Time to meet up with spiritual groups

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Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »

Hello Sandy and George,

A recent reading from the e mail list said that it is now time for us to find and meet up with mutually spirited minded people. I was wondering how that was going with us 11:11 people ?

I have not found much success in that here in Southern California. I should pray more for that to happen. I found one group that has some true vision but mostly gimmicks and an eye towards making as much money as possible. None of us are perfect.

Also, another reading said that it is now time for us to receive much more during our meditations. I am trying harder than ever to improve my meditations but have not felt a significant change yet, has anyone else ?

I know when spirits say "time" that could mean a 1,000 years, so I keep an open mind, so to speak,



(PS--thanks for the e mail list readings, they mean so much to me !)
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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by Geoff »

Dear Everett,

Yes its a time to "step forward", has been for maybe a year or so. Lots of groups are being told this. I am myself off to a retreat in Washington DC tomorrow, which is an example. I cant give you any specific advice how to make this happen, just be open and probably opportunities will occur. At another retreat held here in Aus that I was part of organising, the midwayers turned up, but sadly the outcome of that was not good. Too many people are either fearful, or don't want their blinkers taken off.

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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by Sandy »

Hello Erwangler,
I have a big ole smile on your face as I see you have returned to say hello and with that contribute in your own way to our own enlightenment. You see, you yourself, are somebody else’s shall we say, “group”? LOL I know this sounds weird but a group is made up of more than one person. So anytime you contribute with something that is meaningful to you, something you have learned, something that is helpful or even pose a question for others, be they in your own community or via the internet you are lifting the bar for somebody whether it is evident or not... Yes, you create a group if only for a little while. :D

First time lucky as I went searching for the message you received that inspired this post...Is this it?
http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... es#p185417
“The Quickening – Amp-up the Frequency of Consciousness.”
Postby Sandy » Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:53 am

Michigan, US of A, July 27, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Quickening – Amp-up the Frequency of Consciousness.”

Received by Chris.

Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is of some importance. It has to do with the changing nature of your spiritual receptivity, for many of you students on the path will begin to notice a heightened sense of awareness now and in the coming weeks ahead. This circuitry is being enhanced by Mother Spirit as an aid to those who wish to deepen their spiritual life and to begin collaborating with other kindred spirits – it could be thought of as a kind of ‘quickening’ of sorts and many of you will seek opportunities to gather together in groups to explore your spiritual life with greater passion and dedication. We encourage you to do so as this will lead to many new beginnings and prepare you for a life of service in which you will find greater satisfaction, joy, and purpose in doing the Will of our heavenly Father.

“Those who wish to teach, we encourage you to organize your intentions. Those who wish to be healers, we encourage you to seek out those teachers and groups who can assist you in your development. Those who wish to transmit and receive spirit messages – seek out those teachers and resources that can help you expand your capabilities, for many of you have these latent abilities which lay dormant until you awaken them within. Those who simply desire to make room in their lives for a more dedicated spiritual life, we admonish you to seek out those kindred spirits and join groups who are pursuing these things together. Get involved in your communities, my friends, for this is where the true path to higher consciousness leads and where opportunities abound.

“This admonishment is a campaign by Spirit to move the spiritual assets of the planet into place where they can be most effective as we plunge deeper into the Correcting Time initiatives. We see this first step of bringing like minds together as a way to ‘amp-up’ the spiritual frequency of human consciousness around the planet – a catalyst for exponential outreach to prepare the soil and strengthen the effectiveness of the ‘Great Teacher.’ This is how it begins, my friends, it starts with each one of you coming together, learning together, and making a difference together as a group, as a community, as a planet that is changing from a destructive path to an enlightened and peaceful path. This idea of ‘Light and Life’ is a real potential that exists and can be brought into reality by taking these first steps. You students on the path are the trail blazers and you are needed to initiate this new world view of peace, quality of life, equality, and growth.

