The Border Lands

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The Border Lands

Post by Paul »

I find this topic intriguing since the midwayers discussed the astral realms not too long ago and referred to it as "information packets." I believe that we were given the ideal situation concerning the afterlife. We are informed in the UB that "In my Father's House there are many mansions." The UB refers to these "many mansions," as the mansion worlds. In our system of Satania there are 56 architectural worlds and the system capital world, Jerusem. This is the heaven mentioned in the book of Revelations.

When we die we are supposed to go to one of the mansion worlds. Typically, the average person goes to mansion world number one. Of course, this may be different for those persons that have advanced more spiritually. So, we end up where ever we happen to be spiritually at the time of our death.

But since we live on a world that is hardly typical in an evolutionary sense, I believe that certain persons create their own realities. We live on a world where so many persons do not believe in God or they do not care. There are many millions of persons that are not prepared for what comes when they die. We have heard that certain of these persons die and then are not aware that they have died because they never believed in life after death. They try to interact with people and they are ignored. Still not getting it, they attempt to interact with the loved ones that they have left behind and paranormal activity may result.

That being said, I found a few interesting passages in the UB and I would like to get everyone's opinion of it. The midwayers referral to these astral realms as "information packets" is what got me interested in this. And then I found these passages. The first one is this:

38:7.6 Cherubim and sanobim are by nature very near the morontia level of existence, and they prove to be most efficient in the borderland work of the physical, morontial, and spiritual domains.

We have learned here that the Cherubim and sanobim are created in pairs and that one is of the more aggressive type and the other one is a more retiring type. These pairs work in the borderlands of the physical, morontial and spiritual realms. Is it possible that the borderlands are the intervening levels that we call the astral realms? We may have thought that we had gotten it wrong, but maybe it just wasn't spelled out for us specifically.

Here is the next paragraph:
38:7.7 These angelic fourth creatures are of great assistance to the seraphim in the more literal phases of their universe and planetary activities. Such morontia cherubim also perform many indispensable borderline tasks on the morontia training worlds and are assigned to the service of the Morontia Companions in large numbers.

Again it speaks of the morontia cherubim involved in the borderline tasks of the morontia training worlds. So, what do you all think? Does the borderland refer to the astral realms that we are all familiar with? Because of the Luciferic rebellion, are billions of persons living in a realm that they have created from their own belief that we know as the astral realms?

I look forward to your replies.

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Geoff »

Dear Paul,

You have raised a few matters here, and I have to answer you from sources outside the ubook.

1. I do not believe the Mansion Worlds are the "heavens" promised by Jesus/Michael. These I believe lie beyond fusion. Beyond the seventh Mansion World. The reason why I don't believe that, is you will get to the Mansion Worlds no matter what you believe, even if an atheist.

2. You can't get there, (beyond the Seventh) with a mind full of error, and although the ubook does not so state, I believe billions are "stuck" in the Mansion Worlds, not the astral realms. Again that is not suggested in the ubook, but certainly is in Team messages.

3. The ubook does not discuss the hells, but they exist, and are in the lower parts of Mansonia One.

4. The Astral Plane is not discussed either, and the only info I ever found on this was in Gone West. If you have not read those two books, I suggest you do. While Bzutu was talking about astral shells, there are many other phenomena in the Astral Plane. These are the "Border Lands", as far as I understand. If you die young, you will end up here. It is very much a second chance plane. You can find a summary of the Astral Plane in the pdf I wrote:

5. I do think that in the Mansion Worlds and maybe also the Astral Plane you can create a "reality" via belief that is false. But not in the timeless eternal realms that lie beyond the Seventh.

