if you had the option to, would you ?

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if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by happyrain »

:hithere just having some fun after watching an awesome movie ! interstellar :P

assuming we had the technology
if you had the choice to leave earth and live elsewhere(i.e, a habitable planet or space station, etc.)
would you ? why or why not ?
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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by Geoff »

Hi Eric,

I don't think I would. I rather like this Earth, and I certainly have plenty to do.

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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by happyrain »

hi geoff...
i've been feeling the same...
and my reason for that is this, i feel i don't know enough about this planet that i chose to live on. yes i believe i chose to live here and i don't know how i'd feel leaving or how mother earth would feel if i left... at the same time i do feel there is a certain cosmic destiny to our species and understand those that are looking forward to the idea of living in space or even on another planet. i sometimes mirror their sense of adventure but don't know if i have it in me... i'm on the fence... i want to/don't want to...

thanks for your reply :hithere
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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
I'm thinking at least right now I don't want to leave our world. LOL to be honest when I get angry about Monsanto or the state of government, media etc. I think, "I want off of this rock! But it usually passes with the anger. At this point in my personal evolution I think I am happy to stay here as long as I can, to learn, to grow and hopefully have something positive to add to the state of affairs. :finger: Still I probably won't always feel this way...at least I hope not. There is something wonderful to be said about nurturing "the spirit of adventure".
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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by murlin99 »

Sandy wrote:Hi Eric,
I'm thinking at least right now I don't want to leave our world. LOL to be honest when I get angry about Monsanto or the state of government, media etc. "
To begin with I will say I will stay on this planet as long as it is habitable. I wish we had more forces behind us to help stop the devastation of Mother Earth on a daily basis by greedy companies and the government. Generally though if you try that and a large group stands up against a government, almost any government we would be labeled terrorists or extremists and either thrown in prison or outright murdered by your own government. It has happened before and will happen again.

Monsanto, bad word, bad bad word. They sued a farmer here in Ohio because Monsanto seeds blew from another farmer's field blew into his non GMO field. The lawsuit in its shortest summary pretty much said, since those seeds were now in his field he could then harvest those seeds and have a whole crop of Monsanto seeds during his next growing seasons. The farmer being sued more or less said, I dont want you evil seeds in my crops anyway, I grow seeds that my family has been harvesting for many generations and I will never buy your chemical filled seeds because you don't know what the effects are going to be 25 or 30 years down the road.

This was in front of the US Supreme Court and the farmer lost. If I was still the way I used to be I would go on a cursing tirade about this but I will just say this shows how more or less these companies totally own the government. But in the end the farmer ended up having to buy a whole season worth of Monsanto seeds which he then promptly burnt because he did not want them getting mixed in with his crop.

To add fuel to that fire they are lobbying the government (which I dont agree with) hard to even stamp out all sellers of heirloom seeds. If they stamp out heirloom seeds the end result will be to stamp out all evolution of those kinds of plants. The engineered seeds really have no chance for evolution since they pretty much all came from one mother plant and have had their DNA stunted so they cant spit out the chemicals.

Now this is already creating another problem similar to the overuse of antibiotics in humans. The more they modify these seeds and the more powerful the herbicides become the result is super weeds that nothing can kill short of burning down a whole field just to get rid of the weeds, but they will come back in force when the next planting season starts. These companies are slowly but surely killing Mother Earth one chemical at a time. On top of that the overuse of Nitrogen, which China is the worst but we are not far behind are contaminating the waterways, algae thrives on these chemicals. The algae then sucks all of the oxygen out of the water and nothing else survives. Where I live with all of the farms around our local lake is feeling this severely. We used to be a tourist town because of the lake, but for the last 4 years it has been advised not to swim in the lake and in the summer it generally a green soupy mess. So tourism has gone down by a huge amount which has already caused a few businesses to close up shop because without the tourist money in the summer they just could not survive.

As you can see from this post I severely dislike Monsanto, and if you dig deep enough you will find that they also sell their GMO seeds under at least half a dozen different company names because they know they have a bad rap with a lot of people.

In its simplest form it comes down to what has ruined every great society, greed. They don't care about us, they care about how much more money they can make to stuff the pockets of people that already have enough money to take all of the poverty out of this country and probably most of the world. But I guess their $500,000 cars and private jets are worth more than the lives they take and the ongoing never ending slow but meticulous destruction of Mother Earth I guess assuming when the land is decimated and nothing else can be grown their money will keep them out of harms way.

As I like to say, at least in the United States, we are the most corrupt and censored Free Country in the world. We are supposed to be everyone's big brother at least thats what you hear but we are more like a drunk big brother with a gun in one hand and a chainsaw in the other hand.
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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Bryan,
I sometimes get so upset about Monsanto's latest antics that I can hardly sit still. But anger isn't so good for us, eh? Lets put our anger into constructive action. We can and will win that war. And so, the power is in the hands of the consumer. Let's keep getting the message out about Monsanto and put our power in our rights as consumers. Let's find out as much as we can about these companies and the products they foster on us and then refuse to support them in any way shape or form or support any politician who supports the short sighted money grubbing that seems the fashion these days. It sounds hard and it will be...we are in the fight of our lives and the planet as well. But it starts with small beginnings. So to this effort, I have decided that I will no longer buy products from companies who put enormous amounts of money into defeating Proposition 92 in Oregon which was about labelling GMO's in our food. (Or those joining forces to sue Vermont, a state that did pass a labelling law. The consumer has the right to know what is in his/her food! Don't we?!!!! But companies like Monsanto who invested nearly 16 million dollars as well as others such as Kraft, PepsiCo, Coca Cola just to name a few to defeat the Oregon bill this November don't think so. Which I suppose is their right, but heck! I don't like it and so I refuse to buy their products anymore!

I started research a couple days ago to determine the products I will now boycott. I have a long way to go but it sounds like I will be eating a bunch more whole foods, :lol: :shock: which let's face it would be better for my body anyway.

The first company PepsiCo....(Pepsi)

PepsiCo has products distributed across more then 200 countries. Their annual net revenues are nearly 43.3 billion dollars They employ roughly 274,000 people world wide as of 2013.

Here are products that I found out are in their stable...
Australia/New Zealand
SMITHS, Grain Waves, Doritos, Red Rock Deli, Twisties, NOBBYS Peanuts, Quaker OATS
Pepsi, Mountain Dew,7-UP, Gatorade
New Zealand
Bluebird, Kiwi-Licious, Doritos, Grain Waves, Twisties, Copper kettle Chips, Rashuns, Sakata, Tasty Toobs, Biguns, Burger Rings ,Cheezels, Delisio, Parkers

PepsiCo Middle East and Africa
Pepsi, Quaker, Frito-Lay, Mirinda, KurKure, Red Rock Deli

PepsiCo US(Merged with Frito-Lay
Tropicana(1998), Quaker Oats (2001) Gatorade, Aunt Jemima, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Lays, Ruffles, Tostitos, Walkers, 7-UP, Doritos, Lipton Teas, Cheetos, Aquafina, Sierra Mist, Fritos, Rold Gold Pretzels, Cracker Jack, Sun chips, Rice-A-Roni, Quaker Cereals, Naked Juice, SoBe Lifewater, AMP Energy,IZZE

Latin American Foods
Karito brand including Cuates, Fripapas, Papi Frits

Pepsi cola beverages, Frito lay snacks, Tropicana juices, Quaker Products, Walkers Crisps, Copella, Paw Ridge, Snack-a-Jack, Duyvis
Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods 2010 (Dairy products), Lebedyansky (2008)

While PepsiCo has positively encouraged recycling of their products and led the way in green packaging using plant based materials such as switch grass, pine bark, and corn husks in their PET bottles. Their stand against the citizens right to know and pouring almost 2 million dollars to attempt to defeat these issues makes them an enemy at this time for consumers around the world.

You think PepsiCo will be tough to boycott, wait until you see Kraft! (sigh) Still working on it... Post it later...

But I am serious...and tired of these monster companies pushing us around. It may be hard at first but we will all be healthier for it. Please consider boycotting this company and even write some letters to the head office expressing your disappointment in their stance on citizens right to know what is in our food.

Oh and Starbucks has now teamed up with Monsanto to sue the tiny state of Vermont who did pass a GMO labelling law which these monster companies are now contesting! grrrrrrrrr Once again they are hiding behind the very Sneaky "Grocery Manufacturers Association". Starbucks is supporting a lawsuit that's aiming to block a landmark law that requires genetically-modified ingredients be labeled. Amazingly, it claims that the law is an assault on corporations' right to free speech! :roll:
So... NO STARBUCKS! (Ouch But perhaps their competitors will value the rights of consumers eh? ) .

Let's join together and hit them where it hurts. In their pocket books! (wallets, etc... :mrgreen: )

Okay...with that said...Love you guys. ;) :love
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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by I-AM »

happyrain wrote::hithere just having some fun after watching an awesome movie ! interstellar :P

assuming we had the technology
if you had the choice to leave earth and live elsewhere(i.e, a habitable planet or space station, etc.)
would you ? why or why not ?
Wow. I just returned from cinema. What a movie!

It does contain some scientific non-sense (like surviving intact falling down to a blackhole) but it is just fabulous and mind boggling. If you want to see what Einstein's theory of relativity means in practice, this movie is the best. Pity they did not make it in 3D.

Funny to see Matt Damon taking such a negative role... :D

But to answer your question. Yes, I would.
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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, all!
Wow! This has turned into a very heated thread. Firstly my son has been bugging us all week to go and see Interstellar. Planning to go on Sunday. Would I relocate to another planet? I guess that would depend on how old I was when the transfer would ultimately happen, who would be going with me, what the conditions were like upon arrival and what checks and balances were in place to keep that civilization from repeating the same mistakes that have been made here. Is that even a possibility? Is it the problems and mistakes we've made and yet to make as individuals and a society that has made us into who we are today? I'm not confident that a Utopian society would work for me! If I didn't have so many choices and/or chances to make responsible decisions what would be the test that I was in charge of who I was to become?

And as to Monsanto, I think it all comes down to knowing I can't do anything about anyone else but myself. There will always be someone trying to convince me that they are right. I have to stop and think about what choices and decisions are right for me and my family.

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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by Geoff »

Seeker13 wrote:
And as to Monsanto, I think it all comes down to knowing I can't do anything about anyone else but myself. There will always be someone trying to convince me that they are right. I have to stop and think about what choices and decisions are right for me and my family.

Dear Kim,

Sadly its gone beyond that with Monsanto. In this thread is about a US farmer, but in Canada a load of GMO seed was in a truck involved in an accident on a road alongside a farm that did not use GMO seed. Monsanto wiped him out, because they were able to claim that he now had their seeds. Having claimed the commercial right to this modified seed, they claim every instance where it can be found. I see that there are companies trying to do the same thing with our DNA.

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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Geoff,
I didn't mean to appear insensitive to the individuals Monsanto has bullied and destroyed, of course that is appalling. After reading the posts to this thread, I went to a few sites where opposing sides were in word/character bashing games. No one is going to hear if no one is listening. Guess I was reacting to that. My intent was referring to the choices I make in purchasing products manufactured by Monsanto companies, if that's at all possible to determine. Thanks for calling me out on that one. Your last statement stopped me in my tracks! The same thing is happening with our DNA? What does that mean?!

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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by Geoff »

Seeker13 wrote: Your last statement stopped me in my tracks! The same thing is happening with our DNA? What does that mean?!

Dear Kim,

We don't know yet, but I read that a company has successfully "copyrighted" a dna sequence. I don't understand how the notion of creative process can be applied to dna, but I guess its much the same as with seed? That being the case, maybe they will ask me to pay for having "their" dna?

I agree with taking action in respect of these companies who behave badly, but I suspect a very close look into ANY of them would horrify all of us. I had several years with a business partner who epitomised total disregard for what i would call ethics and it was dreadful to see in action. But these people tend to get to the top of these companies.

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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by Sandy »

This could be another example of what Geoff was talking about, Kim.
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/he ... 921018cf5b
...and of course with any boycott it is always up to the free will of each individual as to what they wish to buy according to their own views and opinions. But the beauty and strength in a boycott is from more and more people being exposed to the information and reasons behind the boycott. right? I would never dream of asking you to stand true to something you do not feel is in the best interest of your family. Free will is important. Which is another reason I am concerned as Monsanto and other companies in this unholy alliance against GMO labelling are using their wealth and clout with politicians to do just that!

Just a note...The above company, PepsiCo, I mentioned is not related to Monsanto other then they funnelled large amounts of money, same as Monsanto into the Oregon's Proposition 92 which concerned the rights of consumers to know if GMO products are in the food they buy. We have a right to know this. but I suspect big business is concerned that with the growing negative reaction to these "things" that the company's bottom line will suffer if consumers can pick and choose.

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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by happyrain »

http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/resour ... p2_1.shtml - What is genome sequencing

http://www.futuretimeline.net/21stcentury/2015.htm#dna - future timeline 2015 predictions "Personal genome sequencing enters the mainstream"
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Re: if you had the option to, would you ?

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for both those articles, Eric. They were very helpful in helping me to understand a smidgeon about these complex matters.
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