing what I dreamt of except seeing trees, water, hills, and this one particular house.... Anyway I call it my training grounds. And just a couple months ago I was reading some of George's notes and T/R's about dreams and how they can be sometimes viewed as more of an organizing of thoughts and ideas that allow you to lead yourself to greater understanding. (I tried to find it to link it to you but idk where it is, possibly in the archives)

if I come across it, ill send it straight to you

Good luck with your spiritual efforts!!
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Re: reflecting on a dream that has come to life

Post by happyrain »

hi Zach,
thanks for your reply. i agree whole heartedly- that dreams can be an accumulation of thoughts/ideas or different experiences released and relayed in a way that would lead one to greater understanding. observing your emotions is a good practice.
i think that's awesome that you have a place you have been able to go back to over and over again. i don't think i've had that experience

btw... i reread my post and it seems pretty vague. to be more accurate, aside from the dreams i'm describing two memories i've had as a child... one is having "awareness" in blackness... maybe this is a prebirth memory or one of an afterlife ? the other is, when i was in 6th grade we had a reading teacher that would have us write in a journal for 10 minutes at the beginning of her class. i remember writing something that left me feeling very emotional- it was deep, i didn't know i was capable of feeling something this deep- and i remember crying as i was writing this out. the memory is being on a ship and leaving the earth. i remember feeling the coldness of the ship and feeling sad or alone. i think this might be related to death ?

i shave the 3 dreams from 08 written out, they might be here on the forum too but i'll spare you a long post =P

hope all is well !
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Re: reflecting on a dream that has come to life

Post by Sandy »

I like long posts Eric... short ones too. ;) I'd love to read them again even though I am not any good at dream interpretation. :D
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Re: reflecting on a dream that has come to life

Post by happyrain »

hi sandy
ok you asked for it :P just kidding...
after the 6 years that have past, i feel i am able to read these better and i really think these dreams have to deal with having past lives. before these dreams i hadn't any interest in much spiritual. i think i had been asleep for some time. these are 3 dreams that brought me to this forum. the one i am describing in this particular thread is the second one. the words we exchanged were exact. i am sharing all three though because they all seem connected. it's odd that i still have such an emotional regard for these dreams and that i can recall still. this is not an every day occurrence for me.
also.. i'm not trying to impose my belief on anyone here, i don't know what these mean or why i had them. just an experience.

Dream 1:
the first dream takes place in africa, somewhere amongst a shoreline. i remember, "floating" from one set of eyes to another- watching through other people and having an awareness that i am not this person. it starts with someone who is trying to teach the group a tribal dance. we were told that the dance was very important and must do as he does. once i begin to dance- i warp to another set of eyes.
i am now standing on the shoreline with a group of, "watchers." we were told to keep a look out for any intruders. i spotted someone- in the distance, slowly it came from out of the water. i say it because i could not see who it was- there was no definite detail, only a person covered in seaweed. after this i warp yet again to a different location, this time i am alone. a women is in the distance walking towards me. she is cut and bleeding- she fell into my arms and began speaking. i do not speak any other language but i am sure we spoke french to one another. i began asking her questions in french- as soon as she started responding- something very hard to explain happened. this feeling of- being pulled out from the middle of what i was doing. being grabbed and slammed, somewhere. i am no longer in africa. i can hear faint chanting. after regaining awareness from being "pulled" i notice what looks like natives circled around me. once i made eye contact the chanting stopped. they were masked- either with the skull of an animal or detailed shadows covering their face- but i could feel their eyes on me. there was a long moment of silence and then they were gone. nothing was left but the silhouette of a dead tree(many branches and no leaf's) a few crows, and an orange sky. behind the tree was a rainbow with colors ranging from purple, blue, and green. the orange was glowing- giving an ambient feeling- after this i woke up.

Dream 2:
i don't know where i was- or how i got there but i was sitting down. there were people around me- making me feel as comfortable as possible. i had no idea who anyone was. one of the men in the group came over and pulled me aside to talk. after wrapping his arm around me he says, "isn't it obvious eric? you're dead."
i didn't know what to think but for a minute, i was shown my family- they were still alive and mourning. it was a very sad and heavy feeling but the person with me helped me get through this- helped me understand. i do not remember how, but after some time had passed the scenery changed and the feeling of being sad was gone. now, the same man was teaching me things that seem impossible while back on the material world. he was explaining to me, somehow- i wish i could remember the description- how physical objects have little meaning that i'd come to understand. for example, he had me turn something into a green towel. after this he tells me we can go anywhere as long as one focuses hard enough.
in an instant, i am in japan- i am in a building. i am in an elevator and hit 46- after going up all the way to my destination- i remember the elevator doors opening and walking out to a glass window. i glanced out only to see everything covered in a massive, powerful green ocean. the building i was in was the only thing visible within the ocean