“We all think, imagine, and dream of this enlightened era, but time grows short, and we must all roll up our sleeves now and begin the real work that will bring that idea into reality. Spirit is rolling out the carpet for you and shall assist you in all your endeavors to make a positive change in yourselves, your community, and your world. Use the resources at your disposal – your phones, your internet, your newspapers, your social media, to seek out those groups and kindred spirits and communicate! This is the doorway to discovering the vast potentials that live within you. The Indwelling Spirit seeks a path to express the Divine Will through you and this ‘Quickening’ of your awareness is a boost that shall help you find a place where you can make a difference. Fear not – begin today – write it on your calendars and meet with your groups!

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.

As I read this post I could see my own frustrations the first couple years of my spiritual journey. I had read a lovely book entitled, The Correcting Time: Where the revelation meets the road" by Fred Harris who was part of a wonderful service inspiring group in Florida. Like you, I longed to belong to something, a spirit embracing group of some sort. I must say the field in my local community of like spirits was dry as the Sahara desert and I felt as if I was on a spiritual island all to myself for a long while. But it was easy for me to see back then the path ahead of me as the celestials left road signs I could follow even with a blind fold. (Thankfully as I was rather thick at times and the freshest faced “newbie” you would ever hope to find.) ... and do you know where I finally found my group? LOL You're looking at it...Right here! (LOL sounds like a plug huh? :mrgreen: ;) ) Naw... nothing like that but do please consider that in this day and age much work, many friendships, and wonderful projects can begin from the nearly infinite opportunities on the internet highway.
I am not ruling out having actual face to face meeting with other eleveners...This happens for many people...some day maybe that will happen as it is for geoff with another group of spiritual friends...but in the meantime. But the world and our own communities are filled with people who need Love, what each of us can offer it is sort of training ourselves to see with the eyes of God what is needed.
I just want to say before ending this paragraph (Yes sorry I am far from finished. :lol: ) I am happy with all of you! In fact if I died tomorrow I would say I was blessed with the best and most nurturing of friends that can be found on this globe of ours. Thanks to all of you who participate in this little 1111group.

Hmm sorry about that ewrangler. I sort of went off on a tangent there. :oops:

But in the back of my mind I was thinking I had read a transmit not too long ago that might be beneficial in encouraging/inspiring us to step out of our comfort zones and become aware of opportunities that may abound around us... I think it might have been this one...

http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... es#p185288

This part in it really speaks to me as I have a tendency to try and do all the “driving.” Telling God the best way that what I need can come to me. aiyiyi!
“Please keep in mind, my friends that all will be well in time and eternity and there is nothing for you to fear. God knows what you need even before you ask for it, therefore ‘seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given, knock and the door will be opened to you.’ These are not fairytale clichés, but are real ‘cause and effect’ outcomes for those of great faith. Communicate your needs and desires to Spirit, and do not impose expectations as to how they will unfold – go with the flow of opportunities and step into the next destination of your life. When you live your life by faith, you shall have no regrets, for God desires that you have a joyful life filled with love and treasured experiences. If it is not that way now, then look forward to the change that is upon you and embrace it!"
You wrote:
Also, another reading said that it is now time for us to receive much more during our meditations. I am trying harder than ever to improve my meditations but have not felt a significant change yet, has anyone else ?
There are moments in my own meditations that I would say are “memorable” and then the following day...flat as a board. :shock: I do not know why... But I have been assured that growth comes to us as we are ready and open to receive it and sometimes this growth is not mind boggling shooting star stuff...but slow and steady soul growth.
Without fail every single time we share a little of ourselves... our time, our desires, our longings, and most importantly our love with the Divine One, we are blessed in ways that may not be discernible at first but are off the rector scale in the heavens. Every effort bears spiritual fruit in the very best of ways... Please remind me of this when I feel much the same way, okay? :)

Okay I have rambled on long enough for one post. Not sure I made any kind of a dent in your question but I want you to know I was thrilled to see your posting. Thank you for being a part of our little group and adding your own thoughts and concerns for the rest of us to consider.
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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »


thanks so much for the information, it is really encouraging to know that you are traveling around, entertaining large groups with your information. Small steps at a time, I guess, which is what I had this weekend, small insights to new people that I have around me.


Yes, that is the message I was talking about--lots of great information you provided that I need to digest,


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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by Lightened717 »

Hi Everett,

I would also recommend checking out Meetups.com, I didn't find any groups that specialize in 11:11 Progress' area of focus, but found some dedicated to meditation, expansion of psychic awareness, reiki practice circles, etc. Meetups.com was once described to me as a dating service for friends :lol: I was surprised at how many like minded people there were in my area!

