Thought adjuster question

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Thought adjuster question

Post by Nikki88 »

Hello all :hithere

Are there anyways to communicate with your thought adjuster that don't revolve around meditation? If so what are they and how would you recognize it as a communication from them or any spiritual being for that matter?

Thanks lots of love,

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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by overmind »

First, it is important to remember that the Adjuster already knows everything about you and what you are thinking before you even attempt communication. If there is a response, it can happen almost instantaneously, as fluid as your own thoughts, which is a little different from celestial communication, which requires access to specific communication circuits. Interacting with the Adjuster, verbally and non-verbally, should be easier than your guardian angels or spiritual teachers. The Adjuster has access to your mind 24/7, as well as your physical brain and nervous system. Communication that is audible, or thoughts which can be separated out from your own, require the translation of spiritual stimuli/frequencies into electro-chemical energy that the brain and mind can then interpret as sound or speech. I believe this translation process occurs in the hippocampus, but I am not using any resources at the moment. Before this ability is developed, your Adjuster may make some changes to the nerve cells in your brain to better facilitate this interaction. And before that, the Adjusters may likely reveal itself through physical pressure to the head for several days or months, sort of like a headache, but different.

I started going through this process a year ago, and although I am nowhere near being a T/R, I can receive information and concepts I could not come up with alone, though separating such stuff from my own thoughts is difficult. Overall, progress in this area requires the right intent, resolve, action (meditation usually) and thought (inner world development). Spiritual development for me has required a combined approach of evolving thought and feelings, and I practice two different meditation methods for both.
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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by Sandy »

Hi Nikki,
I too experience this strange kind of pressure so hard to describe when I am in communication formally with my TA. The feeling for me is unlike any other kinds of celestial communication. The first time it ever occurred I did happen to be in meditation and yet at other times, for instance one in particular, I was washing dishes. Your TA will find a way if you are open and seeking to deepen the all important relationship.

I wonder too if intuition is often attributed to Thought Adjuster impute...This seems to arrive often without fanfare and can easily be accepted and used perhaps with acknowledgement of the high Source from which it came.

Midwayer communication, unlike Angel and Celestial Teacher communications, is probably the easiest of all, as the Midwayers can move easily in and out of, for lack of a better word, our "time sphere". They are akin to us and know us and understand us after so many thousands upon thousands of years of interaction and close observation. Because they can interact physically in our world and do occasionally, their work is often mistaken for the work of an angel.
For instance, a friend of mine told me something that happened to her many years ago. She was vacationing at the beach and had wandered into the water all by herself late one afternoon. She must have been swept up by a rip that was carrying her out to sea and at the last moment grabbed hold of the last of the pier supports. In terror she cried out to God to help her as the waves lashed her on the barnacle encased poles. From seemingly out of no where a man appeared. He seemed to be in late twenties and ordered her to be calm, to trust him and let go of the pier so that he could get her safely back to shore. Oddly enough once on shore and with the distractions of other people who rushed to her aid he just disappeared. She didn't even have a chance to tell him thank you but she said I will never forget how blue were his eyes that looked right through me as if he knew everything about me." This was actually a Midwayer we are told, but they do not mind if these instances are given to the angelic realms. They do not assist us to win accolades.

Here are a few URLs speaking about communication with your TA. I was shocked at how many of them there are under the Celestial Messages forum. This is just a quick smattering.. :D Search And You Will Find Intricacies Of Communication Connecting With Ones Spirit Self Part 1 Make IT YOUR Personal Challenge To Fine Tune Your Awareness Give Pause and Let Your Light Shine

Hope these help you, Nikki. :kiss:
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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by rogerkrupa »

:hithere Many years ago I was lying on my bed, not sleeping but not thinking about anything either. Suddenly I became aware of a presence within me. It was an infinitely powerful feeling of IS-ness, and it scared the heck out of me. Since then I have tried to find this again, but I feel that the fear I felt at that time has blocked it. I often have thoughts that don't seem to be my own, and sometimes I see diagrams and writings within my mind, but I can't seem to read them. I wonder if anyone here has had similar experience. :loves
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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by Sandy »

Hi Roger,
I've seen paragraphs of words before and it was tricky to not come out of deep alpha to read them .LOL The oddest thing happened many years ago when I saw words that were not words . They looked sort of ancient ...very foreign from what I can remember... and they were lined up on a long thin strip sort of like ticker tape. Never figured out what that was all about. Could be that I didn't give it enough thought and time to come to the fore later. We've been told that when any of us asks a question it will get answered in some way. Problem is we often miss it's manner of deliver or in my case move on to another question before getting the answers to the previous... :oops: :roll: :)

It seems that period just before drifting off to sleep is rather conducive to this kind of thing...
I sort of recognize what you felt. I remember the first time my TA spoke to me it was sort of overpowering sort of "heady" and I was so excited that I sort of, without meaning to, cut it short. If it is your TA... no worries... only Pure Love exists don't give up just know you will be given many more opportunities to speak with this precious particle of God who understands you better then you know yourself. I am wondering if you might consider journaling with the intention of getting to the bottom of that fear or its residue and understanding it and then releasing it in some way physically that has meaning and emphasis for you. For instance when I have done this in the has been helpful to me to use sound and breathing to let it go. I use something from the book, 'Ask Your Angel" for this very thing. To tell you the truth, I need to do the meditations myself as there are emotional and mind "things" that I have allowed to interrupt my own sense of peace and openness to some extent.

Journaling has always helped me to reach an understanding. At this time I always ask for help from the celestials who guide me and in the process of writing help me to organize and make sense of the "mish mosh" within... ;) (They certainly have their hands full! :lol: )

Have a great week end everybody... :hithere
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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by Nikki88 »

Hi Rogerkrupa :hithere ,
Yes I have experienced exactly what you describe! I see text within my mind as well I can see that there is writing but I too for some reason can’t seem to read it. I can see the message and yet at the same time can’t make it out most of the time and it frustrates me :lol: . I also have had thoughts that don’t seem to be my own, and find it difficult to tell them apart from my minds own chatter. I wonder if there is some way to improve the clarity of these messages. I'm not sure what the text you see in your mind looks like but maybe request that it appears to you in a different color I find that some colors are easier to read in my mind than other ones. You can also try this with the background color of your messages. Fear also blocks me from interacting with my TA but mine is based on feelings of unworthiness; I would give Sandy’s suggestion of journaling a try it really does help make sense of things and is good to look back on.

Hi Sandy :hithere ,
Thanks for sending the links to those messages ill give them a read during my 3 day weekend this week.

P.S. Any advice for cultivating openness? I find I am struggling to let go of some stuff and I know its closed me off a lot.

P.P.S. I also miss the answers to my questions I've made a bad habit of it :oops:

Lots of love,
Nikki :loves
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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by Sandy »

:lol: Hi Nikki,
P.P.S. I also miss the answers to my questions I've made a bad habit of it :oops:
You didn't miss anything, Nikki. I think I skirted around it...but those URLs you may find helpful.

I am wondering if journaling may be what you are looking for to help foster communication with your TA. This is how Lytske, one of the Progress Group Receivers, began many years ago. Lytske wrote a letter to God every night and spoke about what ever came to mind. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship, the best of all possible relationships with her Thought adjuster.
Any advice for cultivating openness? I find I am struggling to let go of some stuff and I know its closed me off a lot.
Once again, prayerful journaling comes to mind... It helps to bring what's inside to the fore over time where it can be seen, explored and released... and you may find after days, weeks and months of journaling, that it is easier to foster that important quiet time between you and your God within that leads to other forms of communication.

Just remember that you are already well on your way to what you desire. :love
I have an idea...sending you a pm in a little while.
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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by Nikki88 »

Hi Sandy,

Lytske just wrote whatever came to mind each night in a journal is there anything else I should do?

Thanks lots of love, :loves
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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by Sandy »

Hi Nikki,
It is hard to really say what an individual should do as we are all so different and what works for one may not be as helpful to another. I would suggest, through, to always begin each journaling /meditation session with a prayer of gratitude asking for guidance and help, surrounding yourself with the love and protection of the Creator of all. This in itself brings peace and gives confidence as one reaches inward.
Journaling of course is not limited, in these modern times, to a pen and notebook. Computers, with the speed that one can record information these days, make journaling a breeze. (Obviously I am having one of those rare good day with my computer. :lol: ;))
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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by Nikki88 »

I guess it's mostly trial and error then. :lol: I wish there was a guide book for these thing.
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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by Sandy »

No worries, Nikki. Your very best guidebook is inside. ;) :kiss:

There truly is no error as you are just writing down what comes to you in journaling. You might be exposing the thoughts of your own mind.. You may record celestial advice you may get a bit of both. But it is all good. From my own experience as we continue to do this consistently we notice a growing confidence and change...We let go of our doubts and begin to trust in our experience our guidance and the Love that is a direct result of a closer relationship to, most importantly, our particle of God Within and our celestial kin. It truly is a win/win situation. There is no is just you and those who love you dearly in these quiet times.
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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by Nikki88 »

Hi Sandy :hithere

Do you think dream journaling would be of any benifit? Not when it comes to communication but would it help with processing pent up feelings maybe? I find I hold on to things and I've been looking for ways to facilitate letting go.

Lots of love :loves

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Re: Thought adjuster question

Post by Sandy »

Hi Nikki,
Do you think dream journaling would be of any benifit? Not when it comes to communication but would it help with processing pent up feelings maybe? I find I hold on to things and I've been looking for ways to facilitate letting go.
Yes I think this could be beneficial for you. And I would be willing to bet that MichelleP would be very willing to help you interpret them should you have and problems in this area. She is extremely gifted in dream interpretation. Be sure to ask your angels to help you with this. ;)
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