Dream 3:
it starts with being on stage but with the snap of a finger- i am pulled out and am somewhere else. i am on a small wooden boat in the middle of an ocean. there is a person sitting across from me and an old man in the back with his arm wrapped around a cannon. the man tells us to look for it. to look in the sky and point it out. i remember looking up and pointing at a star- the old man smiled and fired the cannon. next thing i know, i am being shot out of the cannon- no longer do i see myself as a human being but a geometrical shape. i am a green arrow- the person who sat across from me was also fired out of the cannon. i don't remember his/her shape but i remember the color, red. it was like a race at first- we were racing higher and higher in the sky- shooting through the clouds. who i was- mentally, was contained within the object- my thoughts, my being. i remember communicating with the other object despite not having lips to talk. we were talking about energy... something said accelerated the rate i was going. i started moving faster and faster- going past the clouds and into space. i can hardly contain myself due to the speed. the stars become a blur as i go deeper and deeper into space. at this point, i'm no longer looking at stars but other geometrical shapes. there were tiny particles and objects swaying up and down in one motion- inhaling.. exhaling- they moved together this way. i can no longer hold the speed something's about to happen and- i explode. the color contained in the arrow reaches out and covers everything in sight. all the objects around me, the particles- green. after this- that same feeling of being pulled out from what i was doing, as mentioned in the first dream, happens again. i'm slammed down onto a table. i remember watching images of who knows what flash before my eyes. its like someone trying to hide a subliminal message by sliding in a quick image over a steady image. it was that, "quick" image of different things flashing before me(it's hard to explain... that's the best i can do) i feel scared. my eyes twitch and i notice i am laying in bed but can not move. i must be experiencing sleep paralysis ...but how am i still dreaming- and able to recognize my body? the dream begins to fade- but something in my chest sends waves of uneasy impulses to the brain. i think i'm having a heart-attack. i feel trapped as if all i can do is lay there and watch my body die. shortly after i am free and able to sit up. i begin to cry. i ended up skipping class that day feeling very impacted from my dreams.
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Re: reflecting on a dream that has come to life

Post by happyrain »

about 3 years ago i had another dream like this. something to hint maybe to a past life... i learned a word i never heard before. sufi. if you remember, i used to share teachings of inayat khan here. that was after this very odd/surreal dream.

Sufi Dream:
i had a dream with the ladybug-
we were outside with people standing around. i remember seeing my two dogs that have been with me since birth. someone on the phone told me and another it was going to flood. he told us to climb the tallest tree, get to the top.
it started to rain really heavy and really fast. it even started to flood. people began to panic. they saw my friend and i climbing the tree and they began to follow. some climbed over us- in a hurry- the tree itself started to sink into the ground. everything that went underneath the water turned grey and became still. as we got closer to the top- there was someone waiting there. people would stick out their hands and a pink heart would come floating- landing on their hands. when this happened, they were transported to safety. i was the last person up. the person looked at me and said, "did you learn your lesson?" i opened up my hand- i was hesitant to answer because the tree kept sinking and the water drew close. the heart came out- but did not land on my hand. this must have meant no but, i was so sure- i remember saying that "i DID learn my lesson" it had something to do with love- frantic i climbed higher- to the highest point of the tree. the water started to take to my feet- frozen, i could not move my legs. i extended my palm out and waited. i had help from an outside source, in my eyes- my grandpa. he talked to the man at the top and pointed to a sac of insects. the man said, "but those aren't ready. they aren't even born." my pappy took one of the insects and placed it in my hand and then he was gone. it was a lady bug- uncurling itself in my palm. the water was now up to my belly- the lady bug flew around and the pink heart came out again. the heart floated and then landed on the ladybug. at this point the water was up to my head- everything below the water, frozen. all that was left was my extended reach. the ladybug with the pink heart now attached to it, landed back in my palm.
the people looked at the man at the top and the man smiled, looking at my hand. this part is hard to explain but after the ladybug landed in my hand i felt everything i was witnessing- was not me at all. i felt transfered. suddenly, i was the man at the top. the people asked "what of him?" and the man said "i am him. i am sufi."
everything i saw was somehow related to the man waiting at the top- after this i remember walking along the shoreline with a group of people. i remember seeing my mom and dad- they were younger. they were healthy and happy- i don't know if they knew i was their son at this point- i was talking to my mom and my dad was running down the beach. afterwards i woke up

it's a bit weird for me sharing these publicly but its been some time and i am trying to figure things out. i've shared this on two other forums and realize i might not get an answer or, already have the answers and am slowly unraveling bits and pieces over the years... but why is still a big question.
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Re: reflecting on a dream that has come to life