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Paul »

Hi Geoff,
2. You can't get there, (beyond the Seventh) with a mind full of error, and although the ubook does not so state, I believe billions are "stuck" in the Mansion Worlds, not the astral realms. Again that is not suggested in the ubook, but certainly is in Team messages.
Yes, I know that I read a message not too long ago from Monjoronson. In that message he alluded to the fact that there are many persons on the mansion worlds that are refusing to progress. We know that the purpose of life is about ascension to the Father. We are not supposed to just languish at one stage and never develop to the next one. He spoke about that situation being cleaned up, but I do not know how long it is going to take.
1. I do not believe the Mansion Worlds are the "heavens" promised by Jesus/Michael. These I believe lie beyond fusion. Beyond the seventh Mansion World. The reason why I don't believe that, is you will get to the Mansion Worlds no matter what you believe, even if an atheist.
I too believe that Jerusem is the heaven mentioned in Revelations. That is our system capital. But there are also other references to other "heavens," so to speak. Our constellation capital of Edentia is referred to as the gardens of God and sometimes this has been referred to as heaven. The same can be said about the local universe capital of Nebadon, Salvington. And of course, there are other way stations on our journey to the Father that will become increasingly beautiful and awe inspiring. We will just have to wait and see and experience it for ourselves.

I have read your booklets and I find them very informative. I think that it has cleared up many things for me. I have heard of individuals in the "hells" that eventually progressed out of them. But I also believe that a person can choose such a course of evil that there is no turning back. These persons will refuse to progress and will identify with evil. I know that at some point these persons will become uncreated. I just don't know what kind of time period is imposed upon them to make a change or not. It makes sense to me because not everyone will choose Father's way. Our will is sacred and respected even if we choose to go the opposite way of the Father. But the way I see it the further away from the Father that we go, the more unreal we become. It is like we are uncreating ourselves in a sense.

Also, the astral realms can impinge upon our space yet we would not detect it because there electrons are farther away from the nucleus, so I have heard. Whereas we have 100 natural elements found in nature, the next realm has 200 elements, according to the UB. So, the space between electrons and neutrons and protons is greater. Therefore they would be invisible to us in the third dimension. We could pass right through them but cause no harm to them and we would be unaware of that.

If the mansion worlds do exist in another part of space, say 100 light years from us, we wouldn't see those spheres because they would be in another dimension. So, in my opinion, we could travel to those coordinates in space, but still see nothing when we arrived there. So, the midwayers share our space, at least that is what I understand, but exist in another band of time. That is also how we could have the archangels stationed here on earth, but have no conscious awareness of it. They share the same space, but dwell in yet a different band of time from the band of time that the midwayers live in.

Some food for thought, my friend. I will catch you on the flip side. Must get some shut eye. Good night.

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Geoff »

Paul wrote:Also, the astral realms can impinge upon our space yet we would not detect it because there electrons are farther away from the nucleus, so I have heard. Whereas we have 100 natural elements found in nature, the next realm has 200 elements, according to the UB. So, the space between electrons and neutrons and protons is greater. Therefore they would be invisible to us in the third dimension. We could pass right through them but cause no harm to them and we would be unaware of that.
In my understanding, based on Gone West, the astral realm, or borderland, is right here, both below the earths surface, and above it. But in another dimension.
Paul wrote:If the mansion worlds do exist in another part of space, say 100 light years from us, we wouldn't see those spheres because they would be in another dimension. So, in my opinion, we could travel to those coordinates in space, but still see nothing when we arrived there. So, the midwayers share our space, at least that is what I understand, but exist in another band of time. That is also how we could have the archangels stationed here on earth, but have no conscious awareness of it. They share the same space, but dwell in yet a different band of time from the band of time that the midwayers live in.
George and I do not agree on what I am about to say. In my understanding, it requires no transporter angels to get from the earth plane, to Mansonia One. And I understand ex-mortals can and do traverse this distance in some small amount of time, using their thoughts to achieve a change of location. Other spheres are progressively further away, but I still understand we can travel by thought even from the Seventh. In Gone West, one is not sure if the spirit telling the tale resides in One or Two, but when he conducts an experiment, he drops his astral body, and finds himself in his Spirit Sphere home, and then returns adopting an Astral Shell again. He reports he did not travel at all. Just a change in dimension. Another source that I would not say was 100%, reported that Mansonia One took up all of the space of the Earth's orbit around the sun. Meaning that we could expect the other spheres to be quite some distance away, just from a logical point of view.