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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »

Thanks Peggy, that is a great idea !

and thanks Sandy for the very warm welcome back and thanks for the inspirational words. I am trying to knock now and starting to see a little light:

A friend shared with me that he got lost on a hike and could not find his way back. He says that a "shadow" kept guiding him the way, which he ignored. He finally followed the shadow and got back safely. He felt that I was one of very few that would understand his story. I guess that "spiritual connectivity" is all around me and I did not notice.

I have been very busy studying Alchemy--the spiritual truths to be found are fantastic ! The idea behind the philosopher's stone is that people can live longer and therefore become more spiritual and therefore contribute greater to this Time of Correction.

Because of that reading that you copied above, I am now more inspired to "service"--like you say above, just helping out one person with spiritual intent is a group. I now share my life's story as of service to those suffering in alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers. While I have enjoyed working in the Alchemy lab of distilling the salt of the earth, I feel now like it is time to share.

thanks for listening,

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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by Sandy »

Awhhh ((((((E)))))) It makes me so happy when you guys return and let us know what you have been up to. It truly helps me and inspires me to keep reaching for my own inner path to the "stars". :sunflower:
A friend shared with me that he got lost on a hike and could not find his way back. He says that a "shadow" kept guiding him the way, which he ignored. He finally followed the shadow and got back safely. He felt that I was one of very few that would understand his story. I guess that "spiritual connectivity" is all around me and I did not notice.
That story gave me goose bumps!... :bana: ...not just in the amazing way this friend was led to safety but also the reminder that you share via this example as to the underlying connectedness between all of us. And I don't think this connectivity is limited to just those close by geographically...It extends across the world and in fact across the universe... 8)

I must admit, I don't know much about alchemy. (This is the second time this week alchemy has come to my attention. :) ) I have an urge now to Google this subject. Do you have any recommendations or any helpful books or sites to visit?
Thank you, E !
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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »

thanks for the spirit behind your words,

The rest of the story.....
My friend had to spend the night on a ledge on the peak next to Mt Whitney--Our tallest mountain, around 13,000 feet. He felt like his life was nearing its end. Later when he got home he google-mapped his trip on the mountain and found that his paths would have led him to 100 foot drop-offs, but by following this shadow, he avoided the cliffs. In the end, he learned that he should follow HIS will, not his own.


My favorite book is called The Book of Aquarius, by "Anonymous" I can attach the pdf version here, if you can tell me how to add files to this site, or you might find it on: bookofaquarius.forgottenbooks.org The author gives it away for free because he believes spirituality should be given away.

Another great book is "The Complete IDIOT'S Guide to ALCHEMY" by Dennis William Hauck. I took a class by Dennis too and found him to be a great teacher.

Also, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is more about the secular view of Alchemy. After reading this book, I realized that being an Alchemist can be a lonely life, perhaps not suited for me.

Like most things in life, it is the journey of learning Alchemy that's been important to me, not obtaining the stone itself.

thanks for listening.

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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by Sandy »

I missed this Ewrangler. So sorry! :oops: I have had several days of "business". ..that's not much of an excuse, but I hope you will forgive me all the same.

Thank you for the suggested reading on alchemy. I think Geoff should soon be back from his travels and he can probably answer your questions about posting the PDF on the message board. (probably in the spiritual book forum would be a good spot)
I appreciate your suggestions as I wouldn't have a clue where to begin. :D

Hope you are having a good week!
with love,
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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »


No problem--we all juggle so much in our lives, it a wonder we have time for this at all, which leads me to say:


I went to a seminar today and wore my "11:11" T-shirt. I had it specially made. Two people stopped me and said " why do I see 11:11 all the time ! "
I was so happy to share my experiences and this website with them. They were so relived to get an answer !

My "time to meet up with spiritual groups" is really happening, not like I thought, but still the same.

I also got a great saying from the seminar "If you are having problems learning to meditate, GRAB A MOP"

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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by Sandy »

Hey E,
I am just getting started today after a "battle" with the rabbit hair all over the flat. (In other words I've been welding a vacuume cleaner. :lol: ) And with that weight off my mind I am relaxed and ready to see what the rest of the day brings...

Your seminar sounded like just the ticket... a little learning and outreach with like minded people perhaps. Sometimes that is very soothing, healing and uplifting.
This is a great line!...
I also got a great saying from the seminar "If you are having problems learning to meditate, GRAB A MOP"
The funny thing is, I have been debating with myself whether to go ahead and mop too. (I really don't like to mop and put it off as long (longer) then I can. I am thinking now this could be a little bit of encouragement to tackle this task, enjoying the moment for all the possibilities it provides. I guess all moments do give us something don't they? But "ole stubborn" over here, well... I tend not to appreciate the moments involved with routine projects I dislike. ( If I had my way and my back could take it, I would be out in the garden 24/7. :D )

But the dishes need washed and speaking of that...one of my most powerful and life changing moments with my TA came to me while I was washing dishes. :bana: (Sort of puts cleaning in a whole new perspective eh? ;) )

Have a great week E.
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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »

Rabbit hair ? like you have a rabbit in your house, and what is welding the vacuum ? Interesting;

I try to clear my mind when I meditate and figured, I might as well try the same while mopping or washing, etc. Clearing my mind is extremely hard but with that I feel like not giving up. Maybe I will have something come to me too.

I did get that book and am reading it now "correcting time, by Fred Harris; very interesting, I wonder how he got so much insight, just by reading the Urnatia book ? He has not said yet.

I am growing with new Spriitual Group stuff still--went to the Ramakrishna Monastery--The Vedanta Society which is near my house in the most beautiful setting. Hope to make it a good home for me and have made a nice new friend there.

http://vedanta.org/about-the-vedanta-so ... co-canyon/

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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by Sandy »

:cheers: I have been browsing through the monastery website! What a beautiful place peaceful place to connect with spirit and share this experience among human friends. You're a lucky man E!

Yep we have a rabbit, Stuart, who shares our flat from about 5:00pm until 10:am. He has an outdoor hutch and an indoor hutch but we only confine him indoors when it is time to go to bed. Rabbits are lovely little animals and make good pets as they easily take to a litter box using litter of course, that is suitable for rabbits. The biggest problems occur sometimes when their need to chew which helps to keep their teeth in line causes them to gnaw on table legs etc.. and also power cords can be a real problem. But we have all that well under control. He is shedding now and his white hair shows up nicely against the green rug on the floor. But he's worth every bit of the extra work.
and what is welding the vacuum ? Interesting;
:lol: OOPS! That is my faulty spelling. What I meant was "wielding" which of course provides a whole separate and a "makes a bit more sense" kind of meaning. :lol:
Well enough of me and my sad attempts at 'flowery" language. ;) :lol: It is a gorgeous day and I think I will get out there and enjoy it.
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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »


I was sooo hoping that rabbit hair and welding were some sort of humorous Australian colloquialism,,,,
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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by Sandy »

:lol: Sorry to disappoint you E. Those "humorous Australian colloquialisms" abound here and I suspect you will be privy to many of them over the upcoming years. ;)
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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »


I was so sorry to hear that George got sick and I surely hope he is better. I read this in the 11:11 emails. I am praying for him and his challenges at this time of life.

I had a tragic event in my life recently that followed by some sort of angel talking to me in a parking lot. He said experiencing old age and passing on to Morantia is an important part of life--a time when sympathy and empathy are vivid. Not sure if that makes much sense, but it makes much sense to me. From the Urantia Book it says that Creator Son Michael, Jesus, came to experience ALL of life.

I started this post because the email list said that it is time to meet up. I have been super blessed to find UBLA, Urantia Book Los Angeles (UBLA.org). What a GREAT group and all because of the e mail list !

Thanks to all of you for your dedication to the emails !
PS-sorry I dont have a picture of me but I really do look like Mark Hamill.

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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by Sandy »

Hi E,
I am thrilled to read your posts on the message board. :bana: ( I enjoy reading your perspective on things) And thank you for asking about George. it is very timely as we had a doctor appointment today with his GP who is about 45 minutes away and on top of what is called the escarpment which runs along NSW coastline for a piece. Anyway we got a good bill of health from Dr. Lim today who is very happy with George's progress on several fronts...stroke, Nerve injury, Heart, Lungs, kidneys and blood sugar. :sunflower: LOL sounds like he is a poster boy for whatever can ail you but truly not doing bad considering 3 months ago he had a massive stroke.
I had a tragic event in my life recently that followed by some sort of angel talking to me in a parking lot. He said experiencing old age and passing on to Morantia is an important part of life--a time when sympathy and empathy are vivid. Not sure if that makes much sense, but it makes much sense to me. From the Urantia Book it says that Creator Son Michael, Jesus, came to experience ALL of life.
I am so sorry to hear this. But actually what you wrote does make good sense to me. As I am getting older it is real easy to lament the wrinkles and fading youth... yet I am about to enter ( or already there ) an awesome phase of life experience...something to be embraced at least I hope to continue feeling that way as we grow in service to our human brothers and sisters and celestial kin. Yet... as I think about it... I haven't quite reconciled myself with death.. the death of those I love. I know they are walking through an amazing door... yet much like when I waved goodbye as a teenager to my sister who was heading to Japan as an exchange student for a year, I will miss their physical presence, being able to eat with them and do all those things we humans do as we bond with each other on this planet. Well, life is an awesome learning experience and I will try to appreciate in some way all the lessons, eh? :) It comforts me to know that Michael understands all that we go through having been through much himself as beautiful Jesus. :happy

How exciting to know you are part of LA's UB group! Please feel free to express your thoughts on whatever you are "learning" in our own UB section on the board. I was just thinking I would like to go back and read the papers which talk about Christ Michael's role as our Creator Son and the ones dealing with Mother Spirit, Nebadonia as well. I truly need to get a new book though as mine is physically falling apart and I find myself always trying to figure out where the loose papers need to go. :lol:

And I must admit I am a big fan of Mark Hamill who will forever be "Luke" to me. :D My eldest son says he is a voice character in a very popular video game and is well respected in the work. Well, something to that effect. So I am quite happy seeing you as Mark Hamill.

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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »

I am glad to hear about George. Maybe from all the healing his has provided to others is helping him now to be the poster boy,,,

thanks for sharing about your sister and your ideas about passing to the next life. Everyone seems to have a unique road to lead including the passing. I imagine that when my time comes, I will be so physically exhausted that I wont have the strength to worry--here's to hoping,,,

I hope to post more about the Urantia papers--nice to find people with similar interests. It seems like around here there is a big new movement toward spiritualism, welcoming a new age of Light and Life,

Cant wait to see Mark Hamill in the next star wars espisode movie--not sure how long that will be but I am a fan--

All the best to you and yours,

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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »

Hey Sandy,

Turns out that I get to visit my daughter at Wollongong University at the end of this month and I see that it is near Illawara District. Is there anything of 11:11 angels or spiritual value that I should see why I am in the Sydney area ?


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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by Sandy »

Hello Everett!!
I am sorry it's been a few days since you've posted but George's brother has been here visiting us this week and so I've barely been on the board. Sadly, he left this morning and the house feels rather empty. But with that said, our land lord just called and is coming over for coffee so there is no time for sadness. :) Life moves on on and I'm grateful for the time we did have.

I am excited to hear that you will be so close. :sunflower: George was in Wollongong hospital 35 days last year so we are familiar with the hospital at least. Perhaps we can connect while you are here, meet up in Wollongong or something. There is much to do in the Sydney area and probably Wollongong as well so I suspect the time will go very fast for you.

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Re: Time to meet up with spiritual groups

Post by EwranglerLFCa »

wow,, 35 days... George is a real inspiration to deal with so much at this time in his life and yet still of great service. Yes, we know we will be so busy, so much to see. Everyone here in LA has already been to Australia or its on their wish list,, mostly the latter. Maybe a chat over tea or a telephone call would be fun. I have learned so much from UBLA, Urantia book los angeles, and keep involved. My story always amazes people when I say that it was the 1111 list email that sent me out on a search for urantia study group. Thanks, Everett
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