Post by Zachary »

Your dreams are pretty intense. I've never experienced anything like it. The only thing I can relate to is the sleep paralysis. I wish I had one where I shoot into someone else's view. It's always my perspective only. The "better" dreams I have are the ones where I'm aware. Sure ill have the ones where you know your in a dream, and you know your really in bed sleeping. When I have those I end up telling the people in my dream, "hey guys, we're in a dream, your in your bed sleeping right now". Usually when I consciously acknowledge this out loud to the people in my dream, my dream almost freezes and comes to a stand still -- as if I ruined it and can no longer explore it. The people who were once talking to me in my dream are just looking at me with no expression on their faces. Then I wake up and that's the end.

When I have those I've tried to not say anything to the people around me. I can remember in my dream, that every time I tell them it's a dream I ruin it. Real memory and experience are transferred to this newer dream....???? I've been able to explore more of my dreams when I don't consciously acknowledge this out loud. But nothing that seems as deep as your dreams ever really happens to me.
After reading your original post and replying for my first time, I asked spirit before I went to sleep one of those nights to "please implement" my dreams. It actually happened too, and it was pretty incredible.
In some dreams it feels almost as if your current knowledge is not fully available, almost like your limited. In the one I asked for I was well aware of all my knowledge relating to spirit and God. I was less 'limited'. I didn't know I was in a dream though. I just feel really good in it. I was conversing with a woman who almost shoved me off a ledge -- I was conversing in a controllable way. Like all my experience in life I lived was still active and I was able to use this in my dream. Often my dreams are just scenarios where I say stuff, but I'm not really controlling it, it just sort of happens and then you remember. Well not in this dream. It was so fun! I'll describe it...

I just appeared in a big crowd. It was in a stadium full of rooms. There was no sports field in the middle or anything, but it had a similar layout. I walked to a ledge thinking I might see a playing field in the center. I looked down and all I remember seeing was something that reminded me of a graduation ceremony (chairs and podiums). As I'm looking down, this lady bumps into me really hard. I said "woahhhhhhh lady" being modest in my word choice considering she almost knocked me down a fatal fall. She looked at me and said "who are you calling me woman?!" I replied, " I called you lady". It was weird because I consciously corrected her with my thinking conscious, just like you would when your awake. It wasn't dream like in the sense of something just happened and I wake up and remember. it felt like the real me there.
After that I was prompted just like I would be if I were awake. I looked over to one of the stadiums walkways and the number above it was "4444444" it was either 6 or 7 4's. I cracked a smile just like I usually do... During the mist of all this happening, from the start of me walking to the ledge; panic was everywhere. I don't know why but everyone around me was in panic mode-- running like mad people, which is why I was bumped in the first place. I seemed to be the only happy one not running around in a chaotic manner. (there was nothing to panic about that I ever saw) I started walking around the stadium opening doors to figure out what was going on. I never found out, but it was so fun to feel like your normal self in a dream, and not know it's a dream. Also, that prompt I received was exactly like any other prompt I would get, and I never had one during a dream before. So I know spirit actually did implement my dream somewhat.
I don't really know what it means, except it was very fun.

I'm writing all this to show you the intense side of my dreams and how they don't come close to yours on the magnitude scale. I so wish I could be slammed into a different persons view as you describe. One thing I can confidently say is; when I post about things on this message board that I'm not sure about, I always get closer into discovering something about it. I hope you figure more out because the dreams I read of yours are much more intense than what I experience or even heard of from the people I know
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Re: reflecting on a dream that has come to life

Post by happyrain »

hi zach
you're right. in most of my dreams i feel more like an observer. things just happen like you said. i think that's cool that you were lucid and prompted with the 4's after asking for guidance. i don't have these experiences often and as i've shared with you earlier... most of us don't remember our dreams despite the fact that the average person dreams 4-5 dreams a night !
there's definitely a message for you. it's good to record these things. years later you might come back to your writings and see things from a more, detached perspective and the message becomes all the clearer.

my girlfriend has had a similar experience as you. that is, when she says this is a dream the people in her dream stop and become expressionless and then she wakes up. i've never experienced that- that i know of. i'd say we have equally unique experiences in this unraveling of our lives.

at the time i experienced those three dreams, there wasn't much conscious effort on my part. i think this might have been a wake up call. it's how i've stumbled across this forum in the process of searching for answers.
the sufi dream came three years later after meditation and specific dieting. but it felt similar to the others in that, there's a message here.

thanks for replying to my thread ! :hithere :alien:
take care mate
CHEERS :mrgreen:
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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