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by sammy »

Because I am the one that caused Geoff to put forth all the effort to create the new area of the board, I just wanted to say I AM reading all this...finding it fascinating! Trying to let it absorb (it's all so foreign to me). Then I might have some questions or some actual contribution.

Thank you!
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Re: The Border Lands

Post by LolaandLight »

I am doing the same as Sammy.
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Re: The Border Lands

Post by LolaandLight »

I have tried, but my brain cannot take it in. I can see it as an image in my brain, but do not truly understand. I guess what I need are the implications of the organization on human life.
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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Twinstars »

Paul wrote:
Yes, I know that I read a message not too long ago from Monjoronson. In that message he alluded to the fact that there are many persons on the mansion worlds that are refusing to progress. We know that the purpose of life is about ascension to the Father. We are not supposed to just languish at one stage and never develop to the next one. He spoke about that situation being cleaned up, but I do not know how long it is going to take.
We know that, but do the “…persons on the mansion worlds that are refusing to progress…” know what we know? The Lucifer rebellion was such a very lengthy movement, according to our mortal standards, that there was likely not an area of thought, whether it was political, economic, social or religious, that was not infected, influenced by adherents to that line of thought.

In a reposted message by Redshift » Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:46 pm
Urantia, January 27, 2005.
A Teacher named “The Beloved One.”
Subject: “A Lesson on Fear and Protection.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “This is a lesson on fear and protection. Firstly, fear is an animal tendency productive of fight, flight or doing nothing, ‘freezing,’ which is quite common. All too often it is unreasoned fear, because of the deep feelings of insecurity which lie at the bottom of this fear. Fear is often a fabrication of the human mind, and it is a legacy of the Lucifer Rebellion, which happened eons ago. It is important to understand this, because fear is ingrained in the human system, whilst the uncertainties of modern times add only fuel to this tenaciously smoldering fire. If not controlled, it can at any time burst back into flame as human reasoning becomes overwhelmed by thoughts of gloom and doom.

“Allow Me to speak about protection -- that feeling of safety that grows from within -- which depends on an increasing faith in a solid connection to the unseen Creator, who has all matters in His hands. Most of the problems being faced in today’s world are of man’s making -- the problems one creates through the free will gift of choice and decision making. Whether rightly or wrongly made decisions, there are always lessons to be learned from these. Mankind has been given the capability to think and to reason, but many are quite content to let others do their thinking for them. This plays itself out in religions where people are listening to their leaders, without examining the veracity in their hearts. As a rule, mankind is complacent to be followers, because of an innate mental laziness about being critical thinkers, or to actively work on their personal God-connection.
“This needs to happen at some point in life -- to become a truly awakened human being with a fully functioning capacity for reasoning and for asking questions about the why’s and the wherefores of being alive and life’s purpose. Humans must start the search for the Almighty as independent persons, which is not that hard to do when one takes the time to sit in meditative stillness to seek contact. It is in the seeking that you shall surely find, and it is the knocking with a dedicated persistence that this door shall be opened unto you. At that point the daily discovery begins -- when that indescribable feeling of Love floods your being, and you feel that mantle of loving protection around your shoulders, whilst an incredible peace fills every cell of your being.
In our finite world, our behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental, attributes characterize each of us as a unique personality. The personality survives.
Entities passing from the earth plane to the borderland that adhere to a line of thought, or because of “deep feelings of insecurity which lie at the bottom of this fear” only add to the momentum of that thought or “smouldering fire.”

When we begin looking at what is going on all around us we begin to see how a thought, or mental movement in the earth, might also produce thought in the minds of souls by that movement outside of the earth. Many people were led astray, now their souls also are being led astray by those same forces that continue to sit in fear.

Contact between groups, spiritual minded individuals, human and celestial, can only bring a more perfect understanding, for their own advancement and for the work they may accomplish.
Why should those who have passed be guided by those in the borderland? There is being felt a change in the whole world as to religious thought; a new ideal, a new purpose, a renewing of the spirit within.
There are many influences and many forces, but only one spirit of good, and time has its way of passing. It took a long time to instill fear into the minds of men. It will take time to erase its effects.

I guess my feeling is that if I were a Celestial Overseer, and in a minor pinch with a bunch of Free willed non progressing, comfort seeking souls, what would I do?
Oh, I know, why don't we use what we have in hand? I bet that if we were to simultaneously begin seeding the minds of millions of Urantians, who seem to be just hanging out anyway, who also do not appear to be doing much in the way of progression, on their own, we might even start a movement! We could use subliminal messaging to supplant, without seeming underhanded, all the right information to possibly enlighten their severely handicapped mortal minds to bring them up to speed. Why, in time we could change their entire way of thinking. And, in time, what the Universe will have in return is a win win situation! :cheers:
The vibration of the planet increases exponentially, in time, and, at the same time the Universe will have produced a vast number of enlightened, deep thinkers who are now great teachers in their own right, which brings us full circle back to "ascension." What we have here my friends is the age’s old concept of Gnosticism, represented by the Ouroborus!
The alchemists, who in their own way knew more about the nature of the individuation process than we moderns do, expressed this paradox through the symbol of the Ouroboros, the snake that eats its own tail. The Ouroboros has been said to have a meaning of infinity or wholeness. In the age-old image of the Ouroboros lies the thought of devouring oneself and turning oneself into a circulatory process, for it was clear to the more astute alchemists that the prima materia of the art was man himself. The Ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow. This 'feed-back' process is at the same time a symbol of immortality, since it is said of the Ouroboros that he slays himself and brings himself to life, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself. He symbolizes the One, who proceeds from the clash of opposites, and he therefore constitutes the secret of the prima materia which [...] unquestionably stems from man's unconscious.

As a symbol of the eternal unity of all things, the cycle of birth and death from which the alchemist sought release and liberation, it was familiar to the alchemist/physician Sir Thomas Browne. In his A letter to a friend, a medical treatise full of case-histories and witty speculations upon the human condition, he wrote of it:
[...] that the first day should make the last, that the Tail of the Snake should return into its Mouth precisely at that time, and they should wind up upon the day of their Nativity, is indeed a remarkable Coincidence,
It is also alluded to at the conclusion of Browne's The Garden of Cyrus (1658) as a symbol of the circular nature and Unity of the two Discourses:
All things began in order so shall they end, so shall they begin again according to the Ordainer of Order and the mystical mathematicks of the City of Heaven.
Only now with our enlightened minds we are thinkers on a multi-dimensional, Morontia world, level. Teachers, channels of blessings to the many who are seeking a better understanding of spiritual forces in spiritual places, among spiritual minded individuals! Developed with the intention of extricating, or evicting through due process of Universal Law, putting truth in the place of error, putting love in the place of hate, putting faith in the place of fear, putting patience and tolerance in the place of those things that make mortals, and those Borderland occupiers who, because of the "...legacy of the Lucifer Rebellion, which happened eons ago..." who have allowed themselves to be overcome or obsessed with ideas, or allowed the influences of those that are stronger to enter in are now refusing to Ascend.
There are many influences and many forces, but only one Spirit of good, one spirit of truth, which is life everlasting! The Truth and the Way and the Light and the Life, not what they have now, is what, in time, we will give to each of them, and their ways will become more and more as one with the Lord. AMEN!

Love All...

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Geoff »

Twinstars wrote:We know that, but do the “…persons on the mansion worlds that are refusing to progress…” know what we know? The Lucifer rebellion was such a very lengthy movement, according to our mortal standards, that there was likely not an area of thought, whether it was political, economic, social or religious, that was not infected, influenced by adherents to that line of thought.
Dear John,

No they do not, but equally they are 100% sure they are right. Consider this, you cannot reach the point of fusion while choosing to believe in significant error. What is "significant error"? I can't say. There are amongst Padgett many communications between those who have fused, and residents of the Sixth Mansonia Sphere. If you see it from their point of view, that they have attained these lofty spiritual heights, by their own efforts, and they have encountered many deluded folks along the way, what is going to make them change their mind now? Pretty much nothing.

I found it very interesting when the comment is made that it is easier to learn here on Earth. Strange in view of the fact that you have unlimited access to teachers in Mansonia. But equally you can get teachers of untruth, if that's what you want to study.

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Twinstars »

Dear Geoff,

Kudos, to all those who have attained those lofty spiritual heights, by their own efforts.
But, when I hear words like
"I will not leave you comfortless, but will come and comfort you, if you will but seek and ask.” And “…that I may bring to your remembrance all things…”
To me they are not just words. They fill me with Hope, and my mercurial, idealist mind will not allow me to think in terms of
what is going to make them change their mind now? Pretty much nothing.

I look forward to, and welcome, the opportunity to volunteer to wait for and nurture that elusive glimmer of hope in others. As I understand I, and they, have all of Eternity.
I found it very interesting when the comment is made that it is easier to learn here on Earth.
As opposed to what, unlearning, once we’ve reached the mansion worlds?

Love All...

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Paul »

Hi John,

The sense that I got from Monjoronson's post was that these individuals were aware of the things that you and I are aware of yet refuse to progress. I certainly understand the devastation of the Lucifer rebellion. This was a well thought out plan to thwart the ascension plan to the Father. First, Calagastia and Daligastia saw to it that the primitive humans would be thrown into great confusion. This happened about 200,000 years ago. The progress that had been made up to that point was stopped. Then thirty-seven thousand years ago Lucifer succeeded in damaging the plan of Adam and Eve to upgrade our biology.

I think that it is interesting to note that so many refuse to progress in view of the fact that this was Lucifer's plan all along. He claimed that the Creator Son and the Ancients of Days were tyrants that were usurping our freedoms. He felt that it was our right as sovereign individuals to chart our own course. A course that would not include ascension to the Father. The problem with such an undertaking is that such a course is selfish. It caters to the ego and not to the oneness of all. I have no doubt that the Lucifer rebellion has greatly affected the heart and minds of so many billions. But I also know that we are receiving the greatest help possible to overcome Lucifer's insidious influence. These persons that are refusing to progress have so many persons that are ready, able and willing to teach them about the realities of the universe we live in. It is then up to each one to come to a decision as to what they will do. Does the refusal to make a decision equal a rejection of the ascension plan? In my view does, but I need to have some more information to confirm that.

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Paul »

Hi John,

I admire your enthusiasm. I too enjoy sharing with people the truths that I have discovered up to this point. When I pass on to the mansion worlds it will bring me great pleasure to teach those ones that have been misled or are confused about the true workings of the universe. But despite how I may feel, everyone's free will is sacrosanct. Everyone can choose or reject the ascension plan.

The question should be how long are we allowed to linger before we are required to make a decision? I really do not know. Could it be a million of our earth years? A billion of our earth years? I wish that I knew the answer to that one. But realistically, how long should it take for one to make a decision? When you look at Lucifer and his decision to rebel, he was allowed to spread his rebellious message for about 200,000 years. That is a long time to you and me, but it is about twenty days from God's perspective.

I think that it is less about the time period involved and more about what that person is becoming. There are persons on this earth that are embracing such a course of evil that they may be uncreated before they even make it to the mansion worlds. These persons know full well what they are doing. They have identified themselves so much with an evil course that they are becoming cosmically insane. There will be no additional time that will sway their minds. They have so embraced evil that they will not turn back. I cannot make a judgment about who fits this criteria or not. That is not my right. But the fact that Lucifer was given a reasonable period to prove his point shows that there is a limit to any time period. Michael let it play out without any interference so each individual could show where they stood. All the parties involved put their loyalties to one side or the other. And when Lucifer and his associates were offered mercy that was refused. They have since been uncreated.

That may seem unsettling, but what is more unsettling is the harm that they have wrought. Look at the number of individuals adversely affected by their illicit scheme. Look at all the persons that got so wrapped up in Lucifer's rantings that they are now facing uncreation. That is why the rebellion was limited to thirty-seven planets of Satania. To allow it to spread may have infected many other planets. The circuits were cut off to Urantia for so many years because of that very fact. These circuits are now being repaired and messages can begin to come through again.

I certainly hope that the persons that are languishing on the mansion worlds will make the decision to progress. How long of a time they will be given I do not know. But logic tells me that they cannot stay in that situation forever. They must make a decision. Perhaps we will get more information about this and we will be able to see things more clearly.

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Geoff »

Paul wrote:I certainly hope that the persons that are languishing on the mansion worlds will make the decision to progress. How long of a time they will be given I do not know. But logic tells me that they cannot stay in that situation forever. They must make a decision. Perhaps we will get more information about this and we will be able to see things more clearly.

Dear Paul,

I think languishing is not a correct view. The Sixth Mansonia Sphere is a perfect Paradise, the Paradise that was the highest we could reach until Thought Adjusters arrived with Michael's sojourn here.

I don't think any of us have any idea how long a TA would wait, because it is the moving on of your TA to another mortal charge that signals your being limited to the Sixth Sphere. Given the TA can access the future, I actually wonder why it would wait at all.

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by LolaandLight »

Hey guys,

I wish I could add to this in a way that measures up to the intricacies (sp?) of your conversation. What I will say that is coming to me is fairly simple, that is, "it is what your attention is turned to" for us, for "them". Most beings have their attention focused on the Father and love. Here there is a need for balancing fear (the tool of evil) and love. It is a process that is necessary for the progression of the whole. So, what seems awful and wrong, is actually is a demonstation of the effects a great deal of love (as an energy and a choice) can have over fear as a choice. Those that are bringing in the love, or some of them, are like warriors. They just don't fully know it in their human minds.
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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Paul »

I agree Lola. When we are presented with a situation that seems challenging or even impossible we may wonder where the love of the Father is hiding. But even one that refuses to see the love of the Father and desires to embrace evil it is an opportunity to show where our hearts lay. We have a choice, one way or another. Will we let evil conquer our hearts or will we let it be an opportunity to let love shine? We keep conquering the evil with the good by choosing to exercise our free wills in such a way that reflects the love of the Father. We remedy an evil situation by finding a way to let love have its expression. Rather than succumbing to the evil we let the Father fragment that lives in our minds fuse with us so that a unique expression of love can go forth.

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by jfarris »

Paul wrote:I agree Lola. When we are presented with a situation that seems challenging or even impossible we may wonder where the love of the Father is hiding. But even one that refuses to see the love of the Father and desires to embrace evil it is an opportunity to show where our hearts lay. We have a choice, one way or another. Will we let evil conquer our hearts or will we let it be an opportunity to let love shine? We keep conquering the evil with the good by choosing to exercise our free wills in such a way that reflects the love of the Father. We remedy an evil situation by finding a way to let love have its expression. Rather than succumbing to the evil we let the Father fragment that lives in our minds fuse with us so that a unique expression of love can go forth.

Paul you have an excellent way with thoughts. Easy to read, but very condensed at the same time. Thanks You! :loves
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Re: The Border Lands

Post by LolaandLight »

He does doesn't he? One of my guides is named Paul. I held back from telling you that Paul. I didn't accept until really recently that this thing I heard in my voice was anything but my imagination. Well, a long time ago, one of them identified himself as Paul. He showed up in a picture I took. It was right before my life went off on a wierd spin that I have never been able to set straight. So, each time I read something you write, I think of him. Thank you!

I figure what you describe is how we pull in the light. I do believe that pulling in the light may not always result in our lives taking on the trappings of a successful material life. I think we do it so that we can make choices and so that it is done, not just for us, but for mankind. Sometimes we have to face difficulties as a result. It all depends on our path. There is harder coursework and easier coursework. It depends on how deep you want to go in understanding of man and of God.
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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Paul »

Thanks for the compliment Jody. I appreciate it. :)

I am glad Lola that you think of your guide when you read something that I write. When we are connected to spirit there is a certain synchronicity. I am just sharing what I have learned over the past eight years. You know that the student becomes the teacher. We learn something then we desire to pass it on.

I believe that our guides give us a name that is easy for us. I don't think that it is necessarily their real names. You could ask your guide outright if that is so or not. I have heard that the Creator Son's name is actually a song that you sing. It is easy for us to have a proper name that is significant for us in our language. We call our Creator Son Michael. But that is a very common name. The name Michael means "who is like God?" Certainly when we examine the life of our Creator Son we can say that he is like God. But that seems to be a description of him and not necessarily his real name. Although for our purposes it works well. I can imagine when we learn his real name it must be something so beautiful. How many times we have been moved by a beautiful composition? How touching it must be to sing the name of our beloved Creator Son.

Also, there are times when I have wished that my life could be easier. But our Father fragments and our destiny guardians do not want us to have an easy road. That is because we grow faster in a spiritual sense when we experience hardship. We may look at celebrities or their children and see that they are leading the good life. But their parents are doing them no favors. They are stunting their spiritual growth.

A pearl is produced in an oyster when it forms a protective substance around something that irritates it. If a foreign object, like a grain of sand gets inside, it secretes a substance called nacre that surrounds the irritant. When its task is completed a beautiful pearl is to be found inside. Likewise there are irritants in this life that cause us much heartache and consternation. But the spirit of the Father is like the nacre that surrounds the irritant surrounding our souls. When someone peers inside they see the beautiful pearl shining forth. When we understand the reasons for our sufferings in this life we can let the Father form us into a lustrous pearl.

It is true Lola. To become like the Father takes hard work and discipline. There are no shortcuts. We must do the hard work to become perfect as the Father is perfect. But as hard as it is, we will be thankful that we accepted the guidance and the discipline along the way. It will take us eons to become like the Father, but it will be well worth it. We will be tested as if by fire. We will be the beings that the Father will have confidence in. We will have started out as animal-like beings on the evolutionary worlds and we will climb to the sublime heights of Paradise. And when, eons from now, when we stand before the Father, we will weep. Because the long journey will at last be at an end. But just as that journey stops another one will begin. For all eternity there will be no end to the discoveries and the excitements that will stretch out endlessly before us.

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Re: The Border Lands

Post by rogerkrupa »

8) I have long believed that music is the language of the cosmos. Each star has it's own song, no two being alike. I believe that some our greatest composers have heard a bit of celestial music and attempted to duplicate it here on earth. :bana:
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Re: The Border Lands

Post by Amigoo »

"I think I'm thinking" ... :roll:

Not knowing what's "astral" reality, I focused on the physical/morontial/spiritual transitions. As used in context, the UB's "borderlands" refer to the two boundaries of physical/morontial and morontial/spiritual.

As humans, we probably would not comprehend the morontial/spiritual borderland. But we might have some comprehension of the physical/morontial borderland. At least, the UB material and channeled messages indicate that we can experience some morontia reality even as humans.

So, is the nearer borderland "astral"? If so, what's the farther borderland? astral II? :scratch:

:idea: Also, if we can experience morontia reality as living humans, "astral" would be more inclusive of borderland phenomena, much of which is probably more positive than negative ... from the celestial perspective. "Not progressing" may be the celestial perspective when mortals fail to transition according to plan (specifically, the eternity plan of our Thought Adjuster